What The Fuck Is nasajim108 About

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Videos of nasajim108 who Allegedly worked at NASA and has a Library of Top Secret Government Secrets pertaining to the Existence of Actual Aliens. The issue at hand is Jim is Dying and He doesn’t want to Die taking Such Secrets to the Grave with Him. The Channel Description Reads “These are a series of videos that my client requested to be released after his death.” which would give the Impression the Message was Posted by Jim’s Attorney. Now this Series never Garnered the Attention of Other Fringe Video Series which We think is fucking Strange. We say Strange because while it’s a Short Series (14 Videos all Under 5 Minutes Apiece) it is Still One of the Better Fringe Type Video Series We have seen to Date. So We decided Well Hell fuck it Let’s do a Piece on it Ourselves and We did. Below is the Complete nasajim108 Series in Chronological Order with Significant Bullet Points Pertaining to Each Video just Below each Individual Video for Anyone is Interested.



  • Jim was an Aeronautics Engineer at NASA from 1989 – 2004.
  • Jim quite Due to Health Problems Pertaining to His Terminal Bone Cancer Diagnosis.
  • Jim was given just a mere 5 Months to Live Due to His Diagnosis.
  • Jim wants to Reveal all of this Government Secrets and plans to Bare His Soul in a Series of Videos.
  • Jim claims that He has Personal Knowledge of the Actual Existence of Aliens and Their Capabilities.



  • Jim Teases the Viewers Stating He MAY play a Recording on an Actual Alien.
  • Jim begins Elaborating on the Various Capabilities/Powers such as Reproduction for Example.



  • This Video is a Monologue by Jim as He Rambles and Rants about Possible Threats to Earth.
  • The Video’s Music has had Several Hauntingly Creepy Audio Clips.



  • Jim Claims the Graphic in the Video was Created/Designed by a Fellow Scientist named Bill (Last Name was Inaudible as it was Mumbled like a Motherfucker).
  • Jim also Claims Bill worked Closely with the Aliens.



  • This Video was Not Created By Jim but rather Jim’s Attorney.
  • The Message pertains to Jim’s Family instating Restraining Order blocking Additional Video Releases.



  • Jim Shows what He claims is Actual Footage of a Supposedly Alien (Gray) and Provides and Explanation on the Subject.



  • The Audio and Visuals in the Video are meant to Allow Inter Dimensional Beings to Emerge.
  • The Graphic of a Baby with an Eyeball for a Head is Meant to Summon or Bring a Being called NEFF



  • Jim states that as Humans We can Open Ourselves to Open Frequencies.
  • The Video is to Provide Example/Proof of an Alleged Transmission on a Open Frequencies



  • This Video is NOT Jim’s usual Rhetoric.
  • The Videos Mainly a Minute Long Voicemail sent either to Jim OR His Attorney, More than likely it’s Jim’s Attorney as Jim is Assumed to have Died at this Point.
  • The Video Contains Odd Imagery of Jesus holding a Lamb that has the Head of Infamous Serial Killer Charles Manson.
  • The Video’s Description is Different then Usual as it Reads “We are not afraid.’



  • In this Video a New Character is Introduced named Little Hobo (who is a Ventriloquist Dummy) who seems Completely Out of Place in this Series.
  • Jim launches into a Monologue claiming We have all been Hit with a Plague and are in the Final Stages.
  • Jim appears to Imply that Killing All Infected/Sick People would Solve the Problem of this Unspecified Plague.
  • The Interesting thing is a Picture of Alister Crowley is Located at the Top of the Little Hobo Recording Graphic.



  • Jim states that after the Alien Apocalypse on Earth the Human Survivors will Leave on a Mothership destined for a New Planet to Inhabit.
  • Jim Describes how the Mothership is Built/Constructed in Detail.
  • There seems to be a Good Deal Parallels in the Video to Religion (Example: The New Planet equates to Heaven).
  • Jim Warns that when the Mothership became Corrupt People became Greedy and Egotistical falling into the Identically same Pattern(s) as Those who in fact caused the Apocalypse.



  • The Video features a Person in a Goat Mask and a Woman Tied to a Chair.
  • The Masked Person Displays a Large Fan which Consists the Statement “You are Sleeping”,  Part of the Fibonacci Sequence, Various Shapes and Dates, Bible Versus, 4 Individuals Names, and a Picture of a Snake.
  • The Video Ends with the Coordinates and 2 Additional Bible Verses (Psalm 38:7 and Luke 22:57.
  • One of the Names on the Fan is David Kelly who is a Well Known Scientist with Expert Knowledge of Biological Warfare and He Committed Suicide in 2003.
  • We looked but We couldn’t find a fucking thing on the Other 3 Names Steve Moston, Ian Langford, and Robert Shape.
  • the Bible Versus on the Fan Genesis 3:1 and Revelation 20:2 refer to The Serpent and The Devil, and Revelation 6:9 refers to Souls being Slain.
  • The Coordinates at the End of the Video is Either 1. Located in the Middle of the Yellow Sea off the Coast of North Korea, OR a Random House in Concord, Connecticut.
  • the Bible Versus at the End of the Video Psalm 38:7 reads “For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh.”, and Luke 22:57 “But he denied it. ‘woman I don’t know him,’he said”



  • For some fucking Reason this Video is No Longer Publicly Available from the nasajim108 channel, but Luckily Someone had Downloaded it Prior and that Allowed Us to Find it.
  • The Story of the Goat and the Bee Hive goes as follows. The Goat King who agrees to Help a Bee rid its Hive of Evil Spirits in Exchange for Honey in Return.
  • The Strange thing is the Story/Video is Cut with a Clip(s) of a Man either in Pain or Enraged.



  • Jim Realizes the Universe is a Tuning Fork and, a Tuning Fork is a 2 Pronged Metal Fork that can be used to Tune Musical Instruments.
  • After this Video was Originally Posted the Channel took a 5 Year Hiatus and Returned in 2016.


OMEGA PHASE (The Final Video in the Series):

  • This Video is Extremely Different from the Others as it is Essentially a Singular Shot of a Clock.
  • There is an Interesting Close Up of Jesus with Blood on His Face in addition to the Clock itself.
  • The Clock Represents the Actual Doomsday Clock.
  • The Real Life Doomsday Clock represents the Likelihood of a Man Made Global Catastrophe.
  • The Doomsday Clock was Started in 1947 at the Start of the Cold War.
  • The Doomsday Clock is Maintained by a Group of Atomic Scientists who have been Inching the Hands of the Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight.
  • Midnight on the Doomsday Clock Signals the End of World at the Hands of Humanity.
  • in Early 2023 the Doomsday Clock Hands were moved to 90 Seconds before Midnight which is the Closest the Clock has ever been Since its Creation.



In The End nasajim108 turned out to be a Creative and Well Thought Out Alternate Reality Game (ARG) but Who was Behind it and Why did They Create the nasajim108 Channel/Series? The Key to Unlocking both Answers lies in the Character Little Hobo. If You search Little/Lil Hobo on YouTube there PLENTY of fucking Videos, BUT None have anything to do with or Pertain to nasajim108. So the Question Now is Who is or is Behind the Little Hobo Characterand the Answer is a Man Named Duncan Trussel. Trussel is Quite a Character unto Himself as He is a Regular on Joe “What a Cunt” Rogan’s Shitty Piece of Shit Podcast Rambling On and On about all Types of Alien Topics. Yet there has to be More Connections than just Jackoff Joe Rogen to Tie Trussel to nasajim108 and there are in fact Two Other People.

The First is Pendleton Word who is the Creator of “Adventure Time” and it just so Happens Trussel plays the Character Ron James on the Show. Trussel also plays Clancy Gilroy on Ward’s Other Show “Midnight Gospel”. The Second Person is Stand Up Comedian and Actress Natasha Leggero who Trussel Dated between 2011-2012. Many People Speculate that Leggero played the Part of Jim’s Attorney from the 5th Video Titled  DYING NASA SCIENTIST REVEALS TRUTH ABOUT LIFE ON MARS. It is Undeniable that if You Compare Audio of Leggero to the Voicemail from Jim’s Attorney They do sound Eerily Similar to the Point it’s Uncanny.

Now that We know Who Created nasajim108 the Next Question is Why did Trussel start the nasajim108 Channel to Showcase what amounts to His/Jim’s Video Confession Series? Here We have NO Definitive Answer, But there is a Popular Hypothesis as to Why Trussel came up with nasajim108. There is another Similarity between Trussel and Jim which is Trussel  was Diagnosed with Caner. Though Trussel was Diagnosed with Testicular Caner (where in Jim’s case it was Bone Cancer) back in 2012. Also Jim has Openly Admitted to having Mental Health issues and Conspiracy Theories (Mainly about Aliens) along with Little Hobo are a Regular Part of Trussel’s Stand Up Comedy Acts. Taking all this into Consideration Little Hobo, Famous Girlfriend, Successful Animator, Cancer Diagnosis, Mental Health Issues, Obsession with Alien Conspiracies, and His Appearances on Jackbag Joe Rogan’s Putrid Podcast it could be that nasajim108 was a Coping Mechanism for Trussel who was Facing a Life Changing or Ending Cancer Diagnosis? We more than likely will Never have a Viable Answer to the Question Why did Trussel come up with and Create nasajim108, but Ultimately Does that even fucking Matter We think Not as the Series Speaks for Itself.


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

The Instagram Asshole Incident

Welcome to another Wednesday FYB Post. I apologize for Our Sporadic Posting but lets fucking face it the Holidays are fucking hell with the Psychotic Shopping and Everyone Traveling fucking Everywhere. I assure You that come January We will be Back on Track with some Improvements. As Justin mentioned I recently helped a Friend Launch a Project and  it Demanded a Great Deal of My Time. Luckily the Project took off Faster than Expected so Now that it’s Up and Running its a Maintenance issue at this Point. This brings Me to Todays Post The Instagram Asshole Incident.

For Context Purposes Heres a Brief Back Story Summation of the Situation. I joined My Friend’s Project as the Creative Director, but then the Treasurer at the Time (who I had a Personal falling out just Six Weeks before I joined the Project) went Completely Retarded on Himself. At first He was all Manic and Happy then things got Dark and They got Dark Fast. A few Days after I signed on the Treasurer started getting Bizarrely Defensive, Increasingly Competitive although Our Jobs were Completely fucking different and I had no fucking interest in His fucking Job. Finally shit Hit the Fan and He had a Total fucking Bitch Fit Style Melt Down, and My Friend wasn’t going to Stand for this bullshit Attitude so He Fired the Treasurer’s Trifling Ass.

What I wasn’t fucking aware of at the Time was that the Newly Departed Treasurer had also been given the Job of the Current Handling the Social Media for the Project. As it turned out in Eleven Months of being on the Project the Treasurer hadn’t done a fucking thing. I’d say it was a fucking Joke, but it was far Beyond being just a fucking Joke it was utterly fucking pathetic. So as a Result I was asked to take over the Instagram Account and I use the word Account loosely since there was No fucking Content to speak of and it had Obviously been set up and then Ignored by the Former Treasurer. Since the Ex-Treasurer had set up the Account My Friend couldn’t get Me the Password and all that Shit so We said fuck it, Deleted the Old Account, and Started from fucking Scratch. Things were going Great with the New Account and We were Racking up Followers and Following Hand over fucking Fist then One Day I just happened to Come Across Something that Thoroughly Pissed Me off. I saw a Post by One of the Accounts We were Following that was Our Mission Statement word for fucking word Verbatim which I fucking Wrote.

Apparently this dumbfuck saw the Instagram Account and Hit up the Project’s Website and then Cut and Pasted Our shit on His Instagram. What this Douche Nozzle didn’t Realize is the Project’s Website Content is in Fact Copyrighted so what this Jackbag did was Actually Illegal. Now here was My fucking Conundrum Obviously on the Personal Front I wanted to Tear this Fuckwit’s Head Off and Shit Down His Neck. The Problem is this wasn’t a Personal Matter this was a Business Matter so I couldn’t just Rant and Rage while Unleashing a Sick Flurry of fucking F-Bombs and Insane Insults. I had to do the Exact Opposite I had to Handle this Professionally which means using a Cool, Calm, Collected, Focused, and Professional Manner. This is not nor has Ever been in My Skill Set so this was Trial By Fire. I was so fucking filled with Indignant Rage I didn’t know what the fuck to do so I called My Friend, Informed Him of the Situation, and Asked Him what How I should Proceed.

He instructed Me to Dm this Motherfucker and simply say the Content He posted was Copyrighted and to take the Post Down ASAP and I did just that. Fast fucking Forward 24 Hours and this Dickhead hadn’t taken the Post down or Even Commented on the Situation at Hand. So I called My Friend again, let Him Know the Post was Still Up, and again asked What the fuck to do since all I wanted to do is End this Fucker and Shit all over His fucking Life. My Friends Told ME to DM the Rimjob again and This Time Add if the Post is Not Taken Down in a Timely Manner We would Persue Legal Action and that should be Sufficient. I did as I was instructed and that was that for the Time Being, but things were about to get Even more fucking Aggravating as Yet Another Dipshit was about to Interject Themselves into the Situation as it were.

The Following Morning I went and Checked Instagram to see if the Post had finally been fucking taken down so this shit would be done and We could get back to fucking Work. Not only was the goddamn Post still fucking up some Bitchface had Hit Up Our DM and Left Her Two Unsolicited Cents on the Subject at Hand. I have No fucking Clue Who Exactly what the Relationship was between this Stupid Shitsack and the Dildo Who Stole Our Content. She could be a Relative, Family Member, Friend, Sibling, or Just a Random Asshat Trolling the Internet jumping into Other People’s Shit to well Start Shit. Now it was fucking aggravating back in the Pre Internet Days when Idiots and Assholes could call Your Job or Worse just Walk the fuck in, but goddamn nowadays its 100 times fucking worse with IM, DM, Email, Text, Internet, and Social Media. Living Today You feel like You’re surrounded by fucking Dickbags that You can’t Ever actually Escape From like You’re Surrounded on all Sides by Sea Shitheads.

This Raging Bitch could have Behaved like a fucking Adult and in a Professional Manner mind You, Yet She chose to Approach the Situation like a Pissy Little Tween Troll. She started by Stating People in the Instagram Community should Be Nicer to Each other and all that Typical Cliche Happy Horseshit. Then She proceeds to in the Very Next fucking Sentence to insult Our Project, Talking Shit on a Personal Level, Bitching like a Banshee in Heat, Name Calling, and being a Stuck Up Holier Than Thou Fucktard. Once Again I wanted to Unleash a Shitstrom of My Own Making Upon this Trifling Whore, but Again I had to Restrain Myself to a Spectacular Degree. It was then that Luck Would have it I just so Happened to see a Quote from Winston Churchill that Saved My Sanity. The Quote is “Tact is the Ability to Tell Someone to Go To Hell in such a Way that They look Forward to the Trip.” a Sort of  Grimmer Version of Killing Them with Kindness.

I then Sat Down and Typed Out My Response to this Irrational Asshole of a Person. I took the Tone of a Stern Parent Reprimanding a Petulant Child. I made Sure to Sound Condescending as a Motherfucker as I talked Down to Her as if She were a Moronic Fool absent of any and all Intelligence. I told Her She needed to Calm Down since She was so Obviously Emotionally Upset and Needed a Quick Time Out. I then Stated that it didn’t matter what the fuck She Thought or Felt since this was a Matter of Copyrighted Intellectual Property Used without Our Expressed Consent and Absolutely Nothing Else. I then Apologized Not for Our Dm’s BUT for the Fact She seemed to be just so fucking Distraught by Them, and then I Provided Her with My Friend’s Attorney’s Contact Information while Welcoming Her to Contact Him Herself on the Matter if She so Desired knowing Damn Well She fucking wouldn’t since She was just a Loud Mouthed Cum Dumpster. I signed off with “Have a Truly Blessed Day” as a Subtle but at the same time Obvious Fuck You.

So My Advice is if You’re on the Job and Confronted by Some Vaginal Fuck Flaps trying to make Problems Remember What Winston Churchill Said and Use the Advice Wisely.

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  

The 1st Amendment & Cops Don’t Mix.

I have been waiting for a situation to present itself so I could argue my point and that being The 1st Amendment & Cops Don’t Mix. Well low and behold that situation I had been waiting for for so long finally arrived.

My Wife and I were driving through the neighboring town where my relative lives. We where on our way to their house because they were in Portugal on vacation, and they needed someone to feed the cat/water the plants while they were away. We had stopped off at the one and only Pizza Parlor to pick up a Pizza and when we pulled out of the parking lot I saw the Cop car sitting at the top of a side street with their lights off. The first thought that came to my mind was GODDAMN TRAFFIC BANDITS, FUCKING ROAD PIRATES! The Second was their unofficial require monthly quota of traffic tickets still existed regardless of its unofficial status. The third and the last thought was based on the so called “Gut Feeling” that I have had sporadicly from time to time throughout my life. Again the feeling was right . As soon as our rear bumper had passed by the front of their patrol car the motherfuckers pulled out with their shitty disco lights a blaze.

We were going a whopping 14 miles an hour (the town speed limit is 30 and every local knows the Cops set up speed traps and do traffic stops all along the main road.), but in this case we had just pulled out of the Pizza Parlor’s parking lot and had only driven 100 feet or so before getting tagged by the cocksucking cops.

The Cops then without pause turned on their PA system and told us over the loud speaker (incase we didn’t know because we’re utter fucktards what was going on or what to do) that we had to pull over. Main street is too narrow for there to be a traffic stop on the side of the road without impending traffic. So We were then instructed by said Cops to pull into the drive way on the right (which ironically was the local Police station/Court house/Town Hall/Jail) and we did. My Wife for some reason decided to pull over and put the car in park as opposed to the usual pulling over and turning the car/engine off. She then scrambled around the trash dump that is the interior of her car for all her proper paperwork, and luckily found it all in spite of the overwhelming mounds of trash.

The Cop strolled up to the drivers side of the car and addressed my Wife in the classic manner saying hey and asking for her drivers license, Proof of insurance and registration. My Wife being so polite it was making me ill immediately hands over all the appropriate requested information. The Cop then demanded to know if there were drugs/guns/explosives or any type of weapon/contraband in the car. I took acceptation to his overtly assertive Cop attitude, and opted to use my 1st amendment right to free fucking speech. I said No over my Wife and proceeded to let the Cops know they can search the car and us because there wasn’t shit on us. I did this because I hate how Cops are always trying to intimidate civilians in these and other situations. Heres a fun fucked up fact to prove what I just said to be true. First off to be a State Trooper you have to be 6 feet taller or taller. This is solely so when the Trooper is standing outside of your car they look more intimidating on purpose. State Troopers also use basic psychology for intimidation purposes such as wearing sunglasses. Its a scientific biological fact that if 2 people are talking and the 1st one is wearing sun glasses thus obscuring their eyes the 2nd one will become naturally unnerved as humans relay on eye contact quite heavily in social situations, but I digress.

The Cop falls into the stereotypical threatening Cop routine. The Cop aggressively tells us there trying to do things the easy way but they could do it the hard way. He then went on to explain that meant they’d search the car and us, call in a fucking K-9 unit and possibly arrest us solely based on our behavior while dealing with them (AKA Be Submissive like a scared fucking dog) This is when I took acceptation to the COp’s partner standing over my shoulder with his fucking  super duper halogen flash fucking light.

At this point I tried to reel myself in a bit and did my guttural mumbling. What guttural mumbling is my affectionate term for when I talk in a low, deep voice stringing along my words so only if you REALLY KNOW ME you’ll know what I’m saying. Think of it as me talking in my own personal short hand if you will. My Wife after 14 years of knowing me has the most expertise understanding/deciphering this garbled code of mine. I leaned over and said “Look Motherfucker What You Bout asshole” which simple translates to “Look at this motherfucker over here by me doing the whole unflinching authority rediric bullshit the fucking asshole that this asshole is. Fucking Asshole.” For the duration of this post I will simply write the translated version as not to tax the readers eyes unnecessarily.

The 1st Cop heres me but can’t for the life of himself figure out what the hell I’m saying, BUT he really wanted to know. So he asked me what I said and I responded by saying “I know its a safety issue with a broken tail light and should be fixed ASAP, but I don’t understand nor appreciate the overly aggressiveness nature of your handling it with, thats what I;m taking goddamn acceptation too.” The Cop obviously didn’t appreciate my response and launches into the “Is there and Drugs…in the Car” again to which I respond to ahead and search away, you won’t find shit and I can workout any legalities with my Attorney tomorrow.” Now the Cop REALLY didn’t like that answer. So the Cop actually says to my wife that I’m making them  nervous, and of course I had something to say about that shit. I told the Cop I think its fucking hilarious that there 2 grown men armed with Handguns, Mace, Night Stick/Baton and more than likely a shotgun in their car, BUT I’M making THEM Nervous? Seriously thats fucking moronic. The Cop continues to address my wife about what I’m saying and how its fucking everything up apparently when I made a second comment about his Partner still standing behind me unflinching like a fucking Nazi SS solider. As par of the course the Cop then asked me again what I said, and I repeated the same statement as before about dramatic overkill over a simply a broken tail light.

The Cop then suggests I role down my window and talk directly to his partner which quite obviously I didn’t  want to do. I rolled down the window in anywise realizing the Cop wasn’t making a suggestion, he was ordering me to do so. His partner asked why I was being so verbal and I said “Because I  can thanks to the 1st Amendment, and that We weren’t yelling/screaming, keeping cursing on my part to a stricter minimum, we were complying with the officers requests, nor were we being verbally or physically abusive rather I was just stating my opinion. The only issue that I was aware of was the Cops PERSONALLY taking acceptation to my opinions which is fine, BUT COPS LET PERSONAL FEELING DICTATE THERE PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT leading to abuse of power. An PRIME EXAMPLE of this is The Federal Court had to interject and inform the citizens of America that it is TOTALLY LEGAL and the right of every American Citizen to give the Police the middle finger (at any time or place). This was due to the fact Cops were being given the finger, and then in response they harassed the shit out of the person who flipped them off thusly abusing their Professional Power to deal with a Personal Problem.

Needless to say in the end I just opted to keep my mouth shut to avoid a felonious arrest by these Podunk Police Officers. The Cop’s partner went on to explain that he’s there for his partner’s and his safety as they don’t know who or what could be waiting when they walk up to a car. Fine that makes total sense and I totally agree. My point on that subject was it was unnecessarily over bearing and basically a dick move because he remained in his “Defensive Safety” stance far to long to be legitimate. I mean lets fucking face it, while he may be providing safety for himself and his partner the Cop NONE THE LESS was also using his position to visually search me and the interior of the car (i.e. He got real close and shined his fuck light into the glove compartment when My Wife put her personal information away. He was also seeing if his presence made us nervous as if we were hiding something from them, what the fuck happened to INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?! Seems to me the Cops are conducting themselves under the gneiss of the opposite theory Guilty until proven innocent and THATS BULLSHIT, un-American, UNPROFESSIONAL and leads to POLICE CORRUPTION AND ABUSE, but thats a different story for another day.

Thanks for the Read,

Les Sober