Shits And Giggles: EAT YOUR VEGGIES!

Motherfucking Mondays I’m I right? Of course I damn well am. Thats why I’m delighted to present this demented little dish called EAT YOUR VEGGIES! This 16 seconds of sheer insanity by one of our favorite members of the theater of the absurd Oddest of the Odd. If this doesn’t make your Monday suck less you must be fucking dead.

Plot: When it comes to getting kids to eat their veggies it can be a hell all its own, but this fed up father takes the issue to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of gore soaked insanity!!!

Who Is Oddest of the Odd in Their Own Words: ” (We’re) Just some Filmmakers from Michigan Buttfucking Los Angeles!” #STAYODD

Have a fucking blast,

 Justine Sane


Welcome to this Week’s FYB Anti-Monday Post featuring GORDON RAMSEY JR. by the Filmmakers Known as Oddest of then Odd. The Absurdity of The Oddest of the Odd reminds Us of one of MeatCanyon’s Live Action Videos, BUT  with an Absurdly Violent and Bloody Over the Top Gore Factor. What I like the Best (beside the Blood and Gore) is the Genuine Sense of Fun that the Oddest of the Odd are having Making this Monstrous Mockery. Living up to Their Name and Love of the absurd GORDON RAMSEY JR has Absolutely Nothing to Do with the Video It’s Not a Parody of Gordon Ramsey/Gordon Ramsey Brand Cooking Show or Even the British in General. The Video is just Poking some Psychotic Fun at the Cooking Show Genre.

Who Is Oddest of the Odd in Their Own Words: ” (We’re) Just some Filmmakers from Michigan Buttfucking Los Angeles!” #STAYODD

Description: What Happens when a Making a Smoothie Combines Cooking and a Heaping Helping of Bloody Carnage???


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

My First Slumber Party

Welcome to Another Monday Post here at FYB featuring MY FIRST SLUMBER PARTY By One of Our Favorite Creative Artists MeatCanyon.

Sleepovers are one of the Strangest Rites go Passage for a Kid if You think about it. You make Friends at School, then Hangout at Each other’s Houses, and then the Almost Inevitable Sleepover. It’s such an Awkward Dynamic because once Night Falls You realize You have to Deal with Your Friend’s Adult Parents. To make things Feel even Uneasier You’re a Child who now must Communicate with Bigger and Smarter Adults (who have Temporary Authority and Control over You) without the Benefits of Your Parents acting as Your Amateur Ambassador. The Surreal part is You’re in Familiar Surroundings, but in the Context of a Sleepover They Suddenly Seem Utterly Alien at the Same Time. Then to Top off the Whole Bizarreness of it All You wake up in the Middle of the Night to take a Leak, and the Once Nondescript Hallway is Now Hauntingly Silent and Cloaked in Shadow. By the Time You get Home the Next Day You feel as if You just came back from a Foreign Country that just so Happened to be Ruled by Your Friends Parents.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

PLOT: An Eight Year Old MeatCanyon has a Rather Creepy Experience during His First Sleep Over at His Buddy Luke’s House involving Banana’s, Religion, Pokemon Cards, and His Friend’s Apparently Sociopath of a Father.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober

Just When I Though I’d Seen It All…..

The Other Day Started just like another with Me Battling Dogs to reach My Phone to shut off the Alarm. The Issue is the Dog’s damn well Know that when the Alarm goes off I get Up, and They get to Go Outside which also apparently includes giving Them Each a Treat. Needless to Say after a Moderate Struggle I managed to Shut the Alarm off and Let the Dogs Out (Yeah it was Me so Suck On That), and then Immediately headed into the Kitchen to Whip up some Coffee or Go Juice as it is Referred to Around these Parts.

To say I’m NOT a Morning Person is the Understatement of the fucking Millennium and I wish I was Joking. The Rule is NO ONE is to talk to Me for a Full Hour after I get Up because While I look Awake and with it I am More or Less running on Autopilot. Unfortunately for Me a Man born without a Patient Bone in His Entire fucking Body Our Heavily used Keurig Shit the Bed quite a While Ago so My Wife started Using a French Press. So taking Several Technological Steps backwards I put the Kettle on the Stove, and Turned the Knob to Ignite the Flame since We use Natural Gas for Cooking (and to Heat Our Tankless Hot Water Heater). The Pilot Light was Crackling Away like a fucking Downed Power Line, but Alas there was No Flame to Speak Of. Annoyed by this Inconvenience I started Turning the Other Knobs in an Attempt to get One out the Four to Ignite and Agin My Efforts were Thwarted.


My Anger Kicked in like a fucking Jet Engine Revving Up as the Idea of My Precious Coffee being Delayed even if for only a Few Minutes Enraged Me to No End. It was then that it Occurred to Me that I literally could Not Remember the Last Time I called the GAs Company to Refill Our Tank. Needless to Say I was Now under the Unacceptable assumption that We had fucked up by Not Monitoring the Level of Gas in he Tank , and Thus We must have simply Run Out of Gas. This would be a Royal Pain in the Ass Trust Me. The Gas Company is called Edisto and They are Nothing Short of a Bad Joke. In all Honesty it is BY FAR the Most Half Assed Operation I have Ever Witnessed and I’ve seen Plenty during the Course of My Life. A Quick Example of Edisto’s Ineptitude Ironically was When We Scheduled a Refill for Our Tank and When the Day Arrived the Edisto Employee Didn’t. The Good Old No Call No Show Routine. I called Edisto and Explained what happened and They Apologized and Said They’d Send someone out Right Away. Again No One Came without Any Notice Whatsoever. I called Edisto a Third fucking time, and the Third Time was the Charm as They Say, and at Last I got a Refill.

I ventured out onto the Front Porch and for Some Reason I still Don’t rightfully Understand Instead of going Left to Exit the Porch. You see I’d have to Walk from the Porch around to the side of the House where the Gas Tank is, Yet instead I cut Right because You can See (but Not Access) the Gas Tank from there. I leaned over the Railing and Turned My Head towards the Gas Tank I wasn’t at all Prepared for what I saw Next. The Gas Tank was Gone. The Four Cement Blocks it Sat On where still there along with the Disconnected Gas Line but the Gas Tank Itself had for all Intents and Purposes Up and fucking Disappeared.


It was in that Brief Moment I learned what the Saying “Does Not Compute” actually meant as My Brain was so Scrambled by Confusion I initially had No fucking Clue what to do or what I should do next. It’s was total Mindfucking Clusterfuck as My Eyes relayed to the Brain the Gas Tank was in Fact No Longer where it Should Be, and My Brain just Couldn’t grasp the Concept. In all Favor something like a Gas Tank (which is  6 Feet Long, Standing 4 Feet High, and made of Steel) is something You would Never even Consider a Possibility. It would be like walking Out of Your House in the Morning to Find Your 2 Car Garage Missing, or Perhaps Your Driveway suddenly Vanished without a Trace.

As I scanned the Yard still in a complete State of Shock and Awe I noticed there were a Distinct set of Truck Tire Tracks running across My Front Lawn. They Truck Tracks ran From the Middle of My Driveway across My Front Lawn and Ended by where the Gas Tank had Previously been for the last Four fucking Years. Undoubtedly I did experience a Moment of Panic mixed with Extreme Anxiety where I though the Gas Tank had been Stolen. I was Equally aware that the Idea that Someone Stole it made Abosolutely No fucking Sense Whatsoever. Beside being Big, Bulky, and Heavy as Hell the Metal that the Gas Tank is Constructed with has Zero Scrap Value like say Copper Wiring/Pipes. It was as Mr. Spock Would Say “Illogical”. Even though the Whole thing Defied Logic it was abundantly Clear that the ONLY Culprit could be the Edisto. Why the fuck They took My Gas Tank without Notice or Warning still baffled Me. I thought it was Safe to assumed it must have to do with Money even though We hadn’t bought Gas Forever so How could We owe Them a Goddamn Dime?!


Out of Sheer Bewilderment I called My Mother. I figured that having spent a Majority of Her Life Living in a Small Town in the South might have some Information on the Subject at Hand. When I spoke with Her She had No Clue Either What Possibly could be Going On and Said I should Call the Police. There was No Way in Hell I was going to (at least at this point or perhaps as a LAST Resort) call the Cops to Report My Gas Tank had Gone Missing. Calling the Police before Contacting the Gas Company seemed Foolish. I then Texted a Picture of the Vacant Area where the Gas Tank had been, and a brief Synopsis as to what had Occurred to My Wife who was at Work at the Time since it was Mid Morning. She Texted Me Back that Granted the Situation was Bizarre and that We Needed to call The Gas Company. Then being the Angel that She is asked if I wanted Her to call Them, and since I still felt Half Asleep, Denied My Glorious Cup of Coffee, and Befuddled Beyond Belief said Yes. I can say with One Hundred Percent Honesty that if I had called the Call would have broken down into a Serious Shit Show because in My Current State of Mind My Anger would Undoubtedly Rear its Ugly Head.

It only took about Ten Minutes Before My Wife Called Me with the Missing Pieces of the Missing Gas Tank Puzzle. It turned Out that it Never Occurred to Us that We didn’t Actually Own the Gas Tank even though it was There When We Bought the fucking House. Apparently the Gas Company Owns it and Charges Us a Five Dollar a Month Rental Fee which We were also Utterly Ignorant of. According to the Gas Company We hadn’t need a Refill since and I kid You Not Early 2019, BUT We hadn’t Paid the Rental Fee and They came and Repossessed Their Equipment. First of All We were Never informed of this Rental Charge (Neither was My Mother which Blew My Mind that Even She wasn’t Aware), but that Makes Sense considering the Gas Company is a Prime Example of How NOT to Run a fucking Business. I also riffled through the Past Years Bills, and Low and Behold there wasn’t a Single fucking Bill from the Gas Company pertaining to an Over Due Rental Fee Situation.


In the End My Wife Paid Off Our Bill in Full, and by some Odd Twist of Fate somehow was Talked into Buying a Hundred and Fifty Gallons of Natural Gas. I’ve never been a Science Whiz so I’m not even Sure How the fuck You Measure a Gas in Gallons Since the Gallon is a Unit of Measurement Used for Measuring Liquids. Also if We use so Little Natural Gas that We went Damn Near Two Years on a Full Tank means with a Hundred a Fifty Gallons of Natural Gas We have More Then We could Ever fucking Use for the Rest of Our Lives. The Amazingly Strange thing to Me is in Spite of a True Comedy of Errors the Gas Company still some how Managed to make a Sale. I also thought to Myself that if the Gas Company Guy had Knocked on the Door I could have Paid Him right Then and There and all of the Bullshit wouldn’t have been Necessary. Needless to Say the Gas Company wasted its Own Time, Gasoline, and Man Hours having Their Employee take the Tank without trying to collect Payment First Firsthand. All I know is I wasn’t the Only Person Pissed Off about How this Scenario was Handled because when the Gas Company Guy Returned to Return and Hook up the Tank He looked Madder than a Motherfucker. He really Should have Tried Knocking on the Door.

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride

Welcome to FYB’s Monday post showcasing the animated short BUY THE TICKET, TAKE THE RIDE which is an Oblitus original. The characters, voices, and backgrounds were done by Jack Dimaze, and features the musical track “the third in the night” by Kevin Maceod. What drew my attention to this animated short was the title which is an infamous phrase coined by American author (and prolific boozer and drug user ) Hunter S. Thompson.

Oblitus is a very small Youtube channel that’s been going since 2016, yet it has only garnered 1,000 subscribers to date. Oblitus on Oblitus “This is an animation channel where you will find all sort of different characters and stories.”

Brief plot summery:

What happens when an alien life form takes magic space mushrooms and can it handle the trip? Watch and see.

So I’ll see you when I see,

 Justine Sane

Short Horror Film Friday: FINLEY

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the Dark Comedy Horror Finley. The Film was Produced by Unplugged Films, Directed & Edited by J. Zachery Thurman, and Written by J. Zachary Thurman & Maddie Stroud. The Film went on to Win a Long List of Awards Since its Release and I could use some examples here, but I’m not going to Claim One Film Festival/Award is Any More Significant (Nor More Important) than Another.

Plot Summery:

Alexandra, her boyfriend Chris, and her friend Jennifer are Three College Students who move in Together. After finding a Ventriloquist Dummy Named Finley gagged and Bound in Chains, They learn to Coexist with Finley even as He Tries Desperately to Murder Them, One by One. Humiliated by His Failure in His Ability to Actually Kill Anyone Finley exiles Himself back into His Attic Crate. All is Not Lost for Poor Finley when Violent Intruders Target the House,  and Finley Finds a chance To Redeem Himself as a True Killer Doll!


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober  

FYB: Behind The Scenes And Then Some

Hello and how the hell are ya,

Justin here with my new rebranded FYB UPDATES which allows the audience a peek behind the curtain at some of the fucking oddball bullshit and entertaining insanity that is FYB. I figured why not flesh out a few things to validate these posts to Les, and make it somewhat worth while. Anyway lets get the smaller shit out of the way right fast here.

  • We here at FYB have been talking over several collaboration concepts with C Nobody and N@P the main topic being discussed is starting a proper production company with the tentative working title: Vital Productions.
  • Les has been increasingly distracted by the world around him, and at this point it’s beginning to affect his capacity for creativity. LET SHIT GO LES YOUR HEART WILL THANK YOU IN THE END BY YOU KNOW NOT ATTACKING YOU. If you don’t chances are bud that you’ll slide down the slippery slope to becoming an ill adjusted drunk.


  • A reoccurring topic as of late around here is Tumblr vs. Twitter. Twitter obviously is a much bigger/popular platform, BUT since 2016 it’s been constantly dominated by politics which killed off all creativity for the most part anyways. As for Tumblr it is a notably less popular platform in the social media universe (in fact some people don’t know it still even fucking exists), BUT it never succumbed to the influences of the outside world remaining artistic to its core. The other main distinction is Tumblr is now far darker than Twitter when it comes to the matter of content. Twitter due to the political climate has become more restrictive feeling than in the years prior to 2016.

  • Lastly Les is working on a piece that most people that are aware of it do not think is wise post, but I for one side with Les no doubt about that. Les’s point really is that writers write, and sometimes writers write to exorcize some of the demons dwelling in their heads. Anyway like I said I’m with Les because I think his point is valid by staying true to form and not complying on any front.


  • For myself I bought a new truck a couple weeks back and its a fucking bad ass awesome truck at that. The process went ALMOST flawlessly with the acceptation of one day in particular. One of the things I have in common with Les is the determination to no matter fucking what go into debt. Something that royally chaps my ass is owing anyone anything. I fucking pride myself on paying my bills/debts on time and in full. This is why I have and will continue to buy all my vehicles in cash which actually means Pay in Full (no car payments and all). Anyways there is always one ignorant asshole in this case and I fucking kid you not this fucking jokers name was legitimately Johnny Dangerfield. I can’t (and won’t) go into what or how much of an assclown Johnny was, but because he was a belligerent lazy fuck I had to reconfigure my money which cost me a day before pick up. The guy just wanted me to do what the fuck was convenient for fucking him like a stubborn tool. I will end this by saying Johnny Dangerfield if your fucking out there FEDWIRE! FEDWIRE YOU USLESS FUCK!


Now the current battle of the bullshit is Les and Otto are at odds once again and are BOTH being disagreeable fuckers about it. As I mentioned in a previous FYB UPDATE Otto was and has taken over the DEVIANT DETECTIVE Project, but it took like I dunno a nano fucking second before Otto and Les butted heads like belligerent fuckers. The fucking irony is Otto was taking over to make things easier and funner only to slam immediately into the cliche brick wall.

The first thing Otto wanted to do is to do al little rebranding of his own by changing the name from THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE to what he feels is the far more appropriate name MR. SNUFF. I for one don’t know if the name switch is “appropriate” so to say, YET it does make a hell of a lot more fucking sense all in all. That’s not all Otto wants he would like Les to delete the first 3 if I remember correctly installments of THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE all together. Otto believes this is important since he deems that they are no longer relevant, and thus they should be done away with once and for fucking all. Otto is a staunch believer in the whole fucking scorched earth approach to things much like when a great empire in history fell. One of the first things the conquerors did was to wipe the previous leaders influence off the face of their newly acquired empire.

Les on the other fucking hand simply refuses to accept a title change or delete a goddamn thing using “for prosperity” type defenses because in reality he’s taking it personal (which it certainly is not). This though is why the name change is important as it is relevant unless Les wants to go the Old Testament/ New Testament style like the bible. Les is accusing Otto of taking what he wants to use from THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE and leave the rest which is exactly what Otto is aiming for. IT’S CALLED EVOLUTION LES AND YOU DIDN’T HEAR THE DINOSAURS BITCHING ABOUT IT.

One thing I have come to learn with FYB’s whole trial by fire mentality is regardless of the job duties I came on board to handle my actually job is primarily laying mediator (or the voice of reason as Les’s wife refers to it as) between a feuding Otto and Les. Compromise is NOT in either of their vocabularies they are both all or nothing personality types. The kicker is Les knows Otto’s right he just can’t fucking bring himself to admit it, and I get it he basically feels like THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE is his baby and now Otto is the new stepfather on the scene wanting to raise the baby too. Being conflicted is fine but you can’t use that as a fucking excuse to the fucking point its jamming up the creative process. Ego is exclusively for idiots and assholes.


Tomorrow I plan on presenting my solution to the situation which is if Les is so fucking hellbent on not deleting the earlier part of the series. I’m going to suggest Les keep THE DEVIANT DETECTIVE title, and just rename the lead fucking character. Simply, easy, and problem solved quickly. That way if once the series is evaluated as it were deleting would be minimal if actually required at all. There is a distinct possibility that they are fighting over nothing at all that they both jumped the gun as they are known to do.

We shall see wish me luck I’ll need it.


   Justine Sane  

For Shits and Giggles : Where’s The Baby

So another motherfucking Monday is upon us trying to monopolize the course of our week! So to combat the bullshit here is todays FYB post featuring WHERE’S THE BABY by Spine_apples who describes their work as “shitty animation man”. I say their because I don’t think just because the word “man” appears in the quote that it’s an indicator to the sex of the animator. Anyway this 1 minute and 42 seconds of insane absurdity (that granted has a surprisingly funny but kind of grim ending) should serve as a fucking  universal public service announcement for all parents currently on the planet.



Justine Sane

Happy Holidays From MeatCanyon

Welcome and yes it isn’t even Close to the holiday’s, but when have we here at FYB ever played by the rules? We sure as shit aren’t going the cliche route and posting say a halloween video on halloween for example. So that said Today’s Post is HAPPY HOLIDAYS By (and Starring) MeatCanyon.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

What I absolutely fucking love about this video is it makes me nostalgic as fuck let me tell you. Long before Youtube, Facebook Live, Tis Tok, Smartphones, Instagram Etc. all there was were video cameras. Growing up in a shit little town with nothing to do Les, Otto, and I we used to make absurdly stupid and nonsensical videos for our personal amusement (and to kill as much time and boredom) as we could. Thinking about it now I sincerely wish we had held on to some of those videos especially from our high school years for prosperity if nothing else.

Let the show begin!

So I’ll see you when I see you,

  Justin Sane  

Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup

Welcome to a the New Video Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup by One of Our Favorite Animators Mr. David Firth. The New Salad Fingers Video is the First New Salad Fingers Project/Video in Approximately 2 Years, and has  a Micro RunTime of just a Mere 1:06 is Wildly Entertaining None the Less.

Whats Most Notable is this Time Around Salad Fingers Appears in an Animation Format Other than the Classic Cartoon like the Previous Salad Fingers Series. Salad Fingers and The Local Teacup was Shot using the Stop Motion Format Utilizing a Plush Salad Fingers Doll (You can Buy One if You want just wait Until The End of the Video to Find Out How).


For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

Synopsis: Salad Fingers Rides the Local Friendly Teacup to an Unexpected Ending.


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober