Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring a Stop Motion Double Header KILL YOUR MAKER and SUICIDAL CLAY FIGURINE by Swedish Content Creator Alex Unger who makes Stop Motion Animations as Well as Sculptures in His Free Time. Unger Posts His Videos to His Youtube Channel called Guldies which are Almost Exclusively Tutorials in Sculpting and Animation. But there are Exceptions to EVERY Rule and there is an EXTREMELY FUCKING Small Sampling of Surreal, Sick, and Twisted Animations (just take the fucking Titles of the Videos in this fucking Post for fucking Example). The Two Videos Show Two different Sides Styles in Unger’s Stop Motion Animation Videos. On One Hand SUICIDAL CLAY FIGURINE is Short and Direct to the fucking Point You simply take it at Face fucking Value. Then on the Other Hand KILL YOUR MAKER is a Surreal Little Mindfucker that You May take at Face Value (Due to it’s Bare Bones Presentation), BUT IF Think About it as You Edge Inch by fucking Inch Down the Rabbit Hole You can Find the Profound Meaning that Lies Beneath.

Our Thoughts: Short, Sweet, and Violent 17 Seconds of Stop Motion Morbid Madness and We fucking Love it.



DESCRIPTION BY GULDIES: Things will just go around and round…


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring CONSUMING and EMBRACE YOUR MADNESS by Content Swedish Creator Alex Unger Who makes Stop Motion Animations as Well as Sculptures in His Free Time. Unger Posts His Videos to His Youtube Channel called Guldies which are Almost Exclusively Tutorials in Sculpting and Animation. But there are Exceptions to/for EVERY Rule and there is a Small Handful of Surreal, Sick, and Twisted Animations. Both of the Videos Showcase a few of User’s Monstrous Mutant Sculptures, and to be Fair Our Favorite of the Two would be CONSUMING. Though We do think EMBRACE YOUR MADNESS is a way fucking cooler Title.

CONSUMING: Is a Slide Show of Two Humanoid looking Mutant Creatures Eating Babies or at Least a Baby.

EMBRACE YOUR MADNESS: Again is a Slide Show Showing the Creative Construction of an Abominable Beast that is Pure fucking Nightmare Fuel. The Creepy Creature Reminds Us of Something Straight Out of the HELLRAISER Movie Franchise and We fucking LOVE HELLRAISER.

CREATIVE NOTE: All Unger’s  of the Monstrous Monstrosities in these Videos were Constructed Using Acrylic Paint and Super Sculpey.


Description By Alex Unger The Creator of COMSUMING:

“We leave the younger generation helpless, without a chance to stop us. The unborn can’t even beg us to stop.. We eat our way to human misery.” I  



“I made a small piece of art…”


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober