Some Odd Animation: VAL VAL VAL

We are Pleased to Present the Animated Short Val Val Val created by one of Our Favorite Animators Ben Wheele whose Work We have Featured on FYB Several Times Before(Henry Eats, Talking House, Cigarette Ad ).

A Bit About Animator Ben Wheele:

Wheele Graduated from The Royal Collage of Art with a Masters in Animation  in 2011, and His Films have been Screened at Festivals Internationally, Including Annecy, Pictoplasma, London Intl.Animation Festival, Rotterdam Film Festival and Stuttgart ITFS. Wheele’s work has also been Exhibited at The Sunday Painter Gallery (London), Digital Art Space, and Broadcast on Adult Swim and Channel 4 (UK). He is also the Founder of ‘Studio Ponk’ and Currently Lectures in 3D Animation and Games at Middlesex University.



  • Begins with a Strange looking Being with a Skull Like Face (that Personally Reminds Me of The Misfits Mascot) sitting Alone in an Empty Room.
  • A Second Being Appears Outside.
  • The Being Inside Greets the Being Outside with a “Hello, Facehead.”
  • “Facehead”  takes Acceptation to the Name and Responds with an Irritated “What Did You Call Me?”
  • The Being Indoors then Repeats the Greeting.
  • “Facehead” gets PISSED and says Threateningly “Call Me Facehead One More Time…”
  • A Stand Off Ensues.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB   

Rejected TV Shows

These shows are all great on paper but sadly many are far ahead of their time.

1- Whose Kid Is It Anyway?-

Who wouldn’t want a network reality show to start with a gangbang? None of the Americans ones for sure. Long story short: Girl meets boy. The catch? Girl meets 15 boys and shoves them all in her snatch.

Then she eliminates them one by one (or more) before she gets the paternity test. Sadly the orgy for this film was shot but never released.

Even more tragically the star of the show Vanessa Montana Lopez died during a botched week 40 abortion of her pregnancy while waiting for the producers to get back to her about filming.

2) King of the Trump-

I know what you are thinking. Nope not about him. Picture a bunch of senior citizens trying to out racist one another. Also bill cosby was slated to host and that didn’t quite turn out too good.

3) The Brotherhood of the Travelling Jock Strap

So this must be great gay camp, right? Nope the whole show took place in a hetero beaver cleaver world. The jock strap was a talking jock strap but alas even talking jock straps can’t save america.

4) Serial

Never got made because well no serial killers wanted to kill people wearing body cams or shitty google glasses.

5) Anuses Over the Moon

How far can you shoot objects out of your anus? Not far enough as the search for the greatest anal field goal kicker in the world continues.

6) I Think I Fucked My Mom

This show pitted horny young men with vivacious cougars. After wining, dining and 69ing however the bombshell was dropped. You just fucked your birth mother. However massive abadoned dwarf protests led by Tangia (walk into the light Carol Anne) and the Munchkin 7 in the early 90s halted this project right after the pilot was found.

7) Dick Dongle Does Kids

Pee Wee had it hard. Too hard at a porn theater. Dick dongle actually taught kids but the title killed the show and the real life Dick Dongle (yes his birthname) shot himself and 3 others at a Texas rest stop in 2001.

8) Dumpster Livin

This followed around a group of homeless dumpster diving, begging and smoking crack all day. The homeless led by former grateful dead devotees fought this long and hard but by trying to give the homeless LSD. They gave Ricky Hanakowski a bit too much. He killed 2 people and ate a living cat in front of onlookers because he had to prove his worth to Satan. He was in hell’s kitchen after all.

More shows to come later.

 By SpaceDog

Lollipop Chainsaw Ep. 3 : Bullets For Breakfast Cafe Serves Up Hot Lead Hotcakes

Thank God We’ve made it to the Godforsaken Peninsula.

The Wannabe Leader Guy was right there appears to be 3 other people at least they look like fucking People.

Wait what the fuck was that familiar sound?! HOLY SHIT Their fucking shooting at us the fucking Dicks!!

Thats one hell of a fucking Hello. Shit, Shit, Shit gotta find cover quick! Theres nothing decent to duck behind goddamnit.

Ah Ha looks like a rather large fallen Tree trunk, that shit will have to work. Logs fucking SUCK. They barely provide the needed cover, but there so fucking low to the ground that You have to basically lay flat on your back or stomach to fucking protect Yourself.

Oh come on what the fuck is with this Guy He followed me which lets fucking face it was the best move, BUT the fucker dove behind the fucking Log like We’re in some sort of fucking Action Movie. Heres a tip for Him and thats HE’S NO JASON STATHAM thats for fucking sure.

The dumb son of a bitch literally didn’t look be for He fucking Leapt, and the  stupid bastard landed squarely on Me. Goddamn Dude is heavy as hell yet he seems fit as fuck. He’s gotta be all fucking muscle with out an ounce of body fat or some shit like that. Goddamn.

Huh looks like the 3 other People have taken cover hunkered down in the crevices between the Large assortment of Boulders that run down the entire length of the fucking Peninsula.

Apparently I was wrong, They are in fact NOT shooting at us, but rather They’re being shot at as well. So WHO THE HELL IS shooting at us remains to be seen.

The Bullets aren’t coming from the Jungle behind us, and it isn’t the Other 3 People We saw, and so Whoever is Attacking Us They’re shooting at Us from the Water at Us. SO what They fuck are They some fucking Mermaid Militia?!!

The “wish I was leader” dude is about to poke his head up and see if he can see anything pertinent. Hope He doesn’t get shot in the fucking face, of the fucking top of His fucking head gets blown off leaving His brain exposed.

Alright He was successful! I can hardly fucking hear Him even though He’s laying right fucking next to Me. Whoever is firing at us seems to upgraded Their Weaponry.

We gotta do something as this fucking Log is getting Shredded like a big old piece of fucking Cheese, and I sure as fuck don’t want to get ventilated like a I was made of Swiss fucking Cheese either goddamnit.

Time to cash in on the flight or fight principle and utilize the sudden Adrenaline rush surging like Rocket fucking Fuel through My veins. I don’t know about the other Guy, but I’m going to make a B-Line to the Boulders like the Others.

I’m going to tap this Guy on the shoulder or some shit, point words the Boulders, looks at him and then the rocks several times real quick, and then I bolting out from behind whats left of this fucking Log.

Here it goes. Good got His attention and He acknowledged My plan. Nothing left but to haul ass and hope not to get fucking killed in the process.

FUUUUUUUCK!!! The fucking bullets are whistling past Me WAY TOO CLOSE for any comfort. The fucking sand is getting riddled with Bullets sending sizable geysers of sand exploding upwards as it gets pounded by the The Enemy’s Artillery.

I have to see the motherfuckers firing at Us at least if I’m going to die for fucks sake. Alright running like hell and looking left. What the fuck is going on?!! Looks to me like 6 smaller Sailing Vessels sailing like a Flock of Canadian Geese Fly. There’s The Leader out front, and the rest of the “Flock” Flying behind The Leading Goose  in a Triangle Formation.

The Boulders are only a few feet in front of me now almost there, I’m going to make it by God. THANK FUCK I’m finally holed up in a narrow space in-between a couple of the Boulders like its Trench fucking Warfare.

Where the fuck is that other Guy I was with. There He is Goddamnit still half way out on the goddamn Beach. The fucking fool must have paused before following Me, and now He’s in serious trouble.

Ok at least He’s keeping his head down trying to lower himself as far down as he can, and now He’s Zig Zagging like a Zipper with ADHA on Cocaine.

SHIT! He’s never going to make it! Oh God these unknown fuckers just broke out Their Heaviest Artillery and are unloading like theres no fucking sorrow, OH CHIRST HE GOT FUCKING SHOT!!!

Fucking hell He wasn’t so much shot as He was torn the fuck apart, obliterated  into a Confetti of Flesh. Jesus He’s in pieces, well more like bloody chunks of Meat.

I have to make contact with the Others. I wonder where Their finding around here, how close are We to each other?!

Tune In Next Time For

LollyPop Chainsaw Episode 4: Fate In The Forrest

Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober