Welcome to Today’s FYB Post I KNOW I’M A FOOL By Content Creator know as Burden. Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication. We Don’t give a Fuck if Burden is Actually Ingenious or Absolutely Insane, But We fucking Do Enjoy Their Work a Good Bit that’s for Sure.

I KNOW I’M A FOOL basically can be Broken Down into 3 Parts The Beginning, The Middle, and Yeah the fucking End. The Beginning showcases Gothic Themes like it was Filmed in Some fucking Graveyard somewhere it’s just Painfully Cliche is all (it SERIOUSLY reminds Us of a Countless Number of Student Art Films/Projects is All). The Audio is Much More interesting as it’s Narrated by What Sounds like an Old British Man Who Sounds like He is Waxing Poetically during what could be a Lecture of Some sort on Life Lessons or fucking Philosophy on the Human Condition but We don’t rightfully fucking Know.

The Middle is Black and White Footage of What Appears to be a Woman on a fucking Bus as if She was on a Security Camera because the Distorted Footage is Reminiscent of Something Recored on/by CCTV. Then Following that There is Rather Random Stock Footage of Old Historical Trains with Coal Burning Steam Locomotives at the Helm. For Once in One of these Weird fucking Fringe Videos the Audio ACTUALLY fucking Matches the Visual as during the Train Footage the Audi is just a Recording of the Industrial Sounds of a Moving Train. The Trains Aren’t Passenger Trains as there No Passenger Cars or at Least We Didn’t fucking See any and We watched this Shit Over and Over So there’s That. These Trains Appear to be Freight Trains with Box/Stock Cars (The Train Cars that fucking Hobo’s Used to Hitch a Ride on)

The Final or Ending Part of the Video is a Simple fucking Visual of a Blue fucking Sky and fucking White Clouds that Sort of Blurry Together over Time. The Audio is the Old British Bastard but this Time around there is a Distinct fucking Echo wherever He’s Speaking. We instantly;y Associated the Echo with a Cathedral or Extremely Large Church as if this Guy is Delivering a fucking Sunday Sermon or some shit though God, Jesus, or Specific Religion is NOT MENTIONED OR REFERENCED. And for that We are more than fucking Grateful because NOTHING fucks Up a Potentially Bad Ass Video than Religious Preaching, Testifying, Promotion, Rhetoric, or Fanaticism. Best to Leave Religion Well Out of It because Honestly if there is a God We’re Sure He/She/It Could Care fucking Less about it.

FYI the Last Line of Dialogue is fucking Killer.



It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Your Long Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring YOUR LONG RIDE IN THE FOGGY TUNNEL OF TIME by Content Creator(s) Known as Burden. Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.


  • First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
  • Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
  • It has a Total of 469,063 Views
  • The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
  • Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
  • Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
  • The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.


Burden/Deprived Visions is Self Described as “For Those Who Are No Longer Human. For Those Who Can’t Relate with  Videos that Range from Unruly Despair to Unrecognized Rage.

Video Description: We Already Know How This Ends.

Synopsis: Well it’s No Secret We here at FYB are Diehard Fans of all things Death, Doom, and Destruction so this Shit is right Up Our Ally. It has a Surreally Haunting Soundtrack, Human Remains, Torture, Suffering, Tanks/War Imagery, and a Clock to Remind Us We are all Living on Borrowed Time and that Death can Come at Anytime Not just During the Bad Times.


It is What it Is,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Short Horror Cinema: SELF ASSEMBLY

Welcome to Saturday Short Horror Cinema featuring SELF ASSEMBLY  Written By Garret Shanley, and  Directed by Ray Sullivan. This Little Slice of Surreal Insanity reminds Me of  the David Lynch movie 1997 Cult Classic Eraserhead in Several Ways. Most Notably are the Fact that its Shot in Black and White giving the Film a Cold Stark Feel, and the Fact it Doesn’t need a Word of Dialog to be Creepy as Fuck.

Noteworthy Mention: The car that killed the son in the beginning is the same car that comes to retrieve the monster from the parents house.

Plot: In a Self-Assembly cabinet They Ordered Online Grieving Parents find a Truly Monstrous Substitute for their Deceased Son.


Self Assembly  Credits:

  • Produced & Directed by Ray Sullivan
  • Written by Garret Shanley
  • Based on the comic story by Garret Shanley & Cathal Duggan
  • A Monolith Pictures [IE] Production
  • Cast – Darryl Kinsella, Amy Kirwan and Ruben Kenny
  • Cinematography & Score – Terry Warren
  • Editing & VFX – Ray Sullivan
  • Special Creature Effects – Bobby McGlynn
  • Makeup by – Deirdre Fitzgerald

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Dark Web Found Footage Tapes 1 and 2

Welcome to this Thursday FYB featuring DARK WEB FOUND FOOTAGE TAPES 1 and 2. First off I be Remiss if I didn’t start by saying while the Following Videos are a Surreal Nightmare full of Eerie Shit and Disturbing Imagery it is in Fact NOT an Authentic Dark Web Videos. The Absolute Dead Give Away is at the Start and Finish of Each Video a Header Pops Up that Says From the NORTH FILMS so that is Definitely Something You would NEVER find concerning an Actual Real Dark Web Video. Also the Length of these Videos is EXTREMELY RARE when it comes to Dark Web Videos at 7-7.5 Minutes Long (usually Dark Web Videos are Short, chaotic, and Seriously Fucked Up).   What I believe is these Videos are an Tribute to the Found Footage/Dark Web Video Genre, and are Very Well Done.


FROM the NORTH FILMS is an Arizona-Based, Fully In House Production Company Specializing in Thought-Provoking Indie Horror/Thriller, Experimental and Avantgarde Short Films, and Documentaries. They Utilize Professional Cinema Cameras, Cutting Edge Post-Production Technology, concise Screenwriting and Intuitive Film Scoring to Bring Their Visions to Film. FYI if You enjoy Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 I highly Suggest You head over to Our Movie Section and Check Out the Experimental Art Film/Movie BEGOTTON, and I promise You will Not be Disappointed.


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1

  • The Audio is Actually Decent (and Creepy) in its actual Music played Clearly. It’s not the Usual Dark Web Audio that Sounds like Computers having Full Blown Psychotic Breaks, and makes Your fucking Ears Bleed.
  • The Video is Shot in an Old VHS Tape Format.
  • The Main Character is a Mysterious and Murderous looking Individual in a Painted Mask.
  • It Reminds Me a Little Bit of Otto’s  Previous THE SPINNING MAN Post in the Best Ways Possible.
  • The Footage is Grainy and Glitchy Black and White Footage.
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism behind the Wooden Deer Sculpture?
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism of the Art Doll (a Ball Jointed Typically Wooden Posable Figurine)?
  • Is this a Set Up for Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2?


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2

  • Now this Sequel to Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 is FAR more Realistic as far as Dark Web Video Authenticity is Concerned.
  • There are Now 2 Art Dolls One Posed Standing and the Other Sitting/Kneeling.
  • There is a Scene that appears to be a Homage to the Actually Real Life Dark Web Video Blank Room Soup where the Main Character Stands ominously over a Seated Individual who is Eating some Strange looking Soup/Stew.
  • The Main Character Looming over the Seated Character is almost EXACTLY the same as the Way the Art Dolls are Posed.
  • HEADPHONE WARNING! The Audio is Screechy, Scratchy, Somewhat Distorted, and Noisy.
  • What is acceptional Odd is that the Video is the Same Set of Scenes played Three Times in a Row but Why? Are Viewers supposed to do a Compare and Contrast like when You’re a Kid? Like when as a Kid You’d have Two almost Identical Pictures Side by Side, and You’d have to find the Subtle Differences in the Details between them?
  • What do the Symbols on the Masks Mean/Represent could They be something  like The Occult, Witchcraft,VooDoo, Black Magic, Paganisim, or Possibly Demonology?

Summation: So What the Fuck are the Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 all About? WHO THE HELL KNOWS. I honestly think the FROM the NOTH FILMS wanted to Leave it Open to Interpretation. To put it Simply the Viewer is Left to Draw Their Own Conclusions.

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Spiders From Hell

It’s been a long time since we showcased something that’s just fucking seriously strange that walks the borderline between genius and madness. That is why I am would like to Present SPIDERS FROM HELL By David Firth.

For those of you who do not know or may not be aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“I decided to make the most of the fact that my room was crawling with insects last summer and filmed them all close up.” – David Firth –

Until our paths cross again,

 Otto Rageous

Short Horror Film Friday: AUTUMN HARVEST

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the Short Norwegian Horror Mystery Film AUTUMN HARVEST! The Film is Directed by Fredrik Hana, and Co-Written by Fredrik Hana and Marius K. Lunde.

Autumn Harvest is a Real Thinker if You will, and it’s a Bit of an Odd Duck. The Film is Shot Completely in Black and White and is Devoid of Any Dialogue whatsoever. This is a Truly Perplexing  17 Minute Insanely Cinematic Lovecraftian Tale that seems to Raise More Questions that it Answers. The Film is Full of Subtle Nuances, and Muted Details that almost Demand that it be Watched Multiple Times by the Viewer. It Only through Repeated viewing before the Puzzle of Autumn Harvest can be Completed at Last.

Plot Summery:

A Suicidally Grief Stricken Sailor living in an Isolated Shack on the Coast Line Kills Anyone that He Encounters while Answering a Mysterious Call Sea.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober