Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: BLOODLUBE

This Little Piece of Obscene Absurdity is By Animator, Director, and Writer Jake Lava. Now as Our Fans are more than likely Aware We at FYB Pride Ourselves in Providing the Most Information on the Subject at Hand. Unfortunately there is VIRTUALLY NO Personal Information about Jake Lava Online (Even Though He has a Twitter Account and YouTube Channel. We were Unable to Locate Him On Facebook though there Several People with Profiles with the Same Name) which in this Day and Age is Utterly Insane. What We were able to Unearth were Two Quotes By Jake Lava Describing Himself/His Work which are as Follows:

  • On Jake Lava’s Youtube Page Under “About”:
  • “I’m a Guy that Sometimes Animates and Sometimes Draws Comics Too.”
  • On Jake Lava’s Twitter Heading:
  • “(Jake Lava) An Extremely Mediocre Artist/Animator.”

Question:What Do You Get When You Add Public Transportation, Masturbation, and Blood?

Answer: You’ll Have To Watch and See for Yourself.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober   (Pt1214am)

The Dark Side of Disney: Suicide Mouse

A Slew of Micky Animations from the 1930’s that were set to be Released on DVD a few Years Ago, BUT One Cartoon Wasn’t Shown to even the Most Die Hard Disney Fan. The Withheld Animation is just a Continuum of Micky Walking down the Street and continues for 2 or 3 Minutes before Cutting too Black. The Micky featured in the Cartoon was Not the Jolly, Happy-Go-Lucky Mickey We’ve all come to Love, He doesn’t Dance, Laugh, or Even Smile. Mickey simply Walks Down the Street with His Head Tilted from Side to Side keeping His Eyes on the Ground. The Cartoon’s Soundtrack isn’t an Actual Song as Per Usual, but it’s a Constant Banging on the Keys of a Piano for approximately a Minute and a Half before transitioning into White Noise for the Rest of the Film.

Up until 1 Year or So Ago, People believed that the Video Ended when the Screen Went Black, but as it Turned Out that wasn’t the Case. When Leonard Maltin was Reviewing the Video to put in the Compilation Series He decided it was Too Morbid for The Release on DVD, But He wanted a Digital Copy as it was a Creation of Walt Disney. When Maltin had the Digitized Version on His Computer He Noticed Something Odd and Interesting. The Cartoon’s Actual Running Time was Minutes and 4 Seconds Long making it Approximately 6 Minutes and 4 Seconds Longer than Anyone Even Knew.


Upon Further Examination Maltin Discovered that the Screen went Black and Stayed Black until the 6 Minute Mark when it Returned to Micky Walking Down the Street, But the Soundtrack was Vastly Different this Time. The Bizarre New Version of the Soundtrack was what seems to be a Ragged Scream that Became Stronger and more Indistinguishable over the Course of the Next Minute. The Picture begins to Thin as the Road Starts to go in Directions that Seem Impossible Based on the Physics of Micky’s Walking. At the 7 Minute Mark there is a Blood Curdling Scream that Lasts an Entire Minute in Duration as The Film Becomes Darker.

The Cartoon then exhibits a Sickening Color Palit (that seems Impossible for the Time Period) appears as Micky Starts to Twist and Contort with His Eyes Ending Up on His Chin, and His Smile Pointing to the Left Side of HIs Face. The Buildings begin to become Irregular in Appearance, Turn to Rubble, and Float in Mid Air while the Road Twists and Turns even More. At the 8 Minute Mark the Blood Curdling Scream Suddenly Stops and the Cartoon Cuts to the Face of Mickey Mouse that traditionally appears at the Credits of Every Micky cartoon. There was Another Soundtrack Switch which Sounds a lot like a Broken Music Box Playing for 30 Seconds. Unperturbed Maltin exited the Studio and sent an Underling Employee in to Finish Watching the Cartoon as Well as Note Taking chronicling the Events of the Rest of the Cartoon.


Due to a Mysterious Circumstances No One Knows What the Last 30 Seconds of the Cartoon actually Contain. You see The Employee Maltin Assigned to Finish the Viewing Staggered Out of the Studio (once the Cartoon was Over) Muttering “Real Suffering is Not Known.” precisely 7 Times before Grabbing a Security Guard’s Gun and Killing Himself Right then and There. The Deceased Employee left a bunch of Scribbled Notes with a Russian Phrase that Roughly Translates into “The Sights of Hell Bring its Viewer Back In.


Thanks For Reading Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

Cartoons That Aren’t For Children: TEETH

FYB is Delighted to Present the Short Horror Film TEETH By Daniel Gray and Tom Brown, and Presented by ALTER.

TEETH is the Tale of the Narrator’s Life Long Abnormal Obsession with His Teeth and How it Ultimately Affected His Entire Being. From His First Tooth at 2 1/2, and the Utter Disregard for His Teeth that He developed due to the Unpleasantness of the Teething Process.

As a Young Child He would intentionally abuse His Teeth in an Attempt to Literally Punish Them for Their Existence. At 6 1/2 the Narrator Laments that at this point though He managed to Lose His Primary Teeth They were Immediately Replaced by His Adult Teeth. The Narrator had No Interest in Dental Health Only with Sweet Sugary Foods instead.


At 11 He loses a Bicuspid in a Fight After School and finds Absolute Delight in the Gap where His Tooth Used to Be. By 48 the Narrator is continuously Losing His Teeth due the Neglect of Oral Hygiene, and at this Point He actually starts to Miss His Long Lost Teeth since it Complicates Eating (and like MOst of Us He thoroughly Enjoys Food).

Eventually The Narrator has Lost So Many of His Natural Teeth that He must get Dentures at which Time He has a Revelation. He realizes at Last the Necessary and Enjoyable Link between Eating, Teeth, Tongue and Stomach. This Moment of Clarity leads to the Narrator taking a Great Deal of Pride in His Artificial Teeth to the Point that He rearranges His Diet to Ensure They Remain Perfectly Intact and Looking Phenomenal.


The Narrator’s Fascination at the Age of 62 turns from His Teeth to Those of Various Animals who He comes to Admire for Their Dental Prowess. The Narrator decides to Build His Own set of Customized Dentures made from a Selection of Different Animals. The Animal Dentures are a Labor of Love and are finally Completed when the Narrator is 70.

Then at 71….Well You’ll have to Watch and See For Yourself.


Thanks For Watching,

Brought to You  By

  Les Sober & FYB 

(Ptd 12:53am)


Welcome to another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos Featuring AGAMEMNON COUNTERPART!

Agamemnon Counterpart was First Uploaded on June 14, 2006, and this Bizarrely Nonsensical Video has left Countless Viewers Feeling Uneasy and Wanting Answers. So for All Those “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” here We go This One’s for You.

Agamemnon Counterpart Starts with an Old School VHS Tape Warning which was Customary, But an Odd thing to See Nowadays all Technology Considered.


After the Warning the Intro to the Video States:

“In the Year 2571, a Videocassette Tape was Found in a Pile of Rubble on the Ruins of a Certain Blue Planet. What You are about to Witness will Not be the Contents of the Aforementioned Cassette. This is an Entirely Different Recording.”

Now the Official Description is a Very Different as it States:

“In 2571 in the Pile of Cliffs in which the Stones are Not Determined on a Blue Planet, this Video was found. The Fact is that You’re going to See This, You have No Connection with this Tape.

This Video is Very Different from What You can Imagine.

Sound Design and Drawing by Dave from 2001 aka D2K1”


  • The Main Theory Surrounding the Video is (Based on the VHS Opening) that Someone was attempting to Tape a Cartoon Show Over something that Pre existed. Granted if that is the Case then They did a Seriously Shitty Job since the Auto of the Original Content Remained.
  • The Possible Original Content on the Tape has been Widely Speculated on over the Years.
  • Some of the Theories on What the Original Content include, But are Not Limited to:
  • Some People have Speculated The Tape is some Kind of Brutal xxx Underground Porno (ie Extreme Fetish).
  • A Few Viewers think the Tape is a Top Secret Military Interrogation utilizing Torture.
  • A Small Handful of People seem to think the Tape is of an Actual Person on Their Death Bed in the Act of Dying.
  • Quite a Few People believe the Tape is a Real Life Mental Patient undergoing Shock Treatment.
  • The More Religious People tend to think the Tape is a Recording of a Real Life Satanic Ritual involving a Human Sacrifice.


  • A Couple of People think the Tape is of an Inmate going Insane in Solitary Confinement.
  • Some Conspiracy Theorists think the Tape was Recorded during an Alien Abduction.
  • Many People assume the Tape is a Snuff Movie.
  • Other School of Thought is the Tape is of an Actual Demonic Exorcism.
  • Some People Say the Tape was a Recording of a Dark Web Red Room.
  • Some Think the Tape is a Recording made by Two Japanese Men Raping a Woman. To the Relief of the World this Theory Proved to be 100% FAKE.
  • From Greek Mythology King Agamemnon is the Main Character in Homer’s The Iliad Though this Doesn’t seem to have any Bearing as far as the Video is Concerned.


  • 911 Agamemnon is (Provisional Designation 1919 FD) is a Large Trojan and a Suspected Binary Asteroid from the Greek Camp, Approximately 100 Miles in Diameter.
  • Is there a Connection Between 911 Agamemnon Asteroid have any Relation to the Video’s Title? Is the Video Insinuating that sometime before the Year 2571 the 911 Agamemnon Asteroid Collide with Earth hence “…Ruins of a Certain Blue Planet.”
  • The Screams in the Video are NOT REAL They are from the 1972 Movie A Cry From Within.
  • The Creepy Music is from The Movie The Human Tornado
  • Turns Out D2K1 stands for Destination Imagination Destination 2001
  • D2K1 was a Contest for Out of the Artistic Creations held in 2001
  • Dave is actually Jason Kovace the Creator of the Video.



Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: DON’T STOMP

For this Installment of Tidbits For Shits And Giggles featuring the 38 Second Cartoon about a Disgruntled Rattlesnake “DON’T STOMP” by PilotRedSun (This is the Second Cartoon by PilotRedSun We have Featured Here at FYB The First Being Hamburger Helper).

The Gadsden Flag 1775

DON’T STOMP is a play on the Historical American saying “Don’t Tread on Me” which is written at the Bottom of the Gadsden beneath a Coiled Timber Rattlesnake. The Flag is Named American General and Politician Christopher Gadsden (1724-1805), who Designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution. It was Used by the Continental Marines as an Early Motto Flag, along with the Moultrie Flag.

The TREAD in the Flag’s Defiant Phrase, Don’t Tread on Me, means “To Step, Walk, or Trample so as to Press, Crush, or Injure Something.” And so, with it’s Tongue Flicked, Fangs Out, and Body Coiled in Defensive Posture, the Rattlesnake (and Motto) warns “If You Dare put Your Foot Down on Me, I will Strike.”

The Gadsden Flag 1775

The One thing as Odd as it may seem that Stuck Out to Us Here at FYB is the Sneaker in the Video. Instead of opting to just Leave the Sneaker a Plain White PilotRedSun decided to Write SKETCHERS on the Side along with what Appears to be a Nike “Swoosh” Insignia. So not only are there apparently Dueling Sneaker Brand Logos on the Same Shoe but Whats the Point/Meaning for this Weirdness? Is PilotRedSun a Fan of the Two Different Sneaker Brands or a Hater of Both Brands? Is there some sort of Underground Sneaker Fanatic War going on, and the SKETCHERS in all caps meant to Symbolize Dominance over the Nike Logo? Well We Digress.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober &  FYB

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: HAMBURGER HELPER

Welcome to Tidbits for Shits and Giggles Featuring the 38 Second Cartoon HAMBURGER HELPER by PilotRedSun.

For Those who may Not be Aware Hamburger Helper (Who Shortened the Brand Name to just “Helper” in 2013) has an Iconic Mascot “The Helping Hand” or Lefty. Lefty is a Four Fingered Left-Hand White Glove with a Face on the Palm and a Spherical Nose.

Just Think of Lefty as The Pillsberry Doughboy (Real Name Poppin’ Fresh) Of Beef, and Since the Golden Age of Television Advertising Lefty has had a Bit of an Existential Crisis.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: TALKING HOUSE By Ben Wheele (Animated)

This Little Bit of an Odd Wonder is By London Based Writer, Director, Visual Artist, and Computer Animator Ben Wheele Who is a Repeat Offender if You Will here at FYB. It’s No Secret We are Definitely Fans of Mr. Wheele having Showcased some of His Other Work Here Perviously on FYB (Henry Eats and Cigarette_Warning).

Wheele Graduated from The Royal Collage of Art with a Masters in Animation  in 2011, and His Films have been Screened at Festivals Internationally, Including Annecy, Pictoplasma, London Intl.Animation Festival, Rotterdam Film Festival and Stuttgart ITFS. Wheele’s work has also been Exhibited at The Sunday Painter Gallery (London), Gazell.io Digital Art Space, and Broadcast on Adult Swim and Channel 4 (UK). He is also the Founder of ‘Studio Ponk’ and Currently Lectures in 3D Animation and Games at Middlesex University.


What DO We Think TALKING HOUSE is About Well…

We believe its a Social Commentary on Ironically the Fact that Human Beings are at Their Core Social Beings. We simply Don’t Fare well on Our own as Anyone Who’s ever Isolated Themselves can tell You. We’ve all been all experienced Intense Feelings that We feel Compelled to Talk to Some Else About. You might have gotten some Good News and are Excited to No End. Perhaps You received some Bad News and You’re fucking Pissed and want to Rage/Vent about it. You could also Be Depressed, Lonely, or Just have to get oUt of Your Own Head for awhile whatever the Base Emotion is We almost instinctively feel the Need so Share Aspects of Our Daily Lives with Those Around Us.  Thats why the Bitter Irony of So Called Social Media is it Alienates the User from the Actual Physical World, and the Vital Human Contact We all Crave being Human. We think TALKING HOUSE is a Perfect Example of this Human Base Desire/Compulsion.


Thanks for Watching,

Brought to You By Les Sober

Cartoons That AREN’T for Kids: PLASTIC MEN and Men With Small Hands Carry Very Little Treats For Little Girls With Sharp Teeth

Time for the Next Installment of CARTOONS THAT AREN’T FOR KIDS.

Today for Your Enjoyment We have a Double Feature!

First It’s “PLASTIC MEN” that was Posted in 2012 by treatsforbeasts, and it is NOT SPECIFIED if trestsforbeasts are the Creators of “PLASTIC MEN”.

The Lyrics for Lack of a Better Word to “PLASTIC MEN” are the Following:

“Plastic Men, Women, and Children want to tickle me in the wilderness. They watch as I caress my exposed spine…I’m ashamed of my own body.



The “Lyrics” are The Title Repeated Throughout The Cartoon.

As Usual: WARNING!!! The Following Cartoons are NOT FOR CHILDREN, and May contain some material that Some Viewers May Find Objectionable. Enjoy.



Hope Your Inner child Isn’t TOO Traumatized, and Have a Splendid Day!

Presented By Les Sober