Indonesian Black Metal

Welcome to Today’s Late FYB Post which I am Glad to Say is Another Music Post Which I always find More than Interesting to Do. This Story Starts when a Couple of Days Ago I was fucking around Online as I’m known to do, and I was browsing Different Kinds of gifs for a Current Project. I came across One that Caught My Eye and Upon Further Inspection I noticed it was Tagged at the Bottom where it simply read “Indonesian Black Metal”.  This instantly Perked My Interest as I am a Big fucking Fan of the Black Metal Genre, but for the Life of Me the Fact there was a Black Metal Scene in Indonesia was a complete Mindfucker. Black Metal was created in Scandinavia where it then Seeped into Europe and Eventually found its way to America so Indonesia is a bit off the Beaten Path as it were.

Thus Started My Journey into Indonesian Black Metal. The Most Infuriatingly Frustrating Problem is when I’m researching a Niche and/or Obscure Band Information can be Hard to Locate. Now Add to the Equation that the Band(s)/Musician is from a Foreign Country it makes it that much Harder (Example: The Satan Panonski Post). With that Said in All Honesty Collecting Information for this Post was the Most fucking Difficult out of ANY Music Post I’ve Done thus Far. First Off there was the Obvious Problem with Translations since Any Information was Either in or Translated from Indonesian (Referred to Locally as Bahasa Indonesian). As for the Information I hunted down that had been Translated had be Translated Badly, and were the Shittiest of Shitty Translations I have ever Experienced. There were the Usual Problems like the Information was Wrought with Spelling and Grammatical Mistakes, and the Translations looked as if They were Written by an Actual Lunatic. The Basic Sentence Structure wasn’t Written in Broken English it was Written in Totally Butchered English that was almost Beyond Belief. The Other Odd Factor was the Band I selected to Showcase had Unlike America (Or Other Countries) The Band had Done Next to NO PRESS Whatsoever I tried to Locate Interviews be They Print, Online, Radio, Television Etc. and Came Up with Virtually Nothing to Speak of.

So All This Considered I Decided to Go with the Most Prominent and  Well Known Indonesian Black Metal called SANTET. The Following is All the Pertinent Information I managed to Scrounge Up So Here We Go.


  • Was Formed in Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.
  • In 1993 the Band (Under a Different Band Name) became a Force to be Reckoned with in the Underground Music Scene for Preforming Death Metal.
  • On May 5, 1997 The Band Changed Their Name to SANTET when They Decided to change Their Death Metal Concept to Straight Up Black Metal.
  • The Name SANTET Means: Inhuman Spiritual Black Magic From Java Ethics, a Kind of Killing Helped by Spells and a Demon’s Flame.
  • Frontman Budi Blackustadz formed the Band with Original and Former Member Rudi Hailstorm.
  • SANTET’s Form of Black Metal is Called Javanese Black Metal.
  • SANTET Tours Heavily in Java and Other Parts of Indonesia.
  • SANTET Released Their Debut Album “Creatures of the Darkness” in January of 1998.
  • SANTET did a Split Album with the Gothic Doom Band Drosophila From Yogyakerta that was a Massive Hit. The Album Sold Out in Indonesia as well as Other Countries and Continues to Gain Popularity to this Day.
  • SANTET has Taken Part in a Vast Number of Compilation Albums In or Outside of Indonesia like Their Track “Roh Roworhonteck” off the Black Metal Compilation Album Metalik Klinik Vol. 3.


Current Members:

  • Budi Santet (Formerly Budi Blackustadz) – Vocals (1993-Present)
  • Deddy – Keyboards (2002-Present)
  • Rudy Hailstorm – Guitars (1993-Present)
  • Ucox – Bass (2002-Present)
  • Sihan – Drums (2001-Present)

Past Members:

  • Adi – Bass (1998)
  • Sulihs – Drums (1998)
  • Jurik – Guitars (1998)
  • Fajar – Keyboards (1998)
  • Noengkid Lichoy – Drums (1999)
  • Wow – Keyboards (1999)
  • Dani Buto – Bass (2000)
  • Hoellos – Drums (2000)



  • Creature of Darkness (1998)
  • Mahar Hutan Laragan (1999)
  • Enthroned The Black Domain (2000)
  • Babad Kultus Sihir (2003)
  • Pendulum Neraka Jahanam (2003)
  • Tumbal 666 (2013)
  • Ritual of Horror (2016)
  • Iblis Bergamis (2019)
  • Religion Lost (2021)



  • Kidding Wahyu Kolosebo
  • Amuk Samudo (Live Concert Footage Splice with Some Insane Animation)
  • Iblis Bergamis
  • SANTET Live December 19, 2014 at the Jogja National Museum
  • Rok Roworhontek
  • SANTET Live in Singapore September 28, 2019 at The Morbid Music Festival)

Thanks For Reading/Watching/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober