Why You Never Became A Dancer

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Video for the Song Why You Never Became A Dancer by the British Band named Whitehouse. So Who the fuck are/was Whitehouse and Why should Anyone Care? Valid Questions for Sure so here is the Backstory of Whitehouse.

Whitehouse was formed in England in 1980 and the Group is Largely credited for Founding and Pioneering the Power Electronics Genre of Music. The Band is Also Credited with Developing the Genre of Music Known as Noisecore or as it was Originally Know as Noise Music (Yeah Pretty fucking Original), and the Band is Credited for Developing Noisecore in America, England, and Japan. Power Electronics is a Offshoot of Noisecore that typically consists of Static, Screeching Feedback, Analogue Synthesizers making Sub-Base Pulses or High Frequency Squealing Sounds. Some but Not All Noisecore Songs have “Lyrics” that are Heavily Distorted, Screamed, or Guttural Vocalizations. Meanwhile Noisecore for those Unfamiliar is a Niche Genre of Music Characterized by the Expressive use of Noise within a Musical Context.  Noisecore tends to Challenge the Distinction between Musical and Non-Musical Sound. The Band Emerged when Early Industrial Acts that had Heavily Influenced Power Electronics/ Noisecore like THROBBING GRISTLE were backing Away from Extreme Noise. Meanwhile Whitehouse wanted to take Their Fascination with Early Industrial Groups’ Sound and Extreme Subject Matter even Further.

The Band’s Name is Meant as a Mock Tribute to Mary Whitehouse who was a British Morality Campaigner and a Hard-Line Conservative Activist. She Campaigned against Social Liberalism and the Mainstream British Media (Both of Which She Accused of Encouraging a More Permissive Society. That’s Not all as the Band’s Name a Reference to a British Porn Magazine. The Founding Member and Only Sole Constant in the Band William Bennett was Quoted as Saying “I Often Fantasized about creating a Sound that could Bludgeon an Audience into Submission.” , and that His Goal was to Produce “The Most Extreme Music Ever Recorded.”Whitehouse referred to Their Sound as “Extreme Electronic Music” that was Known for its Controversial and Obscene Lyrics and Imagery. The Band’s Lyrics/Imagery Portrayed:

  • Sadistic Sex
  • Misogyny
  • Serial Murder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Child Abuse
  • Extreme Violence in All Forms
  • Neo-Nazi Fetishism

Bennett released His First Album Under the Whitehouse Name in 1980 called Birthdeath Experience that was Released on Bennett’s Own Come Organization Label, and was Immediately followed by the Album Total Sex. In 1981 Bennett released the Album Erector that was Pressed on Red Vinyl, Packaged in a Shiny Black Packaging, and included a Photocopied Picture of a Penis. The Group Started Playing Live Shows in 1982 with Members William Bennett (Whitehouse), Andrew McKenzie (of the Band THE HAFLER TRIO), Steven Stapleton from the Band NURSE WITH WOUND, and Philip Best Who Joined in 1982 After Running away from Home at the Age of 14, and has been an On again/ Off Again Member ever since. Whitehouse was Inactive for the second half of the 1980’s and Re-emerged in 1990 wit the Album “Thank Your Lucky Stars”. During the 1990’s Whitehouse had Stable Line up in Bennett, Best, and Writer Peter Sotos (Sotos Left the Group in 2002). Bennett Decided to Terminate Whitehouse in 2008 to Focus on His Cut Hands Project which was its Music that was Heavily Inspired by African and Haitian Voodoo Music, being Very Rhythmic and Percussion Based.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring DAY OF WRATH by Content Creator My Happiest Days. Now it has been a While Since We Dived Head First down a Dark and Ominous Rabbit Hole to Find Some Serious Weird fucking Shit. Well the Wait is Over as We went Hunting into the Ether for Truly Bizarre WTF Type Content. Then We stumbled Across the VERY SMALL Channel called My Happiest Days and Were Quite Intrigued by Content on the Channel Though there isn’t Much.


  • Subs: 3.2k
  • Joined: July 16, 2021
  • Total Views: 54,102
  • Total Number of Videos: 14
  • About Section: Blank


SHIT WE FIGURED OUT (Or At Least We Think We fucking Did):

  • The Theme of the Channel According to One of the Posted Videos is the Following: “In Late 2017 I found a Huge Cardboard Box filled with VHS Tapes My Dad made During the Late 70s and Early 80s.”
  • The Binary Code in the Video Translates  “ONE WITH THE MACHINE”
  •  The Date August 12, 1981 was the Day that the IBM Personal Computer was Released.
  • At 0:08 the White Text is a Quote from Zephaniah 1:8-18 which We Believe has something to do with the DAY OF WRATH’s Theme.
  • We Believe the Sound in the Background is in fact a Slowed and Distorted Version of Dies Irae which means “Day of Wrath”. And We also Believe that Dies Irae was a Hymn that was Sung at Funerals back in Olden Times.
  • 0:25 It Says  “You will always have the Poor among You, but You will Not Always have Me.”




It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – EXIT The Latest Installment from the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

As it Turns Out the A-Sync Research Channels which we thought was a Secondary Channels created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line and We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. This Person/People are OBVIOUSLY Collaborators working Side by Side with Kane Pixels since the Video Theme, Quality, and Feel of Each others Videos Coincide with One Another. The Last Installment from Kane was Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common a Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well.


This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience.

Our 2 Cents:

First Off We would like to Acknowledge that this Incredible Series Sense of Utter and Total Isolation that Drives the Series is Building and Building Quickly. In this Video the Lost Camera Man (the Last Possible Survivor of a Group of 3) Explores Various Anomalies He finds along the Way. The Most Interesting Development is the Camera Man locates a Elevator that He takes to a Couple Different Levels. Now are They Legit Levels of the Backrooms or are They a Part of A-Synch Research’s Control or Observation Area(s) since They are the Ones Pioneering the Backrooms Project? What We like Best about this Video was the Somewhat of a Surprise Ending so be Sure to Check it Out.

Description Accompanying Video:

This is a continuation of the tape ….- that was recorded by civilian Christopher -..-. E. ******* on .—- February 1st, —– 1984.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (43/365)

“Aw Goddamnit! The Electric in this Building is TOTALLY SHITTY!” announced Dizzy loudly with a great deal of Aggravation. “This Building is so damn Old and The Owner is such a Cheap Bastard the Wiring is beyond Faulty. Honestly I don’t know how the Crooked fucker gets away with it I mean He has to be bribing the Housing Authority or some Shady shit.”

Lee paused in the Doorway feeling rather awkward as He listened to Dizzy Banging into or Bouncing Off whatever there was Hidden in the Veritable Blackhole of Dizzy’s Apartment. Finally there was a Ray of Sunshine that cut  through the Shadowy Interior Gloom, and Lee at last Entered into Dizzy’s Apartment.

As Lee’s eyes Adjusted to the Introduction of Day light after Navigating through the Dimly Lit Cave of a Building that Dizzy called Home. Dizzy’s Apartment gave the Impression that a Hard Partying Heavy Metal Band from the fucking 1980’s was residing there, and Currently reliving the Fame of a Career that had be Dead and Buried Decades Ago.


There was a Cloud of Dust almost as Thick as Smoke hanging in the Air like a Lingering Ghost. Dizzy’s Apartment smelled like a Moldy Basement filled with forgotten and Decaying Boxes which was masked by the Intense Stench of Cigarettes, Gallons of Cheap Stale Beer, and a Mild Hint of Ammonia reminiscent of a Cat Box that Needed Changing.

Lee Maneuvered careful over to Dizzy’s Couch which looked like it had been Salvaged from the Curb several times over before reaching Dizzy instead of the City Dump. The Couch had one of the Ugliest Patterns from the Nightmare of Style know as The 70’s. The Pattern was of Large Cartoonish looking Daisys in Mustard Yellow, Vomit Green, Ugly Ass Orange, and Accented with Shit Stain Brown. The Couch was so fucking Repulsive Lee could imagine it  making People Nauseous enough to actually Puke, and even if They Threw Up on the Couch  No One would be the Wiser as it would just Blend into the Eye Sore Collage  that was Dizzy’s so called Couch.


Lee checked to make sure the Couch Cushion was Dry and devoid of any Suspicious Stains of Unknown Origin before sitting on what Lee considered a fucking Diseased Soaked Monstrosity. In front of the Couch was a Coffee Table which did look like it had come Directly from the Dump. One Leg was held on with a copious amount of Well Worn Duct Tape, and was Littered with Empty Booze Bottles, Several Overflowing Ashtrays with Cigarette Butts cascading down the side like a Cancerous Avalanches, and a couple Foreign Eastern Block Porno Mags. . The Couch was Bookended by a Pair of Beaten to Hell Mismatching Television Trays Each with a Cluster of Heavily Used Half Melted Candles and assorted other Items such as a Well Used Bong, a TV Remote that was so fucking Old the Numbers had worn off with Use and quite a few Buttons were by this point in time were Missing


Lee gazed across the Room to the Far Wall were a Lone disheveled Chest of Drawers with 9 Drawers. One of the Drawers had gone missing and the other 8 Drawers were in Various Stages of Hanging Open. Some were barely Open while Others were hanging all the fucking way Out. There weren’t any Cloths visible as the Drawers looked to have been filled with all kinds of useless Junk. On Top of the Dresser was a Seriously Outdated TV that had a Pair of Rabbit Ears on Top, and “Property of Princetonian Hotel” stenciled in white on the Side. Lee wondered to Himself if The Pricetonian was the Name of Dizzy’s Dwelling or the Name of Where it was Stolen From. After a Moment of Contemplation Lee decided it must be the Later.

Be Sure To Tune In For Next Weeks Inside Out Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober (12:22 am)

FYB’s Friday Night Feature Film: Kung Fucking Fury!

Tonight We have Another Short Film from a Master of the Theater of the Absurd! This Mind Twisting Bit of Goodness is KUNG FURY (2015)  a Swedish Short Film Written and Directed By David Sandburg. KUNG FURY pays Homage to the Martial Arts Action Films from the 1980’s.

Plot Summery: Detective Kung Fury is Suddenly Struck By LIGHTING and Simultaneously BITTEN BY A COBRA giving Him Superior Kung Fun Skills. Kung Fury’s Partner was Sliced in Half  by RED NINJA Years Ago, BUT in 1985 after Beating a Rouge Robot Arcade Machine Kung Fury QUITES the Force. when Assigned a NEW PARTNER TRICERACOP.

In the Mean Time Adolf Hitler also Know as KUNG FUHRER jumps into the Timeline an KILLS The Police Chief!!! Kung Fury Intent on REVENGE has Computer Hacking Wiz HACKERMAN to teleport Him Back in Time TO KILL HITLER!!!


Hope You Enjoyed Tonight’s Kung Fu Fight Riddled- Time Line Through History -80’s Laced-Adventure in Absuridty .

Thanks for Viewing,

Presented By Les Sober