Why You Never Became A Dancer

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Video for the Song Why You Never Became A Dancer by the British Band named Whitehouse. So Who the fuck are/was Whitehouse and Why should Anyone Care? Valid Questions for Sure so here is the Backstory of Whitehouse.

Whitehouse was formed in England in 1980 and the Group is Largely credited for Founding and Pioneering the Power Electronics Genre of Music. The Band is Also Credited with Developing the Genre of Music Known as Noisecore or as it was Originally Know as Noise Music (Yeah Pretty fucking Original), and the Band is Credited for Developing Noisecore in America, England, and Japan. Power Electronics is a Offshoot of Noisecore that typically consists of Static, Screeching Feedback, Analogue Synthesizers making Sub-Base Pulses or High Frequency Squealing Sounds. Some but Not All Noisecore Songs have “Lyrics” that are Heavily Distorted, Screamed, or Guttural Vocalizations. Meanwhile Noisecore for those Unfamiliar is a Niche Genre of Music Characterized by the Expressive use of Noise within a Musical Context.  Noisecore tends to Challenge the Distinction between Musical and Non-Musical Sound. The Band Emerged when Early Industrial Acts that had Heavily Influenced Power Electronics/ Noisecore like THROBBING GRISTLE were backing Away from Extreme Noise. Meanwhile Whitehouse wanted to take Their Fascination with Early Industrial Groups’ Sound and Extreme Subject Matter even Further.

The Band’s Name is Meant as a Mock Tribute to Mary Whitehouse who was a British Morality Campaigner and a Hard-Line Conservative Activist. She Campaigned against Social Liberalism and the Mainstream British Media (Both of Which She Accused of Encouraging a More Permissive Society. That’s Not all as the Band’s Name a Reference to a British Porn Magazine. The Founding Member and Only Sole Constant in the Band William Bennett was Quoted as Saying “I Often Fantasized about creating a Sound that could Bludgeon an Audience into Submission.” , and that His Goal was to Produce “The Most Extreme Music Ever Recorded.”Whitehouse referred to Their Sound as “Extreme Electronic Music” that was Known for its Controversial and Obscene Lyrics and Imagery. The Band’s Lyrics/Imagery Portrayed:

  • Sadistic Sex
  • Misogyny
  • Serial Murder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Child Abuse
  • Extreme Violence in All Forms
  • Neo-Nazi Fetishism

Bennett released His First Album Under the Whitehouse Name in 1980 called Birthdeath Experience that was Released on Bennett’s Own Come Organization Label, and was Immediately followed by the Album Total Sex. In 1981 Bennett released the Album Erector that was Pressed on Red Vinyl, Packaged in a Shiny Black Packaging, and included a Photocopied Picture of a Penis. The Group Started Playing Live Shows in 1982 with Members William Bennett (Whitehouse), Andrew McKenzie (of the Band THE HAFLER TRIO), Steven Stapleton from the Band NURSE WITH WOUND, and Philip Best Who Joined in 1982 After Running away from Home at the Age of 14, and has been an On again/ Off Again Member ever since. Whitehouse was Inactive for the second half of the 1980’s and Re-emerged in 1990 wit the Album “Thank Your Lucky Stars”. During the 1990’s Whitehouse had Stable Line up in Bennett, Best, and Writer Peter Sotos (Sotos Left the Group in 2002). Bennett Decided to Terminate Whitehouse in 2008 to Focus on His Cut Hands Project which was its Music that was Heavily Inspired by African and Haitian Voodoo Music, being Very Rhythmic and Percussion Based.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: COMING TO LIGHT

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring COMING TO LIGHT Written and Directed by Hector Bell.

Plot Summery:

Coming To Light is a Story about Aaron Who was a Victim of Sexual Abuse when He was Growing Up as a Child, and has Lived for more than Half His Life with the Burden and Torment of being Abused as a Child. As a Result of this He has had to Adjust to a Life where the Physical Manifestation of His Past Trauma in the Form of a Horrific Demon is with Him Everywhere He Goes Relentlessly Torturing by Reminding Him of His Devastating Past.  When the Authorities begin an into an Investigation into His past Abuser,  Aaron becomes Conflicted between Carrying on with Life Socially Imprisoned by the Literal Demon or coming Forward about what happened to Him AND  Subsequently Confronting the His Demon head on.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Beth Thomas Documentary: Child of Rage (Child Sociopath)

Child of Rage is the 1992 CBS Television Documentary Film about the True Life Story of Six Year Old Beth Thomas. This Bone – Story Chilling with scenes that You WILL NEVER FORGET. The Documentary features Footage of Beth revealing to Her Therapist that She has Tortured Animals and Physically/Sexually Abused Her Younger Brother Eric.

Brief Synopsis:

Jill Tyler and Her Minister Husband Rob decided They wanted to Adopt not just One but Two Children from the American Foster System. In the End the Tylers Adopted Six Year Old Beth and Her Younger Brother Eric. Eric is a Sweet, Shy, and Timid, and it appeared at First that Beth shared the same behavioral Traits as Her Brother. It Turned out that was Not the Case Not by a Long Shot. Beth soon began to have Unexplained Outbursts of Violent Rage for No Apparent Reason whatsoever. In a Short Time Beth’s behavior Deteriorates and Incidents (with increasing Levels of Violence) Start Occurring with Greater Frequency the Tylers went looking for Answers.

The Tyler Approach Beth’s Social Worker Doris and ask Her about the Specifics of Beth’s case file that contains Her Past/Personal Information. Doris Declines to answer the Tyler’s Questions Citing Confidentiality Laws and leave it at that. Times goes by and Beth’s Behavior reaches a Level where Mr. Tyler actually wanted to Keep Eric and relinquish Beth back to the Foster Care System, but Mrs. Tyler refused to give up on Beth.


In an unforeseen turn of Events Doris contacts the Tylers and Confesses the Truth of Eric and Beth’s Personal History. Doris goes on to tell the Tyler’s She was Alerted by Phone of a Case of Child Abuse, and She went and Rescued the Children from an Abusive Home (which She admitted was One of the Worst She had Ever seen). When Doris went on to say when She arrived at the Home Eric was in Bad Shape, but Nothing compared to His Sister Beth who even Worse Shape. There were No Adults Present at the Time Doris Rescued the Children as Their Mother was in the Hospital with Pneumonia, and Their Alcoholic Father was off on a Drunken Bender. To top things off Doris informs the Tylers that Beth and Eric in fact have an Older Sister named Stephanie.

Doris along with Mr. Tyler track down Stephanie who a Bitter, Broken, and Damaged Young Lady who was currently working at a Topless Bar. The Story Stephanie told Them was the Stuff that Nightmare are Made of. Stephanie told The Horrible and Harrowing Tale of Sexual Abuse at the Hands of Her Incestuous Pedophile Father. Once Stephanie was Old enough to Fight Off Her Father’s Abuse He began to Abuse Beth who was only an Infant at the Time. Though Thanks to Doris’s Confession the Tylers had the Information They Wanted (and Needed) They still weren’t any closer to the Answer of How Could They or Anyone for that Matter Help Beth overcome Her Childhood Trauma. Its then that Doris suggests a Controversial Treatment for Beth known as Holding Therapy which is Practiced by the Author of the Book Kids who kill (which Mrs. Tyler thought Perfectly Described Beth) Dr. Rosemary Myers.


Dr. Myers Examines Beth who Lies in an attempt to Manipulate the Doctor into believing that in Reality there was Nothing at all Wrong. Meanwhile Dr. Myers isn’t convinced in the Least, and employees the Tactic of Reverse Psychology to get Beth to Admit to Her Violent Behavior and Acts of Violence. Dr. Myer ultimately Diagnosis Beth with an Attachment Disorder Known as Reactive Attachment Disorder or RAD.

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a Condition in which a Child is Unable to Establish Healthy Attachment(s) with Their Parents, Guardian or Primary Care Taker……A Child with an Attachment Disorder feels Unsafe and Alone. Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder have been so Disrupted in Early Development that Their Future Relationships are Seriously to Extremely Impaired and Highly Dysfunctional. This Disorder Stems from Having Suffered Physical/Sexual/Emotional Neglect or Abuse in a Child’s early Developmental Years.


Note to The Viewer: It is Important to Note that While the Documentary is Informative it Doesn’t Comment on the Outcome. Thats to say They didn’t take the Time to let the Viewers know what happened to Beth once the Documentary was done filming. Luckily though this Sadistic Story actually has a Rather Happy Ending as it turns Out. Beth has persevered over Her Traumatic Childhood of Brutal Abuse, and earned a Bachelors Degree in Nursing. Beth has used what happened to Her and the Documentary to Help Other Children who are dealing having been Victims of Abuse.


Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

The Story of Dark Web Horror Game Sad Satan

This is The Story of One of the Most Infamously Notorious Video Games to Ever Hit the Internet Sad Satan. It all started on June 25, 2015 when a Guy named Jamie posted His Sad Satan Game Play Video(s) on His YouTube Channel Obscure Horror Corner. Jamie posted a Total of 5 Game Play Videos of Him Playing Sad Satan from Beginning to End (which are Showcased Later on in this Post) Sparking an Internet Sensation.

Sad Satan Spread Across the Internet almost Immediately like an Out of Control Wildfire to Say the Least. Users  around the World Scrambled Franticly to Download a Copy of the Controversial Sad Satan for Themselves. It took Next to No Time for the Internet to get Worked Up into Frenzy as The Rumors, Warnings, Conspiracy Theories, and User Investigations Pertaining to Sad Satan to become Plastered Across the Internet and Social Media.

This Resulted in 99% of the Users familiar with the Game on Any and Every Level to All Say the Same Thing: DO NOT ACTIVELY SEARCH FOR THIS GAME AS IT CONTAINS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC IMAGERY AND IS REPORTED TO HAVE VIRUSES/MALWARE EMBEDDED IN IT. And for that Reason there are Several Pixelated Pictures in Jamie’s Sad Satan Game Play Videos, But You Can’t Blame Him for Not wanting to Traumatize/Offend Any of His Subscribers or Violate Youtube’s Terms of Service resulting in Youtube Shutting Down His Channel.


When Jamie was asked Where He Acquired the Disturbingly Demented Game in the First place Jamie said a Link to “Let’s Play” of the Game was E-mailed to Him by one of His Subscribers (Who wished to Remain Anonymous). The Anonymous User claimed He Discovered/Found the Game on The Dark Web. Now I must pause for a moment to Address the Fact People use the Terms Deep Web and Dark Web as if they are Interchangeable which They are Not. They aren’t interchangeable because They AREN’T the same fucking Thing They are Two Separate Entities. Bottomline There is a Deep web AND a Dark Web and with that I Digress.

To Navigate through Social Insanity Surrounding Sad Satan I’m going Split THE FACTS and THE FICTION into Two Separate Categories. So where shall We start?! Just kidding We’ll start with the Rumors/Conspiracy Theories since let’s face it Sensationalism Sells.

The First Rumor I will address is the Most Prominent Question about The Game Sad Satan being WHO created such a Sinister Game?! Here at the Following Theories: Sad Satan was created By a Real Life SERIAL KILLER, It was Invented by a SATANIC CULT as a Recruiting Tool, It’s Cursed and Can/Will KILL Those Who Dare Play It. Then there Theories that Sad Satan was Created by a Victim of Child Abuse or an Actual Pedophile. Other Theories are Sad Satan was created as a way to Conceal/Sell/Trade in Child Porn, is a Commentary on Child/Sexual Abuse, a MURDER CULT created it for some Unknown reason.


Even More Theories include its used by The Authorities (example NSA) to Catch PEDOPHILES, Would be  KILLERS, DANGEROUS CRIMINALS, and DEADLY CULT MEMBERS as well as Other Criminals as Well. Also Some People Think Sad Satan was created as some Bizarre PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST or Evaluation Tool or perhaps a EXTREME Therapy/Treatment.

Lastly there Theories that Sad Satan is a TOP SECRET EXPERIMENT  or that It was created by The Government as a MIND CONTROL Tactic. Some Schools of Thought believe Sad Satan is a Military Desensitizing Program to Prepare Soldiers for the BRUTAL HORRORS OF WAR. Lastly it was Rumored that Sad Satan is Infected with a Advanced BOT NET VIRUS that can circumnavigate around Virus Scanners and Even Virtual Machines.


Now this is where it truly is hard to Separate Fact from Fiction when it comes to the Allegation (True or Otherwise) that Sad Satan would Utterly Destroy Your Computer with a Myriad of Malicious Programs. You see Jamie wasn’t Naive, Ignorant or a Noobie and He Obviously tested Sad Satan  checking it for Viruses, Spyware, Malware Etc. and Didn’t find Any. Also I Never found ANYONE with Anything close to Definitive Proof that Sad Satan was riddled with Embedded Viruses and So On. It’s easy to see though how this Rumor came to be. Everyone knows that there is a Threat of Viruses and the Like and that all new shit should be Scanned to make sure its Safe to Download/Play, AND the Fact that Sad Satan Originated on the DARK WED only perpetuated the Theory that Sad Satan was as Infected as a Two Dollar Crack Whore.

It is just a tad Ironic that Players began to Report Physical Effects Themselves while or From Playing Sad Satan. The Alleged Effects Suffered by Players include but are Not Limited to: Ocular Distress (mainly Prolonged Period of Blurry Vision or Acute Pain), Nausea, Vomiting, Seizures, Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Panic Attacks, High Levels of Anxiety, Insomnia, Nightmares, Night Terrors, Psychological Drama, PTSD,  An Assortment Mental Health Issues (up to and including Insanity), Suicidal Thoughts, a General Feeling of Sickness that is Often Attributed to the Music played/used in the Game.


I also found a Few Miscellaneous Rumors to Boot. One is the Pictures of People that Pop Up randomly as You Play are ALLEGEDLY all Know PEDOPHILES, but there isn’t a Single Shred of Evidence to support this more outlandish Rumor. Also one of the more Popular Rumors is that if You Play or Own a Downloaded Copy of Sad Satan You run the Real Risk of Being Arrested. THIS IS UTTERLY FALSE You can Not get in Trouble for Being Curious enough to Download/Play Sad Satan though it is said the Authorities are in fact aware of the Game, and if that is True then They don’t seem to Care about Apprehending Anyone over it.

Now for here are THE FACTS Pertaining to the Game Sad Satan. By now most of You are probably wondering Why there so Many Rumors about Pedophiles and Child Porn (CP) and there are Two good reasons for this I will explain Now.  As I mentioned there are a Bunch of Pictures that Pop Up Randomly while You play Sad Satan. Unfortunately One of those Pictures is an Actual a Picture of Child Porn. This Fact combined with that toward the End of Sad Satan a Lowed and Distorted Version of The band The Door’s classic “Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar)” plays Eerily. Now its not the Song itself that adds to the Sleazy Creepiness of Sad Satan it’s the Fact the Only Lyrics from the Song are as Follows:

“Oh Show Us the Way to the Next Little Girl

Oh Don’t Ask Why

For We Must Find the Next Little Girl

Or if We DOn’t find the Next Little Girl

I tell You We Must Die

I tell You We Must Die

I tell You

I Tell You

I Tell You We must Die…”


Other Picture found in Sad Satan include (but Not Limited To) a Picture of Lady Justice, a Game Over Screen Shot, You Won Screen Shot, Four Pictures of Random People (the Alleged Pedophiles), The Child Porn Picture, and at Least Four Gore Pictures. The Gore Pictures are Four Real Life Pictures of DECAPITATIONS or SEVERED LIMBS as well as a Picture of Someone’s HEAD BEING CRUSHED under a Truck Tire. The Pictures are Disturbing Enough, BUT this is Sad Satan We’re talking about here so of course there’s a Twist when it comes to the Gore Pictures. The Twist is All The Gore Pictures are Not just REAL there of DEAD CHILDREN (Fueling the Pedophile/Child Porn Theories behind Sad Satan’s Creation and Purpose). It for This Reason the Game Play Videos included in this Post (and Elsewhere) have been Censored by Whoever dares to Post it again as to Not Violate Youtube or Anyone Else’s Terms of Service.

The Weird Music Playing at the Title Screen is a song called “I Love Beijing Tiananmen” by Kampflieder de that’s being Played in Reverse (Fueling the Satanic Theories). The Audio heard in the Hallways of Sad Satan are a Rhapsody of Radio Station Call Numbers that are again being Played Backwards. The Screams (Allegedly The Actual Audio of Victims of Violent Crime such as Rape) haven’t ever been Proven to Be Real or Fake for that Matter so It’s one of Those Decide for Yourself Scenarios.


The Version of Sad Satan that Everyone in the Know is in Fact a CLONE of Sad Satan simply referred to as The Sad Satan Clone. The Clone of Sad Satan is almost the same as the Original but with Subtle Differences. The Reason for this is NO ONE accept Jamie of Obscure Horror Corner has EVER Possessed a Copy of THE ORIGINAL Sad Satan. People have searched the Net far and Wide (Including the Dark Web) trying to Locate the Original Version of Sad Satan, But to No Avail. There is Believe it or Not a CLEAN VERSION of Sad Satan thanks to a Reddit User who edited Out the Offensive Pictures and replaced them with more “Acceptable” Pictures.

Now the Questions about the Possible Creator of Sad Satan that Aren’t Complete Speculation and Conjecture are the Following. Did Jamie of Obscure Horror Corner invent the Game? Jamie has been asked countless times by countless People if He was indeed the Creator of Sad Satan which He has ALWAYS DENIED. As for the People who Questioned Jamie They all seem to come to the Same Conclusion which is Jamie is telling the Truth and had Nothing to Do with the Games Creation. People have also wondered if Jamie was in fact the Anonymous Subscriber who He claimed E-mailed Him the Link to Sad Satan, and again there is No Proof to Back this Theory.

That does raise the Question in Some People’s Minds which is Could Jamie and The Anonymous Subscriber be in Cahoots, and are actually working Together. No Proof of this has ever been Discovered. Lastly there Those Who adhere to the School of Thought that the Anonymous Subscriber was the one who Created Sad Satan and e-mailed the Link to Jamie in an attempt to Promote the Game and to Build a Buzz around it. The only Problem with this   particular Theory is IF The Anonymous Subscriber did indeed Create Sad Satan and Sought to Promote it then WHY REMAIN ANONYMOUS? No One can give You credit if They have No fucking Clue Who You Are.

Well Thats Everything I uncovered about the Dark Web Video Game Sad Satan at Now for Least. Below You will find ALL 5 of Jamie’s Sad Satan Game Play Videos. Please Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed The Trip Down The Sad Satan Rabbit Hole as Much as We Did.

  By Les Sober