Fiendish Friday Night Film: ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST

FYB is Delighted to Present the 1980 Italian Exploitation B Horror Movie ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST (also Known as Zombie 3) directed by Marino Girolami. The Movie was Re-Edited and Released Theatrically in the United States under the Title Doctor Butcher M.D. in 1982.


Brief Plot Summer:

The Film starts off in New York, where a Hospital Employee is found to have been DEVOURING CORPSES in the Morgue. Morgue Assistant and Anthropology Expert Lori Discovers He was from the Asian Molucca Islands where She grew up. Dr. Peter Chandler investigates, and HE and Lori discover similar CORPSE MUTILATIONS have occurred in Other City Hospitals, where Immigrants from this Region are Working.

Peter leads an Expedition to the Islands to Investigate, where he liaises with Doctor(and Mad Scientist) Obrero. Included in the Expedition are Peter’s Assistant George, George’s Eager Journalist Girlfriend Susan, Lori, Local Boatsman Molotto assigned by Dr. Obrero, and Three Guides. On the Island They are HUNTED BY CANNIBALS and A ZOMBIE HORDE, the latter Created by the Sinister Doctor Obrero who has been conducting GRUESOME EXPERIMENTS on The Living and The Dead.

In the End Lori is accepted as The QUEEN OF THE CANNIBALS, and Sends the Tribe off to Destroy Doctor/Mad Scientist Obrero and His UNHOLY ZOMBIE ARMY!



We Hope You Enjoyed this Undead Delight as Much as We did.           

  Presented By Les Sober

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: Pete The Meat Puppet

Pete The Meat Puppet is the Equivalent of The Bastard Love Child  of Pinocchio and Howdy Doody having a Seriously Brutal Acid Trip in Vegan Hell (where He’s made Entirely of Meat and Rules as the Vegan Dietary Anti-Christ) Set to Music.

Pete is Built out of Various Types of Meat Scraps by a Female Butcher who isn’t Married, and has a Womb as Welcoming as Death Valley. After Nursing Pete comes Alive unfortunately the Surprise makes His Mother’s Heart Explode like a Overfilled Water Ballon Killing Her almost Instantly. Pete’s Mother has just enough Time to Utter Her last Words “Pete find the Meaning of Life…..” before Shuffling off this Mortal Coil .

Honoring His Mother’s Dying Wish Pete sets Out into the World to Discover the Meaning of Life. Pete starts Off His Adventure Scrubbing SHitty Toilets at a Fast Food Burger Chain, but He Quickly Climbs the Corporate Ladder To Unparalleled Fame and Fortune. Pete ends up Living in the Lap of Luxury with His Trophy Wife, and 3 Kids in a Brand New McMansion surrounded by His Lavish Lifestyle.

Then Pete starts to Party and Falls Down The Slippery Slope of Alcoholism, Cocaine Addiction, and Hookers culminating in Pete’s Lurid Sex Tape being Leaked. The Drug Fueled Sex Tape Scandal leaves Pete Broke, Homeless, and Alone. Having Had it All and Lost It Pete is Forced to Resort to Prostitution just to Feed Himself and His Vicious Addiction.

Finally Pete hits Rock Bottom and Eats His Own Leg to Satiate Starvation. Pete redeems Himself and Becomes a Friendly Singing/Guitar Playing Hobo riding the Rails from Town to Town still looking for the Meaning of Life.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober (A12:32M)

Monday Mayhem Movie: VIOLENT SHIT

FUB’s Monday Mayhem Movie Featuring the 1989 German Horror Film Written and Directed by Andreas Schnass, and Distributed by Blood Pictures.


Plot Summery:

A Young Boy named Karl Berger (a Surname given in the Sequel) Murders His Abusive Mother with a MEAT CLEAVER, after She beats Him for returning Home Late. Twenty Years Later in the Mid-1970’s, the Imprisoned Karl is being Transported to an Unspecified Location bu the Police, But manages to KILL HIS CAPTORS and Escape into the Wilderness, somehow acquiring a Cleaver in the Process. Over the Course of Several Days, Karl commits a SERIES OF MURDERS across the Countryside, MUTILATING and occasionally CANNIBALIZING His Victims. After a Double Homicide, Karl passes out and has a Flashback to the Day He Murdered His Mother, Revealing He had been coerced into Killing Her by a DEMON (Who May Be Karl’s Father) He had encountered in the Cellar after being Locked in It.

At one point, Karl also encounters an Apparition of JESUS Crucified in the Forrest, which HE HACKS OPEN, and CRAWLS INSIDE. After this Encounter, Karl commits an Additional Dual Murder outside of a Church, then Collapses in a Field, where HE IS SKIN (which has been Inexplicably Decaying throughout the Film) ROTS OFF, and HE Dies Ripping Himself Open, Revealing a BABY COVERED IN BLOOD.


“However crude the rest of this Amateur Production may be, there’s NO Denying the Power of this Gore-Soaked Mayhem. Both Schnaas’s willingness to Push Boundaries and His attention to Squeamish Detail are Noteworthy…Forcing the Audience to Either Confront it Head On or Look Away in Disgust.” -Brett Gallman (Oh, the Horror!)


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Mayhem and Murder as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  By Les Sober

The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (32-40)

Welcome to Another Installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content featuring Videos 32-40.

  • If You Haven’t Watched the Previous Meatsleep Installments We Suggest You View Them First as all the Videos are Posted in Chronological Order.
  • The Mystery is are Meatsleep’s Videos a Bizarrely Disturbing Art Project Or are they the Chronicling the Life of an Actual Real Life Serial Killer.
  • Along with the Videos Additional Information Pertaining to The Mystery are Included in Each Post.

Some of the Pertinent Information Covered in Other Meatsleep Installments are as Follows:

  • Meatsleep all of Sudden out of the fucking Blue Made a Hasty Announcement that “It was all a Art Project and Fake”, and then Immediately Deleted all of Their Youtube Content.
  • Meatsleep under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep had a Facebook Page but it too has been Deleted.
  • Meatsleep technically has a Defunct/Abandoned Twitter Account again under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep. Nothing has been used in 6-7 years, and has only 6 Vaguely Cryptic which don’t provide any Information.
  • Is the Name Meatsleep mean anything example: Meat could mean Victim and Sleep could mean Death.
  • Meatsleep’s Alternate User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep possibly be a Reference to Homicidal Cannibalistic Serial Killer HorrorMovie Icon Leatherface?
  • Could Meatsleep Be a Cannibal as well as a Possible Serial Killer?


Additional Information:

On Meatsleep’s since Deleted Youtube Channel in Their Youtube Channel list was a person who went by or Goes By Iwan Fals. All of Iwan Fals Video Content always Focused on Something Negative Particularly Bad Shit that Happens to Animals. Due to the Animal component there is a Hypothesis the Iwan Fals is/was involved with a The Dark Web Website called Animal Nightmares which Deals Solely in Animal Abuse/Neglect in some Capacity.The Other Hypothesis is Iwan Fals and Meatsleep were in Cahoots as They were Working Together in some way. Did Iwan Fals create Their Youtube Channel as a Way to Collaborate with Meatsleep or is Iwan Fals in Fact Meatsleep either to Provide More Clues/Details or to Throw People Off the Trail who are Looking into the Meatsleep Mystery.

Now there 2 more Interesting Pieces of Information the first being if You Google or Search on Youtube for Iwan Fals who will find He is an Indonesian Singer/Songwriter. The Question here is what (if any) is the Significance of Meatsleep’s alleged Associate deciding to Use Iwan Fals as Their Username? The Last Thing pertains to the Title the Meatsleep Video longpig (#32) is a  Fijian Cannibal Term Designated for the People They Ate. The Best Example is the 19th Century Cannibal Chief  from Fiji Chief Ratu Udre Udre. Chief Ratu has the distinction of Holding the Guinness Book of World Records for the Morbid Record of being the “Most Prolific Cannibal” having Eaten between 872-999 People during His Life Time. Chief Ratu once was quoted as saying that “Long Pig is My Favorite Meal.”











Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (26-31)

Welcome to another installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (Videos 26-31). Not to beat a Dead Horse, but if You haven’t seen the Previous Installments We highly recommend that You Do as the Videos are Posted in Chronological Order. Also in Addition to the Meatsleep Video’s We posted Additional Information pertinent to the Meatsleep Mystery as a Whole. Now for Those Who are Not yet in the Know the Intrigue behind Meatsleep’s Videos’s is the Ever Present Question of are They Real or are They Fake This Fake? What We mean by that is are the Videos part of an Elaborate Art Project or Are They the Real Life Documentations of an Actual Serial Killer.

Now the Following may seem redundant or inconsequential, BUT when it comes to Complex Mysteries You can’t afford to take ANYTHING at Face Value. It’s just like the Wise Man George Carlin said, “QUESTION EVERYTHING”, and thats exactly what We intend to Do. With that said We are Wondering what the fuck could the Name/User Name/Alias possibly mean? Granted it’s a Strange User Name, Yet there might be a bit more to it once You start to Scratch the Surface. Those who believe the Video’s are in fact a Real Life Serial Killer’s recordings the Name Meatsleep allegedly stands for the Following. Meat would be a reference to the Killer’s Victims as the Killer is referring to His/Her Victim’s a Meat as in “A Piece of Meat”, and Sleep is a Reference to The Eternal Slumber of Death.


Some from the Same School of Thought have hypothesized that MeatSleep isn’t the Actual Killer, But is an Escaped Victim of the Killer. In that case the name Meatsleep takes on a entirely different connotation in this situation where Meat is used to Infer “Dead Meat” as in “Your Dead Meat!”, and again Sleep equals Death. This would indicate the Victim not only Escaped from the Clutches of the Killer, but in a twist of Fate the Escaped Victim Murdered the Killer too.

The most Curiously Interesting Detail of the Meatsleep Name before Meatsleep’s Youtube Account was Completely Deleted at the Top of Meatsleep’s Channel List Was: U001f356 which is Unicode for The Classic Meat Emoji, and We mean the Cave Man Like Emoji with a Hunk of Meat on an Bone. The Other thing about the Meatsleep name that has been bouncing around in Our Skulls is Meatsleep’s Deleted Facebook Account and Defunct Twitter Account were both under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep. So if you Spit the First Part of the Name being Sewnskin You get the Two Words that read Sewn Skin making the full Name read Sewn Skin Meatsleep. We can’t Help but Wonder if this in Fact a Reference to the Horror Movie Iconic Villain Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise. Let’s face it Leatherface wears a Mask made of Human Skin that He sows Together, He’s a Cannibal, and He’s a Serial Killer. Thus it covers all the Major Bases Sewn Skin, Meat, and Murder. Enjoy.







Thanks For Watching,

  By Les Sober

FYB Tuesday Terror Movie: MEAT GRINDER!!!

FBY is Proud to Present the 2009 Thai Cannibal Horror Movie MEAT GRINDER Written and Directed by Tiwa Moeithaisong.


Brief Plot Summery: But (Played by Mai Charoenpura) is a DISTURBED Woman who hears Voices in Her head and Tormented by Horrific Visions. Having been Taught some Dubious and Unconventional Food Preparation and Cooking Skills by Her Mother, She decides to Open up a Noodle Stall, using the Dead Body of a Man who was Killed in a Riot as the Main Ingredient. Soon the Customers are Turning up in Droves for Her Delicious Meals, and Life start is looking up as a Nice Good Looking Young Man takes a Romantic Interest in Her. However, Her past comes back to HAUNT Her, and as her Mental State starts to Break Down, Yet more People end up on The CHOPPING BLOCK or HANGING ON MEAT HOOKS in Her Basement.


The Film also Tackles the Themes of Mental Illness and the Mistreatment of Women, with But’s Behavior being Depicted as being part of an ongoing CYCLE OF VIOLENCE that she suffered as a Child, and which She is now passing on to Her own Daughter. Will But’s Cannibal Cuisine end up getting Her Caught or will Her Flair for Cooking Human Flesh lead to Her to the Life She always Wanted? Wait, Watch, and see for Yourself.

We hope You enjoyed this Tasty Cannibalistic Morsel as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

FYB’s Saturday Sing-A-Long Cinema Presents: CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL

FYB is Elated to Present the 1993 Musical Black Comedy Cult Classic CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL  By None Other Than South Park Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Long Before Success on Comedy Central with South Park there was only Cannibal! The Musical!!!


Cannibal! The Musical is the True (Historical) Story of Alfred Packer the Only Person CONVICTED OF CANNIBALISM in America.

Set in 1873, Cannibal! The Musical Focuses on Alfred Packer who has been Accused of CANNIBALIZING Members of His Own Traveling Party headed to the Colorado Territory.  Packer tells His side of the DESPERATE, GRUESOME, and BLOODY Tale of Survival To News Reporter Polly Prye as He awaits His EXECUTION being Convicted MURDER AND CANNIBALISM!!!

Packer’s Story is as Follows while searching for Gold and Love in the Colorado Territory, He and His Companions Lost Their Way and were Forced to Resort to UNTHINKABLE HORRORS to Stay Alive Stranded in the Desolate Dead of Winter. Was Packer telling the Truth or Was he The COLD BLOODED CANNIBAL KILLER that Many Believed Him to Be???

Cannibal! The Musical Equates to the Classic American Musical OKLAHOMA on Bath Salts Colliding Head On with The Gory Cult Splatter Classic BLOODSUCKING FREAKS! The Carnage and Insanity Abound in Cannibal! The Musical as Japanese People pretend to be Native American Indians, A Cyclops’s Eye Spurts Puss, and Alfred Packard has a FULL BLOWN KUNG-FU FIGHT with a Fur Trapper by the Name of Frenchy. Enjoy.

We hope You enjoyed this Musical Tale of Murder and Mayhem as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Conversing With a Cannibal

It’s Definitely NO SECRET that We are Big Fans of Vice, and have Posted Several of Their Exceptionally Well Reported Pieces. The First Vice piece We Shared here was “CANNIBAL GENERALS OF LIBERIA”, and just They Other Day We were made Aware of the Following Vice Report “Interview with a Cannibal”. Needless to Say We Loved it (and In Case You haven’t Noticed Cannibalism is a Reoccurring Theme here at FYB) We had To Share it with Our Readers/Audience/Fans. Vice’s “Interview with a Cannibal” is the Story of Issei Sagwa (aka The Celebrity Cannibal) a Real Life MURDERER AND CANNIBAL who Murdered and Cannibalized a Dutch Woman Named Renee Hartevelt in Paris, France in 1981.


Not Only did Sagwa Commit MURDER and the Taboo of CANNIBALISM the Story DOESN’T END with Sagwa’s Apprehension by the French Authorities. Sagwa was found to be LEGALLY INSANE by a French Judge and thus Unfit to Stand Trial. The French Judge remanded Sagwa to the Custody of a French Mental Hospital Indefinitely. After approximately Two Years Sagwa was Extradited to His Home Country of Japan where He was found to be Sane, BUT None the Less “EVIL” and placed into a Mental Institution for an Undetermined Amount of Time. On August 12, 1986 Sagwa signed Himself Out of the Mental Institution, and has been A FREE MAN EVER SINCE. After signing Himself Out of the Mental Institution Sagwa Believe It or Not became a MINOR CELEBRITY in Japan, and made Quite a Nice Living (Selling Original Artwork and Being a Published Author of Multiple Titles) through the Public’s Morbid Curiosity pertaining to His Crimes. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed This Tasty Little Morsel of Cannibalistic Knowledge Straight from the Chef as Much as We did.

 Presented By Les Sober

Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids: The Bad Egg and Molton Light

We start this Installment of Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids with the Award Winning Cartoon “The Bad Egg” Directed by Bala Vikram Veturi. “The Bad Egg” is a Fable of Sorts if You Will, a Cautionary Tale that warns One against  the Consequences of Choosing Greed Over Need. That is to Say Choosing What You Want OVER What You Actually Need. Humanity has always, and especially in Today’s Times confused “Want” with “Need”.

A Prime Example of this is When the Wife of a Good Friend of Mine called Me up one Night Engulfed in Frustration. He Told Me that His Wife WANTED to Buy a New 90 inch TV to replace Their 60 Inch TV for NO OTHER REASON than She simply WANTED a Bigger TV in Reality.

When I asked My Friend about His Wife’s Reaction to Him stating the 90 inch TV was a Unnecessary (and bit impulsive) Purchase at the Time He told Me that once He started to Object She told Him that “They NEEDED the New TV.”, and Honestly thats Exactly what She Believed to be True. The Cliche that “Your Possessions End Up Owning You” could Never be Truer.

The Second Cartoon is Chad Van Gaalen’s “Molten Light” by Chad VanGaalen Who did The Animation as well as Providing the Music Accompaniment. “Molton Light” which also Serves as a Cautionary Tale of Revenge Warning One That Their are Consequences for One’s Actions. That and Some of Those Consequences can Hunt You Down and Kill You.

Hope You Enjoyed These Cartoon’s Cautionary Tales of Greed, Jealousy, Murder, Cannibalism, The Supernatural, and Revenge as Much as We Did.

 Presented By Les Sober

FYB’s Sinister Saturday Night Cinema: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST!

FYB is Proud to Present Tonight’s Sinister Saturday Night Cinema’s 1980 Italian Cannibal Horror Film Directed by Ruggero Deodato and written By Gianfranco Clerici: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST!!

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST consists of a Documentary Crew’s Lost Footage, the Presentation of which Pioneered and Innovated the Lost Footage Genre which was Popularized later in THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST Achieved Notoriety as its GRAPHIC VIOLENCE aroused a Great Deal of CONTROVERSY! After its Premier in Italy, it was SIEZED by the Local Magistrate, and Deodato was ARRESTED on OBSCENITY CHARGES. Deodato was later Charged with MULTIPLE COUNTS OF MURDER due to Rumors that Alleged Several Actors were actually KILLED ON CAMERA!


Ultimately Deodato was Cleared of All Charges, the Film was BANNED in Italy, Australia, and Several Other Countries due to is GRAPHIC CONTENT, including Sexual Assault, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mutilation, Decapitation, Cannibalism, Murder, Nudity, Alleged Exploitation of Indigenous Tribes, and Genuine Violence Toward Animals

Some Nations have since Revoked Their Ban, it is Still Upheld in Several Other Countries. In Retrospective Analysis, the Film’s EXTREMELY VIOLENT CONTENT has been Noted as Commentary on Ethic is Journalism, Exploitation of Developing Countries, and the Nature of Modern Society, but These Interpretations have been highly Criticized.


Plot Summery: Harold Monroe an Anthropologist from New York University  leads a Rescue Team Deep into the Amazon Rainforest to Locate a Missing Crew of Film Makers. The Crew had gone Missing while Filming a Documentary on LOCAL CANNIBAL TRIBES. When the Rescue Team is ONLY able to RECOVER the Crew’s Lost Footage, Yet an American Television Station wants to Broadcast the Found Footage as a Sensationalized Special. Upon reviewing the Lost Footage Monroe is APPALLED by the Team’s Actions and Objects to The Station’s Intent on Airing the Documentary. The Only thing Monroe can do to possible Stop the Television Broadcast is to Show The Station’s Management the FINAL 2 ROLES OF FILM.


CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST is 1 of the Top Ten Most CONTROVERSIAL movies ever to be Made in fact We Honestly believe this Movie is one of those Rare tings in Life that has to be SEEN to be BELIEVED. With that said…


We Hope You Enjoyed Tonights Cannibalistic Slaughterfest as Much as We Did,

Presented by Les Sober