Interplanetary Revolution

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Posted by Content Creator known as Toadsmiles. Toadsmiles YouTube Channel is SO Obscure (Only 4 Videos Posted Over 15 Years and a Total of a Mere 146 Subscribers) that if it was Any More Obscure it simply wouldn’t fucking Exist. Now this Video is Exceptionally fucking Weird because it’s an “Art Imitates Life and Life Imitates Art” Scenario. What We mean by that is INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION is an Actual Russian Anti-Capitalist  Propaganda Cartoon Fantasy Short Released August 18, 1924 . The Cartoon Short was Created (and Co Directed) by Nikolai Petrovich Khodataev and the Experimental Studio State Tech Kino. Khodataev was a Russian and Soviet Artist, Sculptor, and Animator who was a one of the Founders of the Soviet Animation Industry.

When it comes to Watching INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Luckily there is No Dialogue so No Annoying Subtitles to be Concerned with, and All Russian Text is Translated Directly on the Screen as Opposed to Closed Caption. Whats interesting is there are Several Different Types of Animation from Traditional Cartoon to Monty Python like Animation, to some Strange shit You’d See on Adult Swim at 2 in the fucking Morning. Now this Cartoon is pretty fucking Far Out in the Deepest Depths of Left fucking Field that’s for sure. It can get Chaotic and Confusing so We have Key Point Pertaining to INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Below.


  • The Alien Monarch of Mars Never Invented Democracy.
  • The Closing Sequence Features a Portrait of Vladimir Lenin.
  • The Animation is Best Described as “Deranged”.
  • The Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy – The Alien Emperor’s 4 Guards Defend Him Triumphantly, Slaughtering Rebels in DOZENS of Shots. In the Later Shots the Guards seem to be Poorly Armed and Won by Sheer Numbers Alone.
  • The Leader – The Commissar (An Official of the Communist Party, Especially in the Former Soviet Union Responsible for Political Education/Organization) brings Revolution to the Planet Mars just by Speaking to a Local Proletariat ( A Proletariat is a Working Class of People, Regarded Collectively and Often Used with Reference to Marxism).
  • The Planet Mercury is Featured by a Man Resembling a Pre-Revolutionary Russian Shopkeeper. The Many Armed and Unfriendly Fellow isn’t Identified but is Believed to Most likely be the Planet Jupiter.
  • We See a the Eyes of the Moon turning into a Man and Woman who start Hugging and Kissing. The Commissar finds this to be Wildly Amusing BUT it has NO Relation to the Plot of INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION.
  • Those Fucking Nazis: The Time being 1924, INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION Features a Rather Wacky Italian Faschist (Who at that time were Best Known for Fighting Communism).
  • The Cartoon States (INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION) is “A Fully Probable Event in/of 1929” just a mere 5 Years after INTERPLANETARY REVOLUTION came out and was Said in All Seriousness.


It is What it Is,

   Presented By Les Sober   

Starvation of the Spirit

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring STARVATION OF THE SPIRIT by the Content Creator known as Burden.  Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.

Burden’s Stats::

First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
It has a Total of 469,063 Views
The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.

DESCRIPTION ACCOMPANYING THE VIDEO:  No item will ever fulfill you. Self preservation is all. Shopping malls, super markets, and parking lots all traps. The material world is our greatest prison, atleast put your hands through the bars.

My Thoughts:

This is an Obvious Social Commentary about Consumerism and How it is Bring Society and Thus Humanity to a Slow, Dismal, and Mind Numbingly Pathetic Demise. Consumerism has come to Dominate every Aspect of Our Existence. Consumerism Sells False Faith in Their Products, Illusions of a Better Life, and All Out Lies because Corporations Don’t give a Rat’s Ass, Flying Fuck, Or a Shit about the Customers. Corporations Don’t See People They Only See Potential Profits. Consumerism Consumes and Corrodes People’s Thoughts until They’re simply A Rotting Mass in Their Skulls  turning Out an Endless Army of Drone Consumer Automatons Devoid of Thought or Personality. Capitalism is the Disease and Consumerism is the Tumor.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

I CAN COUNT TO THREE (Teaching Preschoolers To Count Using Corpses)

Welcome to Wednesday’s FYB post with none other than I Justin Sane. The holidays are a hellish consumer driven commercialist blitzkrieg of chaos and cash, and yup its that time of fucking year so JOY OH JOY. In addition to the end of the year lunacy Les recently took on a major fucking project and has been working himself towards certain insanity. So he nor Otto (who is being more of a moody fuck than usual) had anything planned for todays post and that’s where I come in with today’s post featuring the Animated Short I CAN COUNT TO THREE by The Mighty Animator known as MeatCanyon!

I CAN COUNT TO THREE is one of many various parodies that MeatCanyon has done since he seems to get a guine kick out of doing them. I CAN COUNT TO THREE is a parody of the British preschool animated tv series Peppa Pig by Astly Baker Davis. The series star is an animated female Pig named Peppa who is happier than a motherfucker and positive as fuck. In MeatCanyon’s parody Peppa is unexplainably transformed into some sort of monstrously demonic murderous mutant. The now evil Peppa proceeds to kill and consume her husband, and then promptly chases down her 2 kids who she also precedes to murder and devour 1 by 1. All the while as the violent bloody gore plays out there is a narrator who is using the horror show as a lesson to teach preschoolers on how to count to three.

It’s important to note there is a remake of the  MeatCanyon’s original also titled I CAN COUNT TO THREE titles Peppa Pig Horror Shorts and Creepy Blood Violence Gore which has a shorter runtime and far less narration (also the animation is different in the remake). I have no clue who is behind this reboot but I know whoever the fuck they are they are fucking idiots and total assholes. Who asked them to fuck with I CAN COUNT TO THREE in the first fucking place? ALSO be sure to watch the entire video since MeatCanyon himself makes an appearance directly after the video where he addresses the topics of Instagram, Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter among other things.

WARNING: This Video May Be Disturbing To Some Viewers. The Following Video Contains Scenes Of Violence, Bloodshed, And Gore. There We Covered Our Asses Just In Case.

See you when I see you,

  Justin Sane

Pre-Chewed Food

Welcome to this Monday’s Post here at FYB featuring PRE-CHEWED FOOD By One of Favorite All Time Animators David Firth. This One Minute Masterpiece Serves as a Warning that Capitalism in a Consumerism Obsessed Society is a Seriously Slippery Slope.

For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

“This was an advert for the PS4 game: Trover Saves the Universe. It still is an advert for a game, but it just didn’t get released when or before the game came out. Not sure why. Nothing from this video is really in the game. Sorry to mislead you.” – David Firth –


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

WTF is Going On With Robert Helpmann?!

Welcome to Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos Featuring ROBERT HELPMANN. This Series 0f 10 (Not 12 as some People Incorrectly Claim) is One Hell of a Ride so You might want to Strap in for this One Folks.

Robert Helpmann is a Youtube Channel created on July 12, 2015 which in itself is Unremarkable. What is Interest is on the Same Day The Owner(s) of the Channel Posted 10 Videos in just under an Hour after Being created, and No Other Content has Ever Been Posted Since.


The 10 Video Series centers around what appears for all Intents and Purposes to be a Dead Body Wrapped Up and Tied in Black Garbage Bags or Perhaps a Black Tarp of some sort. The Body is apparently Named Daisy (which some wonder if it’s a Reference to the saying “Pushing Up Daisies”) and the Name Daisy appears in Every Video, Video Description, and Tag. Some Viewers have Hypothesized that the Weird trend of Objects being Moved, and Spontaneously Popping into the Videos are signs that Daisy’s Spirit/Ghost is still Lingering about. Also lastly in the Daisy theme is that a Picture of a Daisy Flower is used as the Channel’s Icon as well.

The Other Person in the Videos appears every so often is a Masked Killer who is found of carrying a Large Butcher’s Knife. When He appears in Videos He actively interacts with Daisy some times Nurturing Her or Stabbing Her (Which seems redundant considering She is already Dead). The Unknown Masked Killer first appears in the Reflection of a Mirror so keep a Sharp Eye Out.

Now Detractor’s are quick to state that They believe the Videos are Staged because the Body or Daisy Isn’t the Size of a Human Adult. This is a Particularly Narrow View and a Rather Snap Assumption on Their part. I say this because simply Not All Dead People are Adults Daisy may very well be the Corpse of a Deceased Teenager, or a Juvenile, or perhaps it’s even more simply the Body of a Petite Woman.

Also Many People along the way have Speculated that there are More People Involved in the Daisy Video Series than just the Masked Killer and The Corpse. The Basis for this is whoever is the Typist for the Video Descriptions Never uses the words “I” or “Me” instead They use “We” and “Ours”.             

In All the Videos in the Series at one point a Screen Flashes with what looks like randomly jumbled words, but theres more to it. If You take a screen shot of Each group of Words and Overlap them You’ll see they comprise an entire Poem. As it Turns out it’s actually Not a Poem but a Children’s Nursery Rhyme Titled The Gay Lady that was first published in the Book Gammer  Gurton’s Garland of Nursery Rhymes in 1784, and is as Follows:

  • There was a lady all skin and bone;
  • Sure such a lady was never known:
  • It happened upon a certain day.
  • This lady went to church to pray
  • When she came to the church stile.
  • There she did rest a little while:
  • When she came to the churchyard.
  • there the bells so loud she heard.
  • When she came to the church door,
  • She stopped to rest a little more:
  • When she came the church within,
  • The person prayed ‘gainst pride and sin.
  • Oh looking up, on looking down,
  • She saw a dead man on the ground.
  • And from his nose unto his chin
  • The worms crawled out, the worms crawled in.
  • Then she unto the parsen said;
  • Shall I be so when I am dead;
  • O yes! O yes, the parson said,
  • You will be so when you are dead.
  • Here the lady screams.


The Name of the Channel Robert Helpmann if You Google it will Discover He was an Australian Actor/Dancer leading some to Believe there is a Direct Tie in. One of the things They Base this on is the Fact in the Beginning of His Career  Robert Spelled His Last Name with only One N. Robert later changed the Spelling by adding the Additional N because He was a Bit Superstitious, and He didn’t want the Letters in His Name to Add up to 13. This is just the Tip of one of the More Elaborate Theories, but it Honestly the One I Found Truly Intriguing.

There’s Actually quite a Childlike Aspect to/in the Daisy Series as a Whole. Examples include one Video Titled Hide And Seek another is about being Tucked in at Night. Also there is the Description for the Video Titled Daisy Tumble  it states “Don’t Worry Daisy We’ll Kiss It Better” which is How a Parent would relate to Their Child when They are Injured/Hurt.


In the Description for the Video Daisy Helps Out In The Kitchen it says “Scrumptious Meals A-Plenty!” The Word Scrumptious just Also happens to be the Name of a Family in the Iconic 1968 American Musical Adventure Fantasy Film Chitty-CHitty-Bang-Bang (Who play a Huge Role in the Film). While Robert Helpmann played Many Villains during His Acting Career including playing the Role of The Devil Four Separate Times. That Aside Helpmann’s most Famous and Well Known Role (in America and the UK) was playing the Role of the Infamous Child Catcher in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang. Over the Years the Film has become a Part of the Holiday Tradition becoming a Classic Christmas Staple, and it’s Shown on Numerous Television Stations Every Year.

Every Daisy Video contain Music or Audio played in Reverse and in Almost Every Video it the Same Song called “Santa Claus Hides In Your Phonograph”. The Song supposed to be a Promotional Present meant to Psych Kids Up for the Holidays in the 1920’s. There are Two Exceptions and they are the Videos Daisy Unwinds along with the Video Daisy Playing. The song in those two particular Videos is Also the Same Song, but the Song is the 1925 song “I’m Gonna Charleston Back To Charleston” by The California Ramblers.


SO adding up the Channel Name, The Movie, the Songs in the Video’s, the Childlike Undertones through out, and the Fact the Book that the Children’s Nursery Rhyme has the Word “Garland” displayed prominently in its Title what Could it All Mean??? Well ask Yourself is it possible that Daisy Represents Christmas Itself? She’s Wrapped Up like a Present, When She Arrives in the First Video Everyone is Happy, and When in the Lats Video Daisy Leaves Everyone is Saddened and Distraught. This would be like the Excitement of it of Christmas Day Arriving and the Depressing Anti Climactic Following Day. You could also ask Yourself could the Daisy Videos be a Representation or Interpretation of the 12 Days of Christmas?

I personally side with Those Who Surmise that the Daisy Video Series is a Social Commentary on Christmas, and that Commentary is Christmas is Dead. The Heart of the Christmas Holiday used to be about Friends and Family and spending quality time with Both. Nowadays Consumerism has Corrupted the Holy Hell out of Christmas reducing it to just Pure Unadulterated Capitalism. In Short its Cash Over Christ as Greed has Commercialized Christmas to No End making it about Profits over People and Finances over Family. Christmas had been so Compromised by the Cash is King Mentality if Jesus did come back He wouldn’t recognize His own fucking Birthday Anymore. Christmas is the Ultimate Child Catcher.












Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober (1257IMYFFY)

Animation Abominations: CREAM

Welcome to this Installment of Animation Abominations (aka Cartoons That Aren’t For Children) Featuring CREAM By the One and Only David Firth. For those Who do Not Know or May Not BE Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered Large Followings.


The Time has Come for CREAM- the Latest Product that will Fix Your Life. If Your Ugly CREAM will make You Handsome, If You had Your Leg Amputated CREAM can Grow You a New One, and MORE! This is the Story of Dr. Bellifer, a Scientific Genius, who Years of Smashing Particles Together, Reveals His revolutionary New Product with the Power to Fix all of Your and The World’s Problems. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (42/365)

“Here We are Home at Last!”, said Dizzy Joyfully, “Watch Your Step till I get some Light going.”

Dizzy fumbled with the Lock for a good 3-4 minutes jiggling the Handle and Key alike while Pushing and Pulling at the Door waiting for it to Comply and allow Them Entry. Lee noted the Door was an Actual Antique being made out of Solid Oak Not the Cheap Composite Board Ikea Crap. There was No Cutting Corners for Whoever the Craftsman was who made this Door using Creativity, Determination, Skill, and a whole hell of a lot of Elbow Grease.

You could see the Door was well Worn by Years of Being Opened, Closed, Slammed Shut, Knocked On, Kicked, Swung Open, and the General Test of Time Itself. It showed it Battle Wounds No matter how many Layers of Paint  (currently the Door had been Painted a Shitty Shade of Green that resembled the Color of an Old Bowl of Split Pea Soup) Coated it You could still see all the Scratches, Gauges, and Dings the Door had Endured Throughout the Many Years of Service.


Lee couldn’t help but think of How some of the Crappiest Places on Earth could still Hold on to Treasures of Times like the Oak Door. Lee thought it was a Tragedy of Society that Millennials had No Concept of Quality as They were a Part of the New so called “Throw Away Culture.” Back not to Long ago When Lee was a Child Appliances such as Refrigerators and Dishwashers were Built to Last and could go 10 Plus Years before One needed to even consider Replacing it.

Lee believed fully that Capitalism had Cannibalized the Consumer as They Monitized Every Facset of Human Life.Today Products like Appliances and Furniture are so Cheaply Made (as to Keep Profits High as Possible mind You) its designed to Crap out on You. Appliances have a Average Usage Life or approximately 5 Years. The Mass Produced Ikea Furniture thats all the Rage Breaks or Falls Apart in No Time Flat. So in by the End of Your Life Millennia’s will have been Financially Raped into Replacing Products Several Times or More while Wasting a Small Fortune in the Process. Capitalism has Bastardized the word Disposable Lee thought from Paper Plates to Include Any and Every Product You can find in Your Home.  Capitalism has Consumed the Consumer Lee though in utter Disgust and Great Contempt.


The same was with the Classic American Hand Made Furniture made by Artisans Who were Truly Masters of Their Craft. Dinning Room Sets, Bed Room Sets, Chairs, Hutches, China Cabinets were Made to Last up, and can up to or Over 100 fucking Years. Antique Furniture had/has Personality since it was Made By Craftsman’s Hands, and Not made of Cheap Flimsy Materials as They’re Mass Produced on a fucking Assembly Line in some fucking Factory. Just another innocuous Production Plants Pumping Out Product as Fast as Humanly Possible with No regard to Quality Nor Aesthetics. Lee couldn’t get His head around it. Why would anyone Settle for Connivence over a Crap Load of Cash?!

Now a days Millennials are completely Oblivious to the Fact Their Ignorance is being Exploited like a Son of a Bitch as They are completely Blinded by Advertising, and Brainwashed By Consumerism. They use something then the Sub Par Piece of Shit Breaks, and They just go Out and Spend more Money replacing it. Instead of Wondering Why the hell They are Wasting so much Money Unnecessarily Millennials just Shrug, assume thats “Just the Way it Is”, and Fork Over Fistfuls of Cash for Shoddy Craftsmanship and Cut Rate Materials. Lee thought of it as if Someone came up to You and asked if You’d like to by some crap at Their Yard Sale which most Everyone wouldn’t, BUT They were doing exactly that every time They bought shit for there Homes like Poorly constructed Furniture or Second Rate Appliances/Electronics.


“Are You going to come in or Wait to be Mugged in the Hallway?!” Dizzy asked having already Vanished into the Cloak of Darkness that Enshrouded His Apartment.

“Yeah I coming since I don’t feel the need to be Sexually Assaulted in the Stair Well by some Bastard on Bath Salts.” replied Lee in a Bitter Half Joking tone of Voice.

Tune in Next Week for the Next Bowel Irritating Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Hospitals: PAY OR DIE.

In my various Medical past have long ranted, raged, rioted, and railed against the current American Medical Capitalist Shit Show singling out Doctors as the biggest offenders.

I was wrong. I admit it. I was wrong.

The Biggest offender in the Medical Game is actually HOSPITALS.

It comes down to the Lesser of 2 evils. The System or Cycle of Abuse’s structure remains the same. That is BOTH Doctors and Hospitals exploit the Health Insurance companies. While they do this their all thinking:

“Well it doesn’t hurt anyone and these are Billion Dollar Corporation’s Cash we’re taking.”

What the Doctor’s and Hospitals forgot that in return for their financial exploitation the Insurance Companies turned right around and took it out on the Customers.

The Insurance Companies:

They Raised Deductibles.

They Raised Their Rates of Service.

They flat out Denied People Coverage period.

They tried to fuck people over with bullshit like Pre Existing Conditions.

WORST of all the Health Insurance Companies started denying more and more and more claims leaving their customers high and dry.

The Hospitals started to Monetize EVERY FUCKING THING.

A Prime Example of this is: The average cost of a Hospital room is $1,000 to $1,200 a Day. Thats just for the room. It doesn’t include any and all actual Medical Care such as Blood Work, Meals, Medicines, Diagnostic Tests, Surgeries etc. Its LITERALLY FOR JUST BEING THERE.

That Makes Hospitals the World’s most Expensive and yet at the same time Totally Fucking Shitty Hotel.

Another example of Hospitals gross greed is my Medical Bill from my Hospital was 6 Fucking Figures, and even before I was discharged I had 2 fucking Women from the Billing Department in my room demanding to know how the Hospital was getting paid, and if we could come up with $15,ooo deposit by the end of the day (they showed up at 4:30 on a fucking Friday so talk about last fucking minute.) being the Money Hungry Whores.

The Hospital fucked up my admission paper work, and didn’t check off that I had Insurance. I can’t actually blame them I was a fucking horror show by the time I arrived at the Hospital. Not to mention They showed up at 4:30 on a fucking Friday the stupid twats so talk about last fucking minute.

Just My shitty luck I had the pleasure of have yet a second fucking surgery this year (FUCK 2018!) and had a very unusual new experience.

This is how it all went down. The Hospital told me on the day I scheduled the Procedure that as part of Their customer service I would receive a phone call from them. The point of the phone call I was initially told was to expedite the tedious admission process (this was ironically to help ease the patients possible stress/fear/anxiety about the upcoming Surgery.

I received the aforementioned pre admission check in phone call at 9:00 am THE DAY BEFORE THE PROCEDURE. (you’ll see why thats key as well as I said ironic here in a minute)

The pleasant Woman on the phone introduced herself and we started the process as it were. She asked me My Name, Address, and if I had Insurance. That was it.

Usually they also ask shit like “Are you Allergic to any Medications?” and “Do You Take Any Medication Currently?”, “IS there a history of some particular disease (like cancer or diabetes etc.) run in your family”, “Have you been Hospitalized in the last 5 years?” and all that pertinent medical shit.

Right then I had a feeling things were about to get real fucked up and fast. This obviously was some sort of fucking ruse. This wasn’t some sort of Curtesy this was a New Beast all together.

The Woman told me (that the Hospital) had already whipped up an approximate bill, and that the cost would be $28,029.63 which seems pretty fucking on point for a fucking estimate. She then immediately wanted to know how I planned to pay.

As soon as I said that yes I did in fact have Insurance that when things became blatantly obvious. She then asked What Company and then asked for My Policy Number.

After that She asked Me to please hold on a second. Apparently the Hospital has some fucking Software or fucking Alga Rhythm that She ran the Estimated Bill to hypothetical see how much My Insurance would approximately cover.

She then informed me I had “Out of Pocket Expenses” to the tune of $2,500, and could I possibly pay it in full right then and there. I was quite pissed off.

I told this Woman that I scheduled the Procedure 6 goddamn weeks ago, and they decide to call me the DAY BEFORE THE SURGERY, and harass the the holy hell out of me for as much money as fucking humanly possible. Surprisingly the Woman acted the Bitch and din’t even acknowledge my previous statement.

I told her I wasn’t going to give them a fucking dime, and I did’t appreciate the greedy bastards demanding money BEFORE DOING A DAMN THING. I informed her I was going to contact My insurance company as soon as I hung up with her which I promptly did.

I called My Insurance Company and explained what the hell had just happened. I told the Customer Representative I was confused. She told me she had never heard of such a phone call before (and she has been working in the Health Insurance Field for 26 fucking years)

She went on to explain that the Hospital can’t bill me for shit since they hadn’t submitted an itemized bill to them. I reminded her that the Woman I spoke with acted like if I busted out My Credit Card she would have gladly taken the payment on the spot. To which the Insurance Lady said that it sounded like they calculated what I might owe due to Out of Pocket Expenses. Which Ironically I was informed was $1,300 which is $1,200 LESS THAN THE HOSPITAL WOMAN TRIED TO BILL ME FORM/COLLECT.

I then inquired to what the fuck Out of Pocket expenses were since I was a customer of theirs and had met My Deductible many, many months ago. I was then educated a bit more in the corrupt World of Health Insurance Companies.

Even though I had indeed met My normal deductible the Insurance Company had My Second Surgery categorized in such a way that I had this “Out of Pocket” bullshit or in reality it was a second and separate Deductible. Health Insurance Companies are a fucking Scam run by Greedy fucking Big Businesses that are People for Profit.

So in conclusion in spite of their Sunny Advertisements or in Hospital Poster Propaganda (with Happy Babies, Smiling Senior Citizens, Confident Doctors and al the usual Hospital hype) absolutely and totally


When It Comes to Modern Medicine its simple PAY OR SUFFER/DIE.

Thanks for Reading,   By Les Sober

The Views of Vikings

As I mentioned in a Liquor synaptic storm I mentioned  (in the previous post) that today I would be posting something pertaining to the Vikings.

First off Vikingistic is not a recognized word, but English is such a half assed shit language I see there no reason Vikingistic should’t be a viable word.

Vikingistic: Having the Attributes or Likeness to or of a Viking/Viking Culture/Viking Life Style.

Now on with the Post.

I think a brief refresher on exactly Who and What Vikings were in Reality. Over decades of Hollywood Movies and Television Shows have been given one hell of a make over/rebranding.

According to Movies/T.V. Vikings are portrayed as  Stoic, Brave, and Honorable Nomadic Warrior Explorers. This couldn’t be FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

Vikings in Reality were complete Savages who’s bloodlust was unmatched. Vikings spent their time Drinking, Fighting, and Fucking through countless conquests. Vikings were brutal Barbarians that raped and pillaged anyone or anything that crossed their path. True the Vikings were explorers, BUT NOT in the traditional sense.

Vikings unlike say Charles Darwin for example traveled far and wide to Discover new Cultures, Animals, Sea Life or Plants. Vikings did the EXACT OPPOSITE. Vikings traveled for one reason, and one reason only to Rape, Pillage, and Destroy ANYONE they might come across,(and take their land for Viking expansion and EnSlaving Women and Children that is if they decided not to butcher them for the sheer fuck of it.)

Vikings though (more than likely due to their Lifestyle) had a total acceptance of Death, They had no Fear of Dying. This has been immortalized in the saying “Today is a Good Day TO DIE.”

Now Vikings didn’t say that shit to look tough or like a bad ass before battle they said it for an actual reason.

Vikings believed their Nordic God’s had scheduled the exact time, date, and day of their Birth. AND Those same God’s had also scheduled the Time, day, and date of their Death.

Another Key Viking belief was that a TRUE (and only appropriate) death for a Viking Warrior was to Die in Battle. For if a Warrior died in Battle not only did he die an Honorable Death, BUT he would be rewarded as well.

The reward for dying in battle was that the deceased Warrior’s Spirit would be transported to the Halls of Valhalla (The Viking Version of Heaven/Paradise) where a Viking could indulge in all that he loved while living. This meant his Spirit would spend eternity Drinking, Fucking, and Fighting.

Bottomline: Vikings Loved Violence and Hedonism to such an extreme that even in Death a Viking could spend eternity doing EXACTLY as He had Lived..

Believing this apparently led to the total acceptance that death is inevitable thus one shouldn’t be concerned about it. This is the concept that I’ve been mulling over recently.

With My inevitable demise due to my shit heart, the Doctors who want to run me around like a fucking Lab Rat, and Still come to the same conclusion PLUS the fact now they want to continue to their Frankenstein shit cutting me open again I have to ask myself is it worth it?

Obviously Dying isn’t the only option, BUT when I ask is it worth this is what I mean. If I get all this medical mumbo jumbo done yes I will live Longer anyway you look at it. My question pertains to Quality of Life.

Is it worth all the bullshit, time, pain, and most of all MONEY if after I spend my life strapped for cash, living pay check to pay check barely scrapping by because I’m buried under mounting of mounting medical bills.

Point: Do I want to spend my elongated life utterly stressed out and poor as shit due to massive medical bills? Sounds like financial fucking Slavery to me. (“We’ll save your life, FOR A HEFTY PRICE.” that is so fucked up I can’t believe I’m typing it.) This is America and CAPITALISM has turned Life Saving Medicine into a FUCKING BUSINESS full of Greedy motherfuckers.

So were the Vikings Views on Death really the best way to deal with one’s Mortality? Who the fuck Knows, Not Me.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

You Only Get a 1 Chance To Make a 1st Impression and They F*cked Up

Quite a while ago I was at a near by local Mall (I fucking hate Malls their a Vulgar Display of Capitalism) and We saw an entry for a contest. The prize was a White Trash Ride on Lawnmower Wet Dream. The Mower was splattered with White Trash Decals for everything from the a popular Collage, State football team, The States Flag and the Token State  Symbol from tip to tail. It was such a gross case of overkill We knew we had to enter.  We filled out the general information card and plopped it into the entry slot on the entry box and promptly forgot all about it.

Tuesday We got a phone call from the apparent sponsor of the Ride on Mower Contest a Smaller Alarm Company called Super Sonic Security. The Woman on the phone identified herself as Phone Drone Debbie who got our contact information off our entry card, and wanted to talk to us about Home Security AKA Alarm Company. We were all in a good mood so We decided to hear her out. So We said sure and listened to her spiel about how their company was looking to expand using word as mouth as their key strategy. Since Super Sonic Security was looking to sign up new customers they were waving this and waving that fee left and fucking right. This turned into a case of if its to good to be real deal, and My Wife and I decided there was obviously a catch and We wanted to find out what it was. At first We thought it was blatantly going to be Expensive Monthly Monitoring Fees/ Shitty Long Term  Contracts. Alas We couldn’t find a hidden catch (it was fucking mind boggling really) but without any issue with costs We decided to go with the it (since We had been discussing Alarm Systems and were officially in the market for one) and scheduled a Tech to install the System the following day between 6 and 7 pm.

Well that WAS the Catch.

Wednesday 6pm came and went and by 7 I figured for whatever the reason may be the Tech wasn’t showing up for the scheduled installation. Now since I work from home and My Wife is a Nurse (who works 12 hour shifts and being an RN there is a STRICK NO PHONE POLICY the bottomline being NO CELLPHONES AT WORK.) Super Sonic Suckurity was instructed to call Me. Anyway My Wife gets home and I tell her that the fucking Tech pulled a No Show not to mention the asshole didn’t even have the professional curtesy of a fucking phone call. My Wife informed me that the Tech had called her at 6:55pm  (5 minutes before he was supposed to be at Our House at the fucking latest.), but My Wife was driving so she didn’t answer (Good for her). The Tech left a rather long and completely confusing message on her voicemail. She then put her phone on speaker and played his message for me. It was the most fucking absurd load of rambling ranting I have bared witness to and I didn’t know if I wanted to kill this fuck or admire him for his horrendous display of Bullshit. As far as I can decipher the message was about how their expanding business is taking off and the schedule filled up. This I assume was the part of the message explaining the bullshit No Show accept We booked the appointment the previous night at 8:50 pm less than 24 hours ago. So the reasoning that they couldn’t fit us in made no fucking sense what so ever. One We ALREADY had an appointment scheduled, but these assholes solicited Us yet they seemed to be trying to play it off as We called them (and their too fucking busy for new customers which obviously is counterintuitive to the basic business model, NO CUSTOMERS NO COMPANY). The Tech then launches into the second part of his ludicrous message and starts babbling about expanding network and network capabilities pertaining to Geography or some shit. He then finishes his message of madness by saying that Super Sonic Security will call us back at a later date to discuss Alarm Instillation.

Needless to say this chapped My ass ROYALLY and I snatched up my phone and called the number the Sales Woman from earlier only to get a busy signal. I called right back and then again in several minutes but got the same busy signal each time. I then dialed the main customer service phone number and a guy named Jerk Off  Jimmy D and I aggressively asked him what the fuck is this No Show bullshit about. Jerk Off Jimmie D tells me that I have reached an Answering Service so they can’t do a damn thing but pass on a message the following morning. I told Jerk Off Jimmie D I’d like to leave a message which was Don’t Ever Contact Me Again, You had a chance a blew it right out of your ass.

That should have been that, but I had a sneaking suspicion that I’d be getting a call from the Super Sonic Security Sales Department trying to salvage the deal. Well thats exactly what happened. A Sales Rep called apologizing and kissing My ass making a string of excuses and bullshit reasons for The No Show. I told the Rep that on a professional level if their Tech can’t make a simple appointment then I have lost any/all faith in their ability to protect a pile of shit. Second the unprofessional manner ( a pet peeve of mine is anyone I’m doing business with to act in an unprofessional) in which the situation was handled pissed me off to no end on a personal level. Finally I ended the conversation by informing said Rep that their word of mouth campaign is working the only issue is the word of mouth is that their a shitty company with shittier customer service.

We have since contracted a different and far, far superior  Alarm Company to help protect Our Home Offices so alls well that ends well, and FUCK SUPER SONIC SECURITY in Their UNPROFESSIONAL ASSES.

Thanks For The Read

Les Sober