Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring YOU TUBE IS KILLING ME…by One of Our All Time fucking Favorite Animators/Content Creators MeatCanyon. For Those Who may be Unaware MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better known by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

One of the Main Reasons We’re such fucking Fans of MeatCanyon is He is a True Master of Mockery. MeatCanyon  has made a Myriad of Scathing Parody Videos on Famous Personalities, Popular Fictional Characters from TV/Movies, BUT the Ones where He Slams Famous People are by Far Our Favorites.  MeatCanyon has Openly Mocked Famous Fuckwits such as Asshole Elon Musk the Bratty Trust Fund Brat, The World’s Biggest Foodie Douchebag Guy Fieri, and The Absurdist One Man fucking Freak Show on the fucking Planet Nikocado Avocado for Example. Now in this Video MeatCanyon takes on YouTube in a Damning Commentary pertaining to the Youtube Platform itself, and We for One find it fucking Wildly Entertaining.

Basically We like Underdogs and let’s fucking face it in 2023 Content Creators on Youtube Ironically have become the Underdogs of the Platform.  They Supplied/Supply Youtube with an Endless Stream of TOTALLY FREE CONTENT which Youtube uses to get Advertisers. We have become well fucking Aware that Youtube over the Last Several Years has become Increasingly more Restrictive concerning it’s Ever Changing Content Guidelines. These Tightening Restrictions have put an Effective Strangle Hold on what a Content Creator can Upload to Youtube. Last fucking Month for Example Youtube Announced that if You curse in the First 15 Seconds of Your Video is INSTANTLY Branded “Unsuitable for Advertisers” which would Prevent Advertising thus Financially Cock Blocking Content Creators.  This Obviously fucks Not Only with the Content Creators can Upload but it also Directly fucks with Their Income/Finances as Well. We personally Think the Whole Monetization System is just Bullshit, BUT We do Understand with the Highly Competitive Market being a YouTuber has become Expensive.  To Stay Competitive and Viable on the Platform YouTubers now Essentially have to Buy the Latest (and Most Expensive) Equipment. The Days of a Singular Light and Recording on One’s Cell Phone are LONG Gone as Production Value becomes More and More Relevant to Keep Up with Competitors.

Now incase You’re Wondering on what Grounds would Youtube Demonetize a Videos Now a Days and the Answer is PAINFULLY fucking Simple. Take the New Crackdown of Cursing which includes the No Cursing in the First 15 Seconds of a Video Rule. The Rule again is Curse in the 1st 15 Seconds then the Video is NOT SUITABLE for Advertisements, and if You Curse in the 1st 7 Seconds the Video is Demonetized. Youtube claims the New Language Rules are Meant to Ensure that Uploaded Videos are “SUITABLE FOR ADVERTISERS”. Let that Shit sink in for a fucking Minute.

The Bottomline here is Youtubers are Demonetized when Their Content is DEEMED NOT SUITABLE FOR ADS. What’s Our Point? Our Point is in the Beginning Youtube was a Fairly Decent Platform with Amazing Potential, and Actually Provided some Sort of Support for the Content Creators. Then like fucking Everything in fucking Life Money entered the Picture and Greed came Following Right After. So Youtube  Who gets Their Content for FREE Mind You No Longer gives a Shit, Rat’s Ass, or Flying Fuck about the Content Creators or Their Content. Youtube has become the Advertisers Obedient Bitch waiting like a Loyal little Lap Dog  at the Advertisers Beck and Call Bending to Their every Whim.

In Response to Youtube’s Constantly Changing and Increasingly Restrictive Rules/Policies We noticed a Trend Evolving in the Youtuber Community. At First Some Bigger Channels with Around a Million to Five Plus Million Subscribers would Tell the Viewer to Check Out Their Twitch Channel for Unedited, Uncensored, Videos taken Down by or Demonetized by Youtube, and Full Length Videos. This seemed Rather fucking Odd since Twitch is a Gaming/Gamer Platform, BUT the Reason These Content Creators were Suddenly Pitching Twitch made all the fucking sense in the World. The Youtube Content Creators were Using Twitch as an Additional or Alternate Platform for Their Content that’s been Shit Canned for One Reason or Another by Youtube. Then the Trend Changed and Twitch Fell by the Wayside as the Youtubers Searched for a Solution to Their Youtube Problems. Patreon has Apparently become the Number One Alternative Go To Platform  for Frustrated/Aggravated/Annoyed/Pissed Off Content Creators. So One has to Wonder What is it about Patreon that’s so Appealing that More and More Youtubers are Moving and Promoting Their Content on the Patreon Platform?!

Well while Youtube is Free with Ads They’re at the Mercy of the Advertisers and Grovels Shamelessly at the Their Feet Patreon uses a Paid Membership Model. For those Who may Have Been Living under a Rock with Their Heads up Their Asses Patreon is a Crowdfunding Platform that Enables Fans to Pay and Support Content Creators and Their Work. And so Once again Money is the Bottomline in that Patreon is Simply a Better Option than Youtube because Members Donate to the Content Creators Directly and They receive a Higher Percent of the Members Donations. This Allows Patreon to Operate without Depending on Advertiser’s Dollars which would render Patreon like Youtube into a Sniveling Slave to the Advertiser’s Almighty Dollar.


It seems Utterly fucking Insane to Us that Youtube has become So Prioritized with Their Profits that They’re Actually causing some of the Biggest Channels on the Platform to Jumping Ship. For Example this Particular MeatCanyon Video Alone Racked up 1.5 Million Views in the First 24 Hors after being Uploaded. Not to Mention but it Helps that MeatCanyon has 5.6 Million Subscribers on His Main Channel and Over a Million on His Second Channel. Youtube is Literally Banking on Longevity alone to Survive and Thrive in the Face of Growing Competition. Youtube just like Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter All Who’s Reputations have Plummeted Straight down the Shitter are Relying on Their Addictive Nature.

That’s to Say in Spite of all the fucked up and Foul shit the Previously mentioned Social Media Platforms are Involved in People will Continue to Use Their shit No Matter What. People are so fucking Fake that During the Day They talk shit about these Platforms/Companies and How bad They are, BUT by Night behind Closed Doors They’re still using Them Every goddamn Day. Unfortunately it Follows Human Behavior to a Tee since People Know Booze, Drugs, Gambling Etc. are Bad well We’ll put it this way a Crackhead is Gonna Smoke Crack.



It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Starvation of the Spirit

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring STARVATION OF THE SPIRIT by the Content Creator known as Burden.  Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.

Burden’s Stats::

First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
It has a Total of 469,063 Views
The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.

DESCRIPTION ACCOMPANYING THE VIDEO:  No item will ever fulfill you. Self preservation is all. Shopping malls, super markets, and parking lots all traps. The material world is our greatest prison, atleast put your hands through the bars.

My Thoughts:

This is an Obvious Social Commentary about Consumerism and How it is Bring Society and Thus Humanity to a Slow, Dismal, and Mind Numbingly Pathetic Demise. Consumerism has come to Dominate every Aspect of Our Existence. Consumerism Sells False Faith in Their Products, Illusions of a Better Life, and All Out Lies because Corporations Don’t give a Rat’s Ass, Flying Fuck, Or a Shit about the Customers. Corporations Don’t See People They Only See Potential Profits. Consumerism Consumes and Corrodes People’s Thoughts until They’re simply A Rotting Mass in Their Skulls  turning Out an Endless Army of Drone Consumer Automatons Devoid of Thought or Personality. Capitalism is the Disease and Consumerism is the Tumor.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Insane Animation: THE HYPE IS REAL

Mondays are Not Only Known for Being Mind Numbingly Mundane, but Mondays also have the Innate Ability to be Maddeningly Manic. To Combat the Mania (that Some Mondays Bring) We decided Our Post This Particular Monday should Mimic that Frantic Lunacy Factor. For that Reason We will be Featuring THE HYPE IS REAL!

This Little Slice of Real Life Absolute Absurdity is By Animator, Director, and Writer Jake Lava. Now as Our Fans are more than likely Aware We at FYB Pride Ourselves in Providing the Most Information on the Subject at Hand. Unfortunately there is VIRTUALLY NO Personal Information about Jake Lava Online (Even Though He has a Twitter Account and YouTube Channel. We were Unable to Locate Him On Facebook though there Several People with Profiles with the Same Name) which in this Day and Age is Utterly Unheard Of (Unless Your a Legit Hermit). What We were able to Unearth were One Quote By Jake Lava Describing Himself/His Work which are as Follows:

Who is Jake Lava:
“I’m just a guy that sometimes animates, and sometimes draws comics too. I use Adobe Flash (it doesn’t really matter what version) for the animation side of things, and Photoshop for backgrounds, and Manga Studio for some other stuff. I sometimes mix this up and draw some stuff traditionally from time to time (like ‘The Sadman’)”  -Jake Lava-



Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: HAMBURGER HELPER

Welcome to Tidbits for Shits and Giggles Featuring the 38 Second Cartoon HAMBURGER HELPER by PilotRedSun.

For Those who may Not be Aware Hamburger Helper (Who Shortened the Brand Name to just “Helper” in 2013) has an Iconic Mascot “The Helping Hand” or Lefty. Lefty is a Four Fingered Left-Hand White Glove with a Face on the Palm and a Spherical Nose.

Just Think of Lefty as The Pillsberry Doughboy (Real Name Poppin’ Fresh) Of Beef, and Since the Golden Age of Television Advertising Lefty has had a Bit of an Existential Crisis.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB