
Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring KARLMAYER which is Yet Another Unknown Oddity that has Washed Up on Our Beach. No One seems to know a fucking thing about Who Posted It, Why They Posted It, Or What the fuck it’s Supposed to mean. So essentially its Insanity without Context.


  • The Video was Uploaded in May of 2008.
  • The Music is the Distorted High Pitch Child’s Laughter that Rapes Your Ear Drums Mercilessly so Heads the fuck up There.
  • The Only Real Piece of Actual Information lies in the Videos Description Which Simply Translates to the Name Karl Mayer. Karl Mayer was a German General Staff Officer who Introduced Hitler to Politics. And We all know How that Turned Out so Officially from FYB Fuck Him.

Video Run Down:

  • The Video Starts with the Illustration of Two Children that look Oddly Alien.
  • There Various Pictures of Flowers that Change Color, Distort, Morph, and Pulsate.
  • At the 46 Second Mark there is 2 Pictures of Pennywise from the Original TV Mini Series “IT” Not the Movie Remake/Reboot/Rewhatfuckingever You want to Call it.
  • More fucked up Flower Shit.
  • At the 1:13 Minute Mark there is a Close Up of What appears to be Some Child looking Doll Eyes.
  • Approximately at the 2:00 Mark the Video Takes a Dark Turn. The Video becomes More Distorted and Darker as the Abrasive Audio ramps Up Some.
  • Random Photos for Example a Thin John Wayne Gacy looking Clown and a Picture of the Actual Karl Mayer, and Then BACK TO THE FUCKING FLOWERS.
  • Then the Random Pictures and Flowers Mixed Together featuring such Random Images as An Old School Opera House, Pennywise again, some sort of Tunnel (possibly Subway), Ocean, and a Repeat of the Random Sky Shot from Earlier.


It is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Behind Dreams Mask

Welcome to Todays FYB Post Featuring BEHIND DREAMS MASK by the One and Only MeatCanyon.  MeatCanyon who’s Real Name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

Synopsis: Raise ing a Teenager can be a Living fucking Hell with the Raging Hormones, Shitty Attitude, and Every Other Unpleasant Attribute Known to Man. But for a Single Father His Teenage Son’s Transformation from a Child to an Adult turns into a Horrific Nightmare.

It is What it is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Saturday Short Horror Cinema: SELF ASSEMBLY

Welcome to Saturday Short Horror Cinema featuring SELF ASSEMBLY  Written By Garret Shanley, and  Directed by Ray Sullivan. This Little Slice of Surreal Insanity reminds Me of  the David Lynch movie 1997 Cult Classic Eraserhead in Several Ways. Most Notably are the Fact that its Shot in Black and White giving the Film a Cold Stark Feel, and the Fact it Doesn’t need a Word of Dialog to be Creepy as Fuck.

Noteworthy Mention: The car that killed the son in the beginning is the same car that comes to retrieve the monster from the parents house.

Plot: In a Self-Assembly cabinet They Ordered Online Grieving Parents find a Truly Monstrous Substitute for their Deceased Son.


Self Assembly  Credits:

  • Produced & Directed by Ray Sullivan
  • Written by Garret Shanley
  • Based on the comic story by Garret Shanley & Cathal Duggan
  • A Monolith Pictures [IE] Production
  • Cast – Darryl Kinsella, Amy Kirwan and Ruben Kenny
  • Cinematography & Score – Terry Warren
  • Editing & VFX – Ray Sullivan
  • Special Creature Effects – Bobby McGlynn
  • Makeup by – Deirdre Fitzgerald

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

My Two Cents On Three Subjects.

Since Mondays can be a Little Mind Muddling I figured I’d Keep it Simple and Give You My So-Called Two Cents on Three Separate Subjects. The Topics are divided into the following Categories Not So Current Events, Morbid & Murderous, and Utter Absurdity for Absurdity’s Sake. Feel Free to Discuss Them with Your Friends, Family, Co-Workers, and General Public since Americans use Their fucking Smart Phones instead of Their Actual Smarts. The Bottomline is the “Smarter” the Phone the fucking Stupider the User Becomes as They’re Dumbed Down to Moronic Levels but I digress. Without further ado Let’s get Started.


No So Current Events:

I have purposefully tried to Avoid Posting about the Global COVID Pandemic for a Myriad of fucking Reasons, But there is One fucking thing I just Can NOT Stay Silent About. The Pandemic Hot Button Topic I am going to Address here is Kids Going Back To School. Now I’m not here for an In-depth fucking discussion of Kids, School, and all the Usual Bullshit since We all Know why school is Important and that Socialization is Vitally Important so I refuse to Beat a Dead Horse.

My Issue Lies Solely with the Parents. As We are all more than aware Parents are fucking Notorious for Bombarding Other People They encounter with Stories, Pictures, Videos, Social Media Posts, and General Bullshit about Their fucking Kid(s). They spout cliche shit like

  • “Children are a True Blessing”
  • “Having a Kid/Kids Changes Your Life Forever”
  • “Raising Kids is the Greatest Accomplishment One can Accomplish.”
  • “If You Don’t have a Kid/Kids Then You Just Don’t Understand.”
  • “It’s a Shame They Grow Up So Fast.”
  • “Their (Kids) are Angels here to Enlighten Your Life.”
  • “Children are the Future.”
  • “Anything for the Kids.”
  • “I’d Die before I let anything Bad happen to a single Hair on My Child’s Head.”


Along with an Arsenal of Other Parental Wisdoms They Intend  to spread to the Four fucking Corners of the fucking Earth. This Overwhelming Desire to Subjugate the Rest of the World Population to Their Parenting Bullshit seems to be EXTREMELY HYPOCRITICAL in the Age of Covid. When it came to Opening Schools/Sending Kids back to School during an Ongoing Global Pandemic at First Parents were Wary as They damn well Should Be, but then there was a MONUMENTAL ATTITUDE SHIFT among Parents as the Months Rolled On By. Then all of a Sudden One Day the Topic of Kids actually Viably and Safety returning to School Exploded like a fucking Powder Keg across America.

The Next thing Anyone Knew Parents were EVERYWHERE Online, Social Media, and TV Whining Ironically like Bratty Kids about How Much They Wanted Their Kids Back At School. This simple above all had nothing to do with what’s Best for the Kids but What the Aggravated Parents wanted Do to Quarantine. Basically Parents where SICK AND TIRED of having Their Kids with Them in Quarantine and were Blatantly Pushing the School Opening so Their Kids would be SOMEONE ELSE’S PROBLEM. Its fucking astounding How Parents in America Act like They’re Entitled to having The Educational System Raising THEIR fucking Kids for Them. It took just a Matter of Months before Parents couldn’t get Away from Their fucking Kids Fast Enough, and to make it worse where All Over the Place Whining About it like Assholes. Also this is fucking shitty because NOT ONLY are You willing to put Your Child, Yourself, Friends, Family, Teachers, and School Staff in Harms Way (could Result in Their DEATH) because KIDS BECAME TOO INCONVENIENT FOR THEIR PARENTS.

Now the ONLY People You should Listen to in an Emergency especially if its fucking Life or Death to THE EXPERTS Not the Media, Social Media Mob, or Online Idiots and Assholes. I’ll just make My Point by saying if I had a Child or Children During this Covid-19 Pandemic I WOULDN’T SEND THEM TO SCHOOL UNTIL ALL TEACHERS AND SCHOOL STAFF ARE VACCINATED, AND THE CDC SAYS IT’S OK. Parents were Literally Gambling with Their Kids (Along with Theirs and Others) Lives because They were Aggravated by Their Supposedly Precious Little Angels. The Hypocrisy was/is Absolutely fucking Astounding that People would Praise Their Kids Until They wanted a Break From Them then All Bets are Off as it were.


The Most Effective way to Remove and Transport The Corpse of a Dead Ninja is to Simply Cut it Up into 6 Separate Pieces. The You Place the Torso on the Bottom, Fold the Legs and Place Them on Top of the Torso. Next You fold and Place the Arms on Top of the Legs, and Then Lastly Place the Head like the Cherry on a Sunday made of Human Flesh.

You can NOT Burn a Body of a Dead Ninja Properly to Dispose of it. Only a Professional Crematorium has the Equipment Needed to Incinerate an Entire Human Corpse. To Fully dispose of a Human Corpse (with the Exception of small Pieces of Left over Bone) You need a Heat Source of 2,700 Degrees Fahrenheit for Several Hours. This can Not be Accomplished by Dousing the Corpse in a Flammable Fluid and setting it Ablaze.

When Disposing of the Corpse of a Dead Ninja in a Body of Water can be Much Trickier than Most People would Think. The Problem is Bodies Bloat which means They will Float like a Motherfucker, and They Rot so They tend to break free and Float to the Surface. The Issue is when the Human Body starts to Decay it Swells with Gases like a fucked up Cadaver Balloon making it Buoyant. The First method to handle this Problem would to Stab the Corpse just below the Heart to Slice Open the Stomach. This way the Gases can’t Build Up and Increase the Chance of the Bodie becoming a Floater. The Problem with this is Anchoring the Body is still an Issue. You see Crabs, Fish, and Other Aquatic Life feed on the Rotting Flesh until the Body starts to come apart. So if you Anchored the Body with Chains (around the hands and Feet) sooner or later due to Time or Animals will Decay away, and thus the Body can be moved about by Weather or Currents. The most Effective way to Dispose of a Corpse in a Body of Water is to Wrap Chicken Wire Around it from Head to Toe mind You so You’ll Need a Rather Large Piece. This way when the Body Starts to Bloat the Chicken Wire will Lacerate the Rotten Flesh Not only Releasing the Built Up Gas but Also Keeping the Body Tightly Secured within the Chicken Wire.

One of the MOST EFFECTIVE AND TABOO ways to Dispose of a Dead Ninja’s Body is to Actually Eat the Evidence, and then Grind Down the Leftover Bones into Dust. No Body No Crime.


This is The Semi Annual Podunkville Turkey Vulture Report. The Tirkey Vulture Road Kill Clean Up Crews are Seriously Lacking resulting in an Overall Rating at the Time of this Evaluation a Solid D. If You are in the Podunkville area and See a Turkey Vulture Please tell it in Your most Assertive Voice to “GO BACK TO WORK YOU FUCKING BUM!” We suggest You do this from an EXTREMELY SAFE DISTANCE or Optimally from the Confines of a Motor Vehicle. This is Specifically for Your Safety as Turkey Vultures are Rather Large Disagreeable Birds with Seriously Shitty Attitudes, and They are Armed with Razor Sharp Talons and Powerful Beaks.

Also Turkey Vultures are Known for Vomiting on Their Enemies primarily as a Defense Tactic, But You Know what They Say the Best Offense is a Good Defense. It  is also Unconfirmed as of Now, Yet Perturbed Turkey Vultures may try and Shit on You (as well as Vomit) when Confronted in what They perceive to be an Unkindly Manner. There is No Official Strike by the Turkey Vultures as of Yet and There are Rumors of Turkey Vultures succumbing to Anorexia. Whatever the Reason the Turkey Vultures of Podunkville need to return to Their Regularly Scheduled Scavenging as Soon as Possible before The Road become Littered with Carcasses, and Dominated by the Pungent Stench of Death and Decay.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

“Model Citizen”| Dystopian Animated Short Film

We are Thrilled to bring You “Model Citizen”the First NEW EPISODE in the Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


From The Creator In Their Own Words:

“What is a Model Citizen? A Model Citizen is a providing father. A Model Citizen is a caring mother, all in service of a scrappy, young boy or girl. A Model Child raised by a Model Family, to become a Model Citizen of their own!” This brand-spanking-new installment of the Autodale series follows the lives of the Robinson family; Autodale’s perfect citizens. I’ve wanted to make an animated short film based around the life-cycle of an Autodale citizen/family for a very long time. We’ve only ever seen Autodale through the eyes of children. All of the other short films in the series focus on skeptical children being successfully brainwashed/indoctrinated into complacency with Autodale’s dystopian ways. This short film doesn’t have that arc. This short film is about the parents. These characters have NO DOUBTS about how this system works anymore…”  -David James Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

“No Monsters” | Dystopian Animated Short Film

We here at FYB have a rather Bad Habit of Spreading ourselves WAY Too Thin and We assure You We are Working Diligently on Remedying this Issue. We had Posted the First Installment of  the Series “Being Pretty” |Dystopian Animated Short Film, and then Honestly We almost Absolutely Forgot about the Series

So We are Thrilled to bring You the NEXT Installment of the Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal. In this Installment Armsby Introduces a New Kind of “Ugly” that are the Exceptionals; and How Imagination can Play a Fundamental Role in Uncovering the Horrible Secret of the “System”.


Plot Synopsis: 

Welcome back to Autodale, Children. Today’s programming is Nearly Done, which means it is Time for Bed. But Sadly, Not All Dreams are Sweet, some are Scary and Full of Monsters. If any Night Terrors Haunt Your Sleep, Children; Always Remember that You’re Safe in Autodale. There are No Monsters Here.

In The Animator’s Own Words:

” This Short was a Massive Undertaking. It was Fun and Horrible to Work On. I put more Hours into this Short than Any Other of My Animations. I put More Detail into the Backdrops, Pictures, and Animation than I ever have Before. I think this Short Broke Me Mentally. That Being Said, I think it may have some of the Best Imagery I’ve ever Created.”

-David Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober   

I’m Being Held Hostage By A 6 Year Old

I live in a Tiny Town which means there far less fucking People I have to Tolerate or Deal with. Not only that but the Community that I live in is made up of 65% Vacation Homes meaning theres only a Handful of Full Time Residents living out here by The Lake. So theres PLENTY of fucking Elbow Room for Everyone which someone like Me Fully Appreciates.

As a Writer I have My own set of Practices and Rituals when it comes to Writing one of which is I prefer to Write Outside whenever possible. Since Our current Home Office has a rather Massive Front Porch, and the Weather being absolutely Perfect this time of Year makes it an Optimal Time to Write Outdoors. It’s Not to Hot and Not too cold You know all that Goldie Locks and the Three Bears bullshit.

Now unfortunately one of the Other Full Time Residents live just across the Street from of and have Kids three to be exact. While I have never seen Hide nor Hair of the Two Older Children the Youngest Montana (who is Six Years Old) is a MUCH Different fucking Story I assure You.


There several issues that contribute to My ongoing Problem which is Montana has made it a habit recently of coming over and Talking to Me while I’m on the Porch Writing or at any He sees Me as a Matter of Fact. Now Don’t get Me wrong I may be an Asshole, but I’m Not a fucking Monster. I don’t mind Waving or Saying Hello, and I don’t mind chatting  for a moment Here and There with Him time permitting.

Montana’s Parents turn Him loose Outside with No Limitations on where He can Roam, and with No Adult Supervision. They just put Him out like You would a Dog and by that I mean I don’t think an Adult is paying any Attention to what the fuck the Kid is up to They seem Oblivious. Out of Sight Out of Mind doesn’t Work for Raising a Child.

We live in such a Remote Area there aren’t a whole hell of a lot of Kids for Montana to play with. Outside of Montana and His two Siblings I can only think of One other Child living in the Neighborhood (and He’s 14 so He obviously has no fucking interest in hanging out with a little 6 year old Kid). So Montana has to Entertain Himself a majority of the Time which has to be Lonely as Children are Social Creatures, and Yes I don feel bad for the Kid in that respect. I grew up in a Neighborhood devoid of Other Kids for Years and it Seriously fucking Sucked. Imaginary Friends only go so Far.


Not to mention that I don’t know a damn thing about Kids Not a Single thing mind You. I don’t know what They like, what They don’t like, How they Develop, What They do at certain ages, Behavior shit, Their interests, Their Hobbies, Not a Single fucking Clue. This is due to the fact I’m a grown fucking Man who doesn’t have Kids (as of Yet), and while there plenty of Kids in My Family We live all over the fucking Place. I don’t have a lot of Exposure to Kids on any sort of consistent basis is My point. I don’t remember being Six Myself for fuck’s sake.

Since I’m a Grown fucking Man I have nothing in common with a 6 Year Old, and absolutely No Reason to be associating with one at Length. The last fucking thing I need is Especially in a Small fucking Town is to get Labeled the Creepy Old Guy that Parents Warn Their Kids about Avoiding. I don’t work with Kids in any capacity or in The Child Care Field as a Teacher for example, Montana is not a Related to Me nor Is he the Child of Dear Family Friends, and Again Montana is just 6 years Old. Theres NO reason on God’s Green Earth for Him to be associating with an Adult Virtual Stranger. Shit like that gets People Talking  out Their asses and Spreading Rumors like Wild Fire. I’m not going to be perceived by the Local Community as some sort of potential Child Molester or fucking piece of shit Pedophile thats for fucking Sure.


Now while My wonderful and Much Friendlier/Social Wife has already gone over and introduced Herself, got to Know Montana’s Parents, and Chat with them awhile I have Not. To Be utterly Honest I haven’t even so much as Waved Hello to Either of Them which makes Me look like a REAL Dick. The funny thing about it is when My Wife met Montana’s Parents and mentioned Him They had No Idea We knew of His Existence. My Point is They had No idea Their young Child had been across the Street hanging out and talking to a Adult Stranger on a Frequent Basis.

Thus Not knowing shit about Kids, Not wanting to get Labeled a Pervert, and Not wanting to Hurt the Kids feeling since I don’t know the appropriate way to tell or get an annoying Child to Fuck Off I have been avoiding Montana like the motherfucking plague. So every fucking Day for the last week or so before I set foot outside I wonder around My house peering and leering out of Windows to see if Montana is any where near by at any given moment. If I’m set up outside and working away I will stop what i’m doing, tell Montana I have work to do, and head inside for Who Knows how long since its all dependent on Montana going the fuck away or at least Staying in His own fucking Front Yard for once.


I have No idea how the Hell this Bizarre Situation with a 6 Year Old essentially and effectively holding Me hostage in My own fucking Home is going to End I just hope and Pray it isn’t an utter fucking Shit Show. What I need to do is get some credible advice on the subject Hopefully before I lose My Shit due to growing Frustration and All fucking Hell Breaks Loose. I’m getting too Tired to be The Old Me.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober (12:23 am)