Earth & Fire

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring EARTH & FIRE by Cool 3D World. And Who Exactly is Cool 3D World You may be Wondering to Yourself? Well when Brian and popcorn10 ( Their Youtube Handles) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

Video Run Down Bullet Points:

  • 2 Humanoid Beings that appear to be Comprised of the Earth (like a Globe Stretched over a Human Form)
  • A Kick Ass Death Metal Fight Scene
  • A Vast Sea of Blood
  • Torture and Imprisonment
  • Finger Fucking a Bellybutton
  • A Rather Twisted and Macabre Love Story



It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Plastic Men

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Remake/Remix of TreatsForBeasts Video PLASTIC MEN by Hydraulic Beanbag. PLASTIC MEN was Originally Posted in 2012 by Creator, Director, and Musician Jordan Diniz. Diniz is the creator of the mind boggling bizarre  Youtube channel Treatsforbeasts as well other earlier video/musical projects. NOT a whole fucking lot is really known about Diniz like for example when researching I found shit like this “It is possible he is from Massachusetts.” which was IN-FUCKING-FURIATING! You damn well know Finding Information is gonna be a REAL son of a bitch if No One even knows where Diniz is from. I did manage to find SOME goddamn Additional Information which You will find Below.

  • Diniz has preformed in several bands such as Thang City and The Liquid Flow.
  • Diniz was the keyboardist in Holding Steady The Heartbeat of Hell.
  • Currently music wise Diniz is making music under the name Sanguinarious.
  • Diniz’s music genre of choice could be considered a mix of Gothic rock, Heavy Metal, and quite possibly Post-Punk.
  • Some say he looks like Jesus.
  • Diniz has what has been described as “ridiculously expandable jaw” (an example of this is Diniz singing in the video “I me you love god ”
    From Diniz’s work it’s apparent he doesn’t think favorably about Christianity/Catholicism.
  • Diniz created Treatsforbeats on September 26, 2009.
  • Diniz has gone YEARS before posting new content on his Treatsforbeasts Youtube channel.

As Far as Hydraulic Beanbag is Concerned the Channel Description is as Follows:

one hop this time (()*)*()(*
one hop this time bbb209u02ue
right foot left stomp _)_)@)I_I#_

the green and brown guy is named bunga

I make the ambient background music myself, and they’re all made just for that individual video, they don’t have names

my favorite food is jello, flavor doesn’t matter in the realm of the squishy
e [

If you want

if you REAAALY have to contact me (you don’t) my dm’s are open, haha just kidding, used to have discord here but no more, know what change of heart if i dont wanna talk to you i wont, but i do want to talk to some of you so ill put it back Beanbag#5554. if you really really have a serious question message my email that I don’t check also don’t ask to sponsor me as I’m not ready yet (and I may never be), this email is just for dum shid and collab suggestions”

Our Thoughts: So when it come to Hydraulic Beanbag We will let You decipher and decide what the fuck You think that fucking Asinine Absurdity is About. As Far as the Hydraulic Beanbag’s Remake/Reboot of Treatsforbeasts it’s Pretty Damn Decent when it comes to a fucking Remake/Reboot because it Doesn’t fuck with the Original Nightmare Fuel Feel, but it’s really quite fucking Obvious Nothing Beats the Treatsforbeasts Original (Which We have Posted in Here in the Animation/Cartoon Section). And for the fucking Record Though We aren’t Fans of Anything CGI We have to give Credit where Credit is Due, and Even Tough Hydraulic Beanbag’s PLASTIC MEN Version Opted to Use CGI They did Keep the Unnerving Aesthetics of the Main Character.

THE LYRICS (for Lack of a Better Word )to PLASTIC MEN are the Following:

“Plastic Men, Women, and Children want to tickle me in the wilderness. They watch as I caress my exposed spine…I’m ashamed of my own body.”



It is What. it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober 

For Shits and Giggles: The Bottle and The Bottle 2

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Double Header of THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2 by Cool 3D World. And Who Exactly is Cool 3D World You may be Wondering to Yourself? Well when Brian and popcorn10 ( Their Youtube Handles) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

Let’s be fucking Honest THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2 could have fucking Simply been One fucking Video Considering THE BOTTLE’s Runtime is a Minuscule 38 Seconds and THE BOTTLE 2 is Barely 1 Minutes and 5 fucking Seconds. So All We can Venture to Guess is THE BOTTLE was Never Initially Intended to have a Sequel since the Videos are Poste 2 Years Apart. Anyways We Digress so We can get the fuck Back on Track.

THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2 Star a Insanely fucking Creepy Naked Old Man with a Real Pedophile fucking Vibe and isn’t Helped by the Fact the Creepy Old Pervert Character makes Infant Baby Noises. The Plot is this Creepy Old Bastard Roams the Country Side with a Head in a Glass Bottle. We know Sounds pretty Tame and We Don’t want to Spoil Anything since the Videos have Microscopic Runtimes but Trust Us it gets Weirder and Weirder as it Goes like Teletubbies on fucking Bath Salts.

Here are Some Things/Details that Pertain to THE BOTTLE and THE BOTTLE 2:

THE BOTTLE ONE: Key Word “Shithead”

THE BOTTLE 2: The Shithead Doesn’t Fall Far from the Shit Tree.




It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

This Video Cursed Us

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring THIS VIDEO CURSED US by London Based Writer, Director, Visual Artist, and Computer Animator Ben Wheele in a Tribute to Another One of His Videos Called His HENRY EATS (Which We have Posted Here on FYB Previously).

So Who the Fuck is the Deal with Ben Wheele?! Wheele Graduated from The Royal Collage of Art with a Masters in Animation  in 2011, and His Films have been Screened at Festivals Internationally, Including Annecy, Pictoplasma, London Intl.Animation Festival, Rotterdam Film Festival and Stuttgart ITFS. Wheele’s work has also been Exhibited at The Sunday Painter Gallery (London), Digital Art Space, and Broadcast on Adult Swim and Channel 4 (UK). He is also the Founder of ‘Studio Ponk’ and Currently Lectures in 3D Animation and Games at Middlesex University.



“Henry peered underneath the regular videos. He discovered a deep recess beneath all of the channels, a vast chasm. Inside was a network of connected antechambers.

It was very dark here. The air felt wet. He pressed save and downloaded the video. Then saved a bookmark, just to be safe – he wanted to find this place again. His generator didn’t have much diesel left. In fact, he hadn’t filled it for months. How was he still receiving power out here?

He looked out of the window. The woods offered no reply.”

Synopsis: First of All the Video is of the Main Character Henry from the Previous “Henry Eats” Video. Henry is sitting in the Pitch Black on His Computer where He apparently checking out a YouTube like Platform where He stumbles across a Compilation of Reaction Videos Titled “THIS VIDEO CURSED US”. The Video “THIS VIDEO CURSED US” is in Fact a Collection of Reaction Videos of YouTubers Reacting to the Video “Henry Eats”.

“THIS VIDEO CURSED US” appears to be a Commentary on Certain Click Bait Content that Runs Rampant on Video Platforms like YouTube for Example. The Title is a Play on the Over Hyped Click Bait Video Genre “FOUND ON THE DARK WEB!!” Sensationalism where People Over Act in Shock and Awe as They react to Some Mysterious Unexplained New Horror from the Depraved Depths of the Dark Web. Also People have a Tendency when They Don’t Understand Something or Think its Not Normal then They Immediately Label it “CURSED!!” Out of Nothing but Pure fucking Ignorance (and Over Hyped Titles Aimed at Nothing but Getting Views).

So the Main Question is What is the Point of the Video if there Even is Actually One to Begin with. It seems to be Either a Stark Anti-Click Bait Commentary calling Out Reaction Videos. I mean let’s fucking Face it Reaction Videos are fucking Pure Garbage They’re Brainless Bullshit where YouTubers Over Act for the Camera with Grossly Exaggerated Reactions such as Shock, Awe, Disgust, or Fear. I personally think it’s a Commentary by Wheele pertaining to People attempting to Understand,  Interpret, and Speculate on the Intent, Purpose, or Meaning of His Now Notorious Video “Henry Eats” which is Pretty Sucking Surreally Abstract in Nature. Bottom-line is the Simplistic Fact is that Artists in General Enjoy Hearing about How Others Perceive Their Work.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Shits And Giggles: CLOWNS

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring CLOWNS by Cool 3D World. And Who Exactly is Cool 3D World You may be Wondering to Yourself? Well when Brian and popcorn10 ( Their Youtube Handles) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

Synopsis: Most People find Clowns somewhat Unnerving because lets fucking Face it even on Their Best fucking Day They give off a SERIOUS Pedophile Child Murderer. Then there are People who get legitimately find Clowns Utterly fucking Terrifying, and as Far as They are Concerned here’s a Little More Nightmare Fuel for You.

Disclaimer: If You’re Actually a Clownaphobe DO NOT Watch because Honestly We Don’t  want to Hear about Any Bullshit if You Do.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

MeatCanyon’s Nightmare Compilation 2021

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring NIGHTMARE COMPILATION 2021 by One of Our Favorite Content Creators MeatCanyon. We were Dementedly Delighted to See MeatCanyon had put together a Compilation of His Favorite Animations He did in 2021. And MeatCanyon once again did Not Disappoint His Selections are Dead On.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

The MeatCanyon in His Own Words: 

“Thank you all for another amazing year! heres to another! This is a compilation of some of my favorite toons from last year! hope you enjoy!

Nightmare Compilation Playlist:

00:00 – Let’s go Dababy
01:47 – The passion of the craft
04:28 – The last pringle
07:35 – Gumballs in the park
10:54 – I can count to three
13:20 – Yokai Bob the Builder
17:40 – Meaty talk

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Thanksgiving Shits And Giggles Featuring Woody Scream

Well We are Finally getting Our shit together since We got clusterfucked in-between a fucking a Surreal Road Trip and the Thankless Toils of the Thanksgiving Holidays. I’m currently working on a Post pertaining to the Aforementioned Road Trip, but it’s Slow Going since it’s such an Infuriating Story I have to take frequent breaks so I don’t Actually Punch My Computer Screen. That aside I felt the need to Address the Utter Nonsensical Onslaught of the so called Holiday Season in the Meantime. To Keep some sort of Order and Assemble some sort of fucking Sanity I will be Using the FYB Tried and True Bullet Point Format.

  • Pre Show Prep: My Wife and I have been Drafted over the Recent Years into the Unwelcoming Ranks of Holiday Responsibilities and Assorted Bullshit. So this Includes the Relentless Cleaning Up the House in Preparation of the Forthcoming Company. This obviously makes fucking Sense, and We have No Qualm with Doing. The Problem is My Micro Managing Obsessive and Franticly Stressed Mother who can make You Feel like You’re Losing Your goddamn Mind since Her Anxiety is fucking Infectious. She whips Herself up into a fucking Frenzy Running around like a fucking Lunatic starting Numerous Projects Simultaneously while Simultaneously Finishing None of Them. It’s what We unaffectionately refer to as My Mother’s Manic Host Mode where She acts like Her Life and Reputation is Teetering on the Brink if Her House isn’t Absolutely Spotless and has been Cleaned to the Highest Hospital Standards.

The Funny thing is It’s just Family Who are the Mellowest and Undemanding House Guests You can Have for fuck’s sake. My Mother seems to be Operating under some delightfully Demented Assumption that if The Family Arrives to find even a Single Speck of Dirt on the Bottom Stair (leading up to the Front Porch) It’s All Over in an Instant. As if My Fellow Family Members would Cast a Disgusted eye Upon the Psec of Dirt, Turn Around on Their Heel, March back to Their Cars, Lod up, and Yell before Speeding Off into the fucking Distance “WHAT A FILTHY HELLHOLE! SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU GUYS AND YOUR PIG STY! WE WILL NEVER SET FOOT ON THIS SOIL AGAIN AND WE DISOWN EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU DISAPPOINTING AND FILTHY FUCKERS!!!” It’s Insanity Incarnate.


THE KIDS: The Two Boys are Still just Shy of becoming Teenagers and as So were Willing to Speak and Interact with Us on a Consistent Basis during the Trip. Meanwhile Their Sister being 16 Years Old is Undoubtedly a Full Blown fucking Teenager. She had Her Face in Her Phone the Entire fucking Time because Her Life currently is all About Socializing and Friends, Friends, and More fucking Friends! I do have to give Credit where Credit is Due for Her Part She refrained from being the Classic Anti-Social Hormonal Horror Show Three Ring Circus of Bullshit. The Trip was Free from Conflict, Argument, Hissy fucking Fits, Screaming/Yelling, Door Slamming or Anti Adult/Authority “I am My Own Person” Self Indulgent Self Righteous Sixteen Year Old Psychodrama. So That Was A Pleasant Surprise.

The Reservation Situation: My Mother being from an Older Generation is still totally Hung Up on the Restaurant Reservation Scenario. The Problem is that Unless it’s some Super Trendy Fine Dining Hipster Restaurant or Perhaps an Old School Steak House Throw Back Dinosaur then You Don’t actually need a Reservation. Unfortunately as Time Evolved and Moved on My Mother Did Not budge an Inch. So One Night We were going out to Eat and Automatically My Mother becomes Fixated as Fuck on the Fact the Place Didn’t Take Reservations, BUT where Kind Enough as to make Note that a Party of 10 was Headed Their Way (I assume this was complete horseshoe to placate the Madness that is My Mother. Also I don’t Blame Them a Bit since My Mother is well let’s say Intense and Leave it at That.


As We are Driving to Said Restaurant My Mother goes into Panic Mode when My Cousin Texted “Do we need a reservation?” and that’s all it Took for My Mother to Head for the Races. The Next thing We know My Mother has Engulfed Everyone in the fucking Car into Her Web of Sheer Madness as We all Scrambled to Solve the Situation (aka Attempt Get My Mental Mother to Calm the Hell Down). Finally the whole Reservation Hullaballoo died Down Five Minutes before We got to the Restaurant. Just for the Record the Drive was 42 Minutes Long and it took only Two Minutes before My Mother got Triggered by the Innocent Reservation Question. That Means the Reservation Dilemma essentially lasted the Entire Fucking Ride.

Once We Enter the Resturant even though it’s 8:30 on a Saturday Night was like a Scene from a Shitty B Comedy Movie was Empty as Empty could be. The Only other fucking People there besides Us are the fucking Staff. That’s it just Us and the Boarded looking Staff After all the Old School Reservation busllshit Versus the New School No Reservation Needed the place Didn’t have a Single other Customer. It was so Dead in there I honestly felt fucking Bad for the Poor Waitress who just so Happened to Be the Nicest, Professional, Personable, and Kickass All Around Waitress I have Even Encountered. The way I figured it She was Financially fucked since Working at this Particular Restaurant was making Her a Damn Thing, or She was One of the Working Poor who had Several Restaurant/Food Service Jobs just to be able to Scrape By. All I hope is She finds a Better and More Lucrative Job then the Graveyard of a Restaurant where She is currently Employed.


Litter Patrol: We live so Far Out in the fucking Middle of Nowhere USA that We Don’t have Trash Pick Up so No Garbage Men/Women or Trash Day. Instead We have to Haul Our own Stinky Shitty Trash down to the Town Dump (Which is Actually just a Parking Lt with a Bunch of Dumpsters line up Designated for Different Shit (Example: Plastic, Yard Waste, Metal Etc.). One of the Unfortunate Side Effects of this and People be Lazy as Fuck is there is a Real Litter Problem. Along some Stretches of Road there’s all kinds of Shit like Fast Food Containers from Places that are fucking 30-45 Minutes Away, Old Tires, Beer Cans/Booze Bottles (There so Many I swear Every motherfuckier in Town is Drunk Driving), Broken TV’s, Ratty Ass Furniture like Old Worn Out Love Seats and Shit, and a Shit Ton of Rotting Plastic Bottles.

This lead to My Mother having the Idea to Subtly Suggest that Why the Family is here that We clean up Along Some the Roads that Run Through the Vast Property. This was a Nice and Generally Well Received by All until My Mother started to get fucking pushy as Shit Pushing the Issue and Badgering Everyone. I told Her it was fucking Insane that She went fro Subtle Suggestion to Full on Demanding Compliance Immediately. First Off Not everyone Agreed to Help which was Fine and Expected, but then My Mother got bent because My Cousin wouldn’t Allow the Boys to go Out and Collect Trash on the Side of the Road because it would be Dangerous. She was and is Absolutely right on that one it is fucking Damn Well Dangerous.


The Speed Limit is 55 and as You can imagine People average 65 or Higher and the fact there is Only 3-4 Police Officers allows People to Drive even More like Total Assholes. Then there are Several Blind Curves which are just begging to be the Sight of a Fatal Car Accident so again Imagine People Speeding around Blind Curves would You want Your Kid Standing There Fuck No You Wouldn’t. Lastly the Road is a Main Route for Eighteen Wheeler Logging Trucks which as We all Know take Forever and a fucking Day to Slow to a Gradual Stop.

At Last My Wife, My Cousin’s Husband (looking to escape the Chaotic Confines of the House), My Mother, and I Headed Out to Help Tidy up the fucking Roadside. Now after spending 3-4 Hours Ranting, Raving, and Being a Total Dick about the Whole Thing My Mother Collected One Bag of Trash in 15 minutes and Then Declared She was Tired and Done. The Three of Us remained and Managed to Pack 22 Trash Bags to the fucking Gills with Roadside Garbage. Not too Shabby for damn Near Forced Labor.

The Getting Ready Dilemma: This is the Asinine bullshit that I Hate the Most out of all the Family fucking Nonsense is the Getting Ready Principle. This happens Every fucking time before Every fucking thing We plan to Do when the Family is in Town. As the Deadline Approaches Family Members mingle around Idly just Killing Time fucking with Phones, watching TV, Reading a Book (Yes some of Us still Read fucking Books so Fuck You if thats weird to You), or smoother Mindless Time Wasting Activity. The Point is this getting Ready to Leave Limbo is We aren’t even Interacting with one Another while We wait. It’s like We’re all Hanging around Some Sort of fucking Waiting room for an Appointment that’s Never Coming.

One by One Each Family Member States that They have to Get Ready and then set off to Allegedly do so. I say Allegedly because though Everyone leaves under the Presence of getting Ready to Go NO ONE actually appears to actually be getting ready. This process wastes a good 45 to 60 Minutes as Nothing gets Accomplished while People Drift Room from Room like Human fucking Jellyfish. I detest Downtime I really fucking Hate it because I get Bored Easily, and I fucking Hate Boredom with a Passion so This Aimless Lackadaisical Idiocy infuriates Me to No end. Then just like a fucking Football Game after Squandering a Good Amount of Time in the Final Minutes Everyone jumps into fucking Action. Then all of a Sudden Everyone is Ready and Walking out the fucking Door so what this all Means is They can get Ready in a Timely Manner, but They Delay and Dawdle away a Hour for No fucking Reason Whatsoever. I simply Cannot get My Head Around Such Drivel.


Game Night Without The Kids: On One Particular Night the Kids went to Visit some of Their Other Relatives leaving the Adults Alone for the Evening. After the Drinks Started Flowing My Wife Suggested Breaking Out the Game Cards Against Humanity since We were Kid Free, and It’s I think We can All Agree Not a Game for Anyone Under 18 Years of Age (Some May Argue No One Under 21 Years Of Age). For those Who are Not Familiar Cards Against Humanity is an Adult Party Game in Which Players complete Fill-In-The-Blanks Statements using Words or Phrases Typically Deemed Obscene or Offensive in Nature.

Undeniably the Some of the Games Appeal comes from the Fact Younger Generations get a kick out of Hearing Older Generations Curse or Use Sexually Charged Language. The Assumption made by The Younger Generations is that the Older Generation will be Utterly Clueless when it comes to the X-Rated Content. The Ironic thing is the Old Generations DO know about all the Crazy Sex shit it’s They just Don’t know what it’s Being Called Nowadays (Example: Russia used to be The Soviet Union and the USSR in its Past though its Always been the Same Geographical Location).

My Cousin’s Husband remember Playing it one Time Long Ago and was Definitely in Favor of Playing that was Until We actually Started Playing. We were about 8 minutes into the Game when He started to Regret His Initial Endorsement for Playing Cards Against Humanity in the First Place. He was Consumed by Embarrassment and Tried to Avoid dwelling on certain Topics like Describing what the Sex Toy Known as the Fleshlight was to His In laws. My Wife and I were having None of It and Informed Him once the Game started there Wasn’t any Backing Down, Sugar Coating, or Skipping Over a Single Aspect of the Game. Watching My Cousins Husband Squirm Uncomfortably Blushing with Embarrassment was the Highlight of the Game as Far as I’m Concerned.

And So this Brings Us to the End of this Pos on Thanksgiving Tensions. I wanted to End this Post a Little Different from Previous Posts So I Included the Feature Video WOODY SCREAM below to Summarize My Feelings Pertaining to the Hell of the Holidays. Now On to Christmas!


Thanks For Watching,

 By/Presented By Les Sober 

The Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared Pilot

Hello to All of You Out There I hope You are Safe and Sane as the The Current State of Affairs Spirals Chaotically and Virtually Out of Control. In these Dire Days People need a Source of Escapism More than Ever to help (if Only Temporarily) to Retreat from the Woes of the World. We sincerely Hope We can Provide such Escapism for Our Reader, Fans, and Supporters. We all must Remember It Always is Darkest Before The Light.

As for Saturday Slasher Cinema We are Postponing SSC for the Time Being.  We will Resume SSC in Due Time, and We Thank You for Your Patience.

   Now Let’s Make Our Escape……

Awhile Back We had a Short Horror Film Friday that featured a Six Episode Horror Series called Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared. It was brought to Our attention recently that Someone had Located the Pilot Episode of DHMIS, and We were a little more than Psyched to Learn of This Development.

Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is a Surreal British Cult Comedy Horror Web Series. The Web Series was Created by British Filmmakers, Graphic Designers, Artists, and Animators Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling. DHMIS Consists of 6 Episodes, Released from July 29, 2011 to June 19, 2016 through The Artists’ Website, YouTube, and Vimo. Every Episode of DHMIS Utilizes Live Actors in Costume, Anthropomorphic Puppets, Traditional Animation, Stop Motion, and Computer Animation to Tell Each Story in the Series.

Each Episode Revolves around Yellow Guy (and His Father Roy Gibbleston), Red Guy and Duck Guy meeting One or Several Anthropomorphic Characters, Who begin a Musical Number related to a Basic Concept of Day-To-Day Life complete with an Upbeat Melody similar to that of a Nursery Rhyme. As Each Song progresses, it becomes Apparent that its Moral/Message is Nonsensical or Self-Contradicting, and that the “Teacher” Character has an Sinister Ulterior Motives. The Climax of each Episode Typically Involves GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, BLOOD SHED, GORE, OR PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR!!! Later int he Series, the CHaracters begin to Questioning the NAture of Their Reality and the Bizarre Messages of the Teachers.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared

Welcome to Another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the Surreal British Cult Comedy Horror Web Series DON’T HUG ME I’M SCARED . The Web Series was Created by British Filmmakers, Graphic Designers, Artists, and Animators Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling. DHMIS Consists of 6 Episodes, Released from July 29, 2011 to June 19, 2016 through The Artists’ Website, YouTube, and Vimo. Every Episode of DHMIS Utilizes Live Actors in Costume, Anthropomorphic Puppets, Traditional Animation, Stop Motion, and Computer Animation to Tell Each Story in the Series.

Each Episode Revolves around Yellow Guy (and His Father Roy Gibbleston), Red Guy and Duck Guy meeting One or Several Anthropomorphic CHaracters, Who begin a Musical Number related to a Basic Concept of Day-To-Day Life complete with an Upbeat Melody similar to that of a Nursery Rhyme. As Each Song progresses, it becomes Apparent that its Moral/Message is Nonsensical or Self-Contradicting, and that the “Teacher” Character has an Sinister Ulterior Motives. The Climax of each Episode Typically Involves GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, BLOOD SHED, GORE, OR PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR!!! Later int he Series, the CHaracters begin to Questioning the NAture of Their Reality and the Bizarre Messages of the Teachers.








Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober & Justin Sane  

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: TALKING HOUSE By Ben Wheele (Animated)

This Little Bit of an Odd Wonder is By London Based Writer, Director, Visual Artist, and Computer Animator Ben Wheele Who is a Repeat Offender if You Will here at FYB. It’s No Secret We are Definitely Fans of Mr. Wheele having Showcased some of His Other Work Here Perviously on FYB (Henry Eats and Cigarette_Warning).

Wheele Graduated from The Royal Collage of Art with a Masters in Animation  in 2011, and His Films have been Screened at Festivals Internationally, Including Annecy, Pictoplasma, London Intl.Animation Festival, Rotterdam Film Festival and Stuttgart ITFS. Wheele’s work has also been Exhibited at The Sunday Painter Gallery (London), Digital Art Space, and Broadcast on Adult Swim and Channel 4 (UK). He is also the Founder of ‘Studio Ponk’ and Currently Lectures in 3D Animation and Games at Middlesex University.


What DO We Think TALKING HOUSE is About Well…

We believe its a Social Commentary on Ironically the Fact that Human Beings are at Their Core Social Beings. We simply Don’t Fare well on Our own as Anyone Who’s ever Isolated Themselves can tell You. We’ve all been all experienced Intense Feelings that We feel Compelled to Talk to Some Else About. You might have gotten some Good News and are Excited to No End. Perhaps You received some Bad News and You’re fucking Pissed and want to Rage/Vent about it. You could also Be Depressed, Lonely, or Just have to get oUt of Your Own Head for awhile whatever the Base Emotion is We almost instinctively feel the Need so Share Aspects of Our Daily Lives with Those Around Us.  Thats why the Bitter Irony of So Called Social Media is it Alienates the User from the Actual Physical World, and the Vital Human Contact We all Crave being Human. We think TALKING HOUSE is a Perfect Example of this Human Base Desire/Compulsion.


Thanks for Watching,

Brought to You By Les Sober