Something Absurd To Watch While Smoking Weed

Wlcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring Some Anime Induced Insanity (As You can see Obviously We don’t Read Any Asian Language). And Since this is Monday the Most Notorious Day of the Week for just Straight Up Sucking Ass it’s Monday Hands Down. So Since Monday’s are rather Pure Shit We decided it be Appropriate to Post Something that Feels the Way People Do at The End of a Monday. We stumbled across this Little Ditty on a VERY Small YouTube Channel going by Carrotcarp that has 19 Videos that are All Anime Based Subject Matter, but  there is at least One that is Different it’s a Short Video of a fucking Fish. Apparently Carrotcarp is based out of the UK as the UK is Referenced Several Times on the About Page (along with a Personalized Emoji and a Cryptic Message at the Bottom that reads “Better Start Running 9”).

Video Description:

An Anime Character Nitori Kawashiro and that’s All We have to say on that Subject (The Character is We suppose from a Child Themed Anime) Who at the :22 Mark Appears to have some sort of Psychotic Break as Her World Transforms into What could be Called One Hell of a Bad Acid Trip. Enjoy.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

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