IRS Assholes At Work

The IRS is a fucking Scam that must have the American Forefathers rolling over in Their Graves. This fucking Country was founded on several Democratic Principals one of which was NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Eventually the American Government has become so Hypocritical and Corrupt as fuck.

I have no issue paying Taxes if the MONEY GOES to what its Appropriated for like Education or Infrastructure, BUT as always in Politics the Money goes to whatever fucking bullshit the GOVERNMENT deems appropriate regardless of how the Tax Payers fell or think about it.

The IRS is the embodiment of Taxation without Representation as They were created to do one thing and one thing Only Collect Taxes like Sales Tax, Income Tax, Property Tax, and even a fucking DEATH TAX. Yes that’s right when You die the Government will attempt to help themselves to HALF of ALL Your Financial Worth at the Time of Death. One last massive Tax  to send You on Your way into the Afterlife. I only say attempt because if You don’t insulate Your investments then Yes the Government will take HALF. It’s a fucking Tax for DYING. Since when was Death Taxable seriously what the fuck?!


Now as You might Image as a Governmental Agency with One Job to Collect ALL TAXES No Matter What that over the Years (and combined with Politicians growing GREED) the IRS set Out to Collect as Much Money as They Possibly could. So with the help of the fucking Politicians the IRS as become one Serious Motherfucker since The Government can change the fucking Rules whenever They fucking want. SO one the DECADES the IRS has had added Additional Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Protocols all designed to let Them STEAL MORE AND MORE OF YOUR FUCKING MONEY.

A PRIME Example of such Legislative Rape is Something I am Personally have been Dealing with Every fucking Year for Several Years now, and will have to continue to Deal with over the up coming Years where the Scales will be Tipped farther and farther in the IRS’s fucking Corrupt Favor.

Now there is a LITTLE Good News is a Group of Legal and Financial experts at some point in Time Managed to Institute TAX FREE ACCOUNTS. I think it’s one of if not the Greatest Financial Creations in American History. I mean TAX FREE Accounts are Designed to FUCK THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF EVEN A SINGLE FUCKING DIME of Your Money. Unfortunately TAX FREE Accounts are Hard and Maintain due to the Fact the IRS Obviously LOATHS TAX FREE Accounts because of that Fact.


With the Corrupt UnAmerican IRS Inventing More and More Creative ways to get Their filthy fucking Hands on Your Money No Matter What which is what They were Designed to do. So it’s NO Surprise one of the IRS’s Key Targets was to Find a way to BLEED TAX FREE ACCOUNTS DRY in spite of the Restrictions set in place to PROTECT CITIZENS FROM FINANCIAL PREDATORS LIKE THE GODDAMN IRS.

I just so happen to have Money tied up in a TAX FREE Account which You think would Delight Me, and to an extent it does. The problem is the cocksucking IRS devised a way to Tax Me None the Less. The IRS Implemented MANDATORY YEARLY WITHDRAWALS which means You HAVE to take whatever Amount the fucking IRS tells EVERY YEAR. This way the IRS can TAX IT  Even thought You DON’T WANT TO WITHDRAW JACK DIDDLY SHIT.

It DOESN’T End There it gets even MORE fucking Criminal. I got a call from My Financial Money Men’s Office letting Me know its time for the Bullshit Mandatory IRS Withdrawal, AND it INCREASED BY 1/3 from Last Year. When I asked Why the amount Increased I was simply told the Following. The fucking IRS realized Not only can They FORCE You to withdraw Money so They can Tax it, BUT They can Increase the Yearly Withdrawal. That Way The can Tax You even MORE every fucking Year of Your Life Until the TAX FREE Account is Completely Drained. Now the IRS doesn’t want to put You in the Poor House since Poor People turn Only a Small Profit They just simply want You to MOVE your Money into an Account They can TAX at Will.


In The End a Country Founded on the Principle of Taxation without Representation Created the IRS who’s Existence is based on  TAX ING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU FOR AS MUCH AS FUCKING POSSIBLE EVEN WHEN YOU FUCKING DIE.

Land of the Free? FUCK THAT.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober (12:13 am)

Fuck the Hypocrisy of The 4th of July.

The 4th of July is America’s Independence Day. It’s the Day We finally rid Ourselves of the Oppressive Tyrants of England who Persecuted Our Ancestor’s Religious Practices. It’s also the BIGGEST CROCKS OF  HISTORICAL HORSESHIT AND HYPOCRISY, and here is why.

First lest We forget The Pilgrims came to America to Escape Religious Persecution for Their Beliefs. The Native American Indians helped the Pilgrims who without Their help would have all fucking STARVED AND FROZEN to Death.



So in The End Our Ancestors BECAME WORSE TYRANTS THAN THEIR ENGLISH COUNTERPARTS. Being picked on for One’s Religious Beliefs is far better than crossing a fucking Ocean to end up Killing and Cheating MILLIONS OF INNOCENT NATIVE AMERICANS out of Their Lives, Lands , and Culture. The White Man tried to FORCE Native American’s to Assimilate. That means fuck Your Identity/Culture/Heritage/Beliefs/Personal Religion  and Become a Clone just like Us.

We stole a Country and the Natives American’s that We didn’t Murder We exiled to Shitty, Isolated, Piece of Shit lands that No White Person Wanted. We then Neglected and Ignored basically ever since We invented Reservations to stick Native Americans out of the Way of the White Settlers.

The Horrible Irony is one of the CHIEF WEAPONS used in the JUSTIFICATION of Crimes Against Humanity demonized Native American’s by PROSECUTING THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. The exact same fucking reason Our Ancestor’s escaped from England in the first fucking Place.

FUTHERMORE I for one am SICK AS HELL of all these White Retarded Racist Assholes (By the Way I AM WHITE) running around Now a days yelling and hollering that America is ‘Their Country”(aka White Man’s), and Immigrants be Damned.


Again if You are NOT NATIVE AMERICAN Your Ancestors were ALL FUCKING IMMIGRANTS. Not only that They were Immigrants that TRASHED, STOLE, and EXPLOITED the ENTIRE FUCING COUNTRY They Immigrated to.

America wasn’t Discovered. It WASN’T Uninhabited by any account. We came, We Saw, We Wanted, and WE TOOK at all Costs what We felt was fucking Due US just because We floated across the fucking Ocean to get away from a shitty European fucking Island.

The worst and most fucking retarded Racists are Trump’s Cult of MAGA supporters. MAGAs are the fucking SCUM OF THE EARTH. Every MAGA should have Their Heads removed Immediately from Their fucking Shoulders. You want to make America Great Again?!

THEN GIVE IT BACK TO THE NATIVE AMERICANS since technically America is STOLEN Property. As far as I’m concerned MAGAs, NAzis, Klans Men, White Nationalist, and Other Hate groups can take Their Burning Crosses, Swastikas, and Hand Signs, and FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE ASS WITH THEM UNTIL THEY ALL FUCKING ARE DEAD.

Only good Racist is a fucking DEAD ONE. Its time to make Racists Afraid again to show Their shit filled Hate.

As for MAGA’s so called Leader “President” Trump that Fat Orange Fuck should BE ARRESTED, TRIED, AND CONVICTED OF TREASON.

Our FOUNDING FATHERS proclaimed the Crime of Treason shall be Punishable BY DEATH.

So lets Fire Up Old Sparky and have Dipshit Donny take a seat. Light that scumfucker up like a goddamn Christmas Tree.


America was Stolen or taken by Force by WHITE SETTLERS.

The Pilgrims wanted to escape Religious Persecution by the Tyranical English Government only TO BECOME THE TYRANTS PERSECUTING NATIVE AMERICAN’S FOR THER RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.

The White Settlers DEHUMANIZED THE NATIVE AMERICANS using Names/Terms such as “Savages” or “Heathens” to JUSTIFY KILLING THEM AND TAKING THEIR COUNTRY because They weren’t Christians.


Yet ANOTHER Atrocity pretreated by Man against His fellow Man in the Name of God.

Thanks for Reading as Always,

  By Les Sober

Thomas Jefferson weighs in on Apple VS. The FBI

“A Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have…The course of history shows that as a government grows,liberty decreases.”

-Thomas Jefferson-