Fiendish Friday Night Film: ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST

FYB is Delighted to Present the 1980 Italian Exploitation B Horror Movie ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST (also Known as Zombie 3) directed by Marino Girolami. The Movie was Re-Edited and Released Theatrically in the United States under the Title Doctor Butcher M.D. in 1982.


Brief Plot Summer:

The Film starts off in New York, where a Hospital Employee is found to have been DEVOURING CORPSES in the Morgue. Morgue Assistant and Anthropology Expert Lori Discovers He was from the Asian Molucca Islands where She grew up. Dr. Peter Chandler investigates, and HE and Lori discover similar CORPSE MUTILATIONS have occurred in Other City Hospitals, where Immigrants from this Region are Working.

Peter leads an Expedition to the Islands to Investigate, where he liaises with Doctor(and Mad Scientist) Obrero. Included in the Expedition are Peter’s Assistant George, George’s Eager Journalist Girlfriend Susan, Lori, Local Boatsman Molotto assigned by Dr. Obrero, and Three Guides. On the Island They are HUNTED BY CANNIBALS and A ZOMBIE HORDE, the latter Created by the Sinister Doctor Obrero who has been conducting GRUESOME EXPERIMENTS on The Living and The Dead.

In the End Lori is accepted as The QUEEN OF THE CANNIBALS, and Sends the Tribe off to Destroy Doctor/Mad Scientist Obrero and His UNHOLY ZOMBIE ARMY!



We Hope You Enjoyed this Undead Delight as Much as We did.           

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB Sunday Night Slaughter Cinema: The Mountain Of The Cannibal God!!!

FYB Sunday Night Slaughter Cinema is Prouder than a Pig in Shit to Present the 1978 Italian Cannibal Horror Film THE MOUNTAIN OF THE CANNIBAL GOD! The Film was also Widely Released in the America in 1979 under the Title Slave of the Cannibal God, and was released in the UK under the Alternate Title Prisoner of the Cannibal God (The Film was Subsequently BANNED until 2001 due to the Films GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, and was considered a “Nasty Video”).


Plot Summery:

Susan Stevenson is trying to find Her Missing Anthropologist Husband, Henry, Deep in the Jungle of New Guinea. Along with Her brother Author Susan enlists the Services of Professor Edward Foster who thinks Her Husband may have headed for the Mountain Ra Ra Me. The Locals believe that the Mountain is CURSED, and the Authorities will NOT Allow Expeditions there, so the Search Party sneaks into the Jungle disregarding the Locals and the Law. Along Their Search the Group meets fellow Explorer Manolo who agrees to Join Them on Their Expedition. Matters become even more complicated as it becomes evident None of the Search Party are in fact concerned about Finding Susan’s Missing Husband including Susan Herself.


Upon arriving at the Mountain, Author is KILLED and Manolo and Susan are Captured by a PRIMITIVE TRIBE OF CANNIBALS and taken to Their Camp. Once They reach the Camp They discover the Cannibals Worshipping the DEAD REMAINS of Susan’s Husband (Who’s still Ticking Geiger Counter is mistaken by the Cannibals for Author’s still Beating Heart). Susan is subsequently Spared  from being SLAUGHTERED, and the Tribe of Cannibals Feast on other HUMAN AND REPTILE FLESH. Manolo is tied up and TORTURED, while the Other Members of the Group are EATEN. Meanwhile Susan has been transformed by Two Tribal Women into the embodiment of a Living Goddess. Manolo and Susan eventually manage to escape the Clutches of the Cannibals each having Suffered and Endured Their own Ordeals. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed The Cannibalistic Carnage as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented by Les Sober

FYB’s Wednesday Midnight Mid Week Movie: The Day

FYB is Proud to Feature The Post Apocalyptic Action Thriller  THE DAY Written by Luke Passmore and Directed by Doug Aarniokoski!!!

THE DAY is a Splendid Indi Action Thriller that Proves You Don’t Need to be a Summer Blockbuster or to Feature an Excessively Overpaid Movie Stars, or a 2 Hour CGI Orgy like Micheal fucking Bay to make an Excellent Film. All You Need in The End is a Well Written Script, Great Actors, and a Little Artistic Creativity to make a Kick Ass Movie.


The Odd Thing I find utterly fucking Fascinating fact as You will see in the Opening Credits this Suburb Indie Survival Film is Bank Rolled by WWE Studios (Yes The Wrestling People), BUT unlike They’re usual Big Budget Hollywood Movies this Movie was made on a Significantly Smaller Budget. Also Unlike the Usual WWE Movie Fare its not a Action Comedy Featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, a Shoot’em Up Action Movie Starring Stone Cold Steve Austin, or a Straight Up Horror Movie with Kane in the Lead Role. In Fact the Cats of The Day are virtual Unknowns which is Perfectly Fine by Me (I don’t care How Much Movie Studios Pay just for a Famous Face).

Plot Summery: What Happens when a Small Rag Tag Group of Survivors Navigating the Perils of a Post Apocalyptic World take in a New Member with a Dark Secret, and then find Themselves Trapped in an Isolated Farm House that’s Under Siege by a Tribe of VICIOUS BLOOD THIRSTY CANNIBALS?!


In Spite of having the Odds Stacked against Them, and Being Outnumbered The Scrappy Group of Survivors will Fight to The DEATH to Stay off The Menu. Will  Anyone Survive the SLAUGHTER and See the Light of Day? Are the Group of Survivors Destined to End Up on  The Cannibal’s Diner Plate? And What is the Dark Secret that the Newest Group Member Hiding and Why?


WE Hope You Enjoyed Tonights Tale of Survival and Slaughter as Much as We did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

Cannibalism The New Psychological Weapon of War.

I’m sorry to say I made a Promise before I knew if I could Honor it, and Thats My Impulsiveness getting the better of Me. The Car Accident-Arrest Incident I said I would be Posting Today isn’t going to Materialize I’m Afraid to Say.

Unfortunately in Addition to the Car Totaling Accident-Arrest Yesterday We have been an Increasingly Heated Dispute with Our shitty fucking Neighbors. You see a Tree of Theirs fell across the Property line and fucked up My Fence. We’ve been Dead Locked in an increasingly Stressful Stand Off of Who’s Gonna Pay to Fix the Damage. Today the Stand Off turned into a Shit Show Show Down and thats Putting it Mildly. The Bottom Line: At this point I may have Lost the Battle, BUT I’m Winning the War believe You Me. I haven’t even begun to fucking Fight this Happy Horseshit to It’s Bitter End.


The Shit Show Show Down Aside I’m a hell of a lot more Banged the fuck Up from the Accident which Happens when You’re involved in a 55 mile Per Hour Collision. Bottom Line: I’m fucking Physically and Mentally fucking Exhausted. I’ve been constantly on the fucking Phone with Insurance Companies to the point of Insanity. Not to Mention I’m a fuck load More Sore than I thought Initially, But that was Just the Adrenaline Masking all that Bullshit.

Point 1. Sorry to say Today’s scheduled Post Titled “We’re The Worst Superheroes in History” will not be Posted as Promised Previously. It will be Posted ASAP as the Initial Shit Storm Here Subsides, and I can clear My fucking Head for a Moment.



Point 2. I was saving this for a Rainy Day, But yeah Shit Happens So. One of the Longest Fascinations I have had in My Life is CANNIBALISM. Why is Eating a Fellow Human One of if Not the Number One Taboo? From The Extensive History of Cannibalism in Fuji to the Necro Cannibalism of the Fore Tribe from Papua New Guinea I can seem to Learn enough about Cannibalism. Some might say I have a Ravenous Appetite for the Morbid, but Hey fuck them.


What had most recently Renewed My Curiosity in Cannibalism was the Reports coming Out of Modern Day Africa where War Lords and Waring Factions had WEAPONIZED CANNIBALISM thus Creating a Brand New Weapon in Psychological Warfare. I heard Reports from Various and Numerous New Sources, YET the One of the Best Reports I came across was Vice’s Documentary “The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia”.

If Your Not Familiar with Vice, Their Television Network or News Show on HBO well then You should seriously go Google the Hell Out of Them. Enjoy.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

Brought To You By Les Sober

Movie Lovers This is for YOU………

If Your the type of Movie Fan that enjoys B Horror,  Splatter, Slasher, Documentary, Independent, Troma, Punk Sci Fi, Underground, Banned, Forbidden, Controversial, Shockumentary , Giallo, Mondo, Grindhouse, Foreign, Cult,  Unconventional, Experimental, Apocalyptic Sci fi, Gorno, Splatstick, 70’s & 80’s Cannibal, Speculative Sci Fi or Found Footage Movies then This My Friend is for YOU………


N@P Inc., Lost Soul Studios, and Ponder This Pictures

in Conjunction With

Perverse Pictures and F-YourMovie


Present The TR McCoy’s Darkly Demented Documentary

“Shoot My Face Off…I LIKE IT! : Gamings Greatest Urban Legend”

In the Fall of 9/23/05  the Gaming World was set on FIRE like NEVER BEFORE when The Secretive Japanese Video Game Company Seki No Owari Released Their Instant Hit “Shoot My Face Off…I LIKE IT!”

By 12/16/05 “Shoot My Face Off…I LIKE IT!” was BANNED IN 189 out of the 195 Countries Around THE WORLD, was #1 on The Forbes 500 List, Revived the Underground Gamer Black Market, Discontinued by Seki No Owari who then went on to Destroy ANY AND All Evidence that the Game EVER EXISTED.

Billions of Dollars. Millions of Questions. Hundreds of Investigation.


(Please Enjoy The Following Collection of Movie Posters)












Thanks for Reading & STAY TUNED!   By Les Sober

Absurdia Providing The Finest Dining in Exorbitant Opulence: The Menu’s Historical Intro

Welcome to Absurdia,

We hope you enjoy your night here with us at Absurdia where we provide the premier in the finest of fine dinning experience. Absurdia was built originally in 1414 here in Historic Trendillia Pretentious Creek, Maine.

Back in the Year 1414 The Absurdia Building was Pretentious Creek’s Major Manure Factory, and continued on as such until 1515 when what was then named The MannCox Magnificent Manure Manufacturers burned down due to accidental arson.

The Absurdia Building was rebuilt 17 years latter on the exact same site and the exact same size in 1532 were it served as the Local Village Common House where the towns folk would congregate to discuss all matter of town issues and politics.

The Absurdia Building was again transformed in 1616 when the Local Town decided to all become Haagarians (a early form of communism), and abandoned Absurdia. This time Asurdia was reincarnated as the Melvin Family Meat Packing and Butchery Warehouse.

After 88 hardworking years of back breaking toil, and undying commitment Marvin Melvin (the Patriarch of the Melvin Family Meat Packing and Butchery Warehouse) finally became famous for selling an impeccable product. MP&BW became known far and wide for Providing only the most superior steaks, and commanding cuts of meat.

It was then as soon as the Family Business was a undenied success in 1704 that Marvin Melvin immediately shut the family business down, moved back home to Illard Idaho, and spent the rest of his days fishing for Delaware River Eels.

Next The Absurdia Building was the Premier Bone Grinding Mill this side of the Mississippi in 1705. When the Industrial Fans (circa 1919) are on full force in the sweltering Summers the fans dislodge some of the still remaining caked on Bone Dust that’s compiled in compacted layers upon the buildings ceiling. This antique Bone Dust helps to enhance Absurdia’s Food’s flavor profiles, and it provides a truly once in a lifetime mouth feel. The Bone Mill sadly closed its doors in 1818 after a it was discovered by the local Authorities that the proprietors of The Bone Mill were in fact Cannibals who used the Bone Mill to dispose of the Bones of They’re Victims.

The Absurdia Building had a following streak of good luck when it purchased and turned into a Brewery in the late Winter of 1819 by The Boozy Brothers. The Boozy Brothers were German Immigrants decended from a long, and prestigious line of Master Brewers. The Boozy Brother brand of Beer was an instant success and the brewery thrived. That was until Prohibition of Alcohol was passed in 1920 causing the Brewery to close its doors, and the Boozy Brothers ended up moving to Latvia to raise Domestic Wildebeests for Their Milk.

In 1927 the Absurdia Building was used by The McShiner Clan who ran an illegal Moonshine Operation until Their main Stills ruptured during the fermentation process leading to a massive fire that burned for a week strait (fueled by all the Moonshine that had been stock piled inside over several months.) The fire was so bright it was said it could be seen from the Town of Semisuk a whole 111 miles away.

The Absurdia Building was then acquired by Cain and Able’s Biblical Sausage Company who manufactured Saul’s Devine Sausages for countless customers around the globe. The company enjoyed international success until 1938 when in a tragic turn of events Cain murdered Able over the Secret Family Recipe for Their famed Sausages.

With the end of The Great Depression the Absurdia went through several other transitions over the remaining years until Today.

In 1939 the newly renovated Absurdia Building was owned and operated as a Bierliebhaber’s Beer Hall by the one, and only Mister Ivan Bierliebhaber.  Mr. Bierliebhaber remained the Proprietor until he decided to suddenly retire when his Great, Great Grandfather was born in 1944.

The Absurdia Building then sat Vacant for a year, and became inhabited by Bums, Hobo’s, and other various Ne’er-do-wells who referred to the building as “A Home for the Homeless”.

In 1945 The Absurdia Building was bought by The State of Maine, and turned into at the Salvation Soup Kitchen employing many of its past residents as kitchen staff. The Soup Kitchen remained functional until 1955 when the Bowling For Soup Program was initiated throughout the entire State itself.

The next phase in the Absurdia Building’s long legacy started in 1955 when a growing Cured Meat company by the name of  Carnes Curadas out of Lisbon Portugal. The Carnes Curdadas was solely responsible for the introduction of Beef (and Other types of) Jerky to America.

Canes Curdadas produced over 400 different types of Portuguese Jerkies including: Beef, Venison, Chicken, Lobster, Quail, Beaver, Octopus, Badger, Bison, Trout, Jellyfish,Snapping Turtle, Alligator, Rattle Snake, Bat, Flying Squirrel, and Chupacabra for example. Carnes Curdadas moved out of The Absurdia Building to Open a Store in DisneyWorld in the spring of 1966.

In 1966 The Absurdia Building became the per project of Entrepreneurial Vincent Von Dire who envisioned it as Live Music Venue he named simply the  Psychedelic. And to this day The Absurdia Restaurant boasts the largest collection of Celebrity Vomit Stains in the Northern Hemisphere.

If you look hard enough (in fact one year the Owners of Absurdia made a Charity Scavenger Hunt using the Stains Creator as clue) you can see vomit stains from the likes of Jim Morrison, Hunter S. Thompson, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Robert Plant, Janis Joplin, Any Warhol, Lenny Bruce and MORE!

In 1977 The Psychedelic was forced to shut its doors when owner Vincent Von Dire accidentally overdosed by drinking 8 ounces of the extremely potent Flower Power LSD mistaking it for a Gin and Tonic.

The Absurdia Building then was reborn as Skeeter’s Roller Rink and Pinball Arcade on November 5, 1977. Skeeter’s became wildly popular especially among the local youth who were damn well tired of underage drinking followed by Cow tipping every weekend.

In 1979 two years after opening Skeeter’s owner  Jimmy “Skeeter” Watson started hosting a Town Roller Derby League featuring his own team called The Skeet Shooters (who became League Champs in 1980 through the 1985 season). This made Skeeters the number one source of entertainment in the all of Maine’s  17,017 Counties. Unfortunately what put Skeeter’s on the Map would also be its downfall.

On the Night of September 18, 1985 Skeeter’s was shut down premaritally by the Federal Authorities when a violent, and deadly Roller Derby Riot broke out and quickly spread into the fans in attendance. By the time the Police had the situation under control 1,9767 People had been crushed to death under Roller Skates, and there were 1,980 injured. The Owner was charged with “Unsafe Conditions” as well as “Inciting a Riot” before he fled persecution by running to Alaska to become a Lone Beaver Trapper living off the Land and Beaver Pelt Trade.

In the Fall of 1985 the son of previous owner Vincent Von Dire, Vladimiro Von Dire the CEO of Obscure Films Incorporated. Vladimiro turned the Absurdia Building into an Niche Movie Theater specializing in B-Horror films, Foreign Films, Exploitation Films, Banned Films, Rare Hard To Find Films, Troma Films, Cult Films, and Films by up and coming underground film makers. Vladimiro christened his Theater The Obscura Ocular.

Even though the Theater didn’t exactly appeal to the general public nor demographic it limped along for years turning a meager profit. Finally Vladimiro closed the Theater, and moved to Hell’s Kitchen NYC in an attempt to work with Independent Film Icon, and Troma Co-Founder Lloyd Kauffman.

The Last film to be shown at Obscura Ocular was a Midnight Double Feature with “Mouth Full of  Maggots” and “Inner Child Abuse” (both by Vladimiro’s estranged Father the Legendary, and highly Controversial Cult Filmmaker Vincent Von Dire) on May 8th 1991.

In July of 1991 The Absurdia Building had yet another new owner in the band Malice who converted it into Their private Recording Studio, but due to the unending volitive nature of the band, constant touring, and a mind boggling  list of Line Up Changes led to the band never actually recording a single note in the $19 million State of the Art Studio

Finally in February 1999 The Absurdia Building was bought by Leviticus Van Trundle of the Van Trundle Family Fortune. Leviticus was the consumate Glutton who’s undying passion for Food drove him to purchase the Building. He  dubbed his new establishment  Absurdia after his favorite Chef Allister Absurdia. Leviticus’s desire was to create, and elevate the Finest Foods from the Four Corners of the Earth under one magnificent roof.

But You Can Read More About That in the “Who’s Who” of the Staff here at Absurdia from our Maitre D’Resturant to Our World Class Chefs in the Following Pages of Our Menu.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

Its All A Matter Of Perspective

I just bought a new property somewhere in Podunkville East Cackalacki and hired a new contractor (not new per say he’s worked with my family on a myriad of projects, but this is the 1st time he will be working with us) named Rock EnRoll. When I was returning home I texted Rock the following text:

“The side gate by the pond in open”

All that meant was exactly what it said as its only value is face value.

Rock called back in less than 90 seconds and was all worked up talking so fast all I heard was his thick as tar southern accent. I was a tad bit stoned and rather exhausted so I handed the phone to my Wife stating to Rock she was the one who locked the property up.

As it turns out Rock doesn’t text and a rule of thumb is you shouldn’t text Rock. This is because in this small part of the country people keep their fucking cell phones in their pockets out in public (that includes placing their phone on table as if to say, “I swear I won’t check it every 2 fucking seconds to see if I got a text or a fucking FaceBook like for the picture of my goddamn dog in a cowboy hat.”) Now due to this technology differential Rock, among many if not almost all, have no idea or concept on/for interpreting the context of the text. I’ll explain.

Rock received the text, read it and interpreted it as some James Bond 007 super secret 911 code for an emergency AND he needed his help immediately. Why did he draw this conclusion I have truly no idea to be blatantly honest.

I mean when Rock read it did he possible think one or more of the following issues was at hand:

  1. My Wife or I had had a severe and most likely life threatening accident.
  2. There were hostile renegade poachers attacking from the cover of the woods.
  3. A Home Invasion was going down complete with guys in ski masks and machine guns
  4. My Wife and I were battling insane Moonshiner’s over still site(s)
  5. Ali Baba and his 40 thieves were attempting to steal shit.
  6. Wife and I were being “TAKEN” by Liam Neeson.
  7. Wife and I were being abducted by Aliens.
  8. Viciously rabid woodland creatures were surrounding my Wife and I.
  9. The house was engulfed in flame and my Wife and I were stuck upstairs.
  10. My Wife, The House and I were being swallowed up by a sinister sink hole.
  11. Leatherface was running at us with his  Chainsaw revving up like a fighter jet engine.
  12. The Hills Have Eyes.
  13. Cannibals were trying to kill us and turn us into BBQ.
  14. Bigfoot was real and holding us hostage.
  15. My Wife and I were in fact secret agents for the CIA and were being targeted by either the drug cartels, mafias, gangs, terrorists or foreign evil governments, and needed impromptu assistancte/help.

That though is only the first part, the second being the gate open part. If we were in fact in immediate danger of some sort why the hell didn’t we say so?! You’d think in an emergency we’d texted “HELP!”, “HELP US”, “911 EMERGENCY!”, “ACCIDENT! Need Help” or “Come Quick we’re in life threatening danger!!” but I didn’t text anything remotely like that that could be misinterpreted or at least that what I thought when I sent the text.

What about the gate being open?! Did Rock think this message of the gate by the pond is open was code for “Help Us, Come Quick! the side gate is open so you can access the property and swoop in and save us from whatever the hell you think the trouble is!”

Well I will never know how a simple one sentence text was thought to be a coded plea for help in a direly dangerous and potentially violent emergency , BUT I did learned my lesson, NO MORE TEXTING ROCK.