Some More Sociology Shit: American Crime Definitions

“Crimes of The Street”

Violent Crime- Defined as Those Offenses which involve Force or Threat of Force. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) includes FOUR OFFENSES: Murder, (Forcible)Rape, Robbery, and Aggravated Assault.

Property Crime- The Federal Bureau of Investigation Includes THREE OFFENSES: Burglary, Larceny (Stealing), Motor Vehicle Theft. A FOUR OFFENSES has been added that being the Crime of ARSON.

Public Order Crime- Also Referred to as Victimless Crimes of which The FBI includes TWENTY ONE OFFENSES including Forgery, Prostitution, Gambling, and Driving Under The Influence (DUI)


“Crimes of The Suite”

Whit Collar Crime- Defined as a Crime Committed by a Person of Respectability and High Social Status in the course of His or Her Occupation (Ex. Enron)

Occupational Crime- One of Two Types of White Collar Offenses where the Person receives Direct Personal Gain from His or Her Crime.

Corporate Crime- One of the Two Types of White Collar Crime where the Person MAY Benefit Directly, BUT may simply Benefit The Company.


“Skewed or Biased Data” Called this due to Serious Flaws in Data Collection.

Uniformed Crime Report (UCR)- Data Collected by The FBI from Crime Reports submitted VOLUNTARILY by Law Enforcement Agencies including Data on the 7 Index Crimes and The 21 Non-Index Crimes.

National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)- More Commonly referred to as Victimization Data Based on a Representative Sample of 77,200 Households each Year.


Thank For Reading,

   Presented by Les Sober

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