Strange and Disturbing Videos: 00390

Welcome to yet Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos featuring  00390 One of Youtube’s Darkest Mysteries. So without Further Ado let’s Jump on Down this Rabbit Hole Hand in Hand.

00390 Rumors, Hypotheses, and Outstanding Questions:

  • 00390 First Surfaced Online in November 2015, and is Still Currently Active.
  • After Six Years 00390 has Posted Over 100+ Videos
  • After Posting a String of Videos Viewers found Creepy and Disturbing.
  • Viewers Began to Speculate and Many came to Believe 00390’s Youtube Channel was in Fact being Run by a Stalker and Likely a Kidnapper.
  • As More Videos were Posted Viewers started to Believe 00390 wasn’t just into Stalking and Abductions. They began to hypothesis that 00390 was Actually a Real Life Serial Killer, but it Doesn’t End There.
  • One Strange Factor stood Out as Particularly Weird and that was the Handful of Video’s Sprinkled in with the Grimmer/Disturbing Content. These Video’s were of Food being Cooked.
  • All the Food Videos had Meat as it’s Primary Ingredient.
  • The Food Videos started the Rumor that 00390 was Not just a Serial Killer but a Cannibal as Well.


  • The Cannibal Rumor was indeed Confirmed by 00390 in the Comments Section of the Video Doll House Working Test-Cooking Some Meat.
  • In the Doll House Video’s comment Section which Reads like a Recipy Under the Ingredient Referred to Simply as Meat 00390 States “For Meat: You Need a Girl.”
  • Due to Various Videos by 00390 like Exploring Summer Night Streets-Hookers that 00390 is Based Out of Europe. Also a Phrase that Appears on Screen at one Point in the Video in Italian and Translates into “Too Fat”.
  • While 00390’s Average Views Per Video is Around 2,000, but Exploring Summer Nights-Hookers has Racked Up a Whopping 1.7 Million Views. The Reason(s) for this Massively Drastic Difference in the Number of Views is Currently Unknown.


  • In Addition to the Already Addressed Information when You go to 00390’s About Page (the Cryptic and Antisocial Description) Appears First in English and then in Italian. Thus it’s Pretty Safe to Say 00390 calls Italy Home.
  • 00390’s About Page Verbatim:
(Note to Reader: Based on the Cannibal Concept behind 00390 does “At best offer me some typical food of your country” mean Send Female Human Flesh from Your Home Country.)

Now while You could if You wanted to go Check out the 100+ Videos by 00390, but I’ve searched through 00390’s Video Catalog. I ended up Selecting 10 of the Darkest/Creepiest Videos that Showcase the Aspects of 00390’s Videos mentioned above. Here is a List (Along with any Notes and Observations of Ours) of the Ten Video 00390 Sampling in the Order They Appear in:



In Summation:

Well in Conclusion We believe these Videos are Strange, Disturbing, and Ultimately Fake. 00390’s Videos also Don’t appear to be Promotions for a Video Game or Movie since the Videos have been Posted over 6 Plus years. So Unless this is an “Axl Rose – Chinese Democracy” Situation the Promotion Angle makes No Sense. A Possibly Viable Reason for 00390’s Videos could be that this is Art Student or Visual Artist’s on Going Art Project.  Though I think there’s a Bit more to It. As Far as this being an ARG  it Very Well could be it, but I am Not 100% Convinced this is the Case.

I think this is simply Someone Who wants/likes  People Thinking/Believing that They’re some Insanely Psychotic Serial Killer and Crazed Cannibal straight out of a B-Horror Movie. The Point is I think 00390 is creating and Posting these Videos because He/She/They get a Kick Out of It.  Sometimes the Simplest Solution is Sufficient as Face Value has its Own Worth.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober