Broadcast Interruptions: Australia’s Channel 7 Mayday Incident

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday Post featuring Australia’s Channel 7 Mayday Incident which is One of Several Broadcast Interruptions (More commonly known as Television/Radio Piracy) Posted here at FYB. If You’re interested They are Posted in the Strange and Disturbing Video Section. A Hijacking of a Broadcast Signal is Officially Know as a Broadcast Signal Intrusion (BSI) is as Follows. A Broadcast Signal Intrusion is the Hijacking of Broadcast Signals of Radio, Television Stations, Cable Television Broadcast Feeds or Satellite signals Without Permission Nor License. Hijacking incidents have involved local Television and Radio Stations as well as Cable and National Networks.


What Happened:

On January 3, 2007, in Australia, during a Broadcast of an Episode of the Canadian Television Series Mayday (known in Australia as Air Crash Investigation) on the Channel 7, an Audio Signal unexpectedly started playing, clearly saying in an Southern American Accent, “Jesus Christ, Help Us All, Lord.” It’s Important to Note Some People Believe the Voice Message Actually Says “Jesus Christ, Help Us All Lord, Fuck.” This same Voice Message continued to Repeat Itself over and over during the Show for a Total of Six Minutes. A Spokesman for Channel 7 later Denied that the Transmission was a Prank or a Security Breach and Claimed that the Repeated Line was part of the Original Broadcast and said, “Jesus Christ, one of the Nazarenes”, although there is Hardly any Similarity between the Two Phrases. A Subsequent Investigation by Independent Researchers revealed that the Invading Transmission was actually from a Videotaped News Broadcast of a Civilian Truck being Ambushed in the Iraq War. It Remains Unknown whether or not this was an Intentional Act of Television Piracy or a Genuine Glitch of Some Sort.


 Eye Witness Account:

” In Melbourne, Australia, on 3rd Jan 07, channel 7 aired a program about a plane wreck “Mayday”. From the start of the program the audio is a loop of a voice seeming to say “jesus christ help us all lord fuck”. It looped for maybe 10 minutes. I was watching at the time and shot part of it with my phone video. According to very reliable sources, there are many unsatisfied employees at channel 7. I have since been contacted by Preston Wheeler who is the man who actually shot the original video , and I have no reason to doubt him.” -User nedler-


Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

The Great Unplug 2019

Practically all of lost year/last year, I really contemplated completely cutting myself off from modern technology. Should i go cold turkey with everything? Should i just pick my phone, my pc, my ps4, tablet, wearables, my “crowdfunded” anal device, my tv?

I made a major compromise with myself. I’ve given up most of my basic cable package. Well not given up. I totally had my dad block half my tv channels.

Will i miss them? I can honestly say not one fucking bit. Now sure i have Netflix to fall back on so it’s not a huge sacrifice. I gotta say one thing. It is such a fucking pleasure to not have any clue of what is going on in the world.

Since I was 12 I have been entirely too aware of the world. I grew up way too fast while being too naive and I have insanely varying maturity since.

At 12 i was 40, 16 i was 8, 20 i was 30, 25 i was 50, 30 i was 16 again and now might as well be 80. Anyway the point is not hearing Donald Trump talk (or dems if ur conservative) is some of the best therapy ever. I also feel less 80 which is good but not quite teenager thankfully. Acting 16 is far more natural to me then however the fuck an adult is supposed to act.

I also have given up alcohol for the new year which led to quite the blackout and hurried 940pm liquor store run on new years eve but i digress. I think my liver is happier.

Oh and no more gaming either. Probably the hardest of all. I really thought there would be more creativity but all I’ve been given so far is how many different genres of music over how many different decades can I blast to potentially piss off my neighbors.

I have listened to 700-1000? different artists the past week. I wish i could find a way for spotify to churn them out to a simple file to post. I will never get tired of this. I could seriously spend all day listening to new music and playing model search.

More sacrifice is coming. Will I live? Die? Have a major meltdown? Have an epiphany? Signs point to yes.

Time for me to be 16 again. Framing Hanley is back together and I’m about to drown. Harder. Faster. Louder. Until it’s so loud I’m taken to the show in my dreams. Here in my head.

 By SpaceDog