I don’t Know What I Am, But I Know I’m Great

I live in live in the back right corner of the Cardboard Neighborhood with its four tall walls and retractable ceiling located in the Southern territory of The Closet.

I’m not Alone, though I wish I was.
My neighbors are a bunch of troglodytes to say the least.
Who are my Neighbors you ask? Well, fine I’ll tell you though it’s a waste of both of our time.
The first of my neighbors is a rather large pocket knife. PK as I call him because I don’t know or want to know his actual name.
He’s a bore. He never talks. He just periodically blurts out military slogans such as ‘Death before dishonor” and “Remember the Alamo”.
There is a gang of condoms that while still attached to each other like siamese twins are without a proper box like a bunch of savages.
All the condoms want to do is talk to the small army of naked women in the large stack of magazines where apparently clothes are forbidden.
The magazine girls and the condoms just hit on each other all day in an endless string of “Ohs” and “Ahs” .
I don’t know any of the condoms names, or the army of naked ladies names, but if I had to make an educated guess I’d say that they all appear to be called “Baby”.
I can survive my asinine neighbors because I am special.
Those outside the cardboard confines of the neighborhood call me The Big Bad Boy.
They claim I can take your head off like a shotgun.
Thus I think its safe to assume I am in fact royalty.
Yet if you’re not convinced of my awe inspiring greatness then you can choke on this.
I’m the only one in the neighborhood who gets invited to the land of giants.
At least twice a day the giant named Tim comes and collects me.
I believe Tim is the leader of this particular group of giants.
Once in a while it’s just me and Tim hanging out, this again proves my greatness as I’m the only one the giant Tim consults in private behind the curtain of his court.
Most of the time though when Tim comes to collect me he is surrounded by his fellow giant friends who play second fiddle to Tim.
Tim lifts me out of the cardboard neighborhood and carries me to the bathroom, as it is called, yet I have not seen a single giant taking a bath in all these long years.
The Giant Tim turns on a metal appendage protruding from something called a sink.
Tim then fills my belly full of cold, crisp, clean water.
The cool water flows directly down into my awaiting belly via my mouth which is always agape.
Then Tim takes me back to the land of giants which I like to refer to as Timsland.
Tim places me on a low circular table which his friend giants are sitting around so that they may admire me.
I’m the most stunning centerpiece these giants have ever known.
After a few minutes of idle chit chat the giant Tim along with his friends take turns filling my belly button with various exotic and quite aromatic plants with names like “Grape Ape” or “OG Kush”
I suppose these are gifts paying tribute to me and all that I am.
Then the truly grand party begins.
Giant Tim lights sweet smelling sticks called Intense I believe due to the pungent trails of smoke that drift from its end when exposed to fire.
Tim then plays the music of other giants I’ve never met with strange and exotic names like Metallica, Slayer, and Anthrax at a rather high volume.
Tim then sits down with his fellow giants around the table.
He takes a small combustable device and creates a small flickering flame.
He then holds the small flame up to my belly button and sets the exotic plant, given to me as a tribute, on fire.
As the plant smolders in my belly button Tim inhales the smoke through my entire body and out through a rather large hole in my head.
After I make my rounds the giants are pleased with me and agree I am something referred to as “Cool as shit” which is obviously another dubious title for me affirming I am royalty even more so.
The giants then lounge around Timsland eyes half closed in satisfaction.
They giggle, laugh, smile and thoroughly enjoy themselves in my company.
Still, things are not always so copacetic in Timsland.
Timsland is under constant threat by an even larger female giant known as an Adult.
Sometimes during the parties the Adult summons Tim and Tim makes a frantic exit while the other giants look on anxiously.
But it can get even worse I tell you.
Sometimes the Adult storms into Timsland and crashes the party she wasn’t invited to.
When the Adult invades Timsland Tim immediately hides me from view.
I believe this is because the larger Adult wants to capture me for my endless greatness and take me far away from Timsland to serve only her.
Tim being the smaller of the two giants would not fair well in a physical confrontation so he must hide me so I can’t be confiscated by the Adult threat.
One day the Adult found where Tim was hiding me.
The Adult was enraged at Tim keeping her from me and she then kidnapped me.
I was thrown into a prison known as The basement were I was confined to an old luggage trunk.
I spent my days longing for Tim to come and steal me back and take me to Timsland to be properly celebrated.
Days turned into months and I was convinced I was abandoned or perhaps exiled by the angry Adult.
I had given up all hope as my days of glory were far gone.
That was until the Adult came to collect me and fill my belly with cold, crisp, clean water.

Some Sex Conundrums

I love sex as much as the next person (just ask my wife) BUT there some aspects especially nowadays that I either have a question or comment about. This post covers a variety of topics I have an issue with in one way or another, from objections to comments to questions so here we go.

Women here are somethings I’m confused about:

What is the deal with wanting to be choked? You wake up one day and decide to see what it be like to have sex and being murdered at the same time?

What is the deal with hair pulling? Men don’t mind and have come to enjoy it as well, BUT it wasn’t our idea, we didn’t have a man meeting at which we concluded with a 9-1 vote in favor of pulling hair.

Women again what is the deal with spanking? Yes guys like to spank women on the ass BUT why is it women who are into spanking want to be hit so hard? A playful smack is one thing, but spanking someone repeatedly until the area is bright red to the point it looks like a bruise is quite another.

Another aspect of Human sex that I find mind boggling is how many ANIMAL references there are especially when it comes to masturbation.

Spanking The Monkey, Choking The Chicken, Wrangling The Worm, Murdering The Crow, (Busy with) The Monkey Fist are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Now ladies if your reading this and are thinking “well thats men, not me” I call BULLSHIT. Roughing Up The Clam, Filleting The Fish, Clubbing The Clam, Taming The Shrew,Double Clicking The Mouse (computers or not it counts), Finding Nemo (a cartoon but still a Fish), Pearl Fishing, Taking A Self-guided Tuna Boat Tour, Making a Fish Finger Taco, Soaking the Sponge (the natural sponges) are just a few I thought of right here on the spot, and its 3x as long a list versus the men’s list.

Why Would You Say That?

Here are some things people say pertaining to sex that make NO SENSE to me.

“I’m going to/ want to fuck their brains out!” Ok so your going to fuck someone until what their brains literally ooze out their ears or you want to fuck someone until they become mentally disabled?!

“I’m going to/ want to fuck the shit out of them!” Alright so your going to have sex with someone so intensely that they actually do shit themselves?!

“I’d fuck the taste right out of their mouth” Sure thing, is that to say you want to have sex with someone until they are unable to taste?!

“I’d fuck the Hell out of them!” Again your wanting to have sex with someone until what you fuck the demons/devil/evil out of them?

One aspect of the sexual world that I find disturbing to say the least and its S&M. S&M translates into Sadism and Masochism. A Sadist is someone who gets sexual pleasure/ satisfaction by physically torturing someone else (sounds like a fucking serial killer doesn’t it?!), and a Masochist is someone who gets off with pain that is they want to be tortured to get their rocks off. Some S&M acts include, but not limited to Breast Torture, Spanking, Whipping, Blood Play, Vaginal Torture, Hot Wax, Rectal Torture, Asphyxiation and CBT (Cock and Ball Torture) The bottomline for me is this: S&M seems to be a cross between sexuality and a brutal Horror Movie (“Do You Want To Play a Game???-The Movie SAW)

There is a difference between  old school Pornographic Films Vs. the New School Computer Porno. Old School porn movies where shown in dingy, stank,filthy, shady porn theaters where today if you have a computer/tech device you can porn out when and where ever you want more or less. Old school porn movies WERE ACTUAL MOVIES, they ran an average of 90 minutes ( an hour and a half) and had real plots with real actual actors. Now yes these Old School porn movies did have graphic sex scenes in the movie, BUT IT WASN’T THE MOVIE if you know what I mean. A Classic Modern-day Pornographic movie example is Nymphomaniac Volume 1 which is CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ON NETFLIX. The New School porno has no sets, location changes,costume changes acting, writing or plot its just two people fucking. Now I don’t know in this computer age who still PAYS FOR PORN when theres more free shit then anyone knows what to do with already on line (Youporn.com, Pornhub etc) , BUT some do. Who I asked the people I spoke with ironically said the Premium sites/ DVDs actually emulate the Old School Format with a true cast, plot,professional camera/tech crew and so on.

I can’t get my mind around any sexual act that involves Urine or Feces, I don’t know how anyone can maintain that either is sexy. Our bodies for example are designed instinctively to avoid feces. The fact someone wants to urinate or dedicate on someone I get if the person is really pissed off and absolutely enraged in a revenge fantasy BUT for actual sexual satisfaction I can’t get my head around. I also can’t fathom why anyone would want to be urinated/dedicated on unless they have some serious real deal psychological problems with self esteem or a past traumatic event when they were a kid.

A fact I found interesting is the issue of condoms. Now safe sex is the only way to go unless you literally want to be fucked to death, BUT when it comes to the choice to use condoms (the number one promoted, advertised and used for safe sex practices) Obviously as a Man I know why we hate condoms. Their a bitch to open, a pain to put on, can completely undo an erection (do to the time needed to get, open and put on) and after all that it kills all and any natural sensation, its like having sex with a Zip Lock Freezer Bag on your boner. What Surprised me is how much women were adamant about the contraceptive hate for the condom. This is only because until it came up one day I had never considered the female perspective on the situation. Ironically to me at least is the fact women too severely dislike the unnatural feeling induced by the use of a condom.

The one question as a Man I have encountered since I can remember is “If you could suck your own dick would you?” My answer is no, BUT because I got tired of predominately women asking and decided to flip the script. So I asked them “If you could preform oral sex on yourself would you?” The universal answer was no which didn’t surprise to me in the least, BUT what the women said next floored me completely. The women I talked to said that they WOULD preform Oral Sex on themselves IF THEY WERE MEN. I had to ask why that was, and the answer was consistently the same,and the reason they would preform oral sex on themselves if they were men (as opposed to women) was due to “External Secretions”

Lastly theres the somewhat controversial topic of shaving. I’m all for it first of all for men and women alike, YET the anti porn fanatics have championed shaving as a sick psychological pedophilia tendency of Men who all apparently want women to shave so they look like children. WHAT THE FUCK? This claim is insulting, untrue and disturbing unto itself. The best way to disprove this insane claim is if these people watched porn they’d see the MALE TALENT is completely shaved too, so what the psychology behind that then that we all want to be children or to have sex with children or we all want tone children having sex with other children?! Shaving is done for a variety of reasons first and foremost a person being shaved is aesthetically more pleasing, for guys it makes you junk look bigger, increases chances for both sexes to get oral sex since pubes if your face/mouth is a real mood killer I think we all can agree on that one, and it makes it easier for your sexual partners to find your clit since its not buried under a mound of pubic hair, and it makes cleaning up after sex and hygiene simpler.

NOTE TO READER: I feel its imperative I state my stance on Sex Crimes. I believe all child molesters should be castrated publicly like a filthy farm animal. I believe Rapist should themselves be raped to death by a specifically designed machine (Think about FuckMachines’s most famous toy called The Fuck Saw, calling all S&Mers) or hung by the junk wrapped in barbwire publicly until the bleed out or die due to shock.