FYB Presents Animation Abominations: BOBBY YEAH

This Installment of Animation Abominations features BOBY YEAH By the Extremely Talented Artist Robert Morgan in Association with Blue Light. Morgan’s Various Works of Art would make Maynard James Keenan (and The Rest of the Members of Tool) Green with Envy and Clive Barker Blinded by Jealousy.

Plot Summery: Well what could I possibly sat about Bobby Yeah other than it seems to be a Tale of The Main Character Bobby’s search for Love/Friendship/Comfort in His Own Surreal Personal Inter Dimensional Hell. Along the Way Bobby encounters Monstrous Mutant Creatures Some Aggressive, Some Insane, and Some I have No fucking Idea What They Are Honestly.

If I had to make an Educated Guess I’d say Bobby Yeah is a Social Commentary on the Alienation, and Longing People Feel as They haphazardly Navigate Through (the Highs and Horrors) of Life looking for Companionship and Affection.

We here at FYB Hope You Thoroughly Enjoyed Robert Morgan’s Insane Odyssey BOOBY YEAH as much as We Did/Do.

Thanks for Watching/Viewing

  Presented By Les Sober