Dinner For Few

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post the Animated Short Film DINNER FOR FEW by Award Winning Director and Animator Nassos Vakalis which an Allegorical Depiction of Society. I in Particular find DINNER FOR FEW to be Interesting and Entertaining is the Social Commentary that Reminds Me of Two of My Favorite fucking Books of All fucking Time. Those Two Books Being Animal Farm by George Orwell which is a Scathing Criticism on the Flaws and Failure of Communism. The Other is the Graphic Novel MAUS by Art Spiegelman which Depicts the Author’s Interviewing His Father about His Experiences as a Holocaust Survivor. Both Books and DINNER FOR FEW rely Heavily on Symbolism which I personally enjoy the fuck Out of (Especially Using Specific Animals to Embody Different Kinds of People. Example The Rich and Powerful) those that do per Animal Farm are Depicted in all 3 Works as PIGS.

The Best Part of Symbolism and DINNER FOR FEW is it actually makes You fucking think in the fucking age of Smart Phone Zombies and Laptop Ghouls. Swear to fucking God all the shit They put Out and Dare to call Entertainment is MINDLESS FUCKING DRIVIL. The Point and Click/Touch/Swipe Technology is causing Humanity to Actually De-fucking-evolve into Retarded, Mindless, Cavemen. Think I’m being over fucking Dramatic well then Ponder the fuck Out of This. Emojis are and have Always Been the Digital Equivalent of fucking Cave Paintings (No Hieroglyphs is too Advanced at this Point to be fucking Comparable).

Our View: DINNER FOR FEW does have One Unique Aspect that Sets it Apart from the Two Aforementioned Books, and that is it Depicts the Cycle of Life in Society as Opposed to just Commenting on the Social Situation/Issue/Problem at Hand. DINNER FOR FEW reminds Me of Two Sayings that for Me go Hand in Fucking Hand and They are the Following:

  1. “The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer.” This Serving as the Societal Circle of Life on the Macro Level.
  2. “Don’t Piss on My Leg and Tell Me it’s Raining.” The Day to Day Injustices in Society and Those Affected by Them on the Micro Level.

The Symbolism as We see it:

  • Pigs: Well Obviously as I mentioned before the Pigs are Symbolic of the Wealthy, Privileged, Greedy, Gluttonous, Self Serving Elitist Assholes Who Only give shit about Themselves.
  • The Chef: Stands for the System that Enables the Pigs without Question its His Only function is to Blindly Serve the Pigs.
  • The Cats: Represent Average Citizens/Every Day People aka Anyone Who isn’t a fucking Pig.
  • White Lion: Is Indicative of Revolution as the Cats Unite against the Common Enemy the Pigs and Revolt Against the Tyrant Swine. Not Only that But the Feline Uprising enables the Cats to Not Only Stand Up Against the Pigs but to Also Exact Revenge in the Form of a Brutal Blood Soaked and Murderous Massacre.
  • The Lion Sleeping: is Symbolic of Peace and in this Case the Peace is that Peace has been Restored to the Land so to Speak.
  • Chef Killing the Lion and Kittens: Represents the Cycle of a Sick Society Continues it’s Never Ending Circle where Unavoidably things will Always Remain the Same.

Description By Creator Nassos Vakalis:

During dinner, “the system” feeds the few who consume all the resources while the rest survive on scraps. Inevitably, the struggle for what remains leads to catastrophic change. The offspring of this transition turns out not to be a sign of hope, but the spitting image of the parents.



Credits and Shit:

  • Original title – Dinner for few
  • Director and writer – Nassos Vakalis
  • Producer – Nassos Vakalis, Katerinai Stergiopoulou
  • Music – Kostas Christides
  • Year – 2014

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Less Than Human

Hey how the hell are you? Yesterday’s post fell through like a real motherfucker so I (Justin Sane) am here to day. This Post showcases with the 2017 Danish animated Horror/Comedy short film LESS THAN HUMAN by The Animation Workshop and directed by Steffen Bang Lindholm.

Now I must admit two of my favorite books of all fucking time are ANIMAL FARM and NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR both written by none other than the legendary author George Orwell (the pen name for Eric Arthur Blair). Both novels are social commentaries about the injustices perpetrated in/by society, human nature, perception, corrupt government, abuses of power,  and freedom/personal freedom. So naturally when I was tipped off about LESS THAN HUMAN I was an instant fan from the fucking get go.

FUN FACT: The film went through some working titles including “Zobihubie” when it was first pitched. Later it was name “The Story Behind” before the crew finally settled on the title “Less Than Human” which best described the film.

Synopsis: In the aftermath of a zombie outbreak, zombies are cured and exiled to secluded camps. There has been talk about rehabilitating post-zombies back into society. Steve, a freelance journalist reporting on the case, thinks the zombies still pose a threat to society. He ventures into one of these camps to prove to the world that rehabilitation is out the question.

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

See You Around,

   Justin Sane  

Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids: The Sad Tale OF Bad Breath Joe and Smile!

In this Installment of Cartoon’s That Aren’t For Kids We are Amused to Present THE SAD TALE OF BAD BREATH JOE followed by SMILE!

In Spite of its Lengthy Title The Sad Tale of Bad Breath Joe is just a mere 60 seconds of Insanity. What could this Minute of Madness be about Exactly?! After some time Brainstorming and Bouncing Ideas off Each other here are just a few Possibilities. It could be a Cautionary Tale of Choices and Their Consequences, it could be a Commentary on People’s Desire to be Liked/Loved, It may be a Statement on the Fear of Not being Accepted or possibly Singled Out as the Preverbal Black Sheep. It might also be a Commentary on Sacrifice for the Greater Good or on People’s Persecution of  People who are perceived Different or Defective. Other things the Cartoon may be addressing are Expectance, Peer Pressure, Society’s Perception of Beauty, a Need to Fit In, Self Confidence, Wanting to Belong, The Hell You Know Might be Better than the One You Don’t, Being Yourself No Matter What, or it very well may just be a Little Taste of Cartoon Crazy So. Enjoy.

SMILE! is Cartoon by Aleksandor Wasilewski which has rather Grim and Ominous  Overtones right from the Start. SMILE! has a Stark Black and White Color Scheme as well as Music by the band God Speed You! Black Emperor. SMILE! has an Oppressive feel that is Reminiscent of George Orwell’s Classic Novels  Animal Farm and 1984 as the Cartoon Unfolds. The Story is Simple a Forlorn Man sits in front of a Tribunal/Council of Some sort who are all sitting a Commanding Banner that reads SMILE! with a Giant Smily Face On it. All The Council Members are Staring directly at the Forlorn Man while Smiling Manically. Every time the Man is Instructed by a Flashing Sign to Smile the Man must Smile or He is  Penalized by the Various Members of the Council. Can the Man find it in Himself to Conform before the Council Kills Him for Non Compliance? You’ll have to See for Yourself. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober