Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: Cigarette Warning

This Intriguing 27 Second Slice of Real World Insanity does Exactly what the Title Says its a Warning Against Smoking Cigarettes/Cigars/Pipes as well as Chewing Tobacco and Dipping.

We all are Aware by Now Cigarettes Don’t Contain Vitamins in Fact They Contain Carcinogens (among other Toxic Shit) that are Agents that Cause a Myriad of Cancers. Cigarettes contain Benzene, Formaldehyde (the shit the Embalm Dead Bodies With), Vinyl Chloride, and Arsenic (Yes the Well Known Poison) just to Name a Few.

This Ad is a Prime Example of Simple Shock Tactics. The Entire Video consists of a Single Shot Zooming in on a Head Thats Engulfed in Cigarette Smoke. As the Camera gets Closer and Closer the Viewer can Hear it ‘s Strained Raspy Breathing as it Apparently Gasps for Oxygen. Once the Head comes into Clear View it is Revealed that the Head has been Decimated by Cancerous Tumors. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober