For Shits and Giggles : Where’s The Baby

So another motherfucking Monday is upon us trying to monopolize the course of our week! So to combat the bullshit here is todays FYB post featuring WHERE’S THE BABY by Spine_apples who describes their work as “shitty animation man”. I say their because I don’t think just because the word “man” appears in the quote that it’s an indicator to the sex of the animator. Anyway this 1 minute and 42 seconds of insane absurdity (that granted has a surprisingly funny but kind of grim ending) should serve as a fucking  universal public service announcement for all parents currently on the planet.



Justine Sane

For Shits and Giggles: “Existential Threat” By Sparks

I think its safe to say we have all had day’s where it seemed the universe has dropped its pants, and is taking a colossal cosmic crap on your entire fucking life.  Those are those days you spend going hour after fucking hour wondering “Why Me?” or “What the fuck did I do to deserve this bullshit?” as the universe plays a fucked up game of cat and mouse with your current reality. It can get so fucking intense that you may actually consider that you have somehow offended the Powers That Be (God, universe, fate and so on) and now are being punished in some bizarre manner.

This bring me to today’s post the official music video for ‘The Existential Threat’ by Sparks (also known as Halfnelson), taken from their 2020 album ‘A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip’. Sparks is an American pop and rock duo formed in 1967 consisting of brothers Ron Mael on Keyboards and Russell Mael on vocals. Sparks are known for their quirky approach to songwriting which is often accompanied by sophisticated and acerbic lyrics often about women or Shakespearean literature references, and an idiosyncratic, theatrical stage presence, typified in the contrast between Russell’s animated, hyperactive frontman antics and Ron’s deadpan scowling. The band is also noted for Russell Mael’s distinctive wide ranging voice and Ron Mael’s intricate and rhythmic keyboard playing style. Sparks  have been far more successful in Europe compared to their native United States, though the band maintains a loyal cult following American non the less.

The video for the song was done by none other than one of our favorite animators cyriak. Cyriak Harris, known Mononymously as Cyriak and His B3ta Username Mutated Monty (Harris has been a Regular Contributor to the British Website B3ta since 2004), is a British Freelance Animator and Composer. He is known for His Surreal, Creepy, and Bizarre Short Web Animations with the Frequent Use of the Droste Effect, and Features Original Dance/Electronic Music By Harris as Well.


See You Around,

   Justin Sane   

Happy Holidays From MeatCanyon

Welcome and yes it isn’t even Close to the holiday’s, but when have we here at FYB ever played by the rules? We sure as shit aren’t going the cliche route and posting say a halloween video on halloween for example. So that said Today’s Post is HAPPY HOLIDAYS By (and Starring) MeatCanyon.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

What I absolutely fucking love about this video is it makes me nostalgic as fuck let me tell you. Long before Youtube, Facebook Live, Tis Tok, Smartphones, Instagram Etc. all there was were video cameras. Growing up in a shit little town with nothing to do Les, Otto, and I we used to make absurdly stupid and nonsensical videos for our personal amusement (and to kill as much time and boredom) as we could. Thinking about it now I sincerely wish we had held on to some of those videos especially from our high school years for prosperity if nothing else.

Let the show begin!

So I’ll see you when I see you,

  Justin Sane  

Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup

Welcome to a the New Video Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup by One of Our Favorite Animators Mr. David Firth. The New Salad Fingers Video is the First New Salad Fingers Project/Video in Approximately 2 Years, and has  a Micro RunTime of just a Mere 1:06 is Wildly Entertaining None the Less.

Whats Most Notable is this Time Around Salad Fingers Appears in an Animation Format Other than the Classic Cartoon like the Previous Salad Fingers Series. Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup was Shot using the Stop Motion Format Utilizing a Plush Salad Fingers Doll (You can Buy One if You want just wait Until The End of the Video to Find Out How).


For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

Synopsis: Salad Fingers Rides the Local Friendly Teacup to an Unexpected Ending.


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

My Two Cents On Three Subjects.

Since Mondays can be a Little Mind Muddling I figured I’d Keep it Simple and Give You My So-Called Two Cents on Three Separate Subjects. The Topics are divided into the following Categories Not So Current Events, Morbid & Murderous, and Utter Absurdity for Absurdity’s Sake. Feel Free to Discuss Them with Your Friends, Family, Co-Workers, and General Public since Americans use Their fucking Smart Phones instead of Their Actual Smarts. The Bottomline is the “Smarter” the Phone the fucking Stupider the User Becomes as They’re Dumbed Down to Moronic Levels but I digress. Without further ado Let’s get Started.


No So Current Events:

I have purposefully tried to Avoid Posting about the Global COVID Pandemic for a Myriad of fucking Reasons, But there is One fucking thing I just Can NOT Stay Silent About. The Pandemic Hot Button Topic I am going to Address here is Kids Going Back To School. Now I’m not here for an In-depth fucking discussion of Kids, School, and all the Usual Bullshit since We all Know why school is Important and that Socialization is Vitally Important so I refuse to Beat a Dead Horse.

My Issue Lies Solely with the Parents. As We are all more than aware Parents are fucking Notorious for Bombarding Other People They encounter with Stories, Pictures, Videos, Social Media Posts, and General Bullshit about Their fucking Kid(s). They spout cliche shit like

  • “Children are a True Blessing”
  • “Having a Kid/Kids Changes Your Life Forever”
  • “Raising Kids is the Greatest Accomplishment One can Accomplish.”
  • “If You Don’t have a Kid/Kids Then You Just Don’t Understand.”
  • “It’s a Shame They Grow Up So Fast.”
  • “Their (Kids) are Angels here to Enlighten Your Life.”
  • “Children are the Future.”
  • “Anything for the Kids.”
  • “I’d Die before I let anything Bad happen to a single Hair on My Child’s Head.”


Along with an Arsenal of Other Parental Wisdoms They Intend  to spread to the Four fucking Corners of the fucking Earth. This Overwhelming Desire to Subjugate the Rest of the World Population to Their Parenting Bullshit seems to be EXTREMELY HYPOCRITICAL in the Age of Covid. When it came to Opening Schools/Sending Kids back to School during an Ongoing Global Pandemic at First Parents were Wary as They damn well Should Be, but then there was a MONUMENTAL ATTITUDE SHIFT among Parents as the Months Rolled On By. Then all of a Sudden One Day the Topic of Kids actually Viably and Safety returning to School Exploded like a fucking Powder Keg across America.

The Next thing Anyone Knew Parents were EVERYWHERE Online, Social Media, and TV Whining Ironically like Bratty Kids about How Much They Wanted Their Kids Back At School. This simple above all had nothing to do with what’s Best for the Kids but What the Aggravated Parents wanted Do to Quarantine. Basically Parents where SICK AND TIRED of having Their Kids with Them in Quarantine and were Blatantly Pushing the School Opening so Their Kids would be SOMEONE ELSE’S PROBLEM. Its fucking astounding How Parents in America Act like They’re Entitled to having The Educational System Raising THEIR fucking Kids for Them. It took just a Matter of Months before Parents couldn’t get Away from Their fucking Kids Fast Enough, and to make it worse where All Over the Place Whining About it like Assholes. Also this is fucking shitty because NOT ONLY are You willing to put Your Child, Yourself, Friends, Family, Teachers, and School Staff in Harms Way (could Result in Their DEATH) because KIDS BECAME TOO INCONVENIENT FOR THEIR PARENTS.

Now the ONLY People You should Listen to in an Emergency especially if its fucking Life or Death to THE EXPERTS Not the Media, Social Media Mob, or Online Idiots and Assholes. I’ll just make My Point by saying if I had a Child or Children During this Covid-19 Pandemic I WOULDN’T SEND THEM TO SCHOOL UNTIL ALL TEACHERS AND SCHOOL STAFF ARE VACCINATED, AND THE CDC SAYS IT’S OK. Parents were Literally Gambling with Their Kids (Along with Theirs and Others) Lives because They were Aggravated by Their Supposedly Precious Little Angels. The Hypocrisy was/is Absolutely fucking Astounding that People would Praise Their Kids Until They wanted a Break From Them then All Bets are Off as it were.


The Most Effective way to Remove and Transport The Corpse of a Dead Ninja is to Simply Cut it Up into 6 Separate Pieces. The You Place the Torso on the Bottom, Fold the Legs and Place Them on Top of the Torso. Next You fold and Place the Arms on Top of the Legs, and Then Lastly Place the Head like the Cherry on a Sunday made of Human Flesh.

You can NOT Burn a Body of a Dead Ninja Properly to Dispose of it. Only a Professional Crematorium has the Equipment Needed to Incinerate an Entire Human Corpse. To Fully dispose of a Human Corpse (with the Exception of small Pieces of Left over Bone) You need a Heat Source of 2,700 Degrees Fahrenheit for Several Hours. This can Not be Accomplished by Dousing the Corpse in a Flammable Fluid and setting it Ablaze.

When Disposing of the Corpse of a Dead Ninja in a Body of Water can be Much Trickier than Most People would Think. The Problem is Bodies Bloat which means They will Float like a Motherfucker, and They Rot so They tend to break free and Float to the Surface. The Issue is when the Human Body starts to Decay it Swells with Gases like a fucked up Cadaver Balloon making it Buoyant. The First method to handle this Problem would to Stab the Corpse just below the Heart to Slice Open the Stomach. This way the Gases can’t Build Up and Increase the Chance of the Bodie becoming a Floater. The Problem with this is Anchoring the Body is still an Issue. You see Crabs, Fish, and Other Aquatic Life feed on the Rotting Flesh until the Body starts to come apart. So if you Anchored the Body with Chains (around the hands and Feet) sooner or later due to Time or Animals will Decay away, and thus the Body can be moved about by Weather or Currents. The most Effective way to Dispose of a Corpse in a Body of Water is to Wrap Chicken Wire Around it from Head to Toe mind You so You’ll Need a Rather Large Piece. This way when the Body Starts to Bloat the Chicken Wire will Lacerate the Rotten Flesh Not only Releasing the Built Up Gas but Also Keeping the Body Tightly Secured within the Chicken Wire.

One of the MOST EFFECTIVE AND TABOO ways to Dispose of a Dead Ninja’s Body is to Actually Eat the Evidence, and then Grind Down the Leftover Bones into Dust. No Body No Crime.


This is The Semi Annual Podunkville Turkey Vulture Report. The Tirkey Vulture Road Kill Clean Up Crews are Seriously Lacking resulting in an Overall Rating at the Time of this Evaluation a Solid D. If You are in the Podunkville area and See a Turkey Vulture Please tell it in Your most Assertive Voice to “GO BACK TO WORK YOU FUCKING BUM!” We suggest You do this from an EXTREMELY SAFE DISTANCE or Optimally from the Confines of a Motor Vehicle. This is Specifically for Your Safety as Turkey Vultures are Rather Large Disagreeable Birds with Seriously Shitty Attitudes, and They are Armed with Razor Sharp Talons and Powerful Beaks.

Also Turkey Vultures are Known for Vomiting on Their Enemies primarily as a Defense Tactic, But You Know what They Say the Best Offense is a Good Defense. It  is also Unconfirmed as of Now, Yet Perturbed Turkey Vultures may try and Shit on You (as well as Vomit) when Confronted in what They perceive to be an Unkindly Manner. There is No Official Strike by the Turkey Vultures as of Yet and There are Rumors of Turkey Vultures succumbing to Anorexia. Whatever the Reason the Turkey Vultures of Podunkville need to return to Their Regularly Scheduled Scavenging as Soon as Possible before The Road become Littered with Carcasses, and Dominated by the Pungent Stench of Death and Decay.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

FYB’s Salute to Eccentrics: verduynetal

Hey There Kiddies it is I Justin Sane with another installment of FYB’s SALUTE TO ECCENTRICS featuring verduynetal!

This story is total online mindfuck here for yours truly and that’s no joke. A buddy of mine had sent me a link to a website that was sort of a Youtube video search engine. The point of the site is based on the fact that there millions to possibly billions of videos on Youtube that never get a single fucking view. So this site will randomly select a video from the Youtube video verse that literally has never been seen, seriously not a single fucking view. The premises sounded odd and entertaining so of course I had to through an eyeball that way to see for myself wtf this site was actually like.

Like SO many times while searching around for FYB content I started off in one place, wonder around, and end up somewhere totally fucking different. I like to call it the “I don’t think We’re in Kansas anymore Toto.” or the Wizard of Oz principle. Anyway I accidentally landed on a particularly obscure and so utterly fucking absurd Youtube channel verduynetal. When I saw it I knew almost instantly I had to do a post on it.


Now here’s the twist or the mindfucker I mentioned earlier. After viewing a couple of videos I started to get this weird Deja Vu like a real motherfucker. At first I assumed that because I see so much insane shit on a daily basis that My brain was just drawing parallels and likenesses to other characters I have come across. As I was sifting through verduynetal’s video library of lunacy as you might image my fucking eyes got to the point they felt like they were about to start bleeding. Anyway I closed my eyes for a minute or two as anyone would in this situation to deal with the ocular assault from the computer screen. While my eyes were taking five I still was listening to the audio from a couple of videos that played during this Ocular time out.

Thats when the gear in my brain started raving up and things started to click and fall into place. Once my eyes had recovered I still continued to just listen to the audio of a few more videos minus the visual component. Then all of sudden I realized something profound as fuck, I recognized the voice and I recognized it on a personal level. I took a short lunch to wolf down some pizza and cheap draft beers, and went back to work on this post. I sat there for fucking what felt like an absolute fucking eternity listen to countless videos trying desperately to lock on and identify how the hell I recognized verduynetal’s voice. Just by looking at verduynetal hadn’t provided any sort of answers just this persistent goddamn Deja Vu shit.

As I sat slowly losing what’s left of my fucking mind I had reached an epiphany I did know veruynetal. I wasn’t insane. This was making some Assembly of sense. After another short duration picking my own brain I finally fucking figured it out. The answer to the veruynetal is from my fucking hometown and We actually attended the same fucking high school too.


FYB DISCLAIMER: . Staying true to the FYB model I nor anyone associated with FYB will reveal ANYONE’S PERSONAL INFORMATION. No names, locations, or any other identifying information. FYB respects people’s privacy as much as we respect our own (I’m throwing this in now so Les won’t freak the fuck out that I didn’t).

What I can remember verduynetal back in high school was overtly sarcastic, abrasive Attitude,and seriously self centered hardcore punk girl. She had a chip on her shoulder because she was born to an upper middle class family in Suburbia as apposed to NYC or Los Angeles. She had nothing to complain about so she simply raged against the world refusing to like, condone, or tolerate anything on the face of the fucking earth. I don’t really remember much as she was a senior when I was a lowly freshman. After graduation I fled my shitty hometown and purposefully forgot all the people who live there. Anyway back the topic at hand.

Things about verduynetal’s Youtube Channel:

  • verduynetal joined Youtube early February 2009.
  • There are a total of 43 subscribers. Enough Said there.
  • The Total number of views tops out at 20,439 (after a decade and change).
  • There 90 videos posted on/to verduynetal’s channel to date anyways.
  • Channel Description: “I DON’T GIVE A FUKK BEGELS ARE GEWD.” whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean beats the hell outta me.
  • The video are in a micro format since almost the entirety of verduynetal’s videos are under 60 seconds (there is a VERY small handful of exceptions).
  • verduynetal has an affinity for writing the word “Fuck” as Fukk and “Suck” as SUKK.
  • verduynetal’s page is still active and the last/latest video was posted 3 months or so ago.
  • Most of verduynetal is them dressing the camera for some sort of deranged monologue. In 2 of the videos there is actually a young sounding male operating the camera.
  • Popular topics: sleep, being pissed at other people, mental health issues, medical topics such as various medications and diagnostic tests, and bleeding/bitching out a nameless, faceless, omnipresent “You”.
  • There exactly 20 comments total in the discussion section. Which is fucking batshit crazy since the channel has been up and running for 12 years.

  • In the discussion section on verduynetal’s channel I noticed the comments are vague and general bullshit like “Hope you’re ok”, ‘Hey whats Up” Whoa thats crazy!” and other bullshit pleasantries.
  • The thing that DID stand out about the discussion section was this. While the channel has been up for 12 years the comments completely stopped a full fucking decade ago. So I’m just wondering where the fuck did the commenters suddenly fuck off too?!
  • The titles of verduynetal’s videos are as short as their fucking running times, and are usually hostile or stand offish at best. Shitty attitude doesn’t EVEN begin to describe it.
  • verduynetal looks either drunk, on drugs, or heavily medicated (or a combination there of), and just woke the fuck up from a 14 hour NyQuil induced slumber.
  • I’m not positive, but I noticed several videos from earlier on that verduynetal seems to refer to themselves in the third person like its still the fucking 1980’s. Based on these 4 video’s (total) verduynetal’s name (or name they go by) is Ivy. Example: look Ivy’s new skull pants.
  • In the 4th video posted the title of the video is Ivy Savage; artistically raped.
  • verduynetals videos are as insane as they are entertaining because of one key element or lack there of which is CONTEXT. There is NEVER any context provided. verduynetal never answers the basic questions of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, AND WHY for any of the videos.
  • The total lack of any identifiable context verduynetal carries on as if they assume the viewer some how fucking psychically knows wtf is going on prior to viewing. I assume this might be because the 43 subscribers are close friends, family, and possibly work/coworker friends.


So as per usual below you will find a sampling of verduynetal’s Surreally Creepy Absurdity. Have Fun!



See You Around,

  By Justin Sane  

I’ve Seen Some Stupid Shit But This Is A New One

This Story Starts a Short While before the 2020 Election when it was Revving Up to be the Total Post Election Shit Show it is Currently. One Day I had to Run a Mundane Errand that required that I Drive over to a Near by Neighboring Town. This is a frequent Side Effect of Living in a Town So Small it Only has one Single Traffic Light is it Requires that You Travel for a wide Variety of Reasons. The Main Reason being in a Small Town You have Limited Choices (and Certain Product Availability) so Traveling to a More Populated Area becomes Part of the Chore.

This Particular Drive is Quite Scenic as it Runs Through a Mix of Pine Forrests and Farming Fields with the Odd Small House/ Mobile Home sprinkled in Here and There. The Road as one might Imagine Qualifies as the Road Less Taken since You can Drive Miles before seeing Even One Other Car on the Road. Around the Midway Point of the Journey on the right side of the Road Across from a Empty Farmer’s Field is what appears at first to be a Viable Side Street or Road if You will. It is in fact The Top of someone’s Driveway You Can’t actually see the House from the Road because it’s Hidden in a You Guessed it One Forrest. What You can See is that approximately a Quarter Mile down this Long ass Driveway is a Large Cast Iron Gate Blocking. There’s 10 Foot Brown Stone Walls on Either Side of the Gate that Start about Ten Feet High and Taper off toward the Ground. I have No Idea what the Aesthetic Brown Stones are because I’m not a fucking Geologist, but They Look Halfway Decent.


Now as I Mentioned this was in the Pre 2020 Election and America was in a Chaotic Frenzy. Well on this particular Day as I drove by I Noticed the Residents had Placed 25-30 Elect Trump Yard Signs about Four Feet Apart Down both sides of their Driveway.  It was Overkill in Every Sense of the Word. Now We Fast Forward the Election is Over, Biden has Been Certified by the Electoral Collage, and its been a Month and a Half Past Election Night. So the Next Time I had to had to Run an Errand Out that Way it was No Real Surprise that the Elect Trump 2020 Yard Signs had been Removed. Now on the Way into Town I Noticed a Excessively Large Banner Displayed at the Top of the Same Property where the Elect Trump 2020 signs had Previously been. I noticed it too Late to see what it Said, but I decided that right then and there that on the Way Back I would Most Definitely Find out what this Banner was all About.

On the Way Back I made sure to Slow Down (which is Easy to do on a Road with Virtually no Traffic as I mention Earlier) so I could take in the Banner in its Entirety and What I saw I found Absolutely Dumbfounding. At the Top Half of the Banner on a Dark Navy Background it Said in Big Block Letter in all Caps “TRUMP SIGN THIEVES” and there was a Phone Number displayed Under it also in Big Ass Font. The Bottom Half consisted of 3 Pictures of Three Different Cars of the Suspected Sign Thieves Vehicles, but We’ll get back to that in a Minute. It was Painfully and Blatantly Obvious that the Home Owner was 1. Die Hard Trump Supporter 2. Was Pissed as Hell about Their Elect Trump 2020 Yard Signs being Stolen. What I want to Know is What the fuck do Does the Home Owner Expect to Happen pertaining to The Stolen Yard Sign Banner?


I First thought to Myself Seriously How fucking Stupid since Yard Signs Run an Average of 97 Cents to Custom Make so This Person was Out a Whopping $48.50. This is Horribly Ironic since this Banner They had made cost Them a Couple Hundred Dollars so that 3-4 times as Much as the Cost of the Yard Signs. I just figure Out if You’re Pissed about being Out $50 Why the Hell would You then Invest a Couple Hundred in an Additional Banner? I may be Shitty at Math but Even I can tell You That Doesn’t Add Up. The Only Possibly Reason I could Muster was The Home Owner Truly Believed that the Stolen Yard Sign Banner would in deed Pay Off in the End. Still the Question Remained What was the Intention of the Home Owner since They are having a rather Extreme Reaction to the Theft of Their Shitty Elect Trump 2020 Year Signs?

This is My Hypothesis on this Oddly Absurd Situation. Once the Home Owner Saw the Signs were Stolen the Enraged Idiot(s) called the fucking Local Police and Reported it. The Cops basically Blew the Hoe Owner Off due to the Ridiculous Nature of the So Called Offense. Then the Pissed Off Assholes decided They would have to take Matter into Their Own Hands with Their Bizarre Brand of Vigilante Justice. They then had to Spend some Time coming up with a Course of Action and in The End They settled on Big Ass Bullshit Banner. Next They had to go to a Graphics Shop and have the Banner made and again Pay a Few Hundred Dollars for it. After that They returned Home and Erected the Batshit Banner at the Top of Their Driveway, and I assume are Still Waiting for the Banner to yield Results.

At this Point I’d like to Readdress the 3 Large Blown Up Pictures of the Alleged Sign Thieves Vehicles. The First Thing I’d like to Address is the Fact that These Pictures are so Shitty and Off Point its fucking Mind Boggling. What I mean is all Three Picture are Utterly Useless since NO INFORMATION can be deduced from Them. You See Each Picture Failed to Catch the Car’s License Plate which is in the Second Chapter of “The Big Book of Duh”.  Since all the Photos are Shot at Insanely Strange Angles You also have No Chance to possible See the Driver or Anyone Else Who Might be in the Car. For all Intents and Purposes the Pics look like they were taken by a Drone that was being Operated by The Clueless Village Idiot. I say this because Not Only  all the Car Photos Void of Any Pertinent Information Whatsoever the Picture seem to have been taken From Above at Random Angles. It’s Almost as if the Camera was Basically Shooting Down from Above the Cars.

Not to Mention the Fact The Home Owner had Photos (as Shitty as They Were) actually had Photos since where the fuck was the Camera Located in the First Place? With a Vast and Empty FArmer’s Field across the Road from the Property there is No Where to Attach any Type of Camera since Theres Literally Nothing to Attach it too. This Must Mean the Camera would have to have Been Mounted on the Same side of the Street as the Home Owner’s Property. The Issue there is again Where was the Camera Located? My Wife Theorized the Pictures were Caught by a Security Camera at the Gate. The Problem with that is as I said the Gate is a Quarter Mile Down from the Road, and since the Yard Signs were running down the Sides of the Main Road the Camera couldn’t see Shit to take a Picture.


The Next Option would have been the Most Likely in Most Cases. We live in a Rural ass Area where Hunting and Fishing are as Big as Professional Sports, and Most Hunters Use Motion Activated Trail Cameras to Surveil Perspective Hunting Territory for Game. Thus it would make the Most Sense if Someone mounted a Trail Camera or Perhaps Several to the Pine Trees that Comprise the Forrest on the Home Owner’s Property. The Only Problem with the Stolen Sign Situation is a Trail Camera Would Have to be Mounted at the Same Hight as the Cars, and Not 15 feet up the Trunk of the Tree since its Motion Activated (and You’d want to Photograph Cars Not Birds Flying in the Distance). Thats How I came to the Only Reason I could Think of which is it was a Drone Camera but Who fucking Knows.

As for the Intent of the Banner I am Equally as Clueless as I still can’t Deduct what the fuck the Home Owner thinks is going to Happen as a Result of Their Banner? The Police aren’t going to be of any Assistance due to it being No Where Near a Priority, and The Only Evidence is the Three aforementioned Crappy Photos a 3 Cars that contain Nothing of Value as far as Information. So is the Home Owner Honestly expecting that some Stranger Driving down the Main Road Outside of their Property, See the Banner, and Somehow be Able to Identify One of the Cars. This is Already a Never Going to Happen Hell or High Water Situation, but I’ll Play Devil’s Advocate for the Sake of Argument.


Let’s Say Someone did see the Banner and All That the Home Owner is Banking on that Person Giving as Big as a Shit about the Stolen Signs as the Owner. The Stranger would have to be Equally as Enraged over a Case of Stolen Yard Signs to even Give a Shit. If it were Me and I saw the Banner and Actually Knew One of the Cars (“Oh Shit Thats Phil’s Car!”) the Next time I saw the Car Owner I’d tell Him how Hilarious I find the Whole thing and Way to Go. Point Being the Last damn thing I’d do is call the Number on the Sign I simply wouldn’t Say Shit. Lastly even if the Home Owner found Out Who the Cars Belong To fuck are They Going to Do? There’s really No Legal Recourse (just ask the Cops who were annoyed by the Reporting of this Piddly Shit) so They could Only do One of Two Things.

Option One is to Tell Everyone around since Word Travels fast in a Small Town where Everybody Knows Everybody. This would be to Call the Culprit Out and Publicly Shame Them in the Eyes of Their Friends, Family, and Community (Most of Which are Avid Church Goers so “Thou Shall Not Steal’). I also Suppose in this Day and Age They could do the Same by Talking Shit on Social Media to Vent as well as Call Out the Guilty Party. If the Home Owner is a real Dicks They could Go Over to the Alleged Guilty Person’s Residence and Address the Matter Face to Face. This would Not be a Safe Decision since the Home Owner Would Either End Up In Jail for Showing Up and Acting like a World Class Asshole or For Killing the Supposedly Guilty Person. That or They End up Getting Shot, Beaten to a Bloody Pulp  or Killed Themselves. Anyway You Slice it it Always Ends Badly for the Idiotic Home Owner. So the Question Remains the Same: What the Fuck is the Point?

Besides it being an Utter Absurdity of the Situation I’m just Relieved it s something Entertaining instead of Asinine. I mean at Least it wasn’t a Situation like This Old Cranky Bastard that Lives in My Neighborhood Who is Still Flying His Elect Trump Flag like an Absolute Asshole.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober  

The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #2: Clonka Minkus

With all of the Chaotic Bullshit in the Mass Media and Social Media with Lies, Misinformation, and just Plain Fake News getting accurate Information has become increasingly Hard to Find. Especially after the Last For Years the American Media have Lost Their Spines, Guts, and Testicular Fortitude. The Days of Hard Hitting Questions and Championing the Truth have given way to Sugar Coated, Watered Down, and Weak Willed Drivil. So We decided Everyone needed a Break from the Psychotic News Cycle, and Here is Some News We All Can Enjoy. This is The News Hasn’t Happened Yet 2: Clonka Minkus by One of Our Absolute Favorite Animators of All Time Mr. David Firth.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“Trying to make sense of the news. The news won’t happen. The rotting newscorpse. We make the news. The news exploded. Big bits in a bag of newspiss. Bits of buggery newsy shit that nobody news about. When no one news. No one could nevernews spilling the news it’s a factbomb or truthbomb not lying news newsergate newsbomb often called the dogsmack news witnessing the great news crash clickbait cracknews makes a stink news from the dogpipe. Nothing is happening anywhere ever. There is no news. The news hasn’t happened yet. The news didn’t happen, did it? The news won’t happen, but you’ll forget about old news that never happened as the promise of new news will replace it. Exploding newspiss. This was just my thought process for the title. I thought I’d leave it here. Otherwise it’s just a hidden compost heap in a file on my PC that will never again be accessed.” -David Firth

On This Episode of The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #2:

  • The Crisis in Clonka Minkus
  • Dog Abortion in Switzerland
  • The Question: Do Dog’s Exist
  • Have Certain Videos Been Manipulated: Where the Subjects in the Videos Even There?
  • 70,ooo Immigrants Migrate to Clonka Monka after it’s Voted The Nicest Place to Live.
  • The 70,ooo Immigrants Disappear from Existence. Where Did They Go and Are They Coming Back?
  • Conspiracy Basket Cases/ Nut Jobs Share Their Opinions.
  • The Popularity of Surveys and Polls Among Different Age Groups and Who would take One?


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 


Welcome to this Installment on Tidbits For Shits And Giggles Featuring the Animated Music Video Dinner is Not Over by the One and Only Mr. Jack Strauber.

Jack Stauber is a Singer, Songwriter, and Animator from clean, Pennsylvania. Jack also Publishes under the Name Jack Stauber’s Micropop, in which He releases Hist Short Songs from His Social Media or Extended Versions of His Short YouTube Songs. So Far, there are Six Micropop EP’s One Compilation Album, and One Soundtrack Album. Jack Stauber’s Music is often Described as Avantgarde, or Indie Alternative. His Music is a Blend of Pop, Electronic, and Folk.

Strauber’s Videos typically include MS-Paint Animation, 3D Animation, and Other Mixed Media. Nearly all of His Content is Recorded onto a VHS Tape, giving it an Old-Timer Aesthetic. Themes within the Videos may be that of a Typical Song or Something More Cryptic in Nature. Strauber also makes Animated Cartoon Shorts using Microsoft Paint, but more Recently His Videos have been appearing in Different or More Unique Styles of Art. He has also Gained Attention on the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, and has Aired One of His Videos on an Episode of “Off the Air”,  made an “Adult Swim Smalls”, Created a Whole Mini-Series called SHOP: A Pop Opera, and made the a Short Film Titled OPAL.


As Any Child Knows Dinner is Not Over (and You May Not Have Dessert) until You’ve Cleaned Your Plate especially when it comes to Vegetables, But Have You Ever Tasted Death?


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: BEEF STEAK!

What Can I Say some times the Oddest, Strangest, Absurdist, or just Plain Stupidest Shit makes Me Laugh. I’ve said it before that My Favorite Joke is:

Why Do Ducks Have Webbed Feet? To Put Out Forrest Fires.

Why Do Elephants Have Flat Feet? To Put Out Flaming Ducks.

As You can see it actually makes No Sense Whatsoever, But it always makes Me Smile. So when I was fucking around Online I came Across this Video and for some Reason (Even I DOn’t Know What it Is) I got a real Kick Out of It.

So Without Further Ado Ladies and Gentlemen I give you BEEF STEAK!


Brought To You By Les Sober