Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids: The Sad Tale OF Bad Breath Joe and Smile!

In this Installment of Cartoon’s That Aren’t For Kids We are Amused to Present THE SAD TALE OF BAD BREATH JOE followed by SMILE!

In Spite of its Lengthy Title The Sad Tale of Bad Breath Joe is just a mere 60 seconds of Insanity. What could this Minute of Madness be about Exactly?! After some time Brainstorming and Bouncing Ideas off Each other here are just a few Possibilities. It could be a Cautionary Tale of Choices and Their Consequences, it could be a Commentary on People’s Desire to be Liked/Loved, It may be a Statement on the Fear of Not being Accepted or possibly Singled Out as the Preverbal Black Sheep. It might also be a Commentary on Sacrifice for the Greater Good or on People’s Persecution of  People who are perceived Different or Defective. Other things the Cartoon may be addressing are Expectance, Peer Pressure, Society’s Perception of Beauty, a Need to Fit In, Self Confidence, Wanting to Belong, The Hell You Know Might be Better than the One You Don’t, Being Yourself No Matter What, or it very well may just be a Little Taste of Cartoon Crazy So. Enjoy.

SMILE! is Cartoon by Aleksandor Wasilewski which has rather Grim and Ominous  Overtones right from the Start. SMILE! has a Stark Black and White Color Scheme as well as Music by the band God Speed You! Black Emperor. SMILE! has an Oppressive feel that is Reminiscent of George Orwell’s Classic Novels  Animal Farm and 1984 as the Cartoon Unfolds. The Story is Simple a Forlorn Man sits in front of a Tribunal/Council of Some sort who are all sitting a Commanding Banner that reads SMILE! with a Giant Smily Face On it. All The Council Members are Staring directly at the Forlorn Man while Smiling Manically. Every time the Man is Instructed by a Flashing Sign to Smile the Man must Smile or He is  Penalized by the Various Members of the Council. Can the Man find it in Himself to Conform before the Council Kills Him for Non Compliance? You’ll have to See for Yourself. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

The GG Allin Continuum Part 2: Now With Song Lyrics

As some Readers are aware I did a pictorial piece on the Chaotic Life & Infamous Carrier of Underground Hardcore Punk Singer GG Allin. After it posted additional pictures of GG Allin slowly started to trickle in from other Fans. I have already posted a second set of Reader Sent Pictures that was rather lame and uncreative.

This time around I’m going to intertwine the NEW GG ALLIN Pictures with a Song by The Meatmen (who knew GG Personally) I had forgotten about years ago. The Song is a miniature Biographical Tribute, and manages to encompass the entire Life & Career of GG Allin in a nasty little Nutshell.

“Rock’n Roll Enema” By The Meatmen:

For Jesus Christ to set the bar,

To be the Ultimate Scumfuck Superstar,

Left a Big Skid Mark on our Souls!

Called Yourself the Highest Power,

Loved to take a Golden Shower,

Stuck His tiny Dick into our Buttholes!

-He was a Rock’n Roll Enema, Rock’n Roll Enema-

Rockin’ Rollin’ Terrorist,

Head to Toe in Shit’n Piss,

He took it to the Edge and Overboard!

Thought His Schtick it wouldn’t Phase Ya,

Till He committed Coprophagia,

He was the Underworld’s Sick Fuck Overlord!

-He was a Rock’n Roll Enema, Rock’n Roll Enema-


Calling’ me a Goddamn Poseur

Guess what You Fuck your Life is Over

I live to Rage this Cage Another Day

Took it to the Cliff and Over

Suckin’ on Your Brother’s Boner

No Matter how you slice thats Pretty Gay

-He was a Rock’n Roll Enema, Rock’n Roll Enema (x3)-


Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

Les Sober 

Blood For You: The GG Allin Post Follow Up

As some of our Readers are aware I did a post piece on the infamous Underground Punk Rock Outlaw Scumfuck Musician GG Allin. What separated this post from the handful of other GG commentary is I did it in collage form using Photos. Now this isn’t an easy task as GG pictures can be hard to find (just like his Albums), and though I did a pretty fucking relentless spending months compiling the pictures for the post I apparently (and not surprisingly) missed a few.

Now thanks to a few of our more avid readers some additional GG Allin Photos have been e-mailed in so here they are.



Thanks to All Contributing Readers (and keep them coming as a GG Allin Fan I truly appreciate it a great deal)

Les Sober 

Jesus Christ, Kevin Micheal and GG Allin




Versions and Evolution:

Comments and Fan Art:





“Bite It You Scum” Lyrics

You want me to kiss your ass,

Well bend over here comes my foot,

I don’t need your crying ass shit,

tempers rising have a fit,


You want me to contribute,

all I’ve got is blood for you,

all you want is more and more,

bite it you pig, you whore


One day when the end is near,

I’ll be laughing at your fear,

when there is no one,

who will be fucking up my fun, NO ONE



-By G.G.Allin and The Murder Junkies-