A Regrettable Pawn Stars Cartoon

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring A REGRETTABLE PAWN STARS CARTOON by One of Our Favorite Animators/Content Creators MeatCanyon. MEATCANYON: MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

We get a Real Kick Out of this Particular MeatCanyon Cartoon for Several Reasons.One Being Reality TV is Utter fucking Mind Numbing, IQ Dropping fucking Drivel. There is Simply NOT A GODDAMN THING REAL ABOUT IT, It’s a Fucking Entertainment Whore Trend perpetrated by the Shitty Television Networks. All Reality TV Accomplishes is making Dumbfucks Famous for being NOTHING MORE than Ego Driven, Self Obsessed, Personality-less, Ignorant, and being a Complete and Total Fucktarded. So Fuck Pawn Stars Too it’s No Better than the Bullshit Bachelor. But We Digress at Least for Now.

Another Reason We Thoroughly Enjoy this MeatCanyon Animation is it’s Complete Mockery of Christianity. Especially in Today’s Climate with Republicunts Trying to Turn America BACK to 1700’s fucking England the Filthy Motherfucking Anal Cunts. Organized Religion is one of the WORST Things Humanity has ever fucking Created and Breeds fucked up Fanatics. FREEDOM OF RELIGION REPUBLICUNTS FREEDOM OF FUCKING RELIGION. Bottomline Fuck Jesus.


The Last Reason We get a Kick Out of this MeatCanyon Creation is it’s Utter fucking Absurdity and When it come to the Theater of the Absurd We have Season fucking Tickets. To Those Offended by the Cartoon or Our Comments GET FUCKING REAL IT’S FUCKING FICTION! If The Idea of Someone Attempting to Pawn/Sell an Actual Living and Breathing Crucified Christ You need to Slam Your Genitals Repeatedly in a Car Door because People Like You Shouldn’t be Breeding any Dumbfuck Kids. ALSO if You want to be all butt hurt about it Listen Here. At the End of the Movie OLD YELLER the Young Boy has to Shoot His Beloved Dog Old Yeller because He contracted Rabies. BUT THATS NOT ALL in the Disney Family Animated Classic Bambi Bambi’s Mom get Shot right in the Beginning of the fucking Movie. So if Fiction Offends You go be Offend by that Shit and Leave This and Us the fuck Alone.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Cartoon Kid’s Show Plummets Into The Depths Of Hell

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring “…ø·ø ̈ùšù„ø© … ø£øoù†ùšø” in its Abbreviated Version Whatever the fuck that Supposed to Mean. Well it Means dick since the Video’s Title is Intentional Gibberish. It’s a Neat Little Trick  to Beat YouTube’s Algorithm (so Technically People can see it, BUT it can Slip under the Algorithm’s Radar to Avoid being Penalized or Removed).

Here’s What We Know:

  • The Video is Posted on a TINY fucking YouTube Channel called Distressing_Demon.
  • The Channel was Started March 4, 2019
  • The Channel has a Mere 113 Subscribers.
  • The Channel has a Total of 8 fucking Videos.
  • The Channel has Amassed a Total of 46,327 Views.
  • The First 6 Videos on the Channel are Bullshit Game Play (Not that Game Play Videos are Bad buts These are fucking GARBAGE).
  • The 7th Video is the One Posted Here Below.
  • The 8th and Final Video has an Ominous Title like” God will Hate You for This” or some bullshit, BUT its 19 seconds of POV Video Game Play where the Character is simply Walking down a Dark fucking Hallway. I told You these Game Play Videos Sucked a Blue Whale Sized Taint.



  • A Question One could ask is Did Distressing_Demon make this Video, and I can Safely Assume the Answer is Hell fucking No. It’s more than Likely Something the Channel Creator Found and Reposted which is Usually the Case especially with Predominately Game Play Channels that for No Rhyme or Reason have some Bizarre Video Tossed in the Mix.
  • Whoever did Create this Video need to Learn How to fucking Edit Properly. The Beginning is WAY Too Long for this Sort of Video Genre You know the Fucked Up, Unexplained, or Mysterious Shit. SO with that Said I suggest You Start watching the Video at the 40 Second Mark.


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Vage Games

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring VAGE GAMES by Content Creator Federico. The Haunting and Somewhat Cliche Song in the Video is “Metaphysic” and is by Composer Kevin Macleod. Macleod is Most Widely Known for His Licensing Options that Allow Anyone to Use His Music for Free as Long as He Receives Attribution (Credit) and that has Led to His Music being Used in THOUSANDS OF FILMS, Commercial Video Games (Example: Kerbal Space Program), and a Vast Number of YouTube Videos/Films.

Ebenezer McBurney Byers (1880) was a Wealthy American Socialite, Athlete, and Industrialist. He won the 1906 U.S. Amateur in Golf. He earned Notoriety in the early 1930s when He Died from Multiple Radiation-induced Cancers after consuming Radithor, a popular Patent Medicine made from Radium which is HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE Dissolved in Water.
Byers was Very Wealthy,  Considered to be Handsome, and His Life was just going well until He Experienced Back Pain and Visited to His Doctor.  Now remember that Back in the Day when the Medical Field was FAR, FAR MORE PRIMITIVE there were 2 Significant Problems when it came to Medication. One was the Doctor’s simply Not Knowing Enough at the Time and Thus Prescribing Dangerous Medications and Medical Procedures. The Second was what They referred to back then as Snake Oil Salesmen who Traveled from Place to Place Selling “Miracle Tonics and Health Inducing Elixirs that Aside from being a COMPLETE FUCKING SCAM could be Toxic.

Byer’s Doctor Prescribed Radithor, which Worked so Well for Him Eliminating His Back Pain and Any Other Ailment BUT, little did Byers know the Radithor was EATING HIS FLESH from the Inside Over the Years. Then Towards the End of His Life Byers was Consuming  3 Bottles of Radithor a Day until His jaw just became so Necrotic that Surgeons had to Amputate Byer’s Lower Jaw along with a Significant Portion of His Upper Jaw. From that Point On more Body Parts of Byer’s Deteriorated and were Removed until He inevitably Ended Up Dying Plagued by Various Forms of Cancer that Riddled His Decrepit Body Due to Radithor.

Synopsis: A Forlorn Central Character Ekes Out a Sorrowful Existence in a Bleak and Barron Apocalyptic Wasteland Lamenting Mortality.

It is What It is,

Presented By Les Sober

Behind Dreams Mask

Welcome to Todays FYB Post Featuring BEHIND DREAMS MASK by the One and Only MeatCanyon.  MeatCanyon who’s Real Name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

Synopsis: Raise ing a Teenager can be a Living fucking Hell with the Raging Hormones, Shitty Attitude, and Every Other Unpleasant Attribute Known to Man. But for a Single Father His Teenage Son’s Transformation from a Child to an Adult turns into a Horrific Nightmare.

It is What it is,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Missing Member Mystery

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring VHS Medium THE MISSING MEMBER MYSTERY by Content Creator Known as BonFilms. BonFilms is Relatively New Having Joined YouTube on July 12, 2021, has 1.75k Subs, 63,230 Views, and 19 Videos in Total. We then attempted to find Any Information We could on Bonfilms, BUT there is absolutely fucking Nothing.

Synopsis: Fast Food Employees going about Their Daily Lives Until all fucking Hell Breaks Loose and Things get Stranger than Fuck.

NOTE: The Shit Starts to Go Off the Rails at the 3:39 Minute Mark.

The Video Ends with a Letter by Who We have No Idea but Here is the Closing Text in its Entirety:

  • To Charlie
  • You’re Wrong
  • You Know You Are
  • My Brother is a Monster
  • He Killed Me
  • He’s the reason My Head is Missing Parts
  • Everyone pretended like it Didn’t Happen
  • like I don’t exist
  • What makes You Think He’d be Different
  • He’s Nothing but Criminal
  • Please
  • All You are doing is Hurting Us More
  • to Nicole, Lucas, Angie, and Benjamin
  • I’m really Sorry
  • I don’t care if You Hate Me for Saying it
  • But thesis the Truth
  • There is No Way Out, We’re Trapped Forever
  • I’ve accepted it
  • Can’y You just accept it too
  • Please
  • I don’t want to be Alone

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome To Today’s FYB Post featuring SCREAMS FROM THE GOLDEN ARCHES by MeatCanyon. MeatCanyon’s Real Name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse. And SCREAMS FROM THE GOLDEN ARCHES stays True to the MeatCanyon Formula.

Synopsis: The Brutal Origin of The Mysterious McRib is Revealed and It’s Far from Appetizing.

It is what it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Salad Fingers 12: Post Man

Welcome To Today’s FYB Post featuring Salad Fingers 12: Post Man the Latest Installment (Uploaded Yesterday March 8th) of the Salad Fingers Series By David Firth. For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Synopsis:Salad Fingers goes out on His Postal Rounds, and then Returns to the “Postal Counting Grounds where He finds a Woman He believes to be a New Employee. Salad Fingers Develops a SERIOUS fucking Crush on the New Female and Invites Her to a Ball in an Attempt to Romance Her. But this Being the World of Salad Fingers His New Love Interest is FAR, FAR FROM NORMAL. Will Love Blossom for Salad Fingers or will it Decay like the Rotten Remains of a Dead Dog?!


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Broken Hill

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BROKEN HILL by Content Creator Federico. This Little Animation Oddity Reminds Me of the David Lynch Surreal Nightmare Movie Masterpiece ERASERHEAD From the Gloomy Environment, Ominous Undertones, and the Hopeless Despair of the Characters. The Characters seem Lost in a Haunting Bleakness as if They are Trapped in Purgatory and thus Reduced to a Stark and Pathetic Existence.

Synopsis: “Friend Where is the Promised Land We were Told,  All We See is the Nothingness of Boredom………”

Thanks For Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

MeatCanyon Vs. Nikocado Avocado

Welcome Today’s FYB post Featuring the Well….We’re Not entirely Sure. It isn’t the Typical YouTuber Beef We’re Used to Seeing (In Fact the So-Called Beef is Completely One Sided). So Here is the Tale of the Exchange between MeatCanyon and Nikocado Avocado so Let’s Get Started.


MEATCANYON: MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.


NIKOCADO AVACADO: Here is Nikocado Avocado in a Nutshell. In the Beginning He was a Young, Health, Vegan, and Physically Fit Violin Prodigy, but the Youtube Audience was Small to say the least. When Nikocado Avocado discovered He got a Shit Ton more Views, Likes, and Subscribers for His Mukbang Videos. Over the Last Three Plus Years Nikocado Avocado has put out a PROLIFIC amount of Mukbang Content in fact it’s Become a Trade Mark of the Nikocado Avocado Brand. Now Nikocado is a Consummate Showman and the Time, Effort, and Dedication He has put into His YouTube Character’s Persona is Admirable.

With that Said Nikocado Avocado is Above All a MASTER OF MONETIZATION He Knows How to Play it Up for His Audience to get Views/Likes/Subscribers. Nikocado Avocado Utilizes Extremely Over the Top  Theatrics to His Personal Style of Mukbang. Instead of Sitting Silently Staring into the Camera and Eating Obscene Amount of Food Nikocado Openly Addresses the Camera/His Audience, Has on Volatile On Again Off Agin Relationship, Whatever is Going on in His Life Currently, and Complains about Shit or People He doesn’t like. Being a True Showman when Nikocado Avocado has Beef He always Punches Up. That means He doesn’t Argue with Channels Smaller than His only Larger Channels because those Fights Rack Up FAR MORE Views that Way. No one gives a Shit if He is Beefing with a Small Lesser Known Channel, but They Love it when Bigger YouTube Channels Go At it like a Cyber Jerry fucking Springer Show.


First Things First so what the Mukbang is Originated in 2011 in South Korea where Cooking Shows Air more Footage of the host EATING the food than the cooking of it. Mukbang is an Internet Fad that Evolved from the South Korean Cooking shows but with Mukbang  there NO cooking what so fucking ever its ALL about the consumption. This seriously fucking bizarre Fad allows People get Paid for BINGE EATING COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF FOOD so they can BUY MORE food for Future Videos/Livestreams. This insures further Donations from Their Members and Viewing Audience).          

SO WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? One of Our Favorite Content Creators MeatCanyon did an Animated Parody Video of Fellow YouTuber by the Name of Nikocado Avocado who has made His YouTube Fame doing a Prolific number of Mukbang Videos (It’s for this Reason MeatCanyon Chose the Title of the Parody Video “King of Mukbang” in the First Place). Anyway Nikocado Avocado found out about MeatCanyon’s Parody Animation of Him and in True NiKocado Avocado Fashion threw a Huge Hissy fucking Fit in a True Display of Fake Outrage in a Response Video. In Response to Nikocado Avocado’s Response Video MeatCanyon Released a His Response Video to Nikocado Avocado’s Response Video.


  • MeatCanyon’s “King of Mukbang”
  • Nikocado Avocado’s Response Video
  • MeatCanyon’s Response Video

Nikocado Avacado’s Response to MeatCanyon’s “King Of Mukbang”:

MeatCanyon’s Response To Nikocado Avocado:

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

My Foe

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring By Umami. For those unaware Umami (aka Justin Tomchuk) is a Canadian artist, composer, and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. Hexsystem is the Alias under which Justin Tomchuk Composes and Publishes His Music. Tomchuk’s Musical genres include Downtempo Electronic Music, Particularly Industrial and Ambient Music. Many of his Songs serve as the Score to His Videos while others are Independent Releases.

Plot: Profound Thoughts Pertaining to Mortality and One’s Enemy.

Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober