Earth & Moon (Claymation/Animation)

The Following Claymation/Animation Hybrid  Earth & Moon is by Cool 3D World and Who Exactly are They You may be Wondering. Well when Brian and popcorn10 (as Their Youtube Handles Title them) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

The Video Features:

  • Planetary Beings (Perhaps Deities?!) meeting up in a Blood Lake.
  • Moon Vomiting Blood in Earth’s Mouth.
  • The Blood travels to a Universal Womb where it Nourishes Earth and Moon’s ‘Offspring.
  • We Venture into the Offsprings Mind.
  • There’s a Computer Generated Landscape Circa 1988.
  • Theres a Naked Man Acting as a Ceiling Fan.
  • The Naked Man Plunges Through a Mattress into a Alternate Dimension.
  • A Giant Spider Arrives and Attacks the Naked Man Impaling Him in the Stomach with its Front Legs.
  • The Naked Man Screams as there is a Transition bringing Us back to Blood Lake.
  • Offspring Surfaces from Blood Lake to witness Earth & Moon locked in Their Blood Vomit Exchange Ritual.
  • Offspring rides Off on a Prehistoric Dino Bird (Like some sort of  Paleozoic Toucan or some shit) towards Shore.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Perfect Blend of Absurdity, Insanity, Creativity, and Surrealism as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB