He Took His Skin Off For Me

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the 2014 Short Film HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME Written and Directed by Ben Aston. Aston is a London Born Filmmaker Who was Raised in Hong Kong, Australia, Bath, Singapore, and Shanghai.  His First Foray into Directing was a fucking Puppet Show at the Age of 11 that Lasted SO fucking Long it Required a fucking Intermission. After Graduating with a BA in Philosophy from Kings College London He spent a Year Setting up a Production House with Friends, Creating Short Films, Music Videos, and Ads for Political Organizations. This Resulted in a National Broadcast Job, which in turn Paid for Aston’s First Term at the London Film School.

We will Admit that this HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME is Rather fucking Tame for the Type shit We Post Normally but So fucking What?! We like this Short Horror Film  for a Few Reasons First being the Name that Reminds Us of Other Similar Movie Titles like “I Drink Your Blood!” or “I EAT YOUR SKIN”. Secondly it Also happens to Remind Us of One of Our Favorite fucking Movies of all Time the Clive Barker’s Hellraiser Horror Movie Franchise. We mean Seriously what the fuck Else would Someone Think of (instead of the Hellraiser Reference) when the Topic of Skinless People Comes Up for fucks Sake?!

Next We do Enjoy the Fact that HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME is Not a Gore Soaked Splatter Movie, But Man if it fucking was it Be fucking Fantastic. This Short Film falls into the Creepy Asian Horror Movies for while Asian Horror has Gore Movies/Splatter Movies/Torture Porn Out the fucking Wazoo this is the Other Variety. The Second School of Though in Asian Horror if You will is the Creepy Unnerving Mindfuck Horror Genre the Kind of Shit that Crawls into Your Cranium like a Cinematic Parasite. The kind of Horror Movie You simply Can’t Stop thinking About in Spite of How Much You may want To.

Lastly it has the Surreal Insanity Feel that’s Reminiscent of Director David Lynch and being Huge fucking Lynch Fans that’s Definite fucking Works for US. So the Best Way We can Describe this Film is Combine the Surreal Insanity of David Lynch with the Dark Mind of Clive Barker to make the Next Hellraiser Sequel.

Meanwhile it’s Important to Note Our Only Criticism is there Obviously should have been a shit ton More fucking Blood like fucking Buckets of it a Borderline Blood fucking Bath.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By les Sober

Saturday Slasher Cinema: TERRIFIER

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema Featuring the 2016 American Slasher Film TERRIFIFER Written, Directed and Co-Produced by Damien Leone. The Film features a New Face in the World of Horror in Art The Clown, Played by David Howard Thornton, Who Dresses in an Early 20th Century Clown Costume complete with an Insanely Small Top Hat. Also Art’s Clown Make Up is Void of the Usual Bright Traditional Clown Colors, and instead is Simply Black on White reminiscent of Black Metal Musician’s Corpse Paint. To His Credit Art The Clown was Named “One of the Scariest Clowns on Screen” by Bloody-Disgusting.com,

Terrifier  marks the Second Feature Film Appearance of Art The Clown Character, After Leone’s 2013 Anthology Film All Hallow’s Eve, which Incorporates Footage from Previous Short Films that were also Directed by Leone that Also Originally featured Art The Clown. If Your interested for whatever Reason in watching All Hallow’s Eve We have it Posted in Our Movie Category, and was actually used in a Prior Saturday Slasher Cinema.



On Halloween Night The Sadistic Serial Killer known as  Art The Clown Returns focusing His Sick Psychotic Obsession on Three Innocent Young Women, Along with Anyone Else that gets in His Way!!!

When We Saw this I KNEW We had to Include it: The Following is Posted on commonsense media.org



Parents need to know that Terrifier is a slasher movie about an evil killer clown. Blood and gore are extremely strong, and the violence against women is disturbing. One woman is hung naked upside down (her breasts are visible) and sawed in half from her crotch to her head. Another woman’s skin is sliced off of her chest, and the killer wears it on his own chest so that he can have breasts. There are many deaths, and tons of blood sprays/spurts, plus beating with blunt objects, guns and shooting, stabbing, slicing, severed heads, eye gouging, and much more. Language is also very strong, with multiple uses of “f–k”, “s–t”, “bitch, and more. There’s some sexual innuendo, and a couple falls into bed, kissing. Characters are drunk after a night of partying, cigarette smoking is shown, and a woman is injected with a knockout drug.


Not To Viewer: While the MOVIE IS IN ENGLISH there are French Subtitles. Unfortunately this was the Only Accessible Copy We could Find, and Since Terrifier is Such a Bad Ass Slasher Movie, and  We would Feel like Real Assholes if We didn’t Post it  (It’s Honestly One of Our Favorites here at FYB). Plus Subtitles are Easy to Ignore if You Don’t have to Read Them.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of a Killer Clown Carnage as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

MILKMAN (Animated Music Video)

We were Perusing some of the Awesome Animation from David Firth (One of Our Favorite Animators) that He did under the Moniker fatpie2. While We were mucking around We Located this Little Slice of Insanity and Couldn’t Be Happier for It. It’s a Music Video that was Animated by David Firth (aka fatpie2) for the Aphex Twins Song MILKMAN  from the Girl Boy EP as Well as Some Versions of the RDJ Album.

All We can tell You about the Video is well Not a Whole Hell of a Lot. Your Ears hear a Cosmically Melodic Collage Radio Alternative Rock like Song, and Your Eyes see some Horrifically Violent Imagery of Murder and Mayhem straight out of a Slasher Movie from the 80’s. These Conflicting Messages from the Two Different Senses causes the Brain to Scramble to make Sense of the Vast Contrast in Information. The Video starts like a Kid’s Show Cartoon as the Lyrics pertain to a Milkman and Then a Bit About HIs Wife. After that things get pretty fucking Weird. The Only issue We have with the Song is the Lyrics get fucking Undecipherable, and End up sounding like a Melodious Moan of Sorts. Anyway after We follow the Milkman on His Delivery Route (and Meet His Charming Wife) He is Inexplicably Murdered by a Psychotic Customer at when He Visits Their House for a Delivery. The Killer is a Deformed Inbred Head Case and Necrophiliac Circa the Movie The Hills Have Eyes Who Proceeds to Murder the Shit Out of Everyone He Encounters. The Sick Serial Killer Murders and Mutilates His Various Victims in a Variety of Classic B Horror Movie Methods. So Whats the Meaning of it All? Hell if We Know.


Thanks For Watching/Listening,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE 2

Considering this is the Second Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema We thought it Only Appropriate to Feature the 1987 Black Comedy Slasher Film Slumber Party Massacre II (Written and Directed By Deborah Brock, and Produced by Roger Corman). SPM II Doesn’t Bring anything Insightful to the Slasher Genre, it’s Far More Interested in B-movie Fun and Special Effects. That’s Not a Bad Thing by Any Means. One of the Best Moments in the Movie is the Gag-Inducing Vision Courtney has of Her Friend Sally’s Massive Zit growing to a Grotesque and Monstrous Size unit it Burts Splattering Her with Fluid. Yeah, that’s the Type of Insanity SPM II Delivers.


Brief Plot Summary: “The Driller Killer is Back- and He Parties for Keeps!”

Set Years after the Slumber Party Massacre, now Teen Courtney is a Senior in High School and Plays in a Band with Her Three Close Friends. Courtney is also Experiencing Horrific Nightmares about the DRILL-WIELDING MANIAC KILLER from the First Film Returning. She can’t Shake the Terrifying Feeling that She and Her Friends will be VICIOUSLY TORMENTED AND BRUTALLY BUTCHERED. Again and Again the Nightmare Returns as a Dazed Courtney starts to Lose Control of Her Waking Life that’s Turning into a Surreal Horror Show. And Then Her Nightmare Crosses Over into Reality. No One Believes Her, Until it’s Too Late. The Driller Killer Returns Reincarnated as an Evil Rock’n Roll Greaser with a Massive Drill Bit Guitar Combo of Carnage. He Methodically Stalks Them; then VIOLENTLY GORES THEM TO DEATH….ONE BY ONE. Mixing Elements of A Nightmare On Elm Street with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Only the Fittest can Survive in SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE II!!!


We Hope You Enjoyed this Sequel of Slumber Party Slaughter as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


We all damn well know Mondays Well Mondays just Plain Fucking Suck. After Two Days of Freedom You’re Back on Monday a Slave to The Grind, Endless Bullshit, and Son of a Bitch Bosses. So based on the Universal Hate for all things Monday We decided to Post a Movie as Brutal as Mondays can Be.


Tonight We are Proud to Present the Infamous 1985 Japanese Short Gore Film GUINEA PIG: DEVIL’S EXPERIMENT Directed by Satoru Ogura. In Spite of the Movie’s Minuscule Run Time of 43 Minutes total most Viewers are Unable to Watch the Entire Movie (That Goes Even for Hardcore Gore/Splatter/Torture Porn Fans).


Plot Summary:

A Video Tape and a Letter are given to the Tokyo Police in a Small Discreet Envelope with No Return Address or Postal Mark. The Accompanying Letter Tells of an Experiment on Human Endurance and How Much Punishment the Human Body and Mind can Endure before Succumbing to Death. To Explore the Unknown Boundaries of Suffering and to Push the Threshold of Pain, Three Sociopathic Explorers of Anguish Abduct a Helpless Young Woman. Intent on putting Their Youthful Subject through the Seemingly Endless Ordeal of Their Sadistic Research, The Explorers use Increasingly Brutal Techniques to Test the Theoretical Limits of Human Endurance.

So Pour a Stiff Drink, Pop a Xanax, and Enjoy.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Little Slice of Seriously fucking Sick Cinema as Much as We Did.

Presented By  Les Sober  & FYB