This Post Wasn’t Planned.

The Post I did have Planned for Today got fucking Sidetracked, and as I drank some Beers on The Front Porch this Little Ditty Barged into My Brain. Sometimes Shit just Shows Up inside My Skull Spontaneously seeking Recognition and a Home. Enjoy.

Working Title: Come Here Conflict

I feel like a Fight

I just want to Fight

Something is Unsettling

Vexing Me Constantly

Antagonizing My Mind

The Impulse To Lash Out Uncontrollably

Without Real Reason


I Welcome Inflicting Violence

On Myself and Others

My Inner Sadist  is Not Alone

Without It’s Masochist

Both Feeding Like Parasites

Sickening The Soul

Growing Grotesque

I want to Bleed Profusely

To Live in Utter Primal Abandon

Embraced By Anger

Fueled By Contempt Feed with Disgust

A Clenched Fistful of Rusty Nails

To Crush Faces Along With Skulls

Spitting Venom and Spitting Teeth

As Bones Are Broken, Blood Spilled by the Gallon

Vengeance Gives Birth To Revenge to Vengeance Again


Watching Them Die By My Hand

Butchering Bastards and Slaying Sons of Bitches

Annihilating Abominations bodies Torn Asunder

The Cry’s of The Dying Facing Eternal Damnation

Mutilated Flesh of Mangled Corpses

Savagely Ripped Limb from Limb

Bathing in the Blood of Enemies

The Brutal Carnage is Glorious





We Communicate With Only Our Eyes

Aggression Needs Alleviation

Just Like Everything Else

Time To Battle Back.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober