So What The Fuck Is Up With The Videos???

To Whoever it Concerns,

You may have Noticed that the Videos on FYB are Currently Not Working and there is a fucking Reason for that. We here at FYB are Considering Our various Different Options Pertaining to the Immediate Future as of Now. The Reason for this Current Disruption is Simple Youtube are Corporate Whore Drunk on Greed and Allow Us to Explain. Youtube is Finally using the Last Money Grubbing Penny pinching fucking Bullshit Sales Tactic which is if People Won’t Pay for Your Service make the Free Version Suck Ass. We must take a moment to Acknowledge that there are a FEW Exceptions. We aren’t sure Why They haven’t been Content Cock Blocked by Youtube’s Pay for Our Premium Bullshit.

And If You make the Free Version Suck Ass until People inevitably give up and Pay Up They More than likely Will. The fucking Ego Youtube fucking has is outrageous. Considering They are getting Rich of the Back of Content Creators and Pay NOTHING for the Content Every fucking Penny They make is 100% Profit, YET They still Out Right Admitted that They are ONLY Catering to Advertisers and What THEY want. Well at Least Youtube has One thing going for it at Least They were fucking Honest about Their Profits over People Mantra.

So as of Now Unless Someone Pays the $9.99 Per Month for fucking Youtube Premium You can’t Share Youtube Videos/Content. While $9.99 isn’t going to Break the fucking Bank by Any Means it’s the fucking Principle. It’s basically Legalized Extortion at its Core Principle it’s Simply Pay Me or Else I’ll make Your Shittier because of it. Another Way fucking Big Business has found to Monetize EVERY FUCKING ASPECT OF AMERICAN LIFE TODAY. Capitalism is Running Rampantly Out of Control and it Needs to be Put Down like a fucking Rabid Dog.

Thanks For Those Bearing with Us as We adjust to this Corporate Cash Grab Exploitation Bump in the Road.


 The FYB Collective

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