I CAN COUNT TO THREE (Teaching Preschoolers To Count Using Corpses)

Welcome to Wednesday’s FYB post with none other than I Justin Sane. The holidays are a hellish consumer driven commercialist blitzkrieg of chaos and cash, and yup its that time of fucking year so JOY OH JOY. In addition to the end of the year lunacy Les recently took on a major fucking project and has been working himself towards certain insanity. So he nor Otto (who is being more of a moody fuck than usual) had anything planned for todays post and that’s where I come in with today’s post featuring the Animated Short I CAN COUNT TO THREE by The Mighty Animator known as MeatCanyon!

I CAN COUNT TO THREE is one of many various parodies that MeatCanyon has done since he seems to get a guine kick out of doing them. I CAN COUNT TO THREE is a parody of the British preschool animated tv series Peppa Pig by Astly Baker Davis. The series star is an animated female Pig named Peppa who is happier than a motherfucker and positive as fuck. In MeatCanyon’s parody Peppa is unexplainably transformed into some sort of monstrously demonic murderous mutant. The now evil Peppa proceeds to kill and consume her husband, and then promptly chases down her 2 kids who she also precedes to murder and devour 1 by 1. All the while as the violent bloody gore plays out there is a narrator who is using the horror show as a lesson to teach preschoolers on how to count to three.

It’s important to note there is a remake of the  MeatCanyon’s original also titled I CAN COUNT TO THREE titles Peppa Pig Horror Shorts and Creepy Blood Violence Gore which has a shorter runtime and far less narration (also the animation is different in the remake). I have no clue who is behind this reboot but I know whoever the fuck they are they are fucking idiots and total assholes. Who asked them to fuck with I CAN COUNT TO THREE in the first fucking place? ALSO be sure to watch the entire video since MeatCanyon himself makes an appearance directly after the video where he addresses the topics of Instagram, Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter among other things.

WARNING: This Video May Be Disturbing To Some Viewers. The Following Video Contains Scenes Of Violence, Bloodshed, And Gore. There We Covered Our Asses Just In Case.

See you when I see you,

  Justin Sane


Monday’s are a real, true blue motherfucker, and its been that way since man came up with the 5 day work week. Breaking down the days of the week is fucking child’s splay  so:

  • Monday: Sucks like the motherfucker it is.
  • Tuesday: Not really all that fucking great, but it’s one day closer to the weekend so advantage Tuesday for not being Monday.
  • Wednesday: AKA hump day the pivotal middle of the work week turning point. Half the bullshit work week is done and only 2 more to go until the weekend. Plus one of those 2 remaining work days is fucking Friday.
  • Thursday: Nothing special other than being the day before friday.
  • Friday: Last day of the work week AND motherfucking payday so time to fucking party.
  • Saturday: Do whatever the fuck you damn well please day because you still got Sunday to fall back on.
  • Sunday: Relax like a motherfucker because tomorrow it’s motherfucking Monday all over again.

With that said this Monday’s FYB post features the video BANNED SUPER BOWL UNO COMMERCIAL by alternative comedy Allstars in the Oddest of the Odd. Now I’d like to take a fucking moment here to comment on the alternative comedy genre so I will. There is so fucking much I get a fucking kick out of when it comes to alternative comedy, but in the interest of saving time here is a brief list of just some of the attributes of alternative comedy I think are wildly entertaining:

  • Alternative comedy is the suspension of disbelief personified as some attribute of the genre include dealing in.
  • grossly over exaggerated extremes
  • use of Cerebral surrealism
  • often manic energy/intensity
  • propensity to use outlandish violence
  • Its unorthodox/unconventional creative process
  • the over the top showmanship.
  • The sheer bizarre insanity of the content/subject matter
  • Truly unique artists and various art forms.
  • The total disregard for tradition comedy/traditional comedy formulas/traditional creative processes/traditional comedy norms.


In my view alternative comedy is an evolved version of the theater of the absurd best personified by the likes of the British television series Monty Python’s flying circus (1969-1974) and subsequent Monty Python Movies like Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) or Monty Python: The Meaning of Life (1985) for example. Monty Python were comedy pioneers who brought the theater of the absurd to the mainstream public. There was also during that time period the brilliant performance artist Andy Kauffman (January 17, 1949 – May 16, 1984) who deserves just as much credit for his work in/with the theater of the absurd as Monty Python does.

Then by the mid 1980’s the theater of the absurd genre of comedy had faded from the public eye and back into obscurity once again. That was until Canadian comedian Tom Green hit the scene on MTV in 1994 with the ground breaking Tom Green show. Green essentially rebooted and rebranded the theater of the absurd into the alternative comedy genre of today. Basically if there was no Tom Green show there wouldn’t have been an Adult Swim, Comedy Bang Bang, or The Eric Andre Show and many, many more of todays artists/acts.

But I digress for now so ONTO THE VIDEO MOTHERFUCKERS!

Plot: Some Friends Playing a  Hand of UNO Turns Deadly Motherfucker!

See you around,

  Justine Sane