Short Horror Film Friday: TIMOTHY

Well Let’s Face We here at FYB have a Predilection For Sledgehammers and Psycho Homicidal Rabbits (See Bunny The Killer Thing” and Sledgehammer” in Our Movie Category for Example). So We couldn’t be More Delighted to Bring You Short Horror Film Friday Featuring  Timothy” from ALTER.

Who is ALTER You may be asking Yourself at this Point Since We have Featured a Few of Their Films Previously in the Past. ALTER Describes Themselves as The Most Provocative Minds in Horror that brings Viewers New Short Horror Films Exploring the Human Condition Through Warped and Uncanny Perspectives.

Film Description: Simon is a Little Boy that has to Deal with His Abrasive Babysitter Sonia Who is Nothing but a Nuisance. But that Very Same Evening Simon Receives an Unexpected Visitor, Timothy, the Main Character of Simon’s Favorite TV SHow, a Visit He will Never Forget.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober  & FYB 

Short Horror Movie Madness: Goat Witch (Uncensored)

We are Delighted to bring You the Short Occult Horror Film “GOAT WITCH” Written and Directed by James Sizemore, and Presented by ALTER.

What Happens when a Witch just Doesn’t want to Summon a Demon using Black Magic, But actually want to BECOME THE DEMON?! The Film is Features an Abundance of Blood, Human Sacrifice, Ritual, Occult Practices, the Conjuring of Evil Spirits, Ample Nudity, Graphic Violence, a Demonic Goat Headed Drummer, and The Resurrected Elders who are Two Rotting Corpses  donning Monk like Robes. The Goat Witch is simply a Short Horror Film that Doesn’t Pull Any Punches. Enjoy.

Hope You enjoyed this Little Black Magic Morsel as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

 Brought to You By Les Sober

FYB’s Short Horror Movie Showcase: THE SMILING MAN & DON’T MOVE

Welcome to another Installment in the FYB Short Horror Movie Showcase featuring THE SMILING MAN and DON’T MOVE!!!

THE SMILING MAN By A.J. Briones in Association with ALTER (a Company that Traffics in Short Horror Movies) is a SINISTER little Endeavor. In The Smiling Man an Innocent Young Girl watching Cartoons starts to Follow a Trail of Balloons throughout Her House. At the End of the Trail the Little Girl comes FACE TO FACE WITH PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL!! The Smiling Man’s has an Overall “The Devil’s come for Your Daughter” Tone makes it Even more Unnerving. It lends itself to the You feeling You’re watching a Powerful and Vicious Predator Luring its unsuspecting Prey into Striking Distance.

What We particularly Enjoy about The Smiling Man is it reminds Us a Great Deal of Asian Horror. Asian Horror for the Most Part Deals in Disturbingly Demented Psychological Creepiness as Opposed to an All Out Gorefest. It’s a Truly Unique Stylistic Form of Creepy that irks You to the Bone. The Smiling Man is the Kind of Creepy “Cat in Mouse” Horror Movie that leaves You feeling Uneasy, and it tends to Linger Hauntingly in Your Mind for Days after Watching. Enjoy.

DON’T MOVE By Bloody Cuts and Directed by Anthony Melton is a Throw Back to the Devious Demon Centric Horror Movie Classics from the 80’s Ouija Board and All. One of the Impressive Facts about Don’t Move is though it was made on a Very Small Budget the Movie yields High Production Value Effects and That’s No Exaggeration We Assure You. The Other Amazing thing about the Film is the Acting is Exceptionably Good. Since Acting Terrified is One of those Things that People think is Easy When that couldn’t be Farther from the Truth the Actors really Bring it Home.

The Other Aspect of Don’t Move that We particularly got a Real Kick Out Of was if Don’t Move was a Roller Coaster it Starts with/on that First Massive Plunge Down sending You straight into the Heart of the Action. From the BLOOD SPLATTERED Opening Scene Don’t Move’s Backstory has Been Told, The Deed is Done, and The Demon has Come So DON’T MOVE!

We Hope You Enjoyed Coming Eye to Eye with The Vilest Evils as Much as We Did.

Presented By Les Sober