The Obscene Extreme Festival

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post on The Obscene Extreme Festival or Commonly referred to as OEF. OEF is a Yearly Extreme Music Festival Held in the Czech Republic Held at Trutnov Battlefield. OEF was the Brain Child of founder Miloslav “Curby” Urbanec’s who Started OEF in 1999. Curby considers Obscene Extreme to be Primarily a Grindcore Festival at Heart, BUT there’re Other Extreme Music Genres/Subgenres such as Death Metal, Hardcore Punk, Gringcore, Extreme Metal, and Goregrind.

OEF has become such Success Over the Years that OEF started Holding International OEF Festivals in Asia, Europe, South America, Mexico, Australia, America, and Indonesia. Since the First OEF in 1999 over 1,081 Bands have Played Obscene Extreme Festival(s) including Napalm Death, Obituary, Exhumed, EyeHateGod, SCAT, Cripple Bastards, Gutalax, SCAT, Putrid Pile, Terrorizer, Municipal Waste, Brujeria, and Cannibal Corpse. The Most interesting Factor of OEF is that Since the Beginning the Festival has Exclusively Offered Vegetarian/Vegan Food and All Other Types of Food are Strictly Prohibited on the Premises. In Addition to the Bands and Vegetarian/Vegan Food OEF also Offers Body Piercing, Photo Gallery, OEF Merchandise, Tons of Press doing Interviews, Vendors at the Obscene Market, a Show of Studio Hell, Beer, and a Stage Diver’s Manual. The Last Aspect of OEF that Most People would find Surprising is In Spite of it’s Name OEF is Known for being a Positive Environment. Believe it or Not Czech Radio said that OEF is “Exceptionally Tolerant and Friendly Atmosphere.”

Now that We have Covered the Usual Basic Information Pertaining to OEF We thought it be Interesting to Hear about OEF from its Founder Curby in His Own Words. So We Assembled a Series of Quotes from Curby on the Subject of OEF. Hey if You want fucking Answers then it’s Best to go Directly to the fucking Source. It is Worth Mentioning English is Curby’s Second Language so Sometimes the Wording is rather fucked up. And Without Further Ado here are the Quotes We Compiled from Various Places.

Curby: “OE was Born like answer to such a great German event FUCK THE COMMERCE…I visited this fest back in 98 for first time..I wanted to do some bigger festival in Czech for extreme music because a festival of this type was missing in Czech and whole of Europe I guess…”

Curby: “But to be honest I wanted to do just one festival and stop it, but reactions of fans, bands, and all were simply amazing and that’s why I continued with this work till today…”

Curby: “People are still going crazy for grind core and I can see many, many satisfied die-hard grind freaks that really love this event and it just power to continue and do it better next year. ”

Curby: “Anyway it’s still the same as the first fest, fest made by fans for fans, nothing else.”

Curby: “So every year I’m doing a list of bands I want to see live personally, then I’m adding some new kick ass bands and of course some bands are asking me to play. But every year I’m trying to give some chances to newcomers in the scene as they have no more support from other and mainly bigger festivals as they don’t care that much about them.”

Curby: “OEF always will be a grind core event for the most most extreme musical styles of the planet trying to destroy your ears thru one weekend.”

Below You will find just a Tiny, No Micro Sampling of the Acts and Types of Music that are or Have Been Showcased at OEF. The Playlist of Bands featured below is as Follows:

  • 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses
  • Cartlilaged
  • Putrid Pile
  • Enema Shower
  • Self Deconstruction
  • Hate
  • Puruten Spermcanal
  • Napalm Death
  • Urtikaria Anal
  • Doom
  • Abortion
  • Suffocation
  • Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
  • S.C.A.T
  • Repulsion
  • Nunslaughter

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Why You Never Became A Dancer

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Video for the Song Why You Never Became A Dancer by the British Band named Whitehouse. So Who the fuck are/was Whitehouse and Why should Anyone Care? Valid Questions for Sure so here is the Backstory of Whitehouse.

Whitehouse was formed in England in 1980 and the Group is Largely credited for Founding and Pioneering the Power Electronics Genre of Music. The Band is Also Credited with Developing the Genre of Music Known as Noisecore or as it was Originally Know as Noise Music (Yeah Pretty fucking Original), and the Band is Credited for Developing Noisecore in America, England, and Japan. Power Electronics is a Offshoot of Noisecore that typically consists of Static, Screeching Feedback, Analogue Synthesizers making Sub-Base Pulses or High Frequency Squealing Sounds. Some but Not All Noisecore Songs have “Lyrics” that are Heavily Distorted, Screamed, or Guttural Vocalizations. Meanwhile Noisecore for those Unfamiliar is a Niche Genre of Music Characterized by the Expressive use of Noise within a Musical Context.  Noisecore tends to Challenge the Distinction between Musical and Non-Musical Sound. The Band Emerged when Early Industrial Acts that had Heavily Influenced Power Electronics/ Noisecore like THROBBING GRISTLE were backing Away from Extreme Noise. Meanwhile Whitehouse wanted to take Their Fascination with Early Industrial Groups’ Sound and Extreme Subject Matter even Further.

The Band’s Name is Meant as a Mock Tribute to Mary Whitehouse who was a British Morality Campaigner and a Hard-Line Conservative Activist. She Campaigned against Social Liberalism and the Mainstream British Media (Both of Which She Accused of Encouraging a More Permissive Society. That’s Not all as the Band’s Name a Reference to a British Porn Magazine. The Founding Member and Only Sole Constant in the Band William Bennett was Quoted as Saying “I Often Fantasized about creating a Sound that could Bludgeon an Audience into Submission.” , and that His Goal was to Produce “The Most Extreme Music Ever Recorded.”Whitehouse referred to Their Sound as “Extreme Electronic Music” that was Known for its Controversial and Obscene Lyrics and Imagery. The Band’s Lyrics/Imagery Portrayed:

  • Sadistic Sex
  • Misogyny
  • Serial Murder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Child Abuse
  • Extreme Violence in All Forms
  • Neo-Nazi Fetishism

Bennett released His First Album Under the Whitehouse Name in 1980 called Birthdeath Experience that was Released on Bennett’s Own Come Organization Label, and was Immediately followed by the Album Total Sex. In 1981 Bennett released the Album Erector that was Pressed on Red Vinyl, Packaged in a Shiny Black Packaging, and included a Photocopied Picture of a Penis. The Group Started Playing Live Shows in 1982 with Members William Bennett (Whitehouse), Andrew McKenzie (of the Band THE HAFLER TRIO), Steven Stapleton from the Band NURSE WITH WOUND, and Philip Best Who Joined in 1982 After Running away from Home at the Age of 14, and has been an On again/ Off Again Member ever since. Whitehouse was Inactive for the second half of the 1980’s and Re-emerged in 1990 wit the Album “Thank Your Lucky Stars”. During the 1990’s Whitehouse had Stable Line up in Bennett, Best, and Writer Peter Sotos (Sotos Left the Group in 2002). Bennett Decided to Terminate Whitehouse in 2008 to Focus on His Cut Hands Project which was its Music that was Heavily Inspired by African and Haitian Voodoo Music, being Very Rhythmic and Percussion Based.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Video for the Song “BANANA MAN” bu Tally Hall. Tally Hall is an American Rock Band formed in Arbor, Michigan in December 2002. The Band is known for its Upbeat Melodies and Whimsical Lyrics. The Band described Their sound as “Wonky Rock” in an Effort to Not let Their Music be Defined by Any Particular Genre. So when People started Defining Characteristics of “Wonky Rock” the Band Immediately Relabeled Their Sound as “Fabloo”.

NOW TO BE CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR I think the Song is Absolute Shit. It Sounds like some Fucking Collage Alternative Rock Band from the fucking 90’s. So why the fuck am I using in/as a Post?! Well Allow Me to Explain. The Video is Absolutely fucking Insane So Insane in fact that I’m Not saying You Should be on Drugs When You watch the Video BUT it Sure as Hell Would Help. From the Demented Clown Make-up, Bugged Out Meth Eyes, Manic Energy, Strange Movements, and Hallucinatory Characteristics make Banana Man seem like a Bad Acid Trip.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Pequena Hillary Hulk VOSTFR

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring PEQUENA HILLARY HULK VOSTFR which I can honestly say is One of the Top 10 Weirdest fucking Videos I have ever Laid Eyes Upon. There is No Context Nor Explanation (Not that it Matter I imagine as it be Equally fucking Absurd) so this 1:47 Oddity is Well Worth Checking Out. Seriously I’m sitting Here fucking Trying to Write more for the Intro but I simply Can’t because I have No Words to Even Begin to Describe this Video Insanity.

Relevant Shit:

  • This is NOT the Original Video.
  • We looked for the Original Video but cam up Empty Handed.
  • This Version is Shorter than the Original.
  • This Version has the Addition of Subtitles though there isn’t a Whole Hell of a lot of Dialogue, and the Dialogue there is is Nonsensical to say the fucking Least.
  • VOSTFR is an Acronym for: Version Originale – Sous-Titre Francais (French for Original Version – French Subtiles. Which Obviously makes No fucking Sense since the Video is in Spanish with the Exception of the English Word “Why”).
  • Pequena translates to Petite which is Defined as: An Adjective used to Describe a Woman Politely as being Small and Thin.

It is whatever it is,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Insanity That Is AlanTutorial

Welcome to this Monday’s FYB Post where We’re going to do Something Different than the Past Several Mondays. Today’s Post features and Pertains to Alantutorial a tutorial based Youtube Channel that follows tutorial videos of a Mild Mannered Adult Man Named Alan. However We can tell there is Something Not Quite Right with Alan and His Mental State begins to go from Bad to Worse. The Viewer can see Alan’s Sanity Slipping Farther and Farther Away.  Alan’s Tutorial Videos start to become increasingly more Disturbing with every Passing Day and Every New Video.


Alan Tutorials are Nothing Less than Absurd, and aren’t Practical for Anything. The Production Value is utterly Shitty with Wobbly Camera, Total Lack of any sort of Editing, and Half the Time Alan doesn’t seems to even grasp the concept of His own Subject Matter. There are also several Hypothesizes surrounding Alan’s rather Odd Behavior, Speech, and Videos as Well. Here They are in Random Order:

  • Alan is Experiencing some sort of Arrested Development.
  • Alan possibly has a Mental Disorder (example Multiple Personality Disorder).
  • Alan is Mentally Handicapped.
  • Alan has suffered some Horrible Trauma that He can’t come to Grips With Which In Spite of being a Adult Talks like a Little Child.
  • Alan has Asperger’s Syndrom/Autism.

Now the One Hypothesis suggesting Alan has a Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome  seems to be the Most Likely but Why is that? In one of the Early Videos Alan has a Tab on His Web Browser that Notes that it is Autism Awareness Month. Now of course some say that its just a Coincidence, but I hold favor with Those Who believe it’s a Very Subtle Clue. Although I wouldn’t Rule Out All of the Other Hypothesis as I do think some apply here and There through out the Series.


Also as the Series Progresses Alan’s Life starts to Drastically Change. In the Beginning Videos Alan is simply doing His Weird Tutorials in what appears to be the Bedroom of a Small Apartment. Then there is a Significant Turning Point Where Alan is apparently been Locked out of His Room/Apartment and all of His Possessions have been Packed up for Him. Alan then spends a good amount of Time Homeless and Living in some Near By Woods where He still makes Tutorial Videos as Best He Can. There is One Thing that is Troubling from this Time Period and that is Alan is Heavily Splattered with Blood (and then cumulative Dirt and Grim) that He doesn’t seem to fell the need to Wash Off of Himself.

Then all of a Sudden Alan is Abducted by a Unknown Assailant(s) and Transported to an Unknown Location in the back of for all Intents and Purposes appears to be a Uhaul Type Truck. In the Abduction Video It is also a Disturbing Aspect that is Alan being covered in Blood like He just walked off the Set of a B Horror Movie. Alan ends up being Held Captive for a Duration during which the Captor(s) Provide Alan Supplies for His Tutorials which even in Captivity Alan continues to make. What’s interesting here isn’t just that the Captor(s) provide Alan Supplies, but when Alan is Finished a New Video a One Dollar Bill is Slid to Him under the Door.


Over an Undisclosed amount of Time things slowly start to Deteriorate. The Room Alan is being Held in becomes more and more Filthy with Trash all over the Floor and at one Point the Electricity is Cut Off. We know this by the fact Alan has to use a Flashlight in the Final Videos of the Series. At Last Alan discovers a Hole in the Wall, Crawls Enthusiastically through it existing the room and Freeing Himself.

What happens Ultimately to Alan in the End is a Mystery since His Escape Video was the Last Video Posted to His Youtube Channel. Did Alan set out embarking on Starting a Life of His Own? Did He reunite with His Brother? Did Alan’s Captor’s Catch Him as He made His Get Away once Free from Captivity, or Did His Captor(s) Discover Alan’s Escape and Hunted Him down at which Point They Murdered Him? Sucks to say but these are Questions that will More Likely than Not Never be Answered.


Reoccurring Themes:

  • The Color Blue is a Constant throughout the Series. Examples Include The Blue Mat in the Yoga Tutorial, The Actual Blue Chair, The Red Table Alan Paints Blue while in Captivity, and a Small Hand Painted Picture of the Blue Chair on one of the Walls in the Room Alan is being Held in (“The Story Of T3 Balls Video).
  • The Blue Chair appears in Several Videos, but it First appears in “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair Off The Ground”.  The Blue Chair is also featured in “How To Do Spanish Hair Braids”, “How To Eat A Bag Of Chips”, “How to Pick Up A Huge Amount Of Pencils, and “Do It Yourself Weatherized Hole”
  • Slats of Wood
  • Water (Not Actually Water but a Strange Hair Gel Looking Substance).
  • The Money Man Alan creates in Captivity that He ends up having a Conversation With.
  • The Mysterious Woman who is in Only Two Videos and is only Seen in One. (“How To Escape A Dark Room” and “How To Find A Lake”)

Note Worthy Shit: 

  • In the Video Hard Drive Video Alan mentions that He Lives with His Brother.
  • When it comes to the Mysterious Woman Alan says “Ut-Oh” Extremely Nervously as if He is Afraid of Her and Immediate returns to His Bedroom.. Is She Alan’s Mother or  Alan mentions Early on that He lives with His Brother so His Brother’s Girlfriend? Was She the One that Locked Alan in the Closet (aka Dark Room)? That would at least Explain Why Alan is Afraid of Her. Could the Woman be Alan’s Mother? The Video before Alan is Locked Out He Severely Damages the Bedrooms Ceiling while look for Wooden Slats, and is this Why perhaps He was Locked Out/ Evicted?
  • In the Video “Locked Out of Room” Tutorial Alan can be Heard Whispering future Tutorial Subjects to Himself (while awaiting Help), and one of the Subjects is “How To Kill”. This is Significant because in the Video where Alan is being Abducted in the back of a Shipping Truck He’s Covered in Blood.


  • The Room Alan is kept Captive in doesn’t seem to upset Alan say like being Stuck in a Jail Cell for Example. In fact Alan appears to be quite Content with/in His Surroundings.
  • Alan mentions (Sometimes Several Times in a Single Video) to Subscribe, Like, and Add His Youtube Channel as a Favorite.
  • In the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video Alan approaches the fallen Chair as if it were an Actual Person who may be in need of Emergency Medical Help or The way Someone would Act Upon finding an Unconscious and Possibly Dead. Alan appears to be Distressed as He Whimpers and His Voice Keeps Wavering as well as Cracking with Emotion. The Alan Discovering His Dead Mother is Backed by the Video’s Description “If Your Chair is on the Floor here is How to get it Back, and Pick Up all the Pieces of Something Broken and Unfair.”


  • It’s Speculated by Some that Alan’s Captor(s) are Forcing Alan to make Tutorial Videos in Captivity to make Them Money (or Moreover They’re Stealing Alan’s Financial Returns from His Youtube Channel.
  • In the Video “How To Fill A Tiny Bin With Dirt” Alan says at one point “The Military Time Watch You Borrowed from Dad.” This is odd because the Only People Other than Alan in the Series are His Brother (Who We Never See or Hear From), The Unknown Woman (Seen Only Once and Not Heard From), and Alan’s Unknown Captor(s). This is the One and Only Mention of Anyone Else, and it just so Happens to be Alan’s Father.



  • There Many Hypothesis on What the the Origins of the Blood Covered Alan. Some Think it’s because  Alan Kill His Mom/Brother/Brother’s Girlfriend or Possibly Someone Else. The Other Possibility is Whoever Abducted Alan either Beat Him or They could have Killed Alan’s Family and it’s Their Blood all over Alan.
  • There a Couple Different Hypothesis on the Actual Room Alan is held Captive in. One it’s some Room for Holding Someone Hostage and the Other is Far More Intriguing. The Second Hypothesis is tied Directly to the Topic of the Blood in Some Believe Alan Murdered Someone and has been Taken into Custody by the Authorities or Mental Health Professionals. That would make the Room Alan Alan is a Patient’s Room in a Mental Hospital or Possibly a Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane if He in Fact Did Kill Someone. Then Again Perhaps after Destroying His Bedroom (and Living in the Woods Homeless)  Alan’s Brother/Mother had Him Institutionalized for Help with His Mental Disorder.


  • There also Two Hypothesis on Why Alan’s Room plunges into complete Squaller during the Last Videos. One is the Captors decided to Leave and Left Alan there to Die. The Other is that the Asylum was Shut Down and Alan was simply Forgotten About.
  • Now when it comes to the Blue Chair there a Variety of Hypothesis on what it Represents. Some believe it Represents Alan’s Deceased Mother who’s Body was Discovered by Alan (Remember the Distress and Emotional Angst in the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video. It could also Represent Alan’s Failures as Far as Failing to become a Famous YouTuber or Other Life Failures. Then Some think the Blue Chair Represents Alan’s Lost Childhood. The Blue Chair might also Represent Trouble? By this I mean was Alan a Trouble Maker as a Child and Thus was put on a “Time Out” sitting on said Blue Chair.



The Obvious Question on Everyone’s Mind is This Series Real or What and Heres the Answer. It’s Fictional Series it’s actually an Experimental Performance Art Project by American Comedian, Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself. Resnick created the Series as YouTube Satire since He was Frustrated (and Disgusted) with/by all the Pointless Vlogs, Poorly Filmed, Poorly Edited if at All, Monetization, Crappy Videos with No Though or Creativity (Content for Contents sake or a Quantity over Quality Scenario), and Unexplained Tutorial on Youtube. Resnick Deemed all of it a Trash/Trashy Content and Decided to Create His Own YouTube Trash Channel Showcasing all the Shit He Hated about the Platform. Resnick created the Storyline of the Fictional Alan being a Dark and Deeply Troubled Individual Who ends up on a Nightmarish Decent into Sheer Madness.

VIDEOS: Here are the First 16 Videos from the Series, and Don’t freak the fuck Out about the Number of Videos (Their Short running from 8 Seconds to Three Minutes and Change)


Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

What America Needs Is A Second Revolution.

Have You ever had Something or Someone who is REALLY Pissing You Off, and You tell Yourself You won’t let it get to You in the End the Anger Wins?! I believe We have all been there at Least Once in Our Lives Regardless. With that said My Id is RAGING like a True Motherfucker that is Slamming around in My Skull like a fucking Wrecking Ball. So in True Writer Form I am going to Write some of the Enraged Insanity Out of My Head before it fucking Explodes.

The GOP is DEAD replaced by the Orange Asshole’s GQP which is Far More fucking Corrupt and Crazy than the GOP ever was (and thats saying a lot. An Actual Shit Ton to be Exact). Now that the Orange Assclown is Out of Office the GQP remains to be Dealt with as They Exploit the Quickly Increasing Wealth Inequality to Manipulate Americans into Submission. The Answer is Simple America needs a Second Revolution to Free Its People from the Billionaire Tyrant Scum.

In My Opinion the GOP started to Corrode into the Horrendous Bullshit Sideshow it is now Started in 1980 with fucking GOP Personified Ronnie Regan. Seriously We went from a fucking Shitty Two Bit B List Actor to a Failed Businessman Reality Show Wannabe Dictator. That sums up the GOP in a fucking NutShell. The last Four Years under the Orange Asshole the Vail of Conservative American Values the GOP used to disguise itself has been lifted. The Orange Asshole has a Self Destructive Component that caused His Stupid Ass to Reveal all of the GOP’s Sick and Twisted Tactics. Not Only that but He Championed The GOP’s Dark Agenda to Dominate America as the Ruling Class to Anyone Who’d Listen. Like the World’s Shittiest Magician the Orange Asshole explained all His Magic Tricks obliterating the Illusion that Magic just might be real (killing the Experience for the Audience).


The Key to the Disgusting GOP’s Quest for Ultimate Control comes directly from the Power Their Obscene Bank Accounts Afford Them. The GOP have used Their Filthy Blood Money made on the Backs of The American People to Buy and Sell Republican Politicians. Thus if You have the Cash and are corrupt as these fucks You can Buy Political Power allowing the GOP to Serve Only Themselves. As long as the Republican Ratfucks can live in the Lap of Luxury will all the Best Available to Them then FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. The GOP only care about the GOP period. The Problem with this is How to Keep in Power? The GOP have been spending BILLIONS over the Years to do Their Damndest to make Sure American’s are Poor Enough that They can’t Stand Up the the GOP. The End Game is to Plunge American’s into Poverty to Keep American’s Struggling Financially just to Get By.

So The GOP raise Taxes on the Poor to, and Fight to keep the Minimum Wage as Low as Possible to insure They STAY POOR since being Poor is a SERIOUS FUCKING DISADVANTAGE.. That way as the Cost of Living, Education, and Healthcare Increase and American’s Pay Doesn’t then in the End the GOP would become the Ruling Class. American Citizens would be Reduced to Financial Slaves and Indentured Servants. They’d spend Their lives Suffering just to keep these crooked cunts comfortable in their Multi Million Dollar Mansions and Do Their Bidding. The GOP wants the American People to Open the fuck Up and Eat whatever Shit Sandwich They want to Feed US and Not do a damn thing about it.


Cut Americans Access to Healthcare so They struggle to Afford Doctors/Medication because if Your Sick or Dying You don’t have Time to Challenge the GOP wannabe Overlords. Also Plenty of Republicans have MAJOR Financial Stakes in Pharmaceuticals so They get Rich making Sick People Suffer NEEDLESSLY just so They can Stay Rich and Powerful. Remember these Elitist Republican Assfucks have More Money than God so They can Afford the Best Medical Care There is.

Then The GOP toys to make Public Education as Shitty as Possible while Raising Tuitions to Private Schools and Collages. This is to try to keep the American People Dumb as Fuck because Stupid People aren’t Smart Enough to Realize Their getting fucked over constantly by the GOP. Also Dumbfuck Dipshit Don’t think for Themselves They are more like Cattle They do want Their Told without Question or Challenge to the Farm in Control if You will. Uneducated Assholes also are Hindered even if some of Them realize what the fuck is going on because Moronic Motherfuckers are hard to Organize into a Viable Threat to the GOP’s Quest for Superiority.

Lastly the GOP scumfuckers have been working on for YEARS as well in Their attempt to make Americans Serve Them and that lies with Women. Ever fucking wonder why Half of the GOP seem scarred of Women and the Other Half are Rapists and Child Molesters? To in effect control Women the GOP has made sure Women don’t get Equal Pay again putting Them in a Financial Based Disadvantage. They Also Push Their Pro-Life Agenda on Women having the fucking balls to claim They dictate what a Woman can do with HER OWN FUCKING BODY. HOW SICK IS THAT? Twisted GOP Fucks.

As You can See the GOP uses Their Vast Wealth to Rig the System against the Very fucking American’s that VOTED THEIR FUCKING ASSES INTO OFFICE IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE. The Answer as I said is Simple America must Unite and Rise up Against the Wealthy 1% that effectively Own America. First of All We Freeze Their Bank Accounts and Size All Their Assets Immediately. Without Their Vast Fortunes We would Cut Their Power/Influence Off at the fucking Knees because without it Their Utterly Helpless. Secondly We Sell Off ALL of Their Assets and Donate ALL PROCEEDS to Charities across the Board. The Third and Last Step We Drain every goddamn Dime from Every/All of Their Bank Accounts, and Cash in ALL of Their Investments and Drain Their Portfolios Dry as Death fucking Valley. We then take the Money and Put it Directly into Government Programs to Benefit Americans on Every Level like Education, Infrastructure, Hospitals, Employment Programs, Scientific Research Etc. So when its all Said and Done We leave these Criminal Pieces of Republican Crap with NOTHING not even the Clothes on Their Backs. Leave Them sitting on the fucking Curb Naked, Broke, and with NO Advantages of Wealth.


Bankrupting the Billionaire Republicans will also provide American’s with an ACTUALLY FREE MARKET since 90% Wall Street is in Fact Owned by the 1% NOT THE CITIZENS. If You think I’m wrong go fucking Google GameStop. In a Nutshell GameStop was Broke and on the Verge of Collapse and a Bunch of Hedge Funds (along with Wall Street Brokers and Investment Bankers) were planning to put GameStop out of Business once and for all. The American Public found out and Organized on Reddit to Buy GameStop Stock since it was Cheap as Hell with the Company Tanking and Drove Up the Price of the Stock. This Not Only Foiled the Wall Street Sons of Bitches from putting the Last Nail in GameStop’s Coffin it Cost the Dirty Bastards $5 BILLION. A Couple of the Hedge Funds involved Lost so Much Capital that THEY went Bankrupt resulting in Them Closing. The problem was after the Rich Elitist Wall Street Shitheads pitched a fucking Fit about it immediately RIGGED THE SYSTEM AGAIN to Prevent the American People from Participating in an Actual Free Market. Thus the Republican’s used Their Money to FUCK OVER AMERICANS and Keep Control of the Stock Market which provides Them with Millions of Dollars worth of Income.


Even if there is a Second American Revolution against the Gross Wealth Inequality was Waged and Won it Still would be Over. Once the Initial Problems Remedied there is still plenty of Work to Do to Ensure that this sort of Wealth Inequality NEVER Occurs Again. This Requires EXTREME METHODS of Damage Control as We are Fighting Against DECADES of Republican Self Serving Corruption. As I said the Republican Party is DEAD and Replaced by the Despicable GQP Habitually Lying, Self Saving, Wealth/Power Oriented, Domestic Terrorist Hate Group. Considering this THEY SHOULD BE DEALT WITH AS SUCH. The GQP are Parasites that should be Exterminated like any Termite or Roach. We Must Drive EVERYTHING GQP from America not just Now but FOREVER.We must Purge this GQP Plague and Sterilize Our Country. Just like a Cancerous Tumor the GQP will ONLY be Removed by Taking Action, and that action is REMOVING THEM WITH FORCE IF NEED BE.

To Do This We must SHUT DOWN The GQP Propaganda Channels of Communication crippling Their Influence on the America. That would me putting Fake Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN out of Business and ARRESTING They’re On Air Talent along with Management and CEO. The On Air Personalities and Management should stand Trial for fucking Treason for Spreading Lies and Propaganda on Behalf of Their GQP Loyalty. They WILL be convicted regardless because We will use the GQP’s Model of a Kangaroo Court. Once Convicted They should be Sentenced to LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. This Also Applies to GQP Websites, Social Media Platforms, and Any Other viable Method of Mass Communication (ie Radio, Magazines, Newspapers Etc.).


Any GQP Supporters among the American Public should be Rounded Up and Detained in Prison Camps while We decide They’re Fate for Them. There Three Options in My Opinion the First Deport the Sacks of Shit to Antarctic without Provisions Nor Supplies to Fend for Themselves. I mean these assholes spent Four fucking Years Spouting the Racist Motto “Love it or Leave It” so this would be a Taste of Their Own Medicine. The Second option is We Load them Up on a Fleet of Cargo Ships and Sail Them Out to See and Strand Them There. We Disable the Engine, Take all Tools, and Disable the Navigational Equipment and Leave Them Adrift to again Fend for Themselves. The Third Solution is to find a Deserted Island in the Middle of the Ocean and Leave Them There. It would be like Britain deciding to Transport its Convicts to Australia and use it as Their Dumping Ground.

The Final Step in the Process would Be ABOLISHING THE GQP ENTIRELY. Make being the Member of the GQP would be the Equivalent of being a Member of a Racist/Hate Group or Domestic Terrorist Organization or Convicts (who as a condition of Their Parole are Forbidden to associate with other Convicts or known Criminals). With the GQP straight up OUTLAWED the Last Task at Hand is deciding what to do with Promote Members of The Defunct Political Party. I say Arrest Them All Immediately and Try Them For Treason along with the Other Litany of Crimes They Committed and CONVICT EVERY LAST ONE. When it comes to Their Punishment for Engaging in a Full Blown Insurrection I would like to Refer to the Constitution. Our Forefathers who Wrote and Signed the Constitution of America were quite specific on the Punishment for Treason. Our Forefathers deemed the ONLY Punishment for Treason was DEATH.

With that Said The Orange Asshole, His Inner Circle, Lindsey Graham, Lin Wood, MTG, Josh Hawely, Ted Cruz, Lauren Boebert, Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr, Dejoy, DeSantis, and the More would be Executed PER THE CONSTITUTION. I say allow the American People to Assemble on the White House Lawn and have The Republicans marched Out one by One and Fed to the Rabid Mob. The Mob would beat the fuckers to Death or Literally Tear Them Limb from Limb like a Zombie Horde in a Horror Movie. Let the American People go all World War Two and Drag the Republicans Carcasses through the Streets to Cheering Crowds. Let The American Public String Up these Republican Savages’s Beaten, Broken, and Blood Corpses from Light Posts and Beaten like the World’s Shittiest Piñatas. The American People should Decapitate the Republican Cadavers and Display Their Severed Heads on Pikes Outside the White House. Once the Crows have Picked the Republicans shitty Skulls Clean the Skulls should be taken and Displayed in the Entrance to the White House as a Permeant Reminder to Other Devious Assholes if They Attempt to Harm America (or Its People) this would be the Result.

In Summation the Only Good Member of the GOP/GQP is a fucking Dead One.

Thanks For Reading,

 By Les Sober

What’s On Channel Local 58?!

We heard about Local 58 from a Friend Many Months ago and Just Recently Got around to Checking it Out. It Blew Our fucking Minds and We fell in Love Instantly.

Local 58 is a Fictional Television Station created for a Psychological Horror Anthology Web Series Created by Webcartoonist and Author Kris Straub. The Series is about a Fictional Public Access Television Station named Local 58 WCLV-TV, which is Constantly Hijacked with Ominous Broadcasts and Surreal Videos. The Fictional TV Station also Appears to be Named in the Fashion of PBS Member Stations, therefore indicating that it might have been an Unidentified PBS Member Station or Simply a Decoy/Clone.

We Decided to Post the Entire 8 Video Series below since the Series as a whole has a Total Running Time of 22 Minutes and 42 Seconds. In Addition Each Video has a Description Posted Above it that pertains to said Post.

From what We can Deduce the Series Chronicles TV Transmissions (Over a 40 Year Period) of Humanity’s Struggle Against an Aggressive and Hostile Alien Race. The Alien Invasion just so Happens to be Playing Out on Local 58 as Aliens, and an Unknown Third Party (perhaps a Scientist), Fight for Control of Local 58’s Airwaves and Ultimately the Fate of Humanity Itself.


  1. You Are On The Fastest Available Route

A Found Footage-Style Dashcam Video Dated from 2014 involving a Driver following a GPS. The GPS begins to Direct the Driver off the Main Road and into a Forrest. As the Directions grow more Ominous, and Instruct the Driver to Park the Car and Turn off the Headlights, a Massive Roar can be Heard as the Feed Cuts to a Driver Fleeing from an Unidentified Bipedal Creature that begins to give Chase. The Driver Flees to Their Car which They end Up Wrecking, and as The Creature approaches the Wrecked Car the GPS keeps spitting out Directs until it Finally says “You Have Arrived.”

2. Contingency

Contingency shows Local 58 Ending Their Broadcast Day, and SMPTE Bars are Aired. Suddenly, the Broadcast is Interrupted with a Prerecorded Emergency Alert from the Department for the Preservation of American Dignity (DPAD) and a written Message from President Lyndon B. Johnson claiming the American Military has beed Defeated by a Foreign Enemy. The Message states that Viewers must Commit Suicide to Prevent the Enemy Force from Capturing Them, and a Reminder to “Take Care” of Any Children or Pets before Yourself. The Message also states at the End that it “Will Repeat Until there are None to Read it”.

The Hijacking Stops, and Local 58 Airs a Retraction Claiming that the Message was a Hoax. However, it is possible to see a “Hoax Apology Card” behind the Message, suggesting the Previous Message was the Result of “Accidental Public Broadcast during off-air Remote Operation Relay Test.”

3. Weather Service

The Video starts with a Programming Schedule Broadcast at Midnight, which is Interrupted by an EAS Message Warning Viewers of a Meteorological Even taking place, and Advises Viewers Not to Look at the Event with the Naked Eye. Normal Programming Resumes, but then is Interrupted once again by a More Urgent EAS Bulletin Warning Viewers Not to go Outside or Look at the Sky, only for a Message to be Interrupted by a Second Alert Stating its Safe for all to view and the Warning has Been Lifted, and instructs the Viewers to “GO OUTSIDE NOW”.

A Fight appears to break out between the First Party, Who issued the Initial EAS Alert, and the Second, Attempting to Hijack the Station’s Airwaves. The First Party issues a Message Warning Viewers Not to Look at the Moon and to Avoid all Windows and Mirrors, which the Second pArty Alters encouraging the Viewer to look at the Moon, and then the Message Cuts Out Abruptly. Local 58 briefly returns to its Normal Programming before a Final EAS Message Airs in which the First Party appears to have been Exposed to the Moonlight after being Overpowered by the Second Party, and is now seemingly Possessed. Then the Delirious First Party slowly Types “IF YOU ARE AFRAID WE WILL LOOK TOGETHER”, the Feed Cuts to a Live View of the Moon while the Sound of People Screaming can be Heard, until the Fed Cuts Out Again.


Station Id is a Video that Displays the Following Messages while Surreal Music Plays:


The Video serves as the Channel’s Trailer.

5. Show For Children

The Broadcast Opens with a Programming Schedule with a 1980’s Visual Style. The First Program on the Schedule is “Show For Children” at 4:15am, which is Rather Odd Time for a Kids’ Show to Air. It then Transitions into an Old 1929-Style Black and White Cartoon called “A Grave Mistake”, Featuring a Anthropomorphic Skeleton named Cadavre, which literally the French word for Corpse. It follows Cadavre stumbling through a Graveyard at Night under the Watch of a Smiling Moon. He comes across an Open Grave and wonders if His Lover may be Inside, and Decides to take a Peek. He is Frightened by a Skeleton and Runs Away. He finds Another Grave, Only to be Frightened by a Creature Resembling a Rotting Bird and runs away again.

The Moon now Stares at Cadavre intently. He looks in another Grave, and depends into it, entering a Long and Dark Cave. After wandering through the Cave for some Time, He reaches another Open Grave, but cannot Escape; Instead, He lies Face Up on the Ground under the Light of the Now Realistic Looking Moon. As The Moon Passes over the Open Grave Cadavre apparently Dies, turning into a Lifeless Skeleton.

6. A Look Back

A Look Back is a Compilation of the History of Local 58 as it Shuffles through Different Logos. It is then Hijacked with Messages that Read:


It then Shows Clips of all The Hijackings, Afterward, Messages Appear Saying “DON’T TOUCH THAT DIAL”, “MORE TO COME” and then “WE BEGIN OUR BROADCAST DAY” before the Hijacking Concludes and Local 58 Broadcasting returns back to Normal.

7. Real Sleep

The Broadcast appears to be Based on a Personalized VHS recorded by the Thought Research Initiative in 1983 for a Man named Philip Gerhardt. It Starts with a simple Myth or Fact Game about Sleep, which Claims that Dreaming is Not Essential to Mental Health. It then Displays a Visual of Monitored Brainwaves called the “Kleitman Map”, implying that the Video was Personally Designed to Prevent Dreams by Applying an Inverse of the Map. The Video then Cuts to a Segment where Four Sequences are Introduced in a Manner Similar to the Flashed Face Distortion Effect.The Exercise appears to be designed in an Attempt to Erase the Concept of Facial Recognition from the Viewer. The Viewer is then Bombarded by Subliminal Messages that Flash in Rapid Succession on the Screen Saying things like:


The Video Ends with the Viewer being told that They have Now Completed the Real Sleep Program, and to Avoid seeing a Doctor as the Screen Fizzles Out.

8. Skywatching

The Video begins a san Educational Program similar to Cosmos and Star Gazers Broadcast in the 1990’s. After the Introduction the Show is Hijacked by a Feed Displaying Home Video Footage of the Night Sky with the Same Title as Before the Hijacking. The Camera Displays different Asterisms, and then turns to the Moon. The Words “HIS THRONE” are Displayed on the Screen as the Cameraman begins to Switch Lenses. The Camera then Displays Close Ups of the Moon’s Surface with Strange Constructions and seemingly Organic Formations. The Moon then Slowly Fades Away as the Camera Zooms. As the Camerman begins to Switch Lenses , the Moon Reappears, Now Far Larger in Size and with a Creature Visible Inside.

An Air Raid Siren is then Heard Going off, and the Video Ends with the Cameraman walking in front of the Camera towards the Moon with His Hands Raises, while the word “REJOICE” Appear on the Screen, just before the Siren Abruptly Cuts out and the Hijacking concludes. After the Credits, the Video Concludes with one Last Message “Keep Looking Up”

We Hope You Enjoyed this Sinister Tale of a Subversive Alien Invasion as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober   (Pt1238am)

Abominable Animations: A SHORT VISION (BFI 1956)

In this Installment of Abominable Animations FYB is Delighted to Bring You  Controversial, Gory, and Disturbing Anti Nuclear Animated British Film A Short Vision. The Film was Written and Directed by Joan and Peter Foldes in 1956, and was Inspired by one of Peter’s Poems. A Short Vision Depicts the Destruction of the Earth, and  the Brutal Demise of Humanity at the Hands of a Menacing Nuclear Bomb (Referred Only as It in the Film).

It all started when in 1952, the First Successful Detonation of a Hydrogen Bomb that was over 450 times as Powerful as the Bomb America Dropped on Nagasaki in World War 2. This Horrific Potential for Destruction Terrified Peter and They Two began working on a Short Cartoon in Their Kitchen, and in 1956 A Short Vision was Aired on the Popular American Television Talk Show The Ed Sullivan Show.


To His Credit Sullivan tried to Prepare the Audience for the Horror of the Film, But His Introduction Fell Short of Warning Viewers that They were about to watch an Interpretation of a Nuclear Holocaust, complete with Bloody, Melting Faces:

“Just last week you read about the H-bomb being dropped. Now two great English Writers, two very imaginative writers-I’m gonna tell you if you have youngsters in the living room tell them not to be alarmed at this ’cause it’s a fantasy, the whole thing is animated-but two English writers, Joan and Peter Foldes, wrote a thing which they called A Short Vision in which they wondered what might happen to the animal population of the world if an H-Bamb were dropped. It’s produced by George K. Authur and I’d like you to see it. It is grim, but I think we can all stand it to realize that in war there is no winner.”

A Short Vision garnered a great deal of Praise from Audiences and Critics, many were Angry and Disturbed by such Graphic Depictions of the Nuclear Apocalypse. Undeterred by the Backlash, Foldes continued Producing Groundbreaking, Socially Conscious Animation throughout His Career.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Upside of SARS

Before there was the Corona Virus and CORVID-19 the World had to Worry about it was SARS. For those who may Not Know nor Remember Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS is a Contagious and Sometimes Fatal Illness Caused by a Coronavirus. SARS appeared in China in 2002 and it Spread Worldwide within a Matter of Months though it was Quickly Contained. There has been No Known Transmission of SARS has occurred since 2004.

Now that in 2020 the Entire World is Faced with the Coronavirus COVID-19 which like SARS Originated in China. This time the Chinese were Well Prepared to handle the Outbreak and Spread of COVID-19 because of Their  previously having dealt with SARS. Armed with Their Prior Knowledge on How to Prevent or Slow the Spread of a New Super Virus the Chinese have set the Standard for how to Deal with the Current COVID-19 Pandemic (or Any Future Epidemic or God Forbid a Future Pandemic as Well).


The System the Chinese have is Simple and Straight forward in its Execution. Every Person who enter ANY and All Buildings are Screened and Their Temperature is Taken, and if Someone has a Fever They are Immediately sent to what is referred to as a Fever Clinic. Once Someone arrives at a Fever Clinic They are Quarantined and Tested right away. Unlike in America where Tests take 1 or 2 Days to get the Results the Chinese Fever Clinic get Their results in just 4 Hours. If a Person at a Fever Clinic Tests Positive They are again Immediately transported to an Isolated Quarantine away from the Populous. Once at said Location the Patients are Treated while in Quarantine, and once They Test Negative and with a Doctor’s Clearance are Released. This severely inhibits the said Viruses Spread keeping Casualties to a Bare Minimum as a Vaccine is Developed.


Meanwhile in America due to Trump being the Fat, Greedy, and Utterly Ignorant Cunt are 8 Weeks behind the Rest of the World in Dealing with CORVID-19. We don’t have nearly enough Tests, and the Results take up to 2 Days, We have a shortage of Medical Supplies that are Needed to Combat a Viral Outbreak at a Pandemic Level, and a State of Emergency was only called for 72 hours ago. Not to mention Trump the Vile Orange Cunt cut funding to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Fired the Pandemic Specialist at the CDC, HE FUCKING LIED HIS FAT FUCKING ASS OFF. He knowingly spread Misinformation, Propaganda, Conspiracy Theories, Denial, and Countless fucking Lies. Trump’s Asshole Actions Resulted in the American CORVID-19 Pandemic Crisis We are currently facing, and CAUSED THE UNNECESSARY SPREAD OF COVID-19 that KILLED AMERICAN CITIZENS .


Why You might wonder well Trump is a Fat Greedy Fucker who was willing to put Personal Profits over the American People. Cocksucker Trump didn’t want to Lose Money so He Sacrificed American’s Safety and Lives to do so. THIS IS PROOF TRUMP THE CORRUPT CUNT AND THE TRUMP ASS KISSING REPUBLICAN SCUMBAG SYCOPHANTS care more about Their Bank Account and Stock Portfolios more than America or Americans. The Punishment of Execution should be a simple and Straight Forward as the Chinese Method of Viral Outbreak Containment.

Trump The Obese Piece of Shit, His Asshole Administration, and Any/All of His GOP Supporters should be Removed from Office. Once Removed They should all be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity, Convicted, and SENTENCED TO DEATH. The Death Sentence would be Carried Out in Public (and Streamed Live) Immediately following the Verdict without a Single Appeal Provided. The Guilty are sentenced to Death by being HUNG, DRAWN, AND QUARTERED since a Quick Demise is far to Good for These Greedy Shitfucks They should Suffer First.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Fuck the Hypocrisy of The 4th of July.

The 4th of July is America’s Independence Day. It’s the Day We finally rid Ourselves of the Oppressive Tyrants of England who Persecuted Our Ancestor’s Religious Practices. It’s also the BIGGEST CROCKS OF  HISTORICAL HORSESHIT AND HYPOCRISY, and here is why.

First lest We forget The Pilgrims came to America to Escape Religious Persecution for Their Beliefs. The Native American Indians helped the Pilgrims who without Their help would have all fucking STARVED AND FROZEN to Death.



So in The End Our Ancestors BECAME WORSE TYRANTS THAN THEIR ENGLISH COUNTERPARTS. Being picked on for One’s Religious Beliefs is far better than crossing a fucking Ocean to end up Killing and Cheating MILLIONS OF INNOCENT NATIVE AMERICANS out of Their Lives, Lands , and Culture. The White Man tried to FORCE Native American’s to Assimilate. That means fuck Your Identity/Culture/Heritage/Beliefs/Personal Religion  and Become a Clone just like Us.

We stole a Country and the Natives American’s that We didn’t Murder We exiled to Shitty, Isolated, Piece of Shit lands that No White Person Wanted. We then Neglected and Ignored basically ever since We invented Reservations to stick Native Americans out of the Way of the White Settlers.

The Horrible Irony is one of the CHIEF WEAPONS used in the JUSTIFICATION of Crimes Against Humanity demonized Native American’s by PROSECUTING THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. The exact same fucking reason Our Ancestor’s escaped from England in the first fucking Place.

FUTHERMORE I for one am SICK AS HELL of all these White Retarded Racist Assholes (By the Way I AM WHITE) running around Now a days yelling and hollering that America is ‘Their Country”(aka White Man’s), and Immigrants be Damned.


Again if You are NOT NATIVE AMERICAN Your Ancestors were ALL FUCKING IMMIGRANTS. Not only that They were Immigrants that TRASHED, STOLE, and EXPLOITED the ENTIRE FUCING COUNTRY They Immigrated to.

America wasn’t Discovered. It WASN’T Uninhabited by any account. We came, We Saw, We Wanted, and WE TOOK at all Costs what We felt was fucking Due US just because We floated across the fucking Ocean to get away from a shitty European fucking Island.

The worst and most fucking retarded Racists are Trump’s Cult of MAGA supporters. MAGAs are the fucking SCUM OF THE EARTH. Every MAGA should have Their Heads removed Immediately from Their fucking Shoulders. You want to make America Great Again?!

THEN GIVE IT BACK TO THE NATIVE AMERICANS since technically America is STOLEN Property. As far as I’m concerned MAGAs, NAzis, Klans Men, White Nationalist, and Other Hate groups can take Their Burning Crosses, Swastikas, and Hand Signs, and FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE ASS WITH THEM UNTIL THEY ALL FUCKING ARE DEAD.

Only good Racist is a fucking DEAD ONE. Its time to make Racists Afraid again to show Their shit filled Hate.

As for MAGA’s so called Leader “President” Trump that Fat Orange Fuck should BE ARRESTED, TRIED, AND CONVICTED OF TREASON.

Our FOUNDING FATHERS proclaimed the Crime of Treason shall be Punishable BY DEATH.

So lets Fire Up Old Sparky and have Dipshit Donny take a seat. Light that scumfucker up like a goddamn Christmas Tree.


America was Stolen or taken by Force by WHITE SETTLERS.

The Pilgrims wanted to escape Religious Persecution by the Tyranical English Government only TO BECOME THE TYRANTS PERSECUTING NATIVE AMERICAN’S FOR THER RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.

The White Settlers DEHUMANIZED THE NATIVE AMERICANS using Names/Terms such as “Savages” or “Heathens” to JUSTIFY KILLING THEM AND TAKING THEIR COUNTRY because They weren’t Christians.


Yet ANOTHER Atrocity pretreated by Man against His fellow Man in the Name of God.

Thanks for Reading as Always,

  By Les Sober