Monday Terror

So it’s fucking MONDAY again! Monday the day we have to end our 48 hours of freedom and return to the grind of daily fucking life. Worse we have to fucking get through 5 fucking days of WORK, BILLS, AND BULLSHIT just to get another fucking pathetic 48 hours to ourselves. That’s why everyone on the fucking planet hates the hell out of Mondays! Mondays represent the beginning of another cycle of suck that reminds us of all the shit in our lives that sucks ass.

Les didn’t have a plan for todays post so I decided to step in since this Monday was an EXCEPTIONALLY SHITTY one. In a tribute to all fucking things Monday I selected the following post for today. It’s fucking loud, abrasive, in your fucking face, absurd as fuck, insanity inducing borderline sensory overload so like I said it’s just like fucking Mondays.

See you whenever I see you,

  Justin Sane  

Strange Disturbing Videos: “TERROR”

Welcome to Today’s Post here at FYB featuring a Little Oddity called “Terror” since its the Last Word in the Title. If You’re Wondering what the fuck all the Gibberish is in the Title there is aReason for This. The Reason goes a something like this: Originally if you added a Period in front of a Video Search You’d be able to Access Videos that are Public AND because of the Period could allude the Dreaded Algorithm. This way People could see the Videos that Normally would be Flagged by Youtube for Objectionable Content. Youtube of course heard about this and Fixed that particular issue.

Then You could Type “.” to Achieve the exact same thing but alas Youtube also caught on to this and Fixed the Glitch. Still there is a way to Post a Video Publicly and Avoid the Content Restricting Algorithm and Yes You guessed it it’s by Using Gibberish (which appears to be simply Text in Different Languages). By using this Bilingual Gibberish Posters Videos can stay Stealth and Under Youtube’s Algorithm Detection.

There is No Info or Context Provided for this Video so it’s Up To You the Viewer to Decide What the Fuck this Video is or is About.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Strange and Disturbing Videos: ANOTHER YOUTUBE

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring ANOTHER YOUTUBE by the Notorious Japanese Animator known as nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous amount with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling. The Irony here is ANOTHER YOUTUBE  in Another Reality very well could be the Unofficial Sequel to “User 666”  since They both Deal with a Hapless Unsuspecting Anonymous User, Aspects of the Internet (i.e. Search Engine), and the Devil/Evil in the Machine as it were


nana825763 is Best Known for His Unique Style of Art, which He Repeatedly refers to on His Twitter Account as “Cute and Horror” Videos. This Style is better Elaborated as Youthfully Feminine/Tender that Degrades into Gore with Terrifying Hidden Agendas. As He States on His Website, nana825763 is partly Inspired by the Silent Hill Franchise, which would Explain His Archetypal Degradation Themes. Although the Vast Majority of nana825673’s Major Uploads uses this Horrifying Formula, some of His Earlier work and His more Recent My house walk-through Gradually Degrade They Do Not Possess the “Cute” aspect which He uses More Frequently Nowadays.


DISCLAIMER From The Creator nana825763:

* [Important] Regarding the allegation that the privacy of a specific individual is violated. This video is a video work produced by me nana825763 Unrelated personal information of others (social security number, personal identification number issued by the country origin, and Bank account number, contact information are not included at all. I got a regular license for others, such as those who appear in the video It is a visual processing of a person (such as a woman) in the “Video Material Collection”. No claim is made that violates the privacy of any particular individual.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Wyoming Incident: Original Footage

Welcome to the Wednesday FYB post showcasing THE WYOMING INCIDENT! So what the fuck is the big deal here? Well A Local News Broadcast was HACKED and for 6 minutes and 5 seconds disturbing messages and unnerving graphics 9 (accompanied by a strangely haunting audio) were displayed on screen. The viewers who witnessed the incident reported feeling ill physical effects from watching it such as: HEADACHES, RINGING IN THEIR EARS, NAUSEA/VOMITING, FEELING OF DRED, DIZZINESS, FEELING DISORIENTED, ANXIETY, IRRITABILITY, NERVOUSNESS,  and due to frequency vibrating their eyeballs created HALLUCINATIONS! No official statement, explanation, or apology was issued by the television station, and the guilty culprit was NEVER APPREHENDED!

The Wyoming Incident Run Down:

  • The regular news anchor woman is delivering the news.
  • The screen cuts out displaying a black and white screen that reads: 333-333-333 we present a special presentation 333-333-333
  • Next there is a collage of static laden images of peoples faces and a what appears to be a CGI human head.
  • 333-333-333 screen appears again.
  • Message: WHY DO YOU HATE
  • More faces.
  • Message: YOU ARE ILL
  • 333-333-333 screen again.
  • More Faces appear once again
  • 333-333-333 Screen
  • Static.


  • YOU CAN LOSE EVERYTHING message again.
  • Still more fucking faces.
  • 333-333-333 screen
  • Yup MORE faces!
  • 333-333-333 screen
  • Yahoo more faces!
  • YOU ARE LOST ON THE PATH message again.
  • 333-333-333 screen.
  • Faces with EXCEPTIONALLY fucking odd noise audio.
  • Message: ALL GOOD THINGS
  • Static.
  • ALL GOOD THINGS message again.
  • Regularly scheduled news broadcast resumes

See you when I see you,

  Presented by Justin Sane

A For Shits And Giggles Part Two: Felonious Bolus 3D

Welcome to Another Monday Post here at FYB featuring FELONIOUS BOLUS 3D. The Original  FELONIUS BULUS was Done by by Micheal Epler, better known as PilotRedSun Who is an Animator and Musician from San Jose, California. Epler’s Primary Artistic Style Warps His Digital Smear Tool Paintings with Glitchy Audio and Crude Pseudo-3D Datamoshed Effects that Highlight the Claustrophobic and Deepen the Nightmare. FYB has Featured Other Works by PilotRedSun in the Past such as DON’T STOMP, HAMBURGER HELPER, and BURNERS. As for the Person Responsible for the 3D Animated Version I was Unable to Locate Any Viable Information.


Speaking of Information this Post is Completely Different from the Original FELONIOUS BOLUS Post. In the Original Post We just Barely Scratched the Surface and Celebrated the Video for being a Outlandish Piece of Absurdity. This Time Around We actually Delve into What the is the Meaning of the Video, How/Why is the Main Character in Prison to Begin with, and What Does He mean when He say “Habeas Corpus” at the End?

Synopsis: If You take the Two Words that Comprise the Title: Felonious and Bolus. Felonious is Defined as having to do with a Felony or Someone who has been Convicted of a Felony. Bolus is the partially digested ball-type mass of Food Matter and Saliva that forms in the Esophagus during Pre-Digestion. When the Main Character  says “I Didn’t Do It” He could be Referring to Several Things.

Perhaps He’s Talking about how He Didn’t let Himself get Digested, and that the Creature that Gave Birth to Him could have been Killed by Starvation. Perhaps the Main Character is Claiming that He Didn’t Lodge Himself in Someone’s Throat causing Their  Death by Asphyxiation, But the Judge and Jury in His Court Case Decided Ultimately to Lock Him Up for Life  for Committing the Crime of  First Degree Murder.

There’s a lot of takes on what the Main Character means when He says “Habeas Corpus”. I think He Means the Actual Translation of Habeas Corpus which means  “Produce The Body”. Producing a Body is Legally Required to Arrested, Charged, Prosecuted, and Convicted Someone of the Crime of Murder.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Jesus Twins – God Come Down Here

Well it’s no secret that I’m a long time fan of Howard Stern and as such I was listening to an old episode of The Howard Stern Show the other day on Sirius Xm. I have Sirius for one reason and his name is Howard Stern. What? I told you I was a fan did you doubt me because that wasn’t wise.

In this episode of The Howard Stern Show fan and frequent guest actor Micheal Rapaport was coming in for an interview so I was rather psyched since I’m a fan of Rapaport too. The fucked up thing was when he showed up for the scheduled interview Rapaport showed up with The Jesus Twins in Tow. Howard by this time was rather familiar with The Jesus Twins, but still had to ask Rapaport why he brought them with him. Rapaport answered simply that The Jesus Twins were far more interesting than anything he had to say. Howard and Rapaport discuss The Jesus Twins for a few minutes, and lead to The Jesus Twins preforming a live acoustic version of their song “God Come Down Here”. I didn’t know much of anything about The Jesus Twins other then they were some seriously fucking weird musical fringe duo, but after hearing them play “God Come Down Here” I was hooked like a motherfucker. I hadn’t EVER heard anything fucking like it before in my life and I honestly became a fan on the spot.

I started to research the some what mysterious Jesus Twins and unfortunately didn’t find out a whole hell of a lot. That’s the problem with niche bands is the total lack of exposure in the mainstream music industry which insanely inhibits the band/artist’s exposure. Think about it a minute that all we know of musicians (and other famous fuckers) is from interviews, critical reviews, and biographies/autobiographies. You limit or remove those aspects then you can see what the fuck I’m dealing with when it comes to this kind of research shit. Anyways without further ado here is what I found out about The Jesus Twins after scraping and scouring the fucking internet.

The Jesus Twins

  • The Jesus Twins were an obscure, virtually unknown and unsigned independent fringe musical duo active from 1997-2004.
  • The Jesus Twins was a pair of identical twin brothers Eric Lewis and Jeffrey Brian Liebowitz.
  • Both of the The Jesus Twins are manic depressive and in addition to that Eric also suffered from Bi-Polar Disorder.
  • The Jesus Twins had an inexperienced manager named John Mendelsohn who the Twins treated with utter and total distain.
  • In 1997 The Jesus Twins gained notoriety for crashing the Jay Leno Show.
  • Also in 1997 The Jesus Twins garnered more notoriety when they forced their way onto the Howard Stern Show. The Twins demanded Stern recall every copy of the soundtrack to his movie “Private Parts” so their song Feel My Ubiquity could be included on it.
  • The Jesus Twins muscling their way onto The Howard Stern Show was aired on television and is one of the most popular Stern show segments of all time.

  • The Jesus Twins made several subsequent appearances on Stern’s radio Show over the following years.
  • In 2001 The Jesus Twins released their song “God Come Down Here” as a protest against California’s “Three Strikes Law”. The release was accompanied by yet another completely bizarre appearance on The Howard Stern Show. The appearance included a manic Eric cutting his hand while punching a glass picture frame.
  • The Jesus Twins musical style is considered to be “Outsider”.
  • Outsider music is songs and compositions by musicians who are not part of the commercial music industry. They write songs that ignore standard musical or lyrical conventions, either because they have no formal training or because they disagree with formal rules. Outsider music is often bizarre and emotionally stark in nature.


  • The Jesus Twins music actually displayed good production value which is rare in the outsider genre.
  • The Jesus Twins music has been described as “an unfashionable street-informed soul funk sound (which I totally fucking disagree with. They were outsider musicians plain and simple nothing more and nothing less) with wordy melodramatic lyrics.
  • The Jesus Twins songs were accompanied by frantic and frenzied synchronized dancing by the Twins.
  • Tragically on August 5th 2008 while suffering a manic episode Eric Lewis Liebowitz was shot and killed by a Los Angeles police officer.


  • Resurrection
  • This Moment
  • Resurrection (Explicit)
  • Feel My Ubiquity

Top Tracks:

  • Feel My Ubiquity
  • God Come Down Here
  • This Moment
  • Death By Chocolate
  • Crazy One
  • Siamese Fighting Fish
  • Peace Is The Word
  • Let Go And Let God
  • Make Believe
  • Wonder

I’ll see you when I see you,

  Justin Sane

Best Haul Video On The Internet (NOT What You Think)

Welcome to The FYB Monday Madness this Week featuring BEST HAUL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET. We wish in all Honesty that We could give the Talented Creator of this Video this Proper Credit They Deserve, but Unfortunately We were Unable to Locate the Creator’s Name.

Now for Those Who are Lucky Enough to be Unaware of what a Haul Video is allow Me to Enlighten You. Basically in a Nut Shell a Haul Video is Some Average Idiot consumed by Consumerism that after They Go Shopping They post a fucking Video to Show the Rest OF the World Their Purchases or Haul. I suppose this is the Evolution of the People who Post Every Single fucking Meal They Eat Online (like We give a fuck What You had for Lunch Today).


Now this Video Starts of Normally for one of these Vapidly Asinine Haul Videos, but it Doesn’t take Long before the Insanity begins Seeping in. While Many may just Dismiss this as a some sort of Odd Art Project I think They would be Remiss. I believe there is Quite a bit more Going On in/with this Video than there Appears at First. It is Reminiscent of a Video We posted in Strange and Disturbing Videos that was a Schizophrenia Simulator. The Simulation was a Camera POV Shot as a Young Man wakes up and Starts His Day. The Simulator was Designed in an Attempt to Actually Show People what it’s like to suffer from Schizophrenia, and what Suffering with Schizophrenia is like for a Schizophrenic Person. This will make More Sense in a Minute.



  • There is the Sound of Running Water almost like a Sink Running (though Some say it sounds more like a Flushing Toilet behind the Woman while She is Talking.
  • Every Photo and Lampshade in the Video is of the Same Exact Distressed Little Kid’s Crying Face.
  • A Voiceover int he Beginning of the Video asks “Is that a Chipmunk?” referring to the High Pitch of the Woman’s Voice.
  • In a Bizarre Remix the Woman’s Face is Slowly and Disturbingly Reanimated.
  • The Woman’s Starts to Move with the Beat of the Music.
  • The Woman’s Eyes start Blinking like Mad and itself is rather Unsettling.
  • Then all of a Sudden the Woman’s Face is Replaced with that of a Different Screaming/Hysterical Person’s Face.
  • Then the Background Starts to Distort as the WOman’s Eyes Multiply and are Redistributed All over Her Body.
  • The Woman’s Mouth is Doubled and Moved onto Her Forehead.
  • Music Continues as the Woman’s Face finally Returns to Normal.
  • The Woman’s Voice is Now Intentionally “Chipmunked” Which Matches the Earlier Voiceover in the Video.
  • The Video Ends with the Screen Going completely Black with a Male Voiceover that Simple Says or States “You Have Paranoid Schizophrenia.”


So in My Opinion this is a Mental Health Awareness Video, and is Very similar to Videos put out by an Mental Health Organization “You Have Schizophrenia”. Unfortunately Their PR department Sucks ass at Their Jobs since if You try any Number of Word Combinations all the Results pertain to Schizophrenia on a Medical Mental Health Level (Like “Symptoms of Schizophrenia” or “Treatment Resources for Schizophrenics. I see where They were coming from with Their Name, but They also should have Realized how fucking, if not impossible, it would be for People to Locate Them.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober   

Spiders From Hell

It’s been a long time since we showcased something that’s just fucking seriously strange that walks the borderline between genius and madness. That is why I am would like to Present SPIDERS FROM HELL By David Firth.

For those of you who do not know or may not be aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“I decided to make the most of the fact that my room was crawling with insects last summer and filmed them all close up.” – David Firth –

Until our paths cross again,

 Otto Rageous

Sunrise (A Teletubbies Cartoon) by MEATCANYON!

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday post showcasing SUNRISE ( A TELETUBBIE CARTOON) By Our Latest favorite Animator MeatCanyon! If anyone is thinking to themselves “Teletubbies are you fucking kidding me? Has FYB gone plum retarded on itself?” then you don’t know us very well at all.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

For those fortunate enough to have no fucking idea who or what the fucking Teletubbies were here’s the deal. Teletubbies was a British children’s television show created for the British Broadcasting Company (BBS). The show focused one 4 differently colored alien looking creatures (Twinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po) known as “Teletubbies”, named after the tv screens implanted in their bellies. The Show’s colorful psychedelic setting and fact that the Teletubbies communicated in gibberish was designed SPECIFICALLY to appeal to the attention spans of infants. The only audio on the show consisted of the Teletubbies gibberish, Clips of babies laughing, a Clip(s) of a Babbling Brook, birds chirping and other odd selections.

The show seemed to be one seriously surreal acid trip for infants/toddlers especially considering some aspects of the show. There wasn’t any educational value to the show I mean come the fuck on it was designed for fucking infants, so I don’t give a fuck who alleges there was an educational component. Also there were no guests, songs, or life lessons like the kind of fare that you’d find on Sesame Street. Again this is due to the fucking fact that INFANTS brain’s are virtually undeveloped seriously their less than even 1 year old.

Anyway the point is this why the original television show was the bizarre equivalent of a psychedelic tv acid trip for infants then MeatCanyon’s SUNRISE (A TELETUBBIES CARTOON) has the same premise only his version is the equivalent of a VERY FUCKED UP BAD ACID TRIP FOR ADULTS!


   Justine Sane  

The Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared Pilot

Hello to All of You Out There I hope You are Safe and Sane as the The Current State of Affairs Spirals Chaotically and Virtually Out of Control. In these Dire Days People need a Source of Escapism More than Ever to help (if Only Temporarily) to Retreat from the Woes of the World. We sincerely Hope We can Provide such Escapism for Our Reader, Fans, and Supporters. We all must Remember It Always is Darkest Before The Light.

As for Saturday Slasher Cinema We are Postponing SSC for the Time Being.  We will Resume SSC in Due Time, and We Thank You for Your Patience.

   Now Let’s Make Our Escape……

Awhile Back We had a Short Horror Film Friday that featured a Six Episode Horror Series called Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared. It was brought to Our attention recently that Someone had Located the Pilot Episode of DHMIS, and We were a little more than Psyched to Learn of This Development.

Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is a Surreal British Cult Comedy Horror Web Series. The Web Series was Created by British Filmmakers, Graphic Designers, Artists, and Animators Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling. DHMIS Consists of 6 Episodes, Released from July 29, 2011 to June 19, 2016 through The Artists’ Website, YouTube, and Vimo. Every Episode of DHMIS Utilizes Live Actors in Costume, Anthropomorphic Puppets, Traditional Animation, Stop Motion, and Computer Animation to Tell Each Story in the Series.

Each Episode Revolves around Yellow Guy (and His Father Roy Gibbleston), Red Guy and Duck Guy meeting One or Several Anthropomorphic Characters, Who begin a Musical Number related to a Basic Concept of Day-To-Day Life complete with an Upbeat Melody similar to that of a Nursery Rhyme. As Each Song progresses, it becomes Apparent that its Moral/Message is Nonsensical or Self-Contradicting, and that the “Teacher” Character has an Sinister Ulterior Motives. The Climax of each Episode Typically Involves GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, BLOOD SHED, GORE, OR PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR!!! Later int he Series, the CHaracters begin to Questioning the NAture of Their Reality and the Bizarre Messages of the Teachers.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober