What The Fuck Is Up With FYB?!!

Greeting to Whoever may still be Lingering around We know it’s been Over a Year of Insanely Little Posting so We thought Readers deserved to Know. For over a Year FYB’s Secondary Project The THC Ministry (THCM) took off rather Unexpectedly. This unfortunately led Us to have Severe Tunnel Vision focusing Solely on THCM and Essentially Inadvertently Neglecting FYB among other Projects. After a Year of Success the Social Media Platform We were Live Streaming On Shut Down Their Live Streaming Feature. This was to due to Money Issues, and the Fact the Platform’s Long Time Users being Complete Cunts by being Maddeningly Possessive of the Platform. Even thought the Live Stream Feature didn’t fucking effect any another Features/aspects of there Platform Some Assholes Fear Change. These Self Absorbed, Self Centered Assholes Couldn’t stay in Their Own fucking Lane and Fucked Up a Good Thing for Everyone Else. These Motherfucking Pieces of Shit damn well know Who They are and again FUCK EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU OLD TIMERS.

Anyway We Digress. To be Brutally Honest We were Recently considering the Option of Shutting Down and Shelving FYB putting it on an Indefinite Hiatus. In the Past couple of Days after Much Ambivalence on Our end We have Decided the Best Option for FYB was to Pivot and take FYB in a New Direction. And what Direction is that? Well Readers will have to come and See for Themselves which isn’t a Hype or Ego Deal it’s that We feel very Little need to Explain Ourselves unless Absolutely Necessary. So We aren’t fucking Psychic so We Don’t know How or If this Pivot will Revive FYB once again or Perhaps We will End FYB in the End but Who fucking Knows, Not Us.

It is What it is,

Les Sober & The FYB Collective

Dread The Slammer

Welcome to today’s FYB Post featuring the Animation DREAD THE SLAMMER By Umami. For those unaware Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian artist, composer, and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. The title track for the video is the song “Fourth of the Earth” by Hexsystem which is the alias under which Justin Tomchuk composes and publishes music. Tomchuk’s musical genres include downtempo electronic music, particularly industrial and ambient music. Many of his Songs serve as the score to his videos while others are independent releases.

Mondays are despised for being the flag ship of the five day work week where we toil our lives away 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week for our entire adult lives. With that said when people say “Life’s Short” I interpret the meaning of this phrase differently than most. Most people believe the phrase is a commentary on how when it comes to the big picture our average human lifespan is just an insignificant blip in an eternal timeline. I believe the meaning is that life isn’t short due to the limitations pertaining to our lifespan, but rather that we waste the majority of our time on Earth working. As we labor laboriously we dream of the freedom provided by retirement, and once we obtain our cherished retirement we realize two sad facts.


First we are too old to do a lot of things we would like to have done. At the age of retirement We are  limited by our physical decline as our anatomy slowly and inevitably decays. Thus we must come to the grips with the fact there was a myriad of things we wanted to do, but no longer have the physical ability to do. Those wishes, plans, and desires fall to the wayside and the windows of opportunity slip away. The second is we realize we haven’t actual lived our lives and enjoyed our time here.  Rather we wasted it working in the pursuit of a paycheck, and ended up just simply existing. Existing to earn money the very money that deprived us of a Pandora’s box worth of joy and pleasure that life has to offer us. The only reason this egregious waste of one’s life continues to exist in denying us the life we want to live is we as a society accept it. By accepting it we then tolerate it and even end up enabling a system of labor that erodes our lives until there is virtually nothing left but the scraps. In my opinion DREAD THE SLAMMER embodies this unfortunate fact in a stark and grim manner.


DIALOGUE FROM DREAD THE SLAMMER : Combined, we are. Perfect lines. Harmony. We share a mind. A Synchronicity. From dilution cost, hopes and dreams are lost. Fear does remain. Our enemy we blame. Above all else. We dread of the slammer. For if he were to striketh us. We flip. Then, the wake that follows may change us all.

See you on the other side,

  Otto Rageous