Swan Song

I’ve been sitting here for several hours now contemplating. What is it that you wish for the last blog of this decade to be???? And I thought to myself wow another decade gone by… I know I’ve been around for 5 as of midnight tomorrow, which makes me feel super old but I can’t help that I was born at the end of one decade and will into the infancy of the next.

But still…. really this really only feels like the 3rd decade, because well I sure don’t remember where I was for New Years in 1989, well my house I’m sure since at the age of 11 I was over protected by my parents like the pope in his golf cart bubble looking thing. Popemobile!!!! I’ve always wanted one of those.


Even in 2009, I really have absolutely no clue where I was for new years. I was old enough that I should remember as it was not all that long ago but I have no clue. I’m just sure that I screamed much louder, well at least until there came another year where I just happened to be that much drunken. Not that much more rowdy, I do rowdy with the best of them whether in an altered state of mind or not. That is not a particularly hard one for me to conjure.

And this year 2019 unless hell freezes over, I will be in the Big Apple, wet and soaked with way, way too many other people. I guess this is a good way of getting over my fear of crowds, I mean my central theme going on this year was do things you are afraid of and conquer them.


I mean so far there has been travelling dark Texas Chainsaw Massacre roads at night, driving 100 on the highway, going away with myself for a week (and being comfortable with it), and exercising my right to say fuck off to whoever needs to be told that. I am not afraid to let someone know that they are not right and this new and improved bluntness deluxe get me into more trouble then bluntness original but all things need to be upgraded. Even those that cause drama.

So anyway here is my swan song blog for the year and possibly for my sanity. I have a final 3 list as to where the hell I am going from here and am hoping to expand my readership beyond the 3.5 of you out there. But I love you guys, even the 0.5 dude. Big things do come in small packages!!!! Thank you!!!!!!


London was born in the kingdom of Ranchero, not so far away from the Wasteland of Frito, and the loins of his mother Queen May Belle Jo. He lived a truly charmer life from his first crib plated with gold to the baseball bat he used which had diamonds encrusted in the handles. The nouveau riche were told this would help also enhance their climbing fortunes but London liked things that sparkle. His mother obliged.

  By SpaceDog

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