Short Horror Film Friday: THE ITCH

Welcome to this week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE ITCH Written and Directed By Timothy Driscoll in Association with TERROR FRIGHTS. TERROR FRIGHTS is Devoted to Assisting Indie Filmmakers bring their Creations to Viewers around the World.

 The Itch is an Ominous Metaphor for any of Life’s Insatiable Vices and Appetites the People Indulge in (even when it cause Their Own Demise). Just like a Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Sex Addiction, Gambling, or Any Other Self Destructive Obsession like Anorexia or Stalking.

Synopsis: BEWARE!!! There Some Itches You Shouldn’t Ever Scratch…….


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

FYB’s Salute to Eccentrics: verduynetal

Hey There Kiddies it is I Justin Sane with another installment of FYB’s SALUTE TO ECCENTRICS featuring verduynetal!

This story is total online mindfuck here for yours truly and that’s no joke. A buddy of mine had sent me a link to a website that was sort of a Youtube video search engine. The point of the site is based on the fact that there millions to possibly billions of videos on Youtube that never get a single fucking view. So this site will randomly select a video from the Youtube video verse that literally has never been seen, seriously not a single fucking view. The premises sounded odd and entertaining so of course I had to through an eyeball that way to see for myself wtf this site was actually like.

Like SO many times while searching around for FYB content I started off in one place, wonder around, and end up somewhere totally fucking different. I like to call it the “I don’t think We’re in Kansas anymore Toto.” or the Wizard of Oz principle. Anyway I accidentally landed on a particularly obscure and so utterly fucking absurd Youtube channel verduynetal. When I saw it I knew almost instantly I had to do a post on it.


Now here’s the twist or the mindfucker I mentioned earlier. After viewing a couple of videos I started to get this weird Deja Vu like a real motherfucker. At first I assumed that because I see so much insane shit on a daily basis that My brain was just drawing parallels and likenesses to other characters I have come across. As I was sifting through verduynetal’s video library of lunacy as you might image my fucking eyes got to the point they felt like they were about to start bleeding. Anyway I closed my eyes for a minute or two as anyone would in this situation to deal with the ocular assault from the computer screen. While my eyes were taking five I still was listening to the audio from a couple of videos that played during this Ocular time out.

Thats when the gear in my brain started raving up and things started to click and fall into place. Once my eyes had recovered I still continued to just listen to the audio of a few more videos minus the visual component. Then all of sudden I realized something profound as fuck, I recognized the voice and I recognized it on a personal level. I took a short lunch to wolf down some pizza and cheap draft beers, and went back to work on this post. I sat there for fucking what felt like an absolute fucking eternity listen to countless videos trying desperately to lock on and identify how the hell I recognized verduynetal’s voice. Just by looking at verduynetal hadn’t provided any sort of answers just this persistent goddamn Deja Vu shit.

As I sat slowly losing what’s left of my fucking mind I had reached an epiphany I did know veruynetal. I wasn’t insane. This was making some Assembly of sense. After another short duration picking my own brain I finally fucking figured it out. The answer to the veruynetal is from my fucking hometown and We actually attended the same fucking high school too.


FYB DISCLAIMER: . Staying true to the FYB model I nor anyone associated with FYB will reveal ANYONE’S PERSONAL INFORMATION. No names, locations, or any other identifying information. FYB respects people’s privacy as much as we respect our own (I’m throwing this in now so Les won’t freak the fuck out that I didn’t).

What I can remember verduynetal back in high school was overtly sarcastic, abrasive Attitude,and seriously self centered hardcore punk girl. She had a chip on her shoulder because she was born to an upper middle class family in Suburbia as apposed to NYC or Los Angeles. She had nothing to complain about so she simply raged against the world refusing to like, condone, or tolerate anything on the face of the fucking earth. I don’t really remember much as she was a senior when I was a lowly freshman. After graduation I fled my shitty hometown and purposefully forgot all the people who live there. Anyway back the topic at hand.

Things about verduynetal’s Youtube Channel:

  • verduynetal joined Youtube early February 2009.
  • There are a total of 43 subscribers. Enough Said there.
  • The Total number of views tops out at 20,439 (after a decade and change).
  • There 90 videos posted on/to verduynetal’s channel to date anyways.
  • Channel Description: “I DON’T GIVE A FUKK BEGELS ARE GEWD.” whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean beats the hell outta me.
  • The video are in a micro format since almost the entirety of verduynetal’s videos are under 60 seconds (there is a VERY small handful of exceptions).
  • verduynetal has an affinity for writing the word “Fuck” as Fukk and “Suck” as SUKK.
  • verduynetal’s page is still active and the last/latest video was posted 3 months or so ago.
  • Most of verduynetal is them dressing the camera for some sort of deranged monologue. In 2 of the videos there is actually a young sounding male operating the camera.
  • Popular topics: sleep, being pissed at other people, mental health issues, medical topics such as various medications and diagnostic tests, and bleeding/bitching out a nameless, faceless, omnipresent “You”.
  • There exactly 20 comments total in the discussion section. Which is fucking batshit crazy since the channel has been up and running for 12 years.

  • In the discussion section on verduynetal’s channel I noticed the comments are vague and general bullshit like “Hope you’re ok”, ‘Hey whats Up” Whoa thats crazy!” and other bullshit pleasantries.
  • The thing that DID stand out about the discussion section was this. While the channel has been up for 12 years the comments completely stopped a full fucking decade ago. So I’m just wondering where the fuck did the commenters suddenly fuck off too?!
  • The titles of verduynetal’s videos are as short as their fucking running times, and are usually hostile or stand offish at best. Shitty attitude doesn’t EVEN begin to describe it.
  • verduynetal looks either drunk, on drugs, or heavily medicated (or a combination there of), and just woke the fuck up from a 14 hour NyQuil induced slumber.
  • I’m not positive, but I noticed several videos from earlier on that verduynetal seems to refer to themselves in the third person like its still the fucking 1980’s. Based on these 4 video’s (total) verduynetal’s name (or name they go by) is Ivy. Example: look Ivy’s new skull pants.
  • In the 4th video posted the title of the video is Ivy Savage; artistically raped.
  • verduynetals videos are as insane as they are entertaining because of one key element or lack there of which is CONTEXT. There is NEVER any context provided. verduynetal never answers the basic questions of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, AND WHY for any of the videos.
  • The total lack of any identifiable context verduynetal carries on as if they assume the viewer some how fucking psychically knows wtf is going on prior to viewing. I assume this might be because the 43 subscribers are close friends, family, and possibly work/coworker friends.


So as per usual below you will find a sampling of verduynetal’s Surreally Creepy Absurdity. Have Fun!



See You Around,

  By Justin Sane  

The Internet’s Darkest Interactive Web Series: THE HUMAN PET

“My name is unimportant. I am an artist. I never will be caught, but what I have done here will live forever.

For several months now I have been uploading videos of my human pet. His name is Eric. He is being held against his will. That is all you need to know about him for now.

Eric would very much like to leave his prison cell and go home to his family, but that is not up to me. It is up to you. You will decide whether Eric gets to see his family again. You will decide whether Eric lives or dies.

This is MY masterpiece, and you will play by MY rules.


p.s. Art is a mystery to be unraveled.”


The Human Pet is/was an Interactive Psychological Horror Project that’s far from the Bland, Mundane, and Asinine Fair One Finds littering the Internet Nowadays. It is a Series of Disturbing Videos, Blog Posts, Vlogs, and Websites many of which contained Encoded Messages (One such Hidden Message from a Innocuous Blog Post States”Dig Too Deep and You might Not like What You Find….”)


Now its important to mention that while The Human Pet Webseries came to be in the Early Wild West Days of YouTube before Youtube had come into its own. While there were No Rules, Regulations, Terms of Service, or Community Guidelines People still could and Would Report Videos They found Troubling, and They reported these Videos A LOT. This created several ongoing Problems for the Still Unknown Creator(s) of the Series. This meant Youtube Took the Some of the Series Videos Down, and They Even Shut Down the Original Human Pet Channel. The Human Pet essentially became the Blair Witch Project because the Webseries as it was Shot so Realistically People Actually Thought it was in fact Real. Before You roll Your Eyes You have to Remember the Series started in 2006. At that Point this kind of Artistic Project hadn’t been done before. It was a Brand New Artistic Medium provided by the Inception of Youtube.


The Series Showcased a Young Man named Eric Taylor being Held Hostage against Hs Will in a Room with Nothing but a Mattress. His Captor, The Codemaster (aka The Man in the Mask, aka Sam Deercot an Anagram formed from Codemaster), gave the Audience the Ability to Help Eric Survive through picking which Food He will Eat to How to Filter Contaminated Pond Water He is Given to Drink. Later Videos were Uploads of Eric’s own Personal Vlogs, Detailing some of His Actions that lead to His Capture. In Addition to the Creepy Codemaster’s Channel Eric’s Father and Sister started a Channel Dedicated to Finding Eric. They Uploaded Several Videos with Info pertaining to Eric and Pleas for Help from the Public.


The Film Making is Often Stark- a Locked off Shot-but the Threat of Violence from The Codemaster (Also Referred to as The Man in the Mask) makes the Series Truly Riveting. In Other Videos The Codemaster makes Strange Animations-Offering a Glimpse into the Mind of the Deranged Villain. In other Videos He is Cruelly Playful seeming Utterly Delighted by the Suffering He is Causing All involved. In the Final Video “THIS VIDEO TAKES YOU TO HELL” the Viewers learn some of The Code Master’s Backstory, and How He became a Deranged Maniac.


Themes Found Within The Human Pet:

  • Abusive Parents: In “This Video Will Take You To Hell”, We learn about a Child Whose Parents kept them Locked in a Room with a Mattress, a Broken TV, a Litter Box, and Pet Food Bowls. This Child was The Codemaster and more than Likely Shaped His Psychotic Hobbies.
  • Alcoholic Parent: Eric’s Sister describes Their Mother as having Succumbed to Drinking due to Her Husbands Abusive Behavior.
  • Alternate Reality Game: Viewers actively Participated by Attempting to Help Eric (or as “My Pet” as the Codemaster Refers to Eric As), getting to Ask Him Questions, Cracking Codes, Looking for Hidden Messages/Clues/Hints, and by Searching for a Secret Tape that Revealed the Final Video.
  • The Cat Food Diet: Viewers were Allowed to Determine what Single Solitary Solid Food Eric could Eat that would contain Enough Nutrients for Him to Survive; The Food turned out to be Cat Food.
  • Domestic Abuse: Eric’s Father Not Just Abused His Wife Driving Her to Drink, but He also Abused Eric and His Sister as well. The Codemaster’s Pervious Victim before Eric was a Prostitute Named Emily who made the Fatal Mistake of Approaching The Codemaster’s Car Late on Night.When Emily tried to Leave the Game Her Boyfriend (Who got Her into Hooking) Literally Threw Her and Her Belongings Out of the House.
  • NO ENDING: The Last Video Uploaded is Less of an Ending and More a Peek into The Codmaster’s Backstory, and has Not Uploaded any other Videos Since 2008 (More than likely it was Abandoned by Its Creator.)



We Hope You Enjoyed this Twisted Tale of Human Horror as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: Pete The Meat Puppet

Pete The Meat Puppet is the Equivalent of The Bastard Love Child  of Pinocchio and Howdy Doody having a Seriously Brutal Acid Trip in Vegan Hell (where He’s made Entirely of Meat and Rules as the Vegan Dietary Anti-Christ) Set to Music.

Pete is Built out of Various Types of Meat Scraps by a Female Butcher who isn’t Married, and has a Womb as Welcoming as Death Valley. After Nursing Pete comes Alive unfortunately the Surprise makes His Mother’s Heart Explode like a Overfilled Water Ballon Killing Her almost Instantly. Pete’s Mother has just enough Time to Utter Her last Words “Pete find the Meaning of Life…..” before Shuffling off this Mortal Coil .

Honoring His Mother’s Dying Wish Pete sets Out into the World to Discover the Meaning of Life. Pete starts Off His Adventure Scrubbing SHitty Toilets at a Fast Food Burger Chain, but He Quickly Climbs the Corporate Ladder To Unparalleled Fame and Fortune. Pete ends up Living in the Lap of Luxury with His Trophy Wife, and 3 Kids in a Brand New McMansion surrounded by His Lavish Lifestyle.

Then Pete starts to Party and Falls Down The Slippery Slope of Alcoholism, Cocaine Addiction, and Hookers culminating in Pete’s Lurid Sex Tape being Leaked. The Drug Fueled Sex Tape Scandal leaves Pete Broke, Homeless, and Alone. Having Had it All and Lost It Pete is Forced to Resort to Prostitution just to Feed Himself and His Vicious Addiction.

Finally Pete hits Rock Bottom and Eats His Own Leg to Satiate Starvation. Pete redeems Himself and Becomes a Friendly Singing/Guitar Playing Hobo riding the Rails from Town to Town still looking for the Meaning of Life.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober (A12:32M)

Beth Thomas Documentary: Child of Rage (Child Sociopath)

Child of Rage is the 1992 CBS Television Documentary Film about the True Life Story of Six Year Old Beth Thomas. This Bone – Story Chilling with scenes that You WILL NEVER FORGET. The Documentary features Footage of Beth revealing to Her Therapist that She has Tortured Animals and Physically/Sexually Abused Her Younger Brother Eric.

Brief Synopsis:

Jill Tyler and Her Minister Husband Rob decided They wanted to Adopt not just One but Two Children from the American Foster System. In the End the Tylers Adopted Six Year Old Beth and Her Younger Brother Eric. Eric is a Sweet, Shy, and Timid, and it appeared at First that Beth shared the same behavioral Traits as Her Brother. It Turned out that was Not the Case Not by a Long Shot. Beth soon began to have Unexplained Outbursts of Violent Rage for No Apparent Reason whatsoever. In a Short Time Beth’s behavior Deteriorates and Incidents (with increasing Levels of Violence) Start Occurring with Greater Frequency the Tylers went looking for Answers.

The Tyler Approach Beth’s Social Worker Doris and ask Her about the Specifics of Beth’s case file that contains Her Past/Personal Information. Doris Declines to answer the Tyler’s Questions Citing Confidentiality Laws and leave it at that. Times goes by and Beth’s Behavior reaches a Level where Mr. Tyler actually wanted to Keep Eric and relinquish Beth back to the Foster Care System, but Mrs. Tyler refused to give up on Beth.


In an unforeseen turn of Events Doris contacts the Tylers and Confesses the Truth of Eric and Beth’s Personal History. Doris goes on to tell the Tyler’s She was Alerted by Phone of a Case of Child Abuse, and She went and Rescued the Children from an Abusive Home (which She admitted was One of the Worst She had Ever seen). When Doris went on to say when She arrived at the Home Eric was in Bad Shape, but Nothing compared to His Sister Beth who even Worse Shape. There were No Adults Present at the Time Doris Rescued the Children as Their Mother was in the Hospital with Pneumonia, and Their Alcoholic Father was off on a Drunken Bender. To top things off Doris informs the Tylers that Beth and Eric in fact have an Older Sister named Stephanie.

Doris along with Mr. Tyler track down Stephanie who a Bitter, Broken, and Damaged Young Lady who was currently working at a Topless Bar. The Story Stephanie told Them was the Stuff that Nightmare are Made of. Stephanie told The Horrible and Harrowing Tale of Sexual Abuse at the Hands of Her Incestuous Pedophile Father. Once Stephanie was Old enough to Fight Off Her Father’s Abuse He began to Abuse Beth who was only an Infant at the Time. Though Thanks to Doris’s Confession the Tylers had the Information They Wanted (and Needed) They still weren’t any closer to the Answer of How Could They or Anyone for that Matter Help Beth overcome Her Childhood Trauma. Its then that Doris suggests a Controversial Treatment for Beth known as Holding Therapy which is Practiced by the Author of the Book Kids who kill (which Mrs. Tyler thought Perfectly Described Beth) Dr. Rosemary Myers.


Dr. Myers Examines Beth who Lies in an attempt to Manipulate the Doctor into believing that in Reality there was Nothing at all Wrong. Meanwhile Dr. Myers isn’t convinced in the Least, and employees the Tactic of Reverse Psychology to get Beth to Admit to Her Violent Behavior and Acts of Violence. Dr. Myer ultimately Diagnosis Beth with an Attachment Disorder Known as Reactive Attachment Disorder or RAD.

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a Condition in which a Child is Unable to Establish Healthy Attachment(s) with Their Parents, Guardian or Primary Care Taker……A Child with an Attachment Disorder feels Unsafe and Alone. Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder have been so Disrupted in Early Development that Their Future Relationships are Seriously to Extremely Impaired and Highly Dysfunctional. This Disorder Stems from Having Suffered Physical/Sexual/Emotional Neglect or Abuse in a Child’s early Developmental Years.


Note to The Viewer: It is Important to Note that While the Documentary is Informative it Doesn’t Comment on the Outcome. Thats to say They didn’t take the Time to let the Viewers know what happened to Beth once the Documentary was done filming. Luckily though this Sadistic Story actually has a Rather Happy Ending as it turns Out. Beth has persevered over Her Traumatic Childhood of Brutal Abuse, and earned a Bachelors Degree in Nursing. Beth has used what happened to Her and the Documentary to Help Other Children who are dealing having been Victims of Abuse.


Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

Some Drug War Dinosaurs WON’T DIE.

Some Lingering Dinosaurs Left Over from the Failed War on Drugs refuse to Face the Fact They’re facing Extinction. The War on Drugs has been a Colossal waste of Time, Money, Man Power, Resources, and Ended in Horrific Failure. The Cliche goes “Those Who Don’t Learn from History are Doomed to Repeat it” and That Cliche definitely applies to America. You think after the Spectacular Shit Show that was Prohibition The American Government would have learned the Simple Lesson of PEOPLE WILL CONTINUE TO DO THINGS THEY WANT TO DO EVEN IF THEY ARE ILLEGAL.

Prohibition surrendered to Defeat in 1933, but the Government had a Serious Public Relations Disaster because Prohibition Failed. Not only did Prohibition Fail in its Mission to Stop Americans from Drinking it also gave Rise to Organized Crime. Along with the Rise of Organized Crime came Countless Murders and Assassinations as Bootleggers fought for Territory and Customers A Like.

So The Governmental Law Agencies had to find a New Public Enemy Number One to Save Face from Prohibitions Failure, and Distract the Public from the Monumental Failure that Prohibition turned out to be. Motivated by Desperation, Humiliation, and Racism The Federal Law Agencies Demonized Marijuana due to the Fact Latinos (Primarily Mexicans) were the Key demographic of Marijuana Smokers along with Jazz Musicians (aka African Americans) at the Time. And Thus REEFER MADNESS WAS BORN.


Not only was REEFER MADNESS a Campaign of Pure Propaganda and Lies focusing Heavily on the Threat that Pot Smoking Minorities posed to the White Man’s way of Life. Marijuana They said would Not Only Lead to Instant Addiction, Insanity, Crime, and Death to those Who Used it, and that Directly put America’s (White) Youth, as well as (White) Women in Harms Way. Thus the Evils of Alcohol were turned into the Evils of Marijuana.

Then eventually Marijuana was Illegal on the Federal Level and the Raging Fire of Reefer Madness subsided to a Pile of Smoldering Embers after Marijuana was made Illegal. That was until Ronald Regan the D-List Actor turned D-List Politician took office as the President of the United States in 1980. Regan was the one Who Declared the War on Drugs and the First Drug His New Drug War Targeted was Marijuana. The Flames of Reefer Madness jumped back to Life to become a Full on Bonfire of Misinformation, Propaganda, and Blatant Lies perpetuated by The combination of Government and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Now in 2019 with 2/3 of the 50 States that comprise America have Legal Medical or Recreational Marijuana (though it is still bastardized and Illegal on the Federal Level) gave way to Exposing all the Propaganda and Lies that The Government had been Force Feeding the American Public starting in 1933 and then Resurrected with Regan’s War on Drugs. It also had allowed for the Positive Effects of Marijuana have come to Light through New Unrestricted Scientific Studies. With all this You’d think the Booze Vs. Buds argument would have been rendered Moot, but Alas No. There still some Old School Drug War Dinosaurs wondering the Land desperately trying to Fan the Flames of the Anti-Marijuana Movement.

For All Those Dinosaurs and the Misinformed, or Naysayers here’s just a Short List of Facts on the Subject.



According to the 2013 YRBS, the most COMMONLY ABUSED DRUG among Teenagers is ALCHOL. Alcohol is in Fact a Drug as the American Medical Association defines a Drug as “Any and All Mind or Mood Altering Substance”. In the Past 30 Days Alone 35% of High Schoolers admired They Drank Alcohol, 21% took part in BINGE Drinking, 10% Drove Drunk, and 22% said They had gotten in a Car with a Driver who had also been Drinking.

A LARGE Proportion of Interpersonal VIOLENCE is related to Alcohol. 80% of Murders, Aggravated Assaults, Domestic Violence, and Rapes are related to Alcohol Consumption.

Alcohol Offenses constitute the LARGEST Single Arrest Category which includes Public Drunkenness, Public Urination, Indecent Exposure, Disorderly Conduct, Vagrancy Charges, and Drunk Driving.


A LARGE proportion of Automobile FATALITIES are Related to Alcohol Use. in 2013, 10,076 (31%) of Fatal Car Accidents were Alcohol Related. The National Highway TrafficSafety Administration cites Alcohol as the MOST Pervasive SINGLE FACTOR found in Fatal Highway Accidents.

Alcohol is DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. Alcohol leads to Alcoholism, Diabetes, Heart Problems, Kidney Issues, and Wet Brain just to Name a Few. Alcohol Kills approximately 88,000 People Per Year, which is MORE than ANY OTHER DRUG besides Nicotine which Kills 480,000 People a Year. 4,300 of the 88,000 Fatalities are due to Underage Drinking.

People who Drink are more likely to Engage in Sexual Activity, have Unprotected Sex, Have Sex with a complete Stranger (The preverbal One Night Stand/Hook Up), or be the Victim OR Perpetrator of a Sexual Assault (aka Rape.)


Today there are OVER 2 MILLION Americans incarcerated in the Prison System making America’s Prison Population the LARGEST IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Over 350,000 of the 2 Million Inmates are Serving Time for Drug Offenses. It has been proven that sending Drug Offenders to Rehab is FAR More Beneficial than Imprisonment since the Crime is a Symptom of the Sickness of Addiction. Prisons are basically just Collages for Convicts where Low Level Offenders can Learn how to be Major Criminals with Tutorials in Drug Dealing, Car Jacking, Identity Theft, Gang Banging, Murder, Rape, and that’s just for Starters.

10 States still have SEVERE collateral Sanctions for Marijuana Offenders. Florida has the MOST SEVERE Sanctions in regards to Illegal Marijuana Offenders (Florida Legalized Medical Marijuana in 2017). Possible Sanctions include a Barred on Educational Aid, Barred from being a Foster Parent, Denial of Housing Assistance, Suspension of Driver’s License, Barred from Voting, Barred from Serving on a Jury, Lost Job Opportunities in the Medical Field, and Barred from Possessing a Fire Arm.


Over the past 4 Decades, the Federal and State Governments have spent a WHOPPING 1 TRILLION DOLLARS on the War on Drugs. Imagine what that money could have been used for like Repairing Infrastructure, Education, Healthcare, Poverty, Cancer Research Etc.

In 2015, 61% of American Voters believed Marijuana should be Legalized on the Federal Level. in 2019 the Number of American Voters believe Marijuana should be Legalized.

72% of American Voters Believe Marijuan should be Decriminalized, and there should be a FINE NOT TIME for Marijuana Possession.


I encourage all Our Reader’s to Properly Educate Themselves using Only Facts and Decide for Themselves where They Stand on the Alcohol Vs. Marijuana Argument/Debate. QUESTION EVERYTHING, KEEP AN OPEN MIND, AND THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

Malice The Band That Almost Killed Us All Part 6

April 15th: Malice arrived at their suite at the Hard Rock Casino in Mackinaw Michigan (which back in the infamous 80’s was considered on the same creative social scale as NYC or LA.), and waited for their newly assigned opening act by their record label Razorback Records.

While they waited Malice free based a Kilo of 91% pure uncut Columbian Fish Scale while simultaneously  consuming 15 cases of beer, 19 bottles of Whisky, and an ounce and a half of PCP Laced Mushrooms, and ate 7 sheets of Acid (because waiting is boring so why not party your fucking face off they figured.) Plus the bands Lawyer TR McCoy and their Manager Harold Slickmann  had instructed the Band to DO NOTHING while they worked out the issues with the Band’s current Record Label Razorback Records.

As for Razorback they needed to put a tour deal together fast as fuck. Razorback Due to the  current disputes with Malice over creative control had lead abrupt cancellation of the remaining  Tour leaving them in the lurch like a motherfucker. They had to finish out as many of the original Tour dates as humanly possible to avoid backlash from pissed off Malice Fans.

Now due to all the drama Razorback was unhappy with Malice and that  played a part in their decision to hire The Assholes.The Assholes were at the opposite side of the spectrum from Malice.

Malice was a Glam Metal Band used to the luxurious life in LA being fawned over by press and fans alike for several months and had forgotten their entire lives previous to being famous. This I think most people can agree the massively exprbinte and copious amounts of Narcotics combined with Severe Alcoholism was/is to blame for the Band’s Unique Amnesia.

The Assholes on the other hand were a Trio from the Shitty Streets of the Shittiest Slums in Swansea Wales’s poverty stricken Industrial District. They grew up broke as fuck with Father’s that slaved away in the Various Factories or Sold Drugs. They had Mother’s that Worked 3 jobs cooking and cleaning (for the elite assholes living a life of splendor in the Huge Mansion’s in the Country) or Turning to Prostitution, Drink, and Drugs.

The only issue was The Assholes were currently on a Tour of their own with their fellow band The Squatters who hailed from Leeds and had similar backgrounds as the members of The Assholes. Not to mention the group’s singers met in the drunk tank one St. Paddy’s day after grossly over indulging in an obscene display of Alcohol throughout the day.

For this particular Tour The Assholes and The Squatters had combined both bands into one collective group they were calling The Asshole Squatters.

This lead Razorback to bend over backwards and take it in the preverbal metaphorical ass to put together. First Razorback had to hire The Asshole Squatters (not just the Assholes by themselves) because their management claimed it would be easier to promote the new 2 week Tour since two thirds of the audience already recognized the name.

Second Razorback would have to Pay the Appearance fee for The Assholes, The Squatters, and The Asshole Squatters as each group would be billing them separately. Razorback would also be financially responsible for their other expenses such as Travel, Room and Board. The Assholes also demanded that Razorback reimburse everyone involved in/with the last two weeks of the Asshole Squatters Tour that would be left ass out in lieu of The Assholes embarking on the new Malice Tour.

Razorback not having a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of had to agree to any and all conditions set forth by The Assholes or The Squatters. In the end the tiny new 2 week tour cost Razorback $12.3 Million in extra expenses.

April 16th: Malice had a pre tour meeting where they met The Asshole Squatters for the 1st time over Cocktails at the exclusive Club Pretentious. The meeting was a short one. The Members of The Asshole Squatters  spent most of their time chugging pints of Guinness, doing Irish Car Bombs, Rough Housing, Head Butting one another in some Bizarrely Violent Drinking Game (which they themselves had created just a couple of weeks ago while on a brilliant bender.)

Malice sat back drinking Bottomless Hurricanes (with Mescal on the side) watching their new opening act getting Raging Alcoholic Type Drunk, and snorting massive rails of Cocaine off a gaggle of clamoring wannabe Groupie’s Tits.

The 2 Bands barely spoke to each other and as for The Asshole Squatters they seemed to be mocking Malice throughout the entire ordeal. It was hard for Malice to determine if the Asshole Squatters were indeed mocking the shit out of them or was this the classic absurd comedic Wit the British were known for.

Troubled by the shitty meeting Malice’s manager Harold Slickmann sat down to discuss the matter with The Asshole Squatters Manager Sly Slapper over diner (at The Lux Barroom and Fine Eatery mind you). Slapper’s take on the situation was it was just a case of “Clashing Ego’s”and it would be no problem at all. He assured Slickmann that the Tour would be nothing less than copacetic once the Band’s Ego Issues calmed down.

This was a boldfaced lie and Slapper the slippery shit was well aware.

April 17th: To insure there wouldn’t be any further issues before the start of the tour the following day each Band’s Manager spiked ALL the Band Members mandatory morning Bloody Mary’s (which were made with 191 proof Grain Alcohol or as its more commonly known Moonshine) with a heavy dose of Horse Tranquilizers .The intensity of the Moonshine did a wonderfully brilliant job at disguising the foul taste of the ground up Horse Tranquilizers.

This effectively rendered both groups unconscious for 18 hours straight.

When the time came the Band’s Personal Medical Team would hit them with a Epinephrine  Shot via an Epi Pen, and BAM everyones awake, on their feet, and energetic like a Rocket Shot up their Ass.

April 18th: It was around 11 am when the Bands began to board their respective Tour Buses each suffering from a serious Horse Tranquilizer Hangover. It wasn’t until well past Noon that the Tour was finally on the road. The first show was in Saugatuck Michigan at the Tubular Theater.

Before the show even started the problems began. When Malice arrived at the Tubular Theater they were met the first problem head on. The members of The Squatters being arrested by Immigration Officers. Malice’s managed Harold Slickmann quickly jumped of the tour bus and made a mad scramble words The Squatters manager Sly Slapper.

According to Slapper the band was being detained and deported back to England to stand trial. The Squatters were charged with 117 counts of Vandalism, 91 counts of Destruction of Private Property,  88 counts of Destruction of Public Property, 351 counts of Public Drunkenness, 57 counts of Urinating in Public, 22 counts of Defecating  in Public, 117 counts of Breaking and Entering (The band had a issue with breaking into Liquor Stores after closing time in search of yet more Booze), 144 counts of Public Nudity, and 121 counts of Indecent Exposure (The band also had an issue with having sex with Fans/Groupies in Public).

To make a shitty situation even shittier the Fans(who had been waiting for 16 hours straight) out front for the doors to open were well aware of what was going on, and they were getting more riled by the minute as they watched one of the bands they came to see being arrested at the concert venue.

Malice who had extensive experience dealing with amped up and angry Fans from some disastrous concerts of their own. They immediately put a plan into action as the inevitable Riot was building rapidly. Malice gathered up their instruments and amps aboard their tour bus, called in a massive Beer Order with a local Beer Warehouse a few blocks from the show, and lastly they grabbed a duffle bag containing 5 kilos (11 pounds) of Pure uncut Bolivian Blow.

The scene outside had gotten savage as the Show Promoter had already called in the Cops. Malice Fans were pissed off at the Asshole Squatter Fans for fucking up the show, The Squatters Fans were enraged that the Band was being Arrested, The Assholes were angry about everything in general, and all the Fans were mad the Police had been called.

The high level of surging emotions had given way to pushing, shoving, insults, violent threats, minor vandalism, and the start of empty Beer bottles being thrown around in random response to the current state of affairs. The Police had called in back up and as Malice got ready to put their plan into action the SWAT Team rolled in.

Malice slowly opened the Emergency Hatch located on the roof of the Bus and crawled out onto the Bus’s Roof. They then had their Roadies hand up their instruments followed by their Amps. Malice also had their Roadies hand up several Confetti Cannons they had brought on tour. Once on top of the bus with their gear and supplies Malice started to assemble their standard stage set up transforming the Bus’s Roof into an impromptu stage.

As soon as the set up was complete Malice started playing Misfit Covers as loud as their equipment would allow. This sudden musical onslaught brought the chaos and conflict to a stand still as the stunned Fans and Police Officers alike looked on.

Malice capitalized on this by announcing that this was now a FREE Parking Lot Show and then fired off their Confetti Cannons that they had loaded up with the Cocaine. A giant white wave exploded over the Audience with a lingering cloud behind it as everyone there went fucking insane.

The Police were just happy to have the Riot haunted so they let Malice slide on the whole Huge Cocaine Cloud (and assorted shit like that) just as long as they got the fuck out of town immediately following the Parking Lot Show.

And thats exactly what they did.

April 19th: Malice was contacted first thing in the morning by their current Record Label Razorback Records. Razorback was absolutely irate about the previous night’s show which was also the first show of a ad-libbed Tour.

Malice had their Lawyer TR McCoy step in as mediator on their behalf. McCoy stated it was fucking insane that Razorback was even angry to begin with. McCoy went on to say that Malice had nothing to due with the Show going to shit. Malice wasn’t the ones being arrested, their Fans weren’t the ones pissed off by the arrest, and if it wasn’t for Malice’s quick thinking under extreme pressure in an emergency situation had in fact ENDED the Riot.

Razorback being complete and total  bitches switched the topic of the conversation to what they were going to do moving forward post riot. The tour they said would continue but because of last night fiasco being blasted across national television had been forced “due to circumstances beyond their control” cancel that nights show.

Razorback sited that the change was do due to “Unforeseen Expenses” complied with the exorbitant expenses used for putting the current Tour together in the first place was putting Razorback on the verge of filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. And because of the severity of the situation would require Razorback’s full and undecided attention putting the Tour on the back burner for a while.

You see the unforeseen expenses Razorback incurred were from a legal dispute between Razorback and The Squatters.

The Squatters claimed that since their arrest, and subsequent deportation was due to charges that were racked up from their previous Tour. And since the charges were not related to this Tour they deserved to be paid every single cent agreed upon by Razorback and The Squatters per their contract.

Razorback had to hire a full on legal defense team of Lawyers to handle the impending Lawsuit and their Counter Suite. According to their Lawyers Razorback considered their contract null and void as soon as The Squatters violated the terms, and thus were owed jack shit as far as they were concerned.

Malice’s Lawyer TR McCoy sighted a “Conflict of Interest” on Razorback’s part as far as Malice was concerned, and was planning to take them to court over it as soon as he got back to his office. Unbeknownst to Razorback at the time was that McCoy was already well at work putting a lawsuit against Razorback on Malice’s behalf. Malice was ultimately looking to terminate their contract with Razorback Records by any means needed.

April 20th: Malice curent Unnamed Tour with the Assholes was scheduled to play The Wicked Room in Grand Marais Minnesota. Once they Bands showed up there was an empty parking lot and a massive pile of what appeared to be charred bricks mixed with assorted rubble. There was a note from the Wicked Room’s Staff addressing the issue taped to a bottle of Croatian Rum that was standing atop the pile of aforementioned bricks and rubble.

The Note Read: To Whomever it may concern,

We the loyal staff of the Wicked Room have the misfortune to inform you that the Owner of the Club (Dolt Devonshire) ruptured a gas line in the basement, and blew the Club sky high while attempting to commit Insurance Fraud.  So Sorry We know this Sucks.

With the nights Fans only moments away from the defunct venue the Bands had to figure out what the fuck to do. Neither Band wanted to relive the previous nights shit show nor could they afford any more shitty press.

Then The Assholes Singer “Bloody” Sod Bollocks announced that since Malice had saved their asses last night that tonight they would be repaying the favor. In all actuality The Asshole could have give 2 shits about Malice they just thought it was a proper venue to showcase their Hardcore Thrash Punk music. That combined with the fact The Assholes were chomping at the bit to play to help vent some of their built up frustrations.

Malice decided to take their Fans in attendance that were pissed off by the fact Malice wasn’t playing to an all night drinking binge at a local Dive Bar and Shitty Strip Club Called  Beef Curtains.

Even though The Assholes acted like they didn’t give a flying fuck what Malice did they took Malice’s Stripper Boozelooza as slap in the face. They thought if Malice and their sniveling Fans didn’t care about the show well fuck them and fuck that.

April 21st: Malice spent the day at the Hotel Spa recuperating from their legendary hangovers, and The Assholes spent the day Drinking and Drugging like no tomorrow.

The 2 bands met up at that nights Venue The Radical in Bayfield Wisconsin. The tension was tenable as the Bands circled one another lingering like fucking Vultures waiting for their meal to finally die.

The Assholes went on first and played their first two albums (“Fuck You and The Finger” and “The Toss Pot Teachers”)  in their interiority.  The Band then went on to play 3 separate encores each consisting of 3-5 songs each. The Asshole’s finally played their closing song their current hit “Fuck Me Dead”. By then they had cut into Malice’s set by a good 45 minutes or so.

Malice was furious as they took the stage 45 minutes late. Malice used the show to mainly test out the audience’s reacting to some new songs they were coming up with for the New Album they planned to record as soon as they possibly could. Malice was sure to pepper the New Shit with some of their Big Hits to keep the Fans excited.

All in all the audience response was overwhelmingly positive as far as the new material was concerned. In fact Malice’s new Power Ballad “I’d Never Call You A Bitch Baby” garnered such a response from the Fan’s that they decided later that night that it would be the first single released.

Malice celebrated all night and into the following day until that nights show.

April 22nd: When Malice’s Tour bus rolled into The Spectrum in Elkader Iowa to find that The Assholes had already arrived and were in the middle of their soundcheck.

Malice walked into their dressing room to find it Trashed, Thrashed and Totally fucked. It smelled like a Truck Stop Bathroom mixed with a well used Locker Room. Every single piece of furniture (including the trash can) was busted and broken to pieces. The Catering table was upside down which was ok because it looked as if someone shit on the food platters anyway. Not to mention their toilet bowl was on fire reminiscent of a childhood campfire.

Malice’s blood boiled as they had fucking had it with The Assholes and their shittier than shitty bullshit. Luckily before all hell broke loose Malice’s manager Harold Slickmann arrived in the nick of time to prevent a brewing Shit Storm from becoming a Category 5 Shitnado. Slickmann swore up and down that if Malice played the show he would put and end to The Assholes dilemma.

Malice begrudgingly took the stage and the crowd went buck-fucking-wild sending Malice’s spirits soaring. The show was going exceptionally well until “Bloody” Sod Bollocks came staggering drunk as 10 Sailors (on well deserved Shore Leave) combined. Bollocks slowly made his way to the side of the stage just as Malice launched into (what they believed on audience response) was their new upcoming single “I’d Never Call You A Bitch Baby”

Once Malice got to the chorus of “…I’d never call you a bitch Baby” Bollocks armed with a Military Grade Bullhorn would yell at the top of his intoxicated lungs “Because I call you a cunt!”

Malice’s more than temperamental frontman Izzy Sane let Bollocks get away with his rude interjection twice but not a third time. Sane dropped his microphone, picked up the stand, swung it up over his head with both hands, and bolted to wards Bollocks like a Meth addicted Rodeo Bull. Once Sane reached Bollocks Sane brought the Heavy Metal Base of the microphone stand down on Bollock’s head like a Sledge Hammer.

The base of the Microphone stand came crashing down and slammed into Bollock’s head right above his left eye shattering his orbital socket, severely fracturing his cheek bone, and sending his eye shooting out into the audience. Blood started to pour out of Bollock’s freshly busted open head like a deep red river. Bollocks swayed for a minute before crumpling like a piece of paper to the ground.

Bollocks was unconscious, unresponsive, and there was blood now spurting out of the large gash in his head like a mini 18 inch fountain. One of the Stage crew sprinted to the phone and called 911. By the time the EMTs had arrived Bollocks was in the throws of full blown shock. The EMTs opted due to the severity of the injury and the patient’s quickly declining condition to to fly Bollocks to the nearest head trauma unit a Trama Hawk.

On the up side Malice’s Fans were so supportive they cheered Sane as they Fans were aware of the tenuous rivalry between the two touring Bands. Unfortunately for Sane the police were not so easy going and arrested Sane for Assault, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, and Attempted Murder.

The night ended with Malice on their way back to their hotel, and their manager on his way back to the Band’s Lawyer’s Office double time.

April 23rd: Finally the Tour to end all Tours had ended as doomed from the start. The Assholes had flown back home to England as soon as Bollocks was stable enough to travel.

Malice wanted to circle the wagons so they bought a 56 room Mansion located on 66 acres (for an estimated $151 Million) in the Hollywood Hills the day they got back in town. The Band figured it actually made the most sense since until then non of the Band members past or presently..

Malice members lived in hotels or on the Tour bus while on Tour or Traveling. In their down time Davie Scum was on the worlds longest Couch Surfing Run in known History, and Izzy Sane lived with his Girlfriend (and Malice Bassist) Maxi Padd in her tiny one room Studio Apartment. Rock Harder lived in a Shitty Hellhole of a Motel down by the by the Airport called The Wayfarers located between The Drunkard Tavern and Sparkles Strip Club.

It didn’t take long for Malice to move in as the members owned next to nothing outside of their cars. Meanwhile Harold Slickmann had sold his house prior to the last Tour and went and bought a $4.5 Million Luxury Executive RV. Slickmann parked his newly acquired RV in Malice’s extensive Drive Way where he planned to live indefinitely.

The Band’s Lawyer TR McCoy opted to sell his Penthouse so he could move into Malice’s new 10,000 square foot Guest House. McCoy felt with the forth coming barrage of legal issues that were about to defend upon the Band like The Anti-Christ surfing on an Avalanche.

The Band settled on the name “The House of Malice” as the official name of their Mansion Estate and set to work coming up with customized additions to the Mansion (example: Replacing the Water in the 100s of Fountains with Armand de Brigand Brut Gold (Ace of Spades) which cost $6,500 per 6 Liter Bottle.)

April 24th: Malice received an intensely aggressive call from their Record Label Razorback Records demanding a meeting immediately in their head office in the Van Nuys neighborhood. Malice piled into the Band’s 67 foot long custom Limo along with Slickmann and McCoy in tow.

When they arrived Malice was marched directly into Brock Rock’s office. Brock Rock who was the Owner and CEO of Razorback at the time. No sooner had Malice sat down Rock came charging in infuriated beyond belief with Razorbacks Legal Team right behind him.

Razorback started the meeting guns blazing. They were basically trying to blame all their costly fuck ups on Malice so they could sue them for reimbursement.

McCoy wasn’t having any of Razorback’s spastic bullshit fireworks. McCoy told Razorback that by neglecting their client Malice’s best interests by effectively booking substandard Opening Act(s) violated the terms and conditions of Malice’s Contract.

That combined with they fact that the failed second leg of the Mini Tour had totally tapped Razorback’s Bank Accounts so they wouldn’t be able to financially survive a long ass court battle before going completely bankrupt.

Razorback ended up releasing Malice from their contract as long as all disputes between both parties were henceforth Null and Void.

Malice was now a free Agent as it were.

McCoy had a glass of 70 year old Scotch.

Slickmann immediately started fielding offers from Competing Record Labels starting a furious Bidding War.

As for Razorback they did in fact end up going bankrupt, and Brock Rock was arrested for Embezzlement, Fraud, Insider Trading, Tax Evasion, and Aggravated Acts of Beastiality.

April 25th: Malice spent the day whole up in their Mansion reviewing various and plentiful possible future contracts from damn near every record label executive there was.

McCoy and Slickmann riddled down the Contracts to a Fianl Top 3 before involving the Band.

The 3 Top Contenders were Guillotine Records a relatively new up and coming Record Label that was racking up Big Name and Unknown Acts left and right.

Another was from Spittle Sound Studios owned by D-Rockafeller Recordings Inc. who was looking to expand their catalog and appeal by breaking into new musical markets. They were basically a Major Brand Record Label in Indi Clothing so to speak.

The Final Contract was from an International Record Label called The Nation of Noise Records (who’s HQ was located in International Waters on a retired Cruise Ship). They had been around for years, but never signed any act anyone would give two shits about like the Country Disco Jug Band Legend Howie “Pork Knuckle ” Pounder.

After serious deliberation along with a crate of Whisky, 26 Cartons of Cigarettes, a Pound of High Grad Marijuana, and 8 sheets of High Test Acid on  Guillotine Records signing a 5 Album Exclusive Deal.

Malice celebrated the Deal by Buying Ferraris and the hosting a Demolition Derby Party that went late into the night, and the Police only showed up 41 times for Noise Complaints and all that horseshit.

A good night was had by all.

April 26th: With a slew of new songs and material Malice and in great spirits ,and (after finally ending their troubled relationship with Razorback Records) having just signed a sweet ass deal with Guillotine Records headed into the Studio to get working on their new album.

Tragedy struck the Band once again while wailing on a wild Guitar Solo for the song “Sweet Heart, Wicked Soul” Davie Scum played so fast that his guitar caught on fire quickly consuming Scum in the blaze. Considering how flammable the cheap Spandex adorned with Chinese Dragons, and the entire bottle of Aqua Net Scum used to style his hair it was no real wonder why he combusted so quickly.

Luckily for Malice they were finished recording their new new album titled “Finding Heaven In Hell” so all that was left to be done was Editing the Recorded songs.

Malice had to pay the $17,890 cleaning bill for the Studio to clean off all the smoke stains and little BBQed pieces of flesh from the walls, floors and ceiling (Not to mention they had to Neutralize the Oder of a still smoldering  Human Body)

When Slickmann heard the news he grabbed the extremely large 3 ring binder filled with Musicians Resumes he had created due to the fact Malice Members had a bad habit of dying, and granted a couple left to purse other pursuits.

By the end of the day Malice had completed their new 19 song album, edited it, lost their Guitarist to a freak guitar playing accident, and interview the top replacement Guitarists.

That night around 4 in the morning suffering from a drug fueled insomnia Malice selected their new Guitarist Stevie “The Shill” Stevenson who had played with such acts as Murder in Minutes, Killing Trolls, The Lot Lizards, and the Legendary Black Metal Band Nordic Slaughter.

April 27th: While waiting for their new guitarist Stevie “The Shill” Stevenson’s to arrive at the studio (he was flying in from his Private Island Shill Key in the Florida Keys that afternoon) Malice realized that they in fact not only recorded their new album in one day, BUT they had 87 other songs on tap.

With this revelation Malice felt they had only one choice, and that was to release a DOUBLE ALBUM. Malice then spent the morning listening to all 87 songs before selecting 22 songs that would make up the second Album titled “The Hardships of Hell”.

By the time Stevenson made his appearance at the studio Malice realized while now that the Double Album they had recorded 41 brand new tracks they still had 46 additional songs.

So Malice thought about it awhile before coming up with the idea of releasing a rare TRIPLE ALBUM, and set out selecting which of the leftover 46 songs they would use. They came together and agreed on this Albums title would be “From Heaven To Hell and Back Again” consisting of 17 songs and 4 singles. The singles the Band decided upon were “Into The Night We Go”, “After Party Freak Show”, “Dive Bar Babes”, and “Lets Get Laid”

When Stevenson arrived he pointed out that Malice still had 29 songs left at their disposal, and suggested Malice release the World’s 1st QUADRUPLE ALBUM. And of course Malice lost their fucking minds over the idea. In return for such an awesome idea Malice rerecorded the last set of 29 songs with Stevenson so he’d be credited for playing on the Album.

Malice even let Stevenson pick the name of the 4th Album and he dubbed it “Entering Heaven/Exiting Hell” sticking with the ongoing theme of Paradise and the Pit.

Malice partied into the early hours of the morning doing Actual Tequila Shots (that is they drew up Tequila in 6cc syringes and injected it directly into their veins.)

April 28th: Malice’s Quadruple Album was an instant success as rabid Fans bought out Record Store after Record Store across the country. The Media Buzz was deafening as Malice’s Phones where rigging off the hook like a real motherfucker. Reporters of kinds camped out in front of Malice’s Mansion Estate gates leading Hardcore Fans to follow suit creating a sizable tent city situation.

Malice spent the entire day lounging around Mtv hanging out, day drinking and acting as impromptu Guest VJs (not to mention banging groupies during commercial breaks or when a video was airing)

By the end of the Business Day Malice’s World Wide Album Sales totaled an estimated $976 Million. The one day success gave way to the rumor that The Chairman of Forbes reportedly shit his pants when he saw the numbers the following morning.

April 29th: Tickets for Malice’s upcoming Tour to promote their Quadruple Album went on Sale at Noon Sharp and 6 seconds later every single American Date of the Malice was completely Sold Out. Which totally blew the tits off of Guinness Book of World Records.

Now Malice was at task scheduling Shows for the subsequent following World Wide Tour. For inspiration the Band went to their Restaurant Take Out Menu drawer. After a few minutes skimming over the large collection of Take Out Menus Malice had set up dates in Thailand, China, India, Mexico,Italy, and Japan.

Malice used the rest of their spare time to practice relentlessly with their new guitarist Stevie “The Shill” Stevenson, and over indulging in Hedonistic pursuits.

April 30th: Malice went to down customizing their recently acquired Mansion and Estate. First they had a 4 operate Helicopter Landing Pads one for each of them. Next they turned 2 of their 66 archers into a Mobile Home park loaded with Triple Wides for their Friends, Roadies, Mansion Staff, or as a crash pad for party guests who were to shitfaced to drive.

Izzy was a devoted movie fan so he used 12 archers to build his own Independent Movie Studio he called Ponder This Pictures and Perverse Productions. The Studio was intended to be a stage for struggling independent film makers to help them achieve their dreams. In the end though it sat virtually unused accept for the filming of some extremely high end Homemade Sex Tapes/Full Blown Porno Flix.

Stevie took 5 archers and build a pond so that he could stock it with some of his favorite fish like Alligator Gar, Giant Snakeheads, Electric Eels, Wells Catfish, and Giant Carp just for starters.

Rock used 7 archers to build his own Amusement and Water Park complete with the motto which was  “Neverland is for PopStars”.

Maxi used 1 achar to build a massive Temperature Controlled Greenhouse with a high tech Sprinkler System. She billed as an attempt at Sod Farming. She also took another 4 to built a Small Farm where she had several Cows. At night Maxi would let the Cows graze in the Greenhouse where inevitable Cows being Cow’s would crap all over the fucking place. She claimed it was a trade off of Free Cow Feed and Free Fresh Organic Manure. In reality the set up was designed to be the perfect growing grounds for Magic Mushrooms (or Shrooms for shirt).


Other custom additions included seeing up a professional fire work rig on the roof, indoor and out door shooting ranges, ATV Trails, Skate Park, Pirate Ham Radio Station, NASA Flight Simulator, Hi Li Court, installing water fountains rigged with Goldschlager (with its original Alcohol Content of 53.5% or 107 Proof), A Reptile House, 30 Run Dog Kennel, Racing Track, Driving Range (because hitting the shit out of the ball is the only fucking fun part of Golf so fuck the bullshit), Wave Pool, Bocce Ball Court, and 24k Toilets/Urinals encrusted in Gem Stones (“Crapping like a King” as their manager Harold Slickmann would say.


April 31st: Malice dedicated the day to preparing for the “Salvation and Damnation Tour” by rehydrating with IV Fluids, Laid off the Narcotics in favor of just Smoking Weed, Only Drank Light Beer, Getting 8 hour massages with 45 minute “Happy Endings”, Meditating, forgoing Sex for Blow Jobs, and Blood Doping.


Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

Lost in Louisiana : My 1st DFF Assignment

For my first official assignment for DFF Magazine:

“Suck The Head’s Psychobilly Showdown” July 8th 1991 Vol. 54

Suck The Head got their name from a popular tradition of sorts while eating Crawfish down in the Pan Handle region. It means that a Person literally sucks the juices, brains, small caps of meat out of the Crawfish’s Head like a fucking Swamp Dwelling Zombie.

Now Suck The Head was gaining attention due mainly in part to their Raucous Booze Fueled Live Shows, and a penchant for Bar Fights. Suck The Head was a Psychobilly Loving Trio comprised of Donovan Wyatt on Guitar and Vocals, Kaden Crew on Drums, and Drunk Mulligan on Drums. The 3 meet each other growing up in Triumph Louisiana with a population of a mere 216. None of the group’s members attended High School as they worked a myriad of jobs to help support their families meager income.

Kaden was a deck hand on a shrimping boat, Mulligan Noodled for Large/Giant Catfish (one day as a joke he was Noodling with his pecker, but unfortunately for him it was a Alligator Snapping Turtle living inside the cave in the river bank. The AST lunged at Mulligans member and managed to severe the head of his schlong. Later a Team of Asian Specialists from Germany replaced the missing head of Mulligan’s prick with the tip from one of his big toes), Donovan hunted Alligator’s along the way.

Suck The Head’s pre show warm up is a vulgar display of Alcoholism. Before each show the 3 members split a Manson Jar of 171 proof Moonshine, and 3 30 packs of PBR. The drinking however doesn’t stop once Suck The Head takes the stage. Sporting their usual on stage attire made up of a Wife Beater Shirt and Old, Worn Out, Scum/Dirt covered Overalls, and Barefoot. As the show goes on the band takes increasingly longer breaks between songs in favor of drinking more. Once the Whisky starts going down like water all bets are off.

Donovan has been arrested several times for drunkenly stage diving into the audience to fight some audience member over god knows what (usually Donovan would say the person was looking at him in some disrespectful or mocking manner) Once Kaden swung his bass guitar at a disruptive fans head, but missed accidentally striking a older woman who had had 1 to many facelifts causing her face to completely pop off. Kaden then drunkenly tried to staple the woman face back on before the police came busting in. Mulligan was notorious for getting drunk and not only picking fights with show promoters/Club Owners over pay, but he was also well known for running off stage to the nearest farm and sexually assaulting a variety of farm animals.

Suck The Head’s debut album “Backwater Bitch Slap” on the Indie Label Spastic Colon Records next month on March 17th, and will be available in limited release. If I had one criticism it would be that the band has NO presence on the Internet (which granted nowadays is utterly fucking insane) due to the fact all 3 members of Suck The Head despise computers and are known to sporadically smash fans smart phones in disgust if they see them fiddling with them at Live Shows/Appearances. All in all though Suck The Head will always be a local Louisiana Legends, yet their chances to break out beyond the boarders of Louisiana itself are slim to none.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

Jesus Christ, Kevin Micheal and GG Allin




Versions and Evolution:

Comments and Fan Art:





Dear Me Oh My Shut The Fuck Up Already!!! By Spacedog

Life is about many things to many different people. Family, friends, money, health, wealth…. the list is endless. Each means something different to us. Some mean nothing at all.

Then there is the other end of the spectrum. Our vices. The sex, drugs and rock&roll part of our brains. Everyone has one or ten or hundreds. I tend to gravitate towards the higher end of the spectrum. I’m not sure if I could list 100 vices off the top of my head but if I could I would easily be into more than half of them.

Not that I do them every day or really all that often at all. The worst things I probably do on a daily basis is smoking cigarettes. Everything else is merely on an as wanted schedule. Sometimes there is discipline involved. Other times it is just complete debauchery and out of control.

Age has mellowed me somewhat though. Instead of indulging way too frequently like in my 20s, I usually just get angry now at certain things on my television set and in the real world.

First of all, ANY AND ALL anti commercials really need to get the FUCK off my television. Tell me to quit smoking while I have a nicotine patch on and haven’t thought about a cigarette in 3 days and well I got the subconscious thought to go out and buy a pack. Tell me not to drink and drive and I then am thinking about whether I should get drunk tonight.

Fortunately one such thing I have grown out of is trying that one random drug or ten. Most of the unknown drugs I tried I heard about on the evening or nightly local news. I get that these news types think that no druggies are watching their programs because obviously how could they possibly be interested in anything other than drugs. All promoted under the guise of protect the children which leads me to the next point.

FUCK THE KIDS! Not like Michael Jackson fuck or like Ray Rice fuck the kids in the face. I always hear about stupid shit to protect the children. I can’t go buy a pack of ten cigarettes because of oh the children. The children. Yet I can buy an airline bottle of alcohol, a single bullet of ammo, a nickle bag of weed (yes they still exist), or a small amount of pretty much anything  else considered a vice.

Some states are incredibly ridiculous with the save the children crap. Hawaii just passed a law making the smoking age 21 and New Jersey just attempted to do the same. So you can serve and die in the military and potentially die at any moment yet you can’t go on the 30-50 year death sentence known as nicotine. They need to chill out. New Jersey is even worse. They want kids to drive around with a sticker on the back of the car if under 21 and not have them drive after certain hours. Now I know I said fuck the kids but while that would stop me from well fucking kids or buying someone underage alcohol, it only means one thing. The cops get to fuck the kids. I don’t want to fuck them like that hard, unless they are in college and sex with someone potentially that inexperienced is like A Tale of Two Cities. The best of times, the worst of times.

So I’m kinda drifting like a butterfly. I really should have wrote this earlier in the day when I was just raging mad. I got a call from a friend after I left an angry voicemail about Sprint sucking fat donkey balls. I can’t roll around and listen to Spotify with them and the several phone calls I do make a week well sadly unless I call people at midnight they drop like an 80 year old’s nutsack.

So I bitched and then she said don’t drink tonight. Not that it was any of her business what the fuck I am doing later on. I really had not even given getting drunk tonight even a glance. It all goes back to do not tell me what I should not do. If you want to give me something positive to do by all means just do not tell me what not to do.

It is the reason I also have total beef with any of those absolutely fucking retarded anonymous programs. I have been to many and will be going to many again soon as part of my undercover look into boring myself into a bottle of rum. Let’s sit around and rehash old stories and bitch and whine and moan and talk about Jesus.

I seriously had issues with alcohol in the past and would be chill with well just not drinking. It makes me fat and severely obsessive. No thank you. Yet through AA I can honestly say the only thing positive I ever got out of it was roughly 10 blow jobs. Other then my 12 pack of Miller Lite cure for the common cold I had not touched a drop for over a month. (Save your fucking medal and clapping.) I only thought about it twice before I got sick. Yet in an average AA meeting alcohol is brought up 20-40 times depending on the type of meeting. Whatever happened to out of sight, out of mind? I guess stupidity won this ballgame.

So I think my beef has run out for this evening. If I typed every vice related issue I want to address, I would never leave this seat. So what exactly gets on your last nerves? Or who would you like to tell to go fuck themselves?