Get Up

We are Well Aware that due to Our Last Post this seems rather Contradictory which isn’t Exactly the Case. Granted this is the Old FYB Style Post and there is No Denying it and We Wouldn’t any-fucking-way. So what the fuck is Going On One might be Wondering so allow Us to Briefly Explain. We are Not so Much Pivoting to a New Style, but are in fact Returning to FYB’s Original Concept. The Original FYB Concept was Solely a Creative Writing Blog which is Fun as Fuck to Do there’s No Question of That. BUT the Problem with Writing is it’s a Process that can take an Unknown amount of Time to Complete. This isn’t the Optimal since in this Day and Age People have the fucking Attention Spans of fucking Goldfish (3 Seconds) and Demand Constant Unending Content. With that said Nothing is going to Change Overnight as the Transition will take some Time to Establish a Viable Writing Only Format.

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring the Video GET UP by the Legendary Animator Lee Hardcastle. If You Don’t Know Lee Hardcastle he is an Insanely fucking Prolific British Animator/Film Maker who Specializes in All Types of Stop-Motion Techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty Film Making!

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-


It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Plastic Men

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Remake/Remix of TreatsForBeasts Video PLASTIC MEN by Hydraulic Beanbag. PLASTIC MEN was Originally Posted in 2012 by Creator, Director, and Musician Jordan Diniz. Diniz is the creator of the mind boggling bizarre  Youtube channel Treatsforbeasts as well other earlier video/musical projects. NOT a whole fucking lot is really known about Diniz like for example when researching I found shit like this “It is possible he is from Massachusetts.” which was IN-FUCKING-FURIATING! You damn well know Finding Information is gonna be a REAL son of a bitch if No One even knows where Diniz is from. I did manage to find SOME goddamn Additional Information which You will find Below.

  • Diniz has preformed in several bands such as Thang City and The Liquid Flow.
  • Diniz was the keyboardist in Holding Steady The Heartbeat of Hell.
  • Currently music wise Diniz is making music under the name Sanguinarious.
  • Diniz’s music genre of choice could be considered a mix of Gothic rock, Heavy Metal, and quite possibly Post-Punk.
  • Some say he looks like Jesus.
  • Diniz has what has been described as “ridiculously expandable jaw” (an example of this is Diniz singing in the video “I me you love god ”
    From Diniz’s work it’s apparent he doesn’t think favorably about Christianity/Catholicism.
  • Diniz created Treatsforbeats on September 26, 2009.
  • Diniz has gone YEARS before posting new content on his Treatsforbeasts Youtube channel.

As Far as Hydraulic Beanbag is Concerned the Channel Description is as Follows:

one hop this time (()*)*()(*
one hop this time bbb209u02ue
right foot left stomp _)_)@)I_I#_

the green and brown guy is named bunga

I make the ambient background music myself, and they’re all made just for that individual video, they don’t have names

my favorite food is jello, flavor doesn’t matter in the realm of the squishy
e [

If you want

if you REAAALY have to contact me (you don’t) my dm’s are open, haha just kidding, used to have discord here but no more, know what change of heart if i dont wanna talk to you i wont, but i do want to talk to some of you so ill put it back Beanbag#5554. if you really really have a serious question message my email that I don’t check also don’t ask to sponsor me as I’m not ready yet (and I may never be), this email is just for dum shid and collab suggestions”

Our Thoughts: So when it come to Hydraulic Beanbag We will let You decipher and decide what the fuck You think that fucking Asinine Absurdity is About. As Far as the Hydraulic Beanbag’s Remake/Reboot of Treatsforbeasts it’s Pretty Damn Decent when it comes to a fucking Remake/Reboot because it Doesn’t fuck with the Original Nightmare Fuel Feel, but it’s really quite fucking Obvious Nothing Beats the Treatsforbeasts Original (Which We have Posted in Here in the Animation/Cartoon Section). And for the fucking Record Though We aren’t Fans of Anything CGI We have to give Credit where Credit is Due, and Even Tough Hydraulic Beanbag’s PLASTIC MEN Version Opted to Use CGI They did Keep the Unnerving Aesthetics of the Main Character.

THE LYRICS (for Lack of a Better Word )to PLASTIC MEN are the Following:

“Plastic Men, Women, and Children want to tickle me in the wilderness. They watch as I caress my exposed spine…I’m ashamed of my own body.”



It is What. it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober 

Goonlord – Caveman (Official Video)

Mondays are a Motherfucking Pain in the Ass so it seemed fucking Appropriate to Post this Considering the Extreme Frustration Surrounding this Post. This FYB Monday is the Official Animated Music Video for the Song “Caveman” by the Death Metal Band known as Goonlord. In a Cool Collaboration the “Caveman” Video was Animated by Non Other then a Recent Favorite of Ours Creeptoons.

Now this is the fucking Frustrating Part of this Post was/is the Lack of Available Information. Allow Me to Explain What I’m Talking about. First Off when You fucking Type Goonlord into a fucking Search Engine it Responds with “Did You Mean Goodlord?” which I damn well didn’t. I don’t know Who the fuck or What the fuck Goodlord is, but it sounds like a Christian Organization and after this Post I fucking Hate Them. I also Check Numerous Websites and Music Platforms and Here is What I Found which isn’t a Hell of a Lot.


  • As I mentioned before They are a Death Metal Band.
  • Goonlord is from Florida.
  • The Album “Caveman” was Released on Monday November 29th 2021.
  • You can Find Goonlord’s Music on iToons and Spotify as well as Several Other Music Websites.
  • Goonlord Albums: Wide Eyed, Caveman, Inhuman, Pariah, and Someone May Die Here.
  • I Found what I fucking Thought was a Real Lead: which was completely fucking Useless. Their were Picks of the Band with No Bios, and There was Merchandise for Sale but No Band Information. It’s fucking Bizarre Yet Death Metal is a Fairly Niche Genre so Maybe I shouldn’t be that fucking Surprised after all. Who fucking Knows Not I.
  • Band Members:
  • Wesley Mitchell – Vocals
  • Jono Sanchez – Guitar
  • Quentinn “Super Q” Hembree – Guitar
  • Las Miles – Bass
  • Jon “Tree” Lelesi – Drums

Now this bring us to Creeptoons which is even more fucking aggravating then Researching Goonlord which was a Real Kick in the Nuts. So without Further Ado here is What I found on Ye Old Creeptoons:

  • Creeptoons is a Singular Artist
  • Creeptoons is Male.
  • Creeptoons has had Art Exhibits at the Modern Eden Gallery.
  • Besides His Youtube Channel He has an Instagram Account.
  • He is also on Etsy.
  • He is on Facebook/Meta (Yeah Right Zuckerberg You Dick).
  • There is No Personal Information in Any of the Bio aka “About” Categories.
  • Creeptoon’s Once Described His Work as “Creeptoons are Disgusting, Loveable Monsters that Live in the Clogged Arteries of Your Imagination.
  • The Closest thing to Anything Personal is Creeptoons refers to/ Describes Himself with just one fucking Word: Artist.

I think the Reason for the Horrendous Lack of Information is Perpetrated by Creeptoons Himself. Remember Kiddies there Artist Who are the Acceptation to the Rule. There Some Artist who are Honestly all about Their Art, and have No Interest in Being Famous or the Hassles that come with it. The Artists want to get Their Art Out there but Don’t want to go out in Public and Get Swarmed with People Badgering Them for Autographs or Picture. It was No Secret that Kurt Cobain for an Example Struggled with Fame and it made Him fucking Miserable. Also there Artists that to Avoid a Kurt Cobain Scenario go to Great Lengths to Keep Their Anonymity like Banksy or Sia for Example. I fully Believe Creeptoons is one of these Artists that wants His Work to Speak for Itself and Keep His Private Life Well Just that Private.


Thanks For Watching/Lisening,

   Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to this Installment on Tidbits For Shits And Giggles Featuring the Animated Music Video Dinner is Not Over by the One and Only Mr. Jack Strauber.

Jack Stauber is a Singer, Songwriter, and Animator from clean, Pennsylvania. Jack also Publishes under the Name Jack Stauber’s Micropop, in which He releases Hist Short Songs from His Social Media or Extended Versions of His Short YouTube Songs. So Far, there are Six Micropop EP’s One Compilation Album, and One Soundtrack Album. Jack Stauber’s Music is often Described as Avantgarde, or Indie Alternative. His Music is a Blend of Pop, Electronic, and Folk.

Strauber’s Videos typically include MS-Paint Animation, 3D Animation, and Other Mixed Media. Nearly all of His Content is Recorded onto a VHS Tape, giving it an Old-Timer Aesthetic. Themes within the Videos may be that of a Typical Song or Something More Cryptic in Nature. Strauber also makes Animated Cartoon Shorts using Microsoft Paint, but more Recently His Videos have been appearing in Different or More Unique Styles of Art. He has also Gained Attention on the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, and has Aired One of His Videos on an Episode of “Off the Air”,  made an “Adult Swim Smalls”, Created a Whole Mini-Series called SHOP: A Pop Opera, and made the a Short Film Titled OPAL.


As Any Child Knows Dinner is Not Over (and You May Not Have Dessert) until You’ve Cleaned Your Plate especially when it comes to Vegetables, But Have You Ever Tasted Death?


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: Pete The Meat Puppet

Pete The Meat Puppet is the Equivalent of The Bastard Love Child  of Pinocchio and Howdy Doody having a Seriously Brutal Acid Trip in Vegan Hell (where He’s made Entirely of Meat and Rules as the Vegan Dietary Anti-Christ) Set to Music.

Pete is Built out of Various Types of Meat Scraps by a Female Butcher who isn’t Married, and has a Womb as Welcoming as Death Valley. After Nursing Pete comes Alive unfortunately the Surprise makes His Mother’s Heart Explode like a Overfilled Water Ballon Killing Her almost Instantly. Pete’s Mother has just enough Time to Utter Her last Words “Pete find the Meaning of Life…..” before Shuffling off this Mortal Coil .

Honoring His Mother’s Dying Wish Pete sets Out into the World to Discover the Meaning of Life. Pete starts Off His Adventure Scrubbing SHitty Toilets at a Fast Food Burger Chain, but He Quickly Climbs the Corporate Ladder To Unparalleled Fame and Fortune. Pete ends up Living in the Lap of Luxury with His Trophy Wife, and 3 Kids in a Brand New McMansion surrounded by His Lavish Lifestyle.

Then Pete starts to Party and Falls Down The Slippery Slope of Alcoholism, Cocaine Addiction, and Hookers culminating in Pete’s Lurid Sex Tape being Leaked. The Drug Fueled Sex Tape Scandal leaves Pete Broke, Homeless, and Alone. Having Had it All and Lost It Pete is Forced to Resort to Prostitution just to Feed Himself and His Vicious Addiction.

Finally Pete hits Rock Bottom and Eats His Own Leg to Satiate Starvation. Pete redeems Himself and Becomes a Friendly Singing/Guitar Playing Hobo riding the Rails from Town to Town still looking for the Meaning of Life.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober (A12:32M)