Saturday Slasher Cinema: SLEEPAWAY CAMP

Welcome to Another Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema Featuring the 1983 Cult Favorite Slasher Horror Movie SLEEPAWAY CAMP (Released as Nightmare Vacation in the UK) Written and Directed by Robert Hiltzik Who Also Served as the Film’s Executive Producer.


Sleepaway Camp was Released during the Slasher Genre’s Heyday, the Movie is Best Known for its INFAMOUS TWIST ENDING, and is Considered to be one of the Genre’s MOST SHOCKING! Since its Release Sleepaway Camp has Received a Positive Critical Response and a Dedicated Cult Following. The Movie tells the Story of a Young Girl sent to a Summer Camp that becomes the Site of a Series of Murders Shortly after Her Arrival.



Following a Horrible Boating Accident that Kills Her Family, Shy, Sullen Angela moves in with Her Eccentric Aunt Martha and Her protective Cousin Ricky. One Particular Summer Aunt Martha sends Angela and Ricky to Camp Arawak. Soon after Their Arrival Bizarre and INCREASINGLY VIOLENT Accidents claim the Lives of Various Campers. Who is the Psychotically Twisted Individual Responsible for these Gruesome Murders? The Reveal of the Homicidal Camp Killer’s True Identity is One of the Most SHOCKING CLIMAXES in the History of the American Horror Cinema.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Summer Camp Slaughter as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

Short Horror Film Friday: No Through Road

Welcome to another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday this Week Featuring the 2009 British Horror short No Through Road, and is Rumored to be based on the Clifton Bunny Man Urban Legend. The Video was Originally Posted by a User named indrancole3, but We couldn’t (and not for a lack of trying I assure You) find out Exactly WHO made No Through Road. The Closest thing to any real Information is that the Film was made by a Group of British Teenagers, But this has yet to be Confirmed. What made it increasingly Difficult is not Only was No Road Through a Short Horror Film which makes locating Information Trickier, but there is a Major Hollywood Full Length Film by the Same Name (though it has a Completely Different Premise altogether).


On December 15th, 2008 four 17 Year Old Boys from Stevanage, Herefordshire were Reported Missing by Their Families. Two Days Later, Their Dead Bodies were found at Broomhall Farm, Ten Miles away from Stevenage in the Car They had been Driving. The Farm was thought to have been Abandoned, yet Further Investigation showed Signs of being Recently Inhabited. A Digital Camcorder was also Found in the Teens Car. This Video is Unedited Footage taken Straight from the Camera Itself, which has been Released with the Family’s Consent.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Urban Legend Lunacy as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: All Hallow’s Eve

Since Today just Happens to be the Greatest Holiday of Them All We Selected a Halloween Specific Movie.

All Hallow’s Eve is the 2013 Horror Anthology Film Written, Directed, and Edited by Damien Leone, in His First Full Length Feature Film Directorial Debut. The Film Incorperates Footage from the 2008 Short Film The 9th Circle, as well as the 2011 Short Film Terrifier, both of Which were also Directed by Leone and Stared Art The Clown. The Character of Art The Clown would later be featured in the 2016 Full Length Horror Film Terrifer, Also Written and Directed by Leone.



After a Night of Trick-Or-Tricking on Halloween, Babysitter Sarah is Surprised to see that Children Tia and Timmy have Received an Unmarked VHS Tape in one of Their Bags. The Children convince Sarah to allow Them to watch the Tape, which contains Three Stories, each of which features a HOMICIDAL CLOWN simply named Art The Clown.



We Hope You Enjoyed These Three Tales of Terror, and Have a Happy Halloween.

Thanks For Watching and Happy Halloween,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: The Burning

Welcome to this Week’s Edition of Saturday Slasher Cinema Featuring the 1981 Slasher Cult Classic The Burning Directed By Tony Maylam. The Movie is Based on a New York Urban Legend of the Cropsey Maniac, and is the Debut of Actor Jason Alexander as well as  Actress Holly Hunter. The Musical Score for the Film was Composed by Rick Wakeman of the Progressive Rock Band Yes. The Special Effects are Courtesy of Effects Legend Tom Savini who turned Down Working on Friday the 13th Part 2 to work on The Burning.

(NOTE: Before Any Wise Ass has a Chance to Mention it Harvey Weinstein was involved in this Movie, but I refuse to give Him ANY Credit for Anything Ever. The Only Thing Harvey Weinstein should be Remembered for is being a Pedophile, Child Molester, and Serial Rapist Who will Die Rotting in Prison.)



At a Camp Blackfoot, Some of the Teenagers pull a Prank on The Camp’s Sadistic and Alcoholic Caretaker, Cropsey (as They feel it is necessary to ‘Get Him Back”). The Prank though goes Horrifically Wrong when They Teens accidentally Set Cropsey on Fire and Leave Him for Dead. Five Long Torturous Years Later, the Demented and Deformed  Cropsey is Discharged from the Hospital, and Returns to the Camp Equipped with a Pair of Rusty Sheers, Ready to Unleash His Particular Brand of Vengeance on Those Responsible for His Gruesome Disfigurement. Can Anyone Stop the Murderous Cropsey’s Killing Spree before He Transforms Camp Blackfoot into Blackfoot Graveyard or Are The Campers Destined to Die One By One in the Woods?



Hope You Enjoyed this Tale Of Camp Based Carnage as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: Think About This

We all Know Mondays fucking are Known for Sucking because well They Do. Mondays can be one of two things the first is They can be so goddamn Mind Numbingly Mundane, a Soul Sucking Grind if You Will, that You feel like You’ll be fucking Brain Dead by the End of the Day. The Second Thing that Mondays are Notorious for is being is Manic. You Run Around like a Lunatic at a Maddening Pace that never seems fucking fast enough to the Point of Physical Exhaustion, But there still Doesn’t Seem to Be Enough Hours in the Day to Actually Accomplish Anything. Either way it’s Nothing Anyone wants to have to Deal with First Thing After Enjoying Their Weekend that’s for Sure.

So Today being a Monday We thought it be Proper to Post this Little Slice of Insanity Think About This which is a Fictional Work Safety Video from ERI Safety Videos. The Video has a Very 1980’s Aesthetic and Warns Employees of the Consequences of Violating Work Place Safety Rules and Regulations.

If Nothing Else Think About This is as Nausea Inducing as it is Absurdly Hilarious thats for Sure. The 5 Minute 40 Second Video is a Gory Parade of Gruesome Injuries and Grotesque Bodily Mutilations with Little to No Context. As the Video Plays the Pitchy Warble of the Singer of the Accompanying Song Rambles on about How Important it is to Do Your Job Correctly Each and Every Time.

Think About This has the Feel of a Slasher Movie Boiled Down to it Key Components without a Specific Killer with all Types of Bloody Accidents and Deaths. For Example A Man HAs His Fingers Severed by an Industrial MAchine’s Gears, A Person’s Skull is Impaled with a Wrench, and a Man is Brutally Electrocuted and Much More!


From Now On When Your at Work be Sure to Remember Think About This’s Motto:

“You were Alive this Morning, Lets Stay that Way”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober     (Pt1200am)

Saturday Slasher Cinema: MANIAC COP 2

Welcome to Another Edition of Saturday Slasher Cinema Featuring the 1990 Action Slasher Film MANIAC COP 2 Directed by William Lustig and Written by Larry Cohen. It Stars Robert Davi, Claudia Christian, Michael Lerner, and B Horror Icon Bruce Campbell, with Robert Z’Dar returning as MATHEW CORDELL, an Undead Police Officer Turned Serial Killer following His Murder.


Plot Summary:

Murderous Renegade Police Officer Matthew Cordell once Roamed the Streets of New York City Unleashing His Brutal Brand of Vigilante Justice upon Its Citizens. The Supernatural Cordell is Struck Down and Killed by Good Guy Hero Cop Jack Forrest (Bruce Campbell) Ending His Sadistic Killing Spree. Now, Forrest is Eager to Move On from those Heinous Events , but He is Stopped in His Tracks when an All Too Familiar Homicidal Rampage Begins. Thought to be Dead and Gone, Cordell Returns Once Again from Beyond the Grave, and Ready to Wreak His Merciless Havoc Once More. This Time However Cordell has Help from a Times Square Serial Killer named Steven Turkell Who has a Penchant for Strangling Strippers. Cordell has returned Targeting the Vicious Criminals (and Anyone that Gets in His Way) that Mutilated and Murdered Him after He was Framed by a Corrupt City Hall.


Will Cordell get His Revenge at Last and Rest in Peace once and For all, or will Cordell’s Psychotic Slaughterfest be Ended Once Again By Hero Cop Jack  thus Sending Cordell Straight Back to Hell?!

You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Sequel of Slaughter by a Killer Cop as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Excerpts From “The Black Riders and Other Lines” By Stephen Crane

The Poems Below are by American Author Stephen Crane Published in 1895 (by Copeland & Day) as a Part of His Collection, The Black Riders and Other Lines. The Following Excerpts are from Fifty-Six Short Poems (all of Which Simply go by Number without actual Titles) that comprise ‘The Black Riders’. Crane is Most Recognized as the Author of the Famous American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.

When Crane’s Poems were Published, He was Harshly Criticized for the Unusual Form of His Poems, and that He had  Some Nerve in Presenting these “Disjointed Effusions” and Daring to call them Poetry. The First Brutal Reviews Denounced Crane’s The Black Riders as Nothing Short of “Artless and Barbaric.”

In His Correspondence with a Particular Editor of Leslie’s Weekly in 1895, Crane professed that He Preferred The Black Riders to His Iconic American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.  Crane Wrote “I, suppose I ought to be Thankful to ‘The Red Badge,’ but I am much Fonder of My little book of poems, ‘The Black Riders’. My Aim was to Comprehend in it the thoughts I have had about Life in General, while ‘The Red Badge’ is a mere Episode in Life, an Amplification.”




Yes, I have a thousand tongues,
And nine and ninety-nine lie.
Though I strive to use the one,
It will make no melody at my will,
But is dead in my mouth.



Once there came a man
Who said,
“Range me all men of the world in rows.”
And instantly
There was terrific clamour among the people
Against being ranged in rows.
There was a loud quarrel, world-wide.
It endured for ages;
And blood was shed
By those who would not stand in rows,
And by those who pined to stand in rows.
Eventually, the man went to death, weeping.
And those who staid in bloody scuffle
Knew not the great simplicity.

I stood upon a high place,
And saw, below, many devils
Running, leaping,
and carousing in sin.
One looked up, grinning,
And said, “Comrade! Brother!”


If there is a witness to my little life,
To my tiny throes and struggles,
He sees a fool;
And it is not fine for gods to menace fools.

There were many who went in huddled procession,
They knew not whither;
But, at any rate, success or calamity
Would attend all in equality.
There was one who sought a new road.
He went into direful thickets,
And ultimately he died thus, alone;
But they said he had courage.

A god in wrath
Was beating a man;
He cuffed him loudly
With thunderous blows
That rang and rolled over the earth.
All people came running.
The man screamed and struggled,
And bit madly at the feet of the god.
The people cried,
“Ah, what a wicked man!”
And “Ah, what a redoubtable god!”

Behold, the grave of a wicked man,
And near it, a stern spirit.
There came a drooping maid with violets,
But the spirit grasped her arm.
“No flowers for him,” he said.
The maid wept:
“Ah, I loved him.”
But the spirit, grim and frowning:
“No flowers for him.”
Now, this is it-
If the spirit was just,
Why did the maid weep?


Behold, from the land of the farther suns I returned.
And I was in a reptile-swarming place,
Peopled, otherwise, with grimaces,
Shrouded above in black impenetrableness.
I shrank, loathing,
Sick with it.
And I said to him,
“What is this?”
He made answer slowly,
“Spirit, this is a world;
This was your home.”

Two or three angels
Came near to the earth.
They saw a fat church.
Little black streams of people
Came and went in continually.
And the angels were puzzled
To know why the people went thus,
And why they stayed so long within.


God lay dead in heaven;
Angels sang the hymn of the end;
Purple winds went moaning,
Their wings drip-dripping
With blood
That fell upon the earth.
It, groaning thing,
Turned black and sank.
Then from the far caverns
Of dead sins
Came monsters, livid with desire.
They fought,
Wrangled over the world,
A morsel.
But of all sadness this was sad-
A woman’s arms tried to shield
The head of a sleeping man
From the jaws of the final beast.


Thanks For Reading,

Presented By Les Sober    (Pt222AM)

Short Horror Film Friday: TIMOTHY

Well Let’s Face We here at FYB have a Predilection For Sledgehammers and Psycho Homicidal Rabbits (See Bunny The Killer Thing” and Sledgehammer” in Our Movie Category for Example). So We couldn’t be More Delighted to Bring You Short Horror Film Friday Featuring  Timothy” from ALTER.

Who is ALTER You may be asking Yourself at this Point Since We have Featured a Few of Their Films Previously in the Past. ALTER Describes Themselves as The Most Provocative Minds in Horror that brings Viewers New Short Horror Films Exploring the Human Condition Through Warped and Uncanny Perspectives.

Film Description: Simon is a Little Boy that has to Deal with His Abrasive Babysitter Sonia Who is Nothing but a Nuisance. But that Very Same Evening Simon Receives an Unexpected Visitor, Timothy, the Main Character of Simon’s Favorite TV SHow, a Visit He will Never Forget.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober  & FYB 

A Fubar Friday Film: BRUTAL

FYB is Deviously Delighted to Present A Fubar (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition)  Featuring the 2018 Extreme Japanese Horror Film BRUTAL Written and Directed by Takashi Hirose. Brutal has been Described as being “An Hour and Seven Minutes of UNRELENTING BARBARITY!!!”


Plot Summary: Following a Rampage of Extreme Prejudice, a SAVAGE KILLER targets Women as He Tries to find a Compatible One to Engage in His Fantasies of TORTURE AND MURDER! With the Body Count Mounting and No One being able to Stop Him, He Grows Bolder and Goes to More Extreme Measures to Carry Out His Dark Desires, Eventually Catching the Eye of a FEMALE SERIAL KILLER who’s just as Sadistic as He is. The Two Psychotic Serial Killers Discover upon Meeting that They have more than just Their Love of Killing: Both have had Their Genitals Severely Mutilated. Unfortunately there Simply isn’t Enough Bloodshed and Dead Bodies to go around Forcing the Two Twisted Sadistic Serial Killers into a Inevitable DEADLY SHOWDOWN!

Forcing The Two of The into a DEADLY SHOWDOWN!


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

“Sick” Nick Mondo: Death Match Legend & Ultraviolent Icon

“Sick” Nick Mondo (born Matthew Timothy Burns) is Best Known for His Matches in COMBAT ZONE WRESTLING (CZW) the Home to UltraViolent Wrestling. Mondo was Known throughout His Career for His Willingness to take Extremely Dangerous Bumps, such as being Hit in the Stomach with a Gas Powered Weed Whacker, getting put Through Tables Wrapped in Barbwire, and Slammed from a Height of 40 Feet onto Light Tubes(Fluorescent Light Bulbs) stacked on top of  Tables with Nothing but Bare Concrete beneath them. Nick Mondo’s Career May have been Relatively Short (Just Over 4 Years Total) as His began in Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling in 1999, and Ended it Retiring in 2003 while  Wrestling for CZW. That Didn’t Stop Mondo from Accomplishing a Whole Hell of A Lot in those 4 years besides just Staying Alive and in One Piece.


When it comes to the World of Hardcore Wrestling it is often Separated into Distinct Types based on the Graphic Nature of the Match. A Deathmatch Usually tends to be the Most Brutally Severe, with a HEAVY Emphasis on the Usage of of Various Weapons to Induce a Great Deal of Blood Loss. The Weapons are meant to be Extremely Graphic and Violent in Nature and used for the Sole Purpose of Pain,Bloodshed, and Shock Value.

Nick Mondo Competed is Some of the MOST BLOODY AND BRUTAL Death Matches that Hardcore Wrestling have Ever Seen. Mondo Competed in The Tournament of Death, King of The Death Match, Cage of Death, and Japanese Death Matches (During a CZW Cross Promotion with BIG JAPAN PRO WRESTLING a Federation that Specializes in Death Match Wrestling). That’s in Addition to Other Death Matches Mondo Fought in During His Career which were Equally as Dangerous as They Were Blood Splattered.

  • Mondo Held the CZW Iron Man Championship on 3 Different Occasions.
  • Won the CZW World Tag Team Championship with His Tag Team Partner Ric Blade.
  • Mondo Won CZW’s Infamous Tournament of Death 2
  • Won Match of The Year in 2002 for His Match against Wifebeater
  • Won Match of The Year in 2003 for His Match Against Justice Pain.
  • In 2004 Mondo was Inducted into the CZW Hall of Fame


Below You will find the Short Documentary UNSCARRED: The Life of Nick Mondo in its Entirety. You’ll witness All New Never Before Seen Backyard Wrestling Superstar Series Showcase the Legendary Hardcore Icon “Sick” Nick Mondo Totally Exposed. From Unbelievable, Ultraviolet, Blood Soaked, Death-Defying Wrestling Action that has Shocked Fans across the Globe to Outrageous Stunts, Behind the Scenes Interviews, and Never Seen Before Footage. Experience First Hand Why Despite the Road Map of Battle Wounds Mondo Sports across His Body He has Miraculously Remained “Unscarred” throughout His Years of Hardcore Fame and Bloodshed.


After UNSCARRED You will Find The Ultraviolent and Bloody Highlights of  Nick Mondo Vs. John Zandig’s Match at Tournament of Death 2. The Match Features Zandig Delivering His Finishing Move “The Mother F’n Bomb” on Nick Mondo OFF OF A ROOFTOP Through SIX TABLES and through a GIANT LIGHT TUBE  CABIN STRUCTURE in the Parking Lot!!!

Then There is the Match Between Nick Mondo and Wifebeater in a 200 LIGHT TUBE  BARBED WIRE ROPES DEATH MATCH which Includes the Infamously Famous GAS POWERED WEED WHACKER!!!

Lastly is a Video Highlighting Another of  Nick Mondo’s Bloody and Brutal Championship Matches this Time against Ian Rotten in the TOURNAMENT OF DEATH 2 FINAL!!!

“Sick” Nick Mondo Vs. John Zandig and The Bump Heard Around The World

Wifebeater Vs. “Sick” Nick Mondo and THE WEED WHACKER!


CZW Tournament of Death “Sick” Nick Mondo Vs. Ian Rotten (Final Match of the Tournament )

All We Can Say at this Point is “Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit!!!

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB