Blank Room Soup 3 and 4

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday Post featuring BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) along with BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location). Now for Those Who may Not Know We did an Extensive Piece on BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI which was the Original Blank Room Soup Video. In Addition to the BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI Video and the “Sequel” BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE. To be Totally Honest the BLANK ROOM SOUP AVI/ BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE is one of My Top Three Favorite Posts I’ve Done here at FYB. If You haven’t Checked Out the Original Post I SERIOUSLY SUGGEST YOU DO SO NOW.

With that Said I was more than Excited when it was Brought to My Attention that there was in Fact Two more Installments to the BLANK ROOM SOUP Saga. I immediately looked Them Up with Great Anticipation first BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) and then BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location). What I found was Something Odd that much is True, but it was also a bit Anti Climactic.  Now before I Go To Far here is a BRIEF Recap for Those just Joining Us.

BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI : A Man Sits at a Table in a Empty Sterile White Room sitting at a table Sobbing Away while Eating a Mysterious Soup. The Man is Not Alone there are To Individuals in Elaborate Costumes are Present. The Two Costumed Individuals Attempt to Comfort the Crying Man as He chokes Down Spoon Full after Spoon Full of the Sinister Soup. The Costumed Individuals are Eerily Rub the Mans Back, Pat His Head, and Have Sympathetic Mannerisms/Body Language (Although They appear to be the Ones Holding this Poor Man Hostage in the First Place).

BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE : While the Title is Ominous there is No Actual Torture it’s more or Less an Implication. Again Same Man, Same Room, and Still Forcing Himself to Eat the Sickening Soup. This Time though the Camera has been Moved to the Left so the Viewer can See a Blackened Doorway in the Far Left Corner of the Screen. A Costumed Individual Slides into the room Hugging the Wall and Stands just Next to the Side of the Doorway. A Second Costumed Individual Enters Standing in the Doorway as the Man looks over His Shoulder in Fear. After standing Motionless Momentarily the Costumed Individual in the Doorway Suddenly Bum Rushes the Man from Behind, the Screen Goes Black, and We Hear Him Yell Out in Surprise before the Audio Cuts Out at the End.

With that Out of the Way I will say that BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) and BLANK ROOM SOUP (Hidden Location) are Something Completely Different. I think it’s Appropriate that You watch BRS 3 (Abduction) and BRS 4 (Hidden Location) before I get into I do the Whole Compare and Contrast Deal between the First Two BRS Videos and the Second Set of BRS Videos.


My Two Cents:

  • I don’t believe that the First Two BRS Videos have a goddamn thing to due with BRS 3 and BRS 4 that is I don’t think this is a Series.
  • The Drastic Difference in the Two Separate Sets of BRS Videos are so absolutely different Aesthetically that it reminds Me of the Vast Cinematic Difference in the Tom Six Films Human Centipede 1 vs. Human Centipede 2.
  • The Runtimes are Also Extremely Different in BRS.AVI has a Runtime of 1:06 and BRS 2 Torture tops out at 1:07. In Comparison BRS 3 (Abduction) is a minuscule 10 Seconds Total and BRS 4 (Hidden Location) has a total Runtime of just a Mere 11 Seconds.


  • The thing that I can’t get out of My Head. While the Second Set of BRS Videos are Significantly Shorter than the Initial Set They do Share Something in Common with the First Two Videos. Like the First BRS Videos the Second Set also have a One Second Difference in Their Runtime just like the Original Two BRS Videos.
  • I have the Sneaking Suspicion (especially with No Current Viable Information which isn’t all that Odd considering it took Years before BRS.AVI blew up on Facebook and Youtube) that BRS 3 and BRS 4 where made by a Different Person/People then the Original Two BRS Videos. I Believe the reason being BRS 3 and BRS 4 are fucking Rip Offs that are trying to Capitalize on the Phenomenon created by BRS.AVI.

The Break Down: BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction)

  • The Camera Work is Really Shitty, The Camera isn’t Steady, The Lighting is complete shit, the Picture is Grainy/Blurry as the World’s Shittiest Auto Focus on the Obviously Outdated or Older Tech.
  • The Hostage looks like the Bastard Offspring of a Circus Ring Master and Willy fucking Wonka.
  • The Hostage is Acting and Doing a Truly Shitty Job Shuffling Around like a Bad imitation of a Drunk. All I’m saying is if I was Kidnapped and Shit by Motherfuckers in Elaborate Costumes I’d be Struggling and in spite of being Gaged would make as Much Noise as I could. Meanwhile the Will Wonka Ring Master just lolly gags through the Shot even looking at the Camera at one Point which is an Acting No No.

  • The Location is also Randomly Out of Place as it appears to be some Dirty, Dark, and Disgusting Back Ally or some shit.
  • The Shit Camera Work is due to the Fact there is a Camera Man where in the First Two Original BRS Videos more than likely were shot using a Standard Tripod thus keeping the Shot Steady.
  • The Costumed Individual Acts Nothing like the 2 Individuals in the First Two BRS Videos. There is No Interaction with the Hostage (other than awkwardly pushing him Across the Screen) and Seems to have No Actual Purpose other than to Play the Classic Role of Bad Guy/Kidnapper. The Sutle Nuances aren’t there its just Basic as Basic Gets. There is No Deeper Meaning or Reason to BRS 3 it’s seems to be just Generic Shock Type Content. As a Viewer I have No Vested Interest in anything as the Video is Purely a Face Value Scenario.

The Breakdown: BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location)

  • First Off What the Fuck does “Hidden Location” Supposed to mean since Someone with a Camera found it and Filmed it Catching The Costumed Individual Standing to the Side in the Shadows.
  • Basically I won’t waste Your Time so to Sum it Up BRS 4 it has the Same issues as BRS 3 in Shitty Camera Work, Old Ass Tech, Out of Place Location, Abnormally Acting Costumed Individual (who lets face it is standing there for Sheer Creep Factor), Shitty Audio, and Crap Acting.
  • I doubt it but this could be Someone Ripping off BRS and Trying to Use the Concept to Launch Their Own ARG. I say this because for the Sake of Argument One could Say that The Hostage from BRS 3 is being Held at the So Called “Hidden Location”. If this is the Case it’s not Only Unoriginal Artistic Plagiarism it’s also Done in a Exceptionable Shitty Fashion.

Well That’s All I have to Say on the Subject So I’m Off into the Wild Blue Yonder.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

For Shits and Giggles: “Existential Threat” By Sparks

I think its safe to say we have all had day’s where it seemed the universe has dropped its pants, and is taking a colossal cosmic crap on your entire fucking life.  Those are those days you spend going hour after fucking hour wondering “Why Me?” or “What the fuck did I do to deserve this bullshit?” as the universe plays a fucked up game of cat and mouse with your current reality. It can get so fucking intense that you may actually consider that you have somehow offended the Powers That Be (God, universe, fate and so on) and now are being punished in some bizarre manner.

This bring me to today’s post the official music video for ‘The Existential Threat’ by Sparks (also known as Halfnelson), taken from their 2020 album ‘A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip’. Sparks is an American pop and rock duo formed in 1967 consisting of brothers Ron Mael on Keyboards and Russell Mael on vocals. Sparks are known for their quirky approach to songwriting which is often accompanied by sophisticated and acerbic lyrics often about women or Shakespearean literature references, and an idiosyncratic, theatrical stage presence, typified in the contrast between Russell’s animated, hyperactive frontman antics and Ron’s deadpan scowling. The band is also noted for Russell Mael’s distinctive wide ranging voice and Ron Mael’s intricate and rhythmic keyboard playing style. Sparks  have been far more successful in Europe compared to their native United States, though the band maintains a loyal cult following American non the less.

The video for the song was done by none other than one of our favorite animators cyriak. Cyriak Harris, known Mononymously as Cyriak and His B3ta Username Mutated Monty (Harris has been a Regular Contributor to the British Website B3ta since 2004), is a British Freelance Animator and Composer. He is known for His Surreal, Creepy, and Bizarre Short Web Animations with the Frequent Use of the Droste Effect, and Features Original Dance/Electronic Music By Harris as Well.


See You Around,

   Justin Sane   

Criminals OR Cowards Which One Are The Police?!

The Police as Started as an Racist Anti-African American Organization and has Evolved over the Decades into a Full Blown fucking Criminal Organization. There are Far too many Problems to Address all at Once as it Would Take Forever and a Day to Cover them All. The True Root of the Issue is while Citizens are Trained Basically from Birth to Inherently Trust the Police No Matter what, and Meanwhile the Police are Trained from Day One at the Academy NOT to Trust You in the Least. If You listen to any Recording of a Police Academy Class the Common Theme is The Instructor paints America as some Lawless Post Apocalyptic Max Max Wild West Wasteland. Not Only that but They Instill a Permanent and Lasting Fear in the Police Officers in Training that Everyone is a Killer, You can Be Killed at Any Point, and Everyone is Armed to the Teeth (One of the Downsides of the Second Amendment).

The Other Chief contributing Factor to Shitty Relations between Cops and Citizens happen Many Year Ago. Back then the Police had a Supply and Demand Problem as there was an Increasing Demand for Police Officers, but  the Number of New Cadets at the Police Academies was Minimal. Simple at that point in Time the Number of People interested in Becoming Cops was Severely Lacking. Stuck between the Preverbal Rock and a Hard Place the Police had Only one Real Viable Option, and that was to Significantly Lower the Police Entrance Tests. They basically Lowered Their Standards to get More Cops on the Street in Spite of the Fact They were Recruiting and Training Individuals that They Normally would NEVER Allow to be Cops. The Main Problem was the again Significant Lowering of the Entrance Psychological Evolution (I think We can all Agree an Insane Sadistic Fuck shouldn’t have a fucking Gun).


Now Among the Endless Myriad of Issues between the Police and the Public that I am going to Elaborate on is the Hypocrisy of How the Police Deal with Peaceful Protesters. This Problem Dates back to the 50’s and 60’s with the Civil Rights Movement and The Anti-Vietnam War Groups. It didn’t matter if You were and African American or an Idealistic Hippy the Police Treated every Protester the same Brutally. Thats Right the same fucking People that Cops are SWORN to Protect and Serve where the same fucking People They were Abusing, Beating, and Arresting. And for what I ask You? For utilizing Their Right to Peaceful Assembly to Protest the Ills of a Sick Society. It’s a Slap in the fucking Face to The First Amendment The Freedom of Speech. Never has this Hypocrisy been made More Abundantly Clear then with the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2020.

Black Lives Matter were Wide Spread Peaceful Protests against Police Brutality and Systemic Racism that Spread from Country to Country. taking it to a Global Level.Unfortunately it’s No Secret that Police Abuse, Exploit, and Kill African Americans at a More than Alarming Rate, and its been that Way ever since the Earliest Days of The Police. It has gotten so fuckng Bad that at this Point in 2020 Police aren’t just Shooting African Americans at an Insanely Increasing Rate, But in Today’s Times They’re Straight Up Murdering Them seemingly at Will. An Accompanying Issue is that it’s also No Secret that the Laws Don’t Apply to the Police the Same as for Your Average Citizen. The Police Badge is Essentially a License to Kill to Begin with Then the Police have Ultimate Immunity with the phrase “I was afraid for My Life.” This enabled a Police Officer to Shoot and Kill Someone, and then Get Off Scot Free just by Simply Saying “I was Afraid for My Life.” and on those grounds No Court would Ever Really Convict a Cop. Anyway back to the Point.


So to Recap right Quick Black Lives Matter Protests went Global as the World United behind a Common Cause in an Attempt to make a Change. These Protests were held in all 50 States, and Received a Phenomenal amount of News Coverage both through the Traditional Media as well as Social Media. Aside from the Odd Man Out Assholes the BLM Protests where in Large Completely Peaceful that was until the Police Arrived. Then All Hell Broke Loose as Chaos Erupted in the Streets. If You want to know Who Came looking for a Riot Look at Who Came Prepared for One. The Scene always Played Out the Same fucking Way like fucking Clockwork. The Protesters would Assemble, the Protest would Begin, and then The Police would Arrive in Full Blown Riot/SWAT Gear in Armored Vehicles Armed to the fucking Teeth. The Police Dressed in Paramilitary Gear would Form a Human Barricade to Block the Protesters from Advancing, and would Remain in this Formation for a Time.

Inevitably Though the Police would at Some Point start to Advance on the Protesters slowly walking towards Them Shields Up and Night Sticks at the Ready. Then in a Split Second (if that) the Police would Launch Their Utterly Unprovoked Offensive Literally Attacking the Protesters, and Escalating The Level of Their Extremely Violent Response to a Peaceful Protest Situation. The Next thing Anyone Knew The Cops were Beating Protesters with Night Sticks, Throwing People to the Ground (and then Beating them), Bombing the Protesters with Canisters of Tear Gassing, Firing Rubber Bullets at Protesters, and Tasering Protesters again TOTALLY UNPROVOKED. It got so Intensely fucked up that at One Point You had Men in Military Uniforms without Identification Grabbing Protesters at Random. They then would Toss the Protester(s) into an Unmarked Black SUV that would then Speed Off Somewhere and God Knows what the fuck happened AFter that or What the Hell became of those Detained Protesters in the End.


The Scene that summed it up for Me personally was the Footage of a Old Man in His Early 70’s Started to Approach a Police Officer as a Sizeable Group of Cops Marched down the Street. The Old Man had an Innocent Enough Question He wanted to ask the Cop but the Cop Strong Arms the Old Man Knocking Him Flat on His Back. When the Old Man was Shoved Over He was Standing on the Sidewalk so when He fell the Back of His Head Slammed into the Concrete and Busted Open. As the Old Man Lay on His back Bleeding from the Head Totally Helpless and in Need of  Immediate Medical Care EVER SINGLE COP in the Group of Approximately 25-30 Police Officers walked Past Him and DIDN’T DO A GODDAMN THING. They just Left Him Lying there without a fucking Care in the World. Now I ask You How/Why the fuck would or Should Anyone  ever Trust a fucking Cop when in Fact They should be fucking afraid of Them. I’m Sorry to say but it’s Beginning to Look like All My Heroes are Cop Killers, and That’s Ultimately Tragic Unto Itself.

Meanwhile it was a Completely Different fucking Story when MAGA Extremists, Diehard Trump Supporters, Racist Groups/Organizations, or Pro Trump Militias came to Town. Whenever these Either Racist Thugs like the Proud Boys (Pissy Bitches is More like It) or The Wannabe Tough Guy MAGAs/Trump Supporters it’s Always the Same Old Song. MAGA/Trump Supporters Dressed HEad to Toe in Camo and Sporting Combat Boots (as Well as whatever else They can Pick Up at Their Local Army Surplus Store) like Larping GI Joes wondering the Streets while Brandishing a Wide Variety of Guns. When these Motherfuckers show up somewhere to Start Fights/ Physically Attack People like the Racist Cowards or Stroll Around Town Even without Open Carry Laws carrying Assault Weapons and Shit.

The Most Outrageous Example of This is When a Bunch of these Play Soldiers Stormed a Government Building and Heavily Armed (and that would be an Understatement) completely Unobstructed. No One Tried to Stop Them even though Bringing Any Weapon into a fucking Federal Building is fucking Federal Crime. Right There is My Point during all the Illegal and Violent Shit Perpetrated by The Racist Scumfuckers or MAGA/Trump Supporter Pieces of Shit THERE WAS NEVER A SINGLE COP TO BE FOUND. I Never Saw a single Cop Not a One in ANY of the Footage from these Type of Events. No Armored Vehicles, Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Night Sticks, or Tasers Anywhere. The SWAT Team Never Came Storming In Nor the Droves of Cops in Riot Gear that Blocked Streets and Attacked the Peaceful Protesters. Forget Protect and Serve these Police Officers didn’t even Show the fuck Up.

So Where Exactly were all the Cops when all this bullshit went Down ? Well there Three Possible Answers to that Question. The First Answer is the Cops are fucking Violent, Rage Filled, Mental Unfit, Corrupt, Racist, Abusive, Anti-Semetic, Homophobic, Mindless Thugs who get Off on Abusing Their Power. The Bottomline is this means that The Cops are The Criminals Plain and Simple. The Second is that the Police are Lowly Cowards who in the Face of Actual Real Danger Run and Hide down at the Police Station like a Bunch of Scarred Little Bitches. This Means the Cops are Spineless and Gutless Cowards that make Themselves feel like Macho Men by Brutalizing Peaceful Protesters, But in Reality are Terrified of Anyone Posing Real Danger so They Piss Their Pants and make Themselves Scarious. Lastly is the Third Answer which I believe to be the Correct One which is the Answer is BOTH. I believe that Cops are Both Sleazy fucking Criminals and are World Class Cowards, but you can make up Your Own Mind.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober  (Pt2:23Am)

The Similarity Between Serial Killers and Vigilantes

It’s No Surprise that I think of Strange shit, and Yesterday I found Myself thinking about Serial Killers. Specifically I was mentally reviewing the Behavioral Characteristics and Traits that Allow a Serial Killer to be just that  fucking Serial Killers. My Mind began to wonder (as it has a Tendency to do from Topic to Topic) I started to think about Vigilantes which isn’t such a Far Stretch in this Case since Vigilantes Reap Social Revenge/Justice  by Hunting Down Murderers such as Serial Killers and Other Criminal Scumfucks. It was when I started to think about Both Groups Simultaneously that I began to Draw certain Parallels between Them.


The Best way I can Explain this is simply by doing a Side by Side Comparison if You will. Now with that said let’s take a look at the Similarities between Serial Killers and Vigilantes. And when its Over You’ll see Just How Similar They Are I assure You. With that said I will be sticking to the Similarity aspects, I WILL NOT be doing the Classically Cliche Amateur Regurgitation of the Full Blown Psychological Profile of EITHER GROUP (No bullshit about Childhood, Parents, Friends, Schooling, Upbringing, Drug/Alcohol issues, Mental Health Issues, Role of Religion, Social Ramifications, Bullying, Physical/Mental/Emotional/Sexual Abuse, and No Nature Versus Nurture Theories ). I’m Not Saying that to be a Dick its just Not the Point I’m interested in, and You can Google the Usual Spiel so it’s Not like Your missing Anything.


Let’s Start with Serial Killers Shall We?! What permits a Serial Killer to Kill isn’t What They might Posses such as Schizophrenia for Example, but in What They Lack instead. Serial Killers can Do What They Do (Torture, Rape, Murder, Mutilate etc.) is due to the Fact to Their Lack of Key Human Emotions. Serial Killers are Void of Empathy, Sympathy, Concern, or Caring for Others They don’t see Their Victims as People, but as Objects to Indulge Their Sick Desires. They also Lack Remorse or Guilt so Killing an Entire Family and Eating Their Brains is NO DIFFERENT than Doing the Dishes it MEANS NOTHING TO THEM.


Serial Killers unlike Other Murderers (like Mass Murderers or Psychopaths) is They seem to have 2 Specific Type of Victim Profile that They adhere too. The First is Physical Attributes of the desired Victim such as Male/Female, Hair Color, Physical Likeness to Someone significant in the Serial Killer’s Life (Past or Present). The Second is the Serial Killers will Target a Demographic like the Homeless or Prostitutes due to the Serial Killer’s Personal Views on Said Group in Society. The Point is Serial Killers are Killing to Prove Their Point to the World/Society/Humanity or They’re  Slaughtering just to Satisfy Their Uncontrollable Homicidal Blood Lust.


Now as for Vigilantes there’s Obviously a HUGE fucking Difference between Vigilantes and Serial Killers in WHO They Kill. Serial Killers are Predators that Prey on the Innocent while Vigilantes Prey on the Predators. The Question would be WHY do Vigilantes Kill? What I’m saying is Most Everyone agrees that Serial Killers are Evil Motherfuckers, and it Seriously Sucks Scrotum that They Exist.


So what Motivates a Vigilante to Not Only Acknowledge the Problem, But to then Take Up Arms and Launch a Personal One Person War against it? How can Vigilantes Cross the Line between Hero to Villain and Back Again? And Since Vigilantes are Criminals Themselves because They commit Homicide WHY do People/Society in General give Them a Free Pass when the Law or Judgement?


Those are Pertinent Questions and Here are the Pertinent Answers. How can a Vigilante feel No Remorse, Regret or Guilt Killing a Criminal when They Absolutely would if say They hit and Killed a Pedestrian while Driving? While Serial Killers are People Incapable of Learning to Love Vigilantes are People who ARE Capable of Learning to Hate. A Vigilante can Learn to Hate at Levels that so called Regular People couldn’t even begin to fucking Fathom. A Vigilante can Lear to Hate to the Point where They can Kill what They Hate, and if You Hate something that fucking much You Don’t feel Remorse, Regret or Guilt. And a Lack of Remorse, Regret, or Guilt is EXACTLY what enables BOTH a Serial Killer AND a Vigilante to Kill with a Conscious.


As Far as People or Society is concerned (and even Law Enforcement) Serial Killers are Demonized because They Kill the Innocent indiscriminately while Vigilantes are Exhausted because They Kill with a Nobel Purpose. Everyone knows Our Legal and Prison Systems are fucked beyond belief, and there’s an Overwhelming amount of Horrible shit in the Daily News that it makes People Clinically Depressed. So It’s reassuring to People that there ARE some of Us willing to do the Dirty Work of Cleaning Up After the Failures of an Unjust Legal System. And Let’s Face it People are Vengeful Creatures and Thus They Love Revenge which is Embodied by/in Vigilantes.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

The Tale of Two Hospitals

Where We moved in the Southern Country there is a choice if need be of 2 different near by Hospitals. On one hand there’s the local Applesburg County’s Lemon Hospital, and on the other you have Poseidon Hospital in the neighboring County of East Chuck Town.

As far as Poseidon is concerned They are excellent, great staff, kick ass nurses, and damn good doctors. I can testify to this first hand as I spent several days there last month for a little heart issue. Poseidon was as wonderful as We were told by everyone We met a true 5 star facility. Once I was released from Poseidon when I talked to someone the FIRST thing they would say (even before asking “How are You”/”How are You doing?”) was that I was Lucky (or that it was “Wonderful/Great/Good” etc.) that I ended up going to Poseidon Hospital instead of Lemon.


The Locals actually have a saying about Lemon Hospital that goes like this “Go to Lemon Hospital if You want to DIE.” (The emphasis on die)

In fact Lemon’s reputation has been so shitty for so long people will do pretty much anything in their power to avoid being taken there. The most popular way to assure that the Ambulance takes you too Poseidon is to drive yourself (or have someone drive you if your not capable) just over the boarder between Applesburg and East Chuck Town, and THEN call 911.

This method has become so preferable that a Local Gentlemen started his own “County Line Shuttle Service”. So if your sick or injured, can’t drive yourself, and don’t have anyone else who can drive you then you can call this Gentleman. He will then pick you up at your current location, and drive you over the County line where he will even call 911 on your behalf.

Now this insanely honest and unanimous view of Lemon Hospital is curiously compelling. Its gotten to the point where one of these days I’m going to drive the 50 minutes from my house to Lemon Hospital just to see this Horror Show of a Hospital. I can only imagine based on what I have been told what this Hell Hole Hospital must actually look like.

For example I imagine there is blood splattered everywhere on damn near everything, and severed body parts strewn all across the floor. There dead bodies on gurneys  lining the halls under flickering florescent lights. I imagine the Doctor’s all who barely graduated Medical School with a “D” or attended one of the finest Medical Schools in the Tropics. I imagine a skeleton staff comprised of workers who look more like corpses than living human beings working with outdated and flawed Medical Equipment. I imagine there is a Mortuary in the lobby as apposed to a Gift Store. I imagine mold on the walls of the Cafeteria with rather large Rats scurrying about amongst the Roaches. I imagine leaking pipes, rampant rust, pungent stench of sickness and death,over crowded rooms packed with the dying, moans and cries of doomed patients filling the musty, stagnant air, and filth encrusted walls, BUT I can only imagine for the time being.

Perhaps this will help explain my current morbid fascination with the Dreaded Lemon Hospital of Death or perhaps not.

Thanks for READING,

Les Sober  

Vegetarians Vs. Vegans

I have no issue with vegetarians there like the Buddhists of the food world. That is they do their vegetarian deal, you can do whatever you want    and everyone eats in peace.

Vegans are a totally different fucking story thats for sure. I absolutely hate the hell out of fucking vegans because they’re the Christians of the food world. That is they feel some ungodly reason to shove their way of eating in your face as they rant like fucking Adolf Hitler on meth about how their way is so much better for you. But thats not all they also feel compelled to lecture arrogantly with a false sense of superiority about how everything you are eating (and every other person on earth) is toxic and slowly killing you. The food you eat (according to them)is killing us by clogging up your colon until the shit literally causes toxic shock syndrome rotting your internal organs, and is compacting in the valves of your heart causing an inevitable shit induced heart attack.

Bottom line: Thank you vegetarians for not being persistent food/diet neo nazi assholes about our dietary differences. Vegans go eat a steak you emaciated, sunken eyed, grey skinned and egotistical assholes.