Political Stress Relief: The Death Penalty Exercise

I was sitting at a Jiffy Lube recently and as I sat in the waiting room while The Mechanic tended to My Oil Change I hit up Twitter to Kill some Time. Now I Hate to Admit it, BUT I will be taking a Self Imposed Break from Social Media. It’s because of all the Sick, Revolting, and Criminal shit going on in Washington DC that is Eroding My Insanity with Over Whelming Rage. After only a Few Minutes I had become so Absolutely ENRAGED to the Point of Aneurysm so I had Exit Twitter Immediately.

The Problem was even after putting My Phone away I still Couldn’t Calm the fuck Down worth a Damn. All I could Think  about all the Asshole Politicians are ACTIVELY DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY and KILLING THE PLANET SIMULTANEOUSLY on a fucking DAILY BASIS. I knew I had to think of Some Way to Funnel or Channel My Rage that would be Productive. By Productive that I mean I wouldn’t End up doing something Seriously fucking Stupid.  Sine I have Trouble with Impulse Control and that combined with Being an Emotionally Driven Person and Artist it can get You into a Shit Ton of Hot fucking Water. I can personally Testify to That believe You Me.


Thats when I Realized that Diverting My Insane Anger into the Realm of My Creativity would be the Perfect Way to Deescalate My Growing Political Angst. I then Devised a Game of Sorts (Inspired by the French Revolution and Medieval Torture Devices/Methods) in which I matched Certain Politicians as well as Some Political Figures with What I would Deem the Appropriate Death Penalty for Their Various and Extensive Crimes Against America, It’s Citizens, The People of the World, and Humanity.



Now with that Said and Out of the Way Here is the “Death Penalty Punishment List” I came up with while waiting for My Car to be Done. Enjoy.

Mike Pence: The Iron Maiden because It looks like The Iron Maiden was personally made for Pence.

Susan Collins: Publicly Stoned To Death the Sniveling Self Serving Sack of Shit.

Jim Jordan: Impaled just The Way Vlad would have Wanted it Done.

Donald Trump: Publicly Hung, Drawn, and Quartered Since is a Long and Painfully Drawn Out Process just like His STOLEN so called “Presidency”.


Bill Barr: “Buckwheat” is a form of Execution where a Loaded Firearm usually a Revolver is inserted into the Guilty Party’s Rectum before the Trigger is Pulled. This results in a SLOW and AGONIZING Death as The Quilty Convulse, Bleed, and eventually with in 15-20 Minutes Dies.

Lindsey Graham: Publicly Whipped Until Death since Trump uses Him as a Spineless Groveling Whipping Boy it seems most fitting an End for Graham.

Matt Gaetz: The Rack. He loves running His Lie filled Mouth so lets see How He’d liks having His Limbs Dislocated and then Ripped from his Body.

Mitch McConnell: Sarvation since He likes being called “The Grim Reaper” He deserves a Prolonged and Miserable Death. This will give Him adequate time to Meet and Greet the Actual Angel of Death.


Don Jr: Skinned Alive since He is such a Sleazy and Slippery Shitbag.

Devin Nunez: Death By Sepsis. This requires Nunez to be Superficially Cut (think Paper Cut) up and down His body, and then He is Rolled in or Submerged in Human Shit. This will over a short period of time cause Sepsis due to the Toxic components of Shit seeping into the Body/Blood Stream via the Superficial Cuts.

Eric Trump: Should have His Shit Filled Skull crushed EXTREMELY Slowly in a Vice.


Melania: Burned at the Stake so as Not to Contaminate Anything or Anyone with Her Stripper turned Hooker Venlarial Diseases.

Betsy DeVos: Hanging, But Not the Traditional Hanging You’re Thinking Of.  There is No Fall (example falling through trap door) to instantly kill the Guilty by Breaking Their Neck. This Way The Guilty is Standing on the Ground, the Noise it secured around their neck, and then they are slowly hoisted up into the Air. This Secondary Method prolongs The Dying Process, and makes Hanging even more Unpleasant an affair.


Rudy Giuliani: The Real Chinese Water Torture (This is when the Guilty Party is forced to Drink Water until their stomach is pushed to its full Capacity.AT this point the Guilty is repeatedly kicked in the Stomach until it Explodes leading to Their Demise.

Brett Kavanaugh: Repeatedly and Relentlessly Raped to Death. Fuck Rapists Literally.

Mike Pompeo: Boiled Alive in Oil. Simple fill Vat with Oil, Place in Guilty Party, Heat Oil Slowly until Boiling, though Simmering is Probably Best.


Jim Bakker: Inverted Crucifixion. That Means Crucifying Him Upside Down so We can Send Him to Hell Faster.

Alex Jones: Eaten Alive by Rabid Hyenas. Considering Asshole Alex Jones bullshit so called Career with InfoWhores Hyenas seem the most Appropriate Animal(s).

John Bolton: Slowly Crushed by a Tank. Starting at His Feet and working its way up to His Head since Bolton is such an Adamant Warmongering Coward.

Kellyanne Conway: She should be Fed Feet First into a fucking Commercial Wood Chipper because the Fugly bitch looks like a Piece of Petrified Wood.


Paula White: Torn Apart By Horses. Thats to say Each one of Her Limbs should be tied to a Different Horse and then The Horses are sent in different directions until the Guilty is Actually Torn Limb from Limb.

Ivanka Trump: Force Fed Feces Since she’s so full of Shit let Her Choke on it.

Jared Kushner: Gas Chamber lets hear the Mute fuck Scream for Mercy.


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Student Loan Debt Is a Super Bitch.

Alright, Alright one last Post railing against the Healthcare Field before returning to the Unusual f-yourblog usual Fare.

Now Studentl Loan Debt is a so called “Hot Button” Topic these fucked up Days here We are all facing in motherfucking America under the Giant Orange Traitorous Asshole.

And I’d like to take just a second to go record FUCK BETSY DEVOS IS THE ANIT-EDUCATION COCKSUCKERING ANTI-CHRIST. United States Secretary of Education MY ASS.

I specially took the time to mention Dipshit Devos because this walking, talking piece of human piece of shit has ACTUALLY spent her political career in Education to FUCK OVER PUBLIC EDUCATION every chance the whore gets.

Not only is there that happy horseshit, but Devos is out to make a quick buck through a Lobbyist  from her job so she’s backing PREDATORY STUDENT LOAN COMPANIES.

She is basically trying to set up the system where the Public are fucking morons because that makes them easy to control OR you spend a shit ton of money on your education only then to be CRIPPLED by Student Loan Debt. Want proof look at the Uneducated, Ignorant, and Gullible MAGA MAGGOTS. MAGAs are SO WEAK MINDED they are the equivalent of Human fucking Silly Puddy, Stupid as hell and moldable. Scumbag Sheep.

ANYWAY let Me get back on point.  And here it is:

One of the oddities that I’ve become aware of is the slow progression of the Members of Society becoming Meek Subservient and Complacent cowing down instantly when it comes to Doctors. Yes, I have said this before.

One of those oddities I’d like to dress now if I may. There has been this odd development that is a component of this new Social Attitude towards Doctors in General. Its one of the reasons People TOLERATE AND ACCEPT the fucked up Healthcare System, and its aforementioned Doctors. People it seems have become overtly empathetic/sympathetic to the subject of Doctor’s , and their Student Loan Debt.

True the Average Medical School Student has around $100,000 (or more) in Student Loan Debt which does HORRIBLY SUCK. See I won’t deny this fact that Doctor’s too are financially raped by Student Loan Companies, and are Financial victims by Our seriously broken Healthcare System.

My Wife has been an RN for 10 years, and We still owe on Her primary Student Loan. Yeah thats fucking right there was more than one, 3 in fact as 1 loan wasn’t enough to cover all the outrageous expenses. For example My Wife at one point had to purchase a $300 fucking text book  for one class alone.

My point is MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of American’s are heavily burdened financially by Student Loan Debt that Their quality of life suffers anyway you fucking look at it. And that too HORRIBLY SUCKS.

So why of the VAST MULTITUDE of those in America who are facing the financial burden of the Student Loan Scam do Doctor’s get a Pass?! Its obvious to me its simply because Their chosen profession. Their fucking Doctors. SO WHAT?! I don’t think that makes Them any different in Their Social Standing within Society than You or Me when it comes to Universal problems like STUDENT LOAN GODDAMN DEBT?!

I’ll even Play Devil’s Advocate here lets say that there are certain professions that are deemed so important and vital to the function, advancement, and survival of the Human Race that it Socially Elevates them to a Higher Level.

What about Lawyers??? They fight for the Sick and Injured, The Fight to have Criminals Locked up and the Innocent Absolved of Wrong Doing. They battle giant companies that pump out addictive and detrimental drugs that cause epidemics like Oxycontin (not to mention the developing Fentanyl problem?

What about Scientists that slave away for years in a Laboratory attempting to cure diseases such as AIDS and CANCER or are developing safer Medications?

What about Teachers who literately have the responsibility to educate Our Youth, and who without our Society wouldn’t have made it out of the Primordial Ooze. Without Teachers there would be NO DOCTORS.

Ok, Ok I digress on the Job Comparison deal. My last point of this post is this:

Last Year ALONE I ran up (and mostly paid off thank fucking god) a total of $237,684.71. That ALONE is enough for 2 Doctor’s to PAY OFF THEIR STUDENT LOAN DEBT IN FULL. The remainder could be used by a 3rd Doctor to go towards his/her Student Loan Debt, and pay off 20% of the total.

Alright I’m done now.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober