What Is More Relaxing Then A Fucking Serial Killer?!

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring RELAX WITH MICHEAL MYERS by Content Creator Paul McNeils (Nicknames: ER, Uncle E, or BigE) Who’s Youtube Channel is known as Ephemeral Rift. McNeils started His Youtube Cannel in 2011, and the name is comprised of Two Random words without a Specific Meaning. In 2012 McNeils came across a ASMR Landscape Scene while poking around on Youtube. From that Point on McNeils began to Focus more on Character Driven ASMR Videos which was Opposed to the Traditional ASMR Content at the Time. We have to remember that back in 2012 ASMR was just a Niche Genre which Eventually took off like a Real Serious Motherfucker Gaining more and More Traction/Popularity.

For those Who may be Unaware Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is Defined as: ASMR is a Subjective Experience of “Low Grade Euphoria” characterized by a Combination of Positive feelings and a Distinct Static like Tingling Sensation on the Skin. It is Most Commonly Triggered by Specific Auditory or Visual Stimuli, and less Commonly by Intentional Attention Control.

This Video was brought to Us by a Friend and is the Best piece of Absurdist Comedy We’ve seen in a Long fucking Time. The Last thing We Actually Enjoyed in the Arena of Absurd Comedy was the Masterful Go the fuck to sleep (by Author Adam Mansbach which is described as a Satirical “Children’s Book for Adults.”) read by Samuel L. Jackson Video. The Simple but Entertaining and Effective Gimmick is a Contradiction of the Senses where Your Eyes and Ears are Conflicted. Your Ears hear all the Calming Audio that is Intended to Relax You, BUT at the same fucking time You’re Seeing the Infamous Horror/Slasher Movie Iconic Villain Micheal Myers (from the Halloween Movie Franchise) creating the Soothing Sounds. The Opposing Information confuses a Person’s Brain as it Relies on the 5 Senses for Any and All Information needed to Live and Survive. Again Your Ears are informing Your Brain that Everything is Chill while Your Eyes are Informing Your Brain that There is a Danger in Your Mist. Even though Micheal Myers is a Fictional Horror Movie Character Your Brain recognizes Him as a Possible and Deadly Danger. That Recognition Invokes a real Sudo Fight or Flight Reaction on a More or Less on a Subconscious Level.

Now Who could Explain Their Video better then the Content Creator Themselves so Here is Ephemeral Rift on Ephemeral Rift in Their Own Words:

“Good Now! And welcome to 12 years & counting of… well, I don’t know how to describe it: an original, authentic, fearless, and eclectic blend of art, comedy, horror, music, philosophy, fantasy, gaming, food, life experience, and whatever else my brain comes up with, using ASMR as the primary vehicle to deliver a thought-provoking, entertaining, tingle & sleep-inducing experience. I’m a mostly self-taught “jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none” father, husband, artist, internet dad/uncle/comedian/actor, musician, philosopher, universe builder, sound sculptor/audio engineer, photographer, prop/costume designer, foodie, etc. Seeds of inspiration are planted in my mind by the world around me, be it a pebble, a tree, a passing comment, a word spoken in a conversation, etc., etc. Other notable sources include H. P. Lovecraft, Monty Python, Douglas Adams, David Lynch, The SCP Foundation, King Diamond, and a myriad of other people, artists, films, philosophers, video games, etc., etc”

-Paul McNeils (AKA Ephemeral Rift)-

It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

And This Fucking Guy

When it comes to Neighbors the one thing I have Learned over the years is They are more fucking Trouble then they are Worth. There are Exceptions to the Rule that is True, but as a General Rule of Thumb is Neighbors are a Necessary Evil. Don’t get Me Wrong here I’m not an Out and Out asshole or anything like that. I’ll through up a Cursory Wave Hello when I see My Neighbors to be Polite and all that, YET I’m intentionally trying Not to get to know Them. The Primary reason Neighbors are fucking Dicks is if You give Them an Inch They’ll take a motherfucking Mile. Neighbors Request for Favors quickly becomes Completely fucking Unrealistic and overly Demanding of Your Time. It can Start with something as Little like Your Neighbor Borrowing something Small like a Rake or Some Other benign Bullshit. Then the Next thing You know They’re asking You to Help Them Move, Take Them to the Airport, Babysit Their Crappy Kids, House Sit while They’re on Vacation Etc.

I have an Advantage when its comes to Annoying Neighbors since Where I live currently 80% of the Houses in My Neighborhood are Empty almost all Year Long. This is because the Majority of Homes Here are Vacation Homes so the Owners Actually live Farther away in more Populated Areas. There are however a Handful of Residents that do in fact Live Here Full Time. I recently met One of these Full Timers just the Other Day and it was Nothing Short of a Supreme Shitshow.  Let’s Start at the Beginning for Clarity Purposes if Nothing Else. So this is the Story of My Dumbfuck Neighbor Named Anthony Who I Dubbed Anthony The Asshole, and You’ll see Why but he End of the Story.


It all fucking Started on a fucking Friday when Anthony decided that Moving into a Wooded Area wasn’t to His liking Anymore. Thus Anthony Hired a LARGE Tree Maintenance Crew to Cut Down EVERY fucking Tree on His 2 Plus Acre Lot. Now these weren’t just Typical Trees these fuckers were Old as fuck. I mention the Age of the Trees because the Older the Tree the Bigger, and Anthony’s Trees were No Joke 60-100 Feet Tall. Due to the Number and Size of the fucking Trees the Crew started at 7:00am and Worked Until it got to Dark which was about 8-8:30 pm since it was Summer at the Time. So All fucking Weekend at the Asscrack of Dawn the Crew would Start. Once They Started the Rest of the Day was Dominated by Extremely fucking Loud Mechanical Noises (Example: Wood Chippers, Chainsaws, Yelling at Each other because They couldn’t Hear over Their Own fucking Noise and More).

Now the thing is that while They did Throw a ton of Branches and shit into the Giant Wood Chipper, and as is the Habit around here They piled up the Small Twigs/Branches and Burned Them. When it came to the Huge ass Stripped Tree Trunks They cut Them into 20 plus foot Segments so that They could be Transported via Log Truck to the Near by Lumber Mill. Accept that Didn’t happen since legitimately Trucking out the Trunks would Cost a Pretty fucking Penny that’s for Sure. So Asshole Anthony had a Very Different fucking Idea about how He would Deal with the Situation and Save Money.

At this Point I’m going to take a Brief Pause because there is an Important fucking Detail Pertaining to the Story. Behind My House is an Old Dirt Road that was Built in Anticipation of a Multiple Home Building Project. For whatever Reason 30 some odd Years ago the Housing Construction Project Failed (and it Failed Massively) yet the Dirt Road Remained. On the Other Side of the Dirt Road in a Large Section of Woods that is Owned by the County. The Point being that I, Nor do Any of My Neighbors, Own that Section of Woods so there is Nothing We can do about what Happens on that certain Piece of Property. The issue with the Woods is that People are Lazy as fuck so They just Dump Their Yard Trash (and sometimes Leftover Construction Supplies like Nails, Broken Windows, Scraps of Wood etc) into the aforementioned Woods. Well Anthony decided that instead of Paying to have the Tree Trunks Transported Off/Away He opted to Line the Dirt Road with Them.


Normally I wouldn’t give a Good goddamn what the fuck Anthony was doing, BUT I don’t want to Sit on My fucking Back Porch and Stare at the Rotting Tree Trunks. I went about contacting Several Other Neighbors Who’s Houses also have the Dirt Road running behind Them Too. They all were Pissed Off because No One wants to look at Decaying Tree Trunks, and it’s Also a fucking Disrespectful (Not to mention Insulting) thing to do. By Dumping the Tree Trunks in such a Manner Anthony was Effectively saying “FUCK YOU ALL I’LL DO WHAT I WANT REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU THINK!” which was the Core Reason that Everyone was Insanely Pissed Off. We all agreed this was a bullshit Situation, and that We would Contact the Appropriate County Office to come out and Deal with it since it was Their Land. The issue We faced was when We called No Actual Person ever Answered and We were Directed to leave a Message. As You May have Guessed No One ever gave Us a Call back regardless of How many time We called or Messages We Left.

At fucking Last My Next Door Neighbor actually ran into a County Employee named Will while at the Grocery Store of all Places. Once Will learned what was going on He replied there was Nothing He could do since the County doesn’t give a shit. He explained there were a shit load of Various Parcels of Land around the Entire County that the County Owned, and that They Didn’t care about Any of it or Maintain. Will did throw Us a Bone by giving Us the number to Some Higher Up that We could Contact. Though Will warned Us  that it Most likely wouldn’t Accomplish jack shit. We called anyway and Will was absolutely right it was Utterly Useless. Whoever the Higher Up was essentially repeated Exactly what Will had Said. Thus left with No recourse Everyone got  even more Bent about the Situation and That was That. Well Not Exactly as Far as I was Concerned and Not by a Long Shot.


I admit I have a a Seriously Bad fucking Temper combined with a Love of Revenge which is a Volatile Combination. My problem was I couldn’t Handle this Issue the way(s) I Normally would because BOTH Anthony and I are full time Residents. Not to mention I can see the motherfucker’s House down the way from My fucking Front Porch. So I knew it would be Best not to Start a Lengthy Fight that could Evolve into a fucking Feud which is Still a thing around Here. Not to Mention that it would Inevitably make Both Anthony and My Lives Miserable and would End Badly. Now What I wanted to do was Storm on Down to Anthony’s House, Knock on His Door, and When He Answered Stab Him in the fucking Face with a Rusty Fork. Now Obviously Violent Rage Fueled Impulsive Behavior can Only lead to One being either Arrested, as well as Possibly Injured or Killed, which is/are Detrimentally Counterproductive.

Still I couldn’t just Sit on My ass and Not do a Goddamn thing about this Ridiculous Bullshit. First I took a look in My Garage Diligently poking around until I found what I was Searching for a Can of Bright Red Spray Paint. Once I had Acquired the Spray Paint I then Proceeded to Tag Every fucking Tree Trunk that Anthony Lined Up along the Side of the fucking Road with “<—–262 WTF” (262 is Anthony’s House Number). I did this so Any and Everyone would know Who the Asshole was responsible for this Shit Show. You see with My fucking Luck some Santee County Clerk would actually give enough of a shit to Check the Land, and then get in My fucking Face about it like it’s My Fault.

Then I decided to go the Public Shaming Route which was a New Tactic for Me as I prefer to Run in Head First with Guns fucking Blazing. Needless to say I had a Great Deal of Homework to do on the Subject of Public Shamming and Not wanting to Waste Any Time got right to it. I found out rather Quickly that My Small Town utilizes Social Media with a Facebook Page as well as Using the NextDoor App. I then took to My Laptop and Posted the Entire Story on Both Platforms Calling Anthony Out by Name. It is important to Inform Readers that I used My Real Name on Both Posts. I didn’t Use a Fictitious Username and I didn’t Opt to use an “Anonymous” Option I have No Reason to Lie or Hide behind a Screen. If I call someone out on Their bullshit then I Always use My Real Name as Well since it’s Only Fair.

In a Matter of just a Few fucking Minutes Other Neighbors as well as Town Residents Chimed in. They were All in Agreement that Anthony was a Dick and What He did was an Asshole Move no doubt about it. At this Point I was Glad that I had Used the Spray Paint since I had No fucking Idea if Anthony Used Facebook or NextDoor in the First Place. 48 Hours Passed after the Spray Paint and Social Media Public Shaming when it Produced Real Results. It started with Anthony showing up in Person while I was Working on My Front Porch enjoying the Favorable Weather.

Now My Porch is Elevated so it has a Stair Case leading up from the Driveway with a Gate at the Top. Once Anthony got Out of His Car (I don’t know why the Lazy Bastard didn’t just fucking Walk Over) and Approached the Stairs I instructed Him to Stop in His Tracks. I then Announced that Anthony could Stay exactly where the fuck He Stood as I wanted to take Immediate Control of the in suing Conversation. To His credit Anthony Obliged and Remained were He was for the Duration of Our Encounter. Anthony then Stated that He did in fact see the Spray Painted Tree Trunks and Realized He had Pissed Someone Off. As Soon as He was Done with His Initial Statement I informed Him He was Correct and that Person He pissed off was Me.


Once Anthony knew it was Me He pissed off He launched into this Babbling Rant ironically about what a fucking Great Neighbor He is. He told Me that He does Favors for His/Our Neighbors all the Time like Cutting Their Lawn for Example, and that the Neighborhood Loved Him as a Whole. At this Point I was thinking to Myself what a Load of Happy Horseshit that Part of the Rant was. I have Lived here 7 Plus Years and I have NEVER seen Anthony lift a fucking Finger to Help Anyone but Himself. I continued to Listen to Anthony’s unending Line of Bullshit as He Claimed that He did indeed Talk to all the Neighbors about His Plans to Line the Road behind Our Houses. Anthony then mad the Claim that All of the Other Neighbors all Signed off on it with No Problem.

When Anthony allegedly came to Talk to Me about His Shitty Plan that I wasn’t Home at the Time. Now My Problem with Anthony’s Claims started with the Fact that more than Half the Houses in Question are Vacation Homes. That means they are Empty at least 90% of the Year basically anytime Outside of Summer. So how the fuck did Anthony discuss a damn thing with the Owners since the Houses are fucking Vacant?! The Second Problem with Anthonys Lame Claims is if I wasn’t Home when He stopped by then Why the fuck didn’t He come Back at a Later Date when I was Home. Not to Mention He could have Left a Note stating He would like to Talk to Me about His Landscaping Plan. Also Anthony could have jumped on Social Media Himself to Contact any of the Neighbors in Question. The Fact is according to His Story Anthony came by Once, I wasn’t there, and Anthony decided to fuck off without Notice and Chose Not to Double Back to Inform Me of anything.

The Next thing Anthony said was One of the Dumbest fucking things I have ever heard someone Say. While it is True that People illegally Dump shit in the Woods Anthony’s Plan to Combat the Problem was Straight up Stupid. Anthony told Me that to Help Cut down on illegal Dumping was to Create a Barrier along the Side of the Road. This New Barrier was/is Supposed to Help Deter Trash Dumping Dipshits. Now it is Painfully fucking Obvious even to a Blind Man that Creating Anthony’s Tree Truck Barrier was Utterly Useless. Did Anthony actually Believe that Excuse would Work I’ll never be sure.

I listened to Anthony’s Self Serving Speech with an Expressionless Face (which You would think would Tip Anthony off)since I obviously wasn’t buying His Bullshit. Anthony went on and on about How Allegedly He was a fucking Superstar going Above and Beyond to Help the Neighborhood (in Any and Every way He possibly could). Anthony babbled on about how much He loves and Supports the Neighborhood Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit, and More Bullshit. When He was Finished Anthony was Smiling like a Scammer who thinks He’s got a Mark on the Hook. I deliberately took a Moment before I replied solely to throw Anthony off His Game. Apparently this Worked like a fucking Charm as Anthony’s Body Language indicated that He was Unsure of the Situation. You see Fear of the Unknown is a Powerful fucking Thing and Anthony was Obviously trying to Figure Out what I might Say/Do. I damn well knew Anthony was getting Rather Anxious because He kept shifting His Weight from Foot to Foot like a Nervous Child who just got Caught. Now it was My fucking Turn to State My Opinion pertaining to the Situation at Hand. I made sure to Stare Anthony directly in Eyes even though He was Wearing some Cheap Oakley Knockoff Sunglasses. I wanted to Convey to Anthony that even if He hid His Eyes it wasn’t Intimidating  Me in the fucking Least.


Let Me take a Brief Moment to Explain the Sunglass Comment I just made. As Humans (Who are Social Animals) We are Greatly Unaware that We take a Shit Ton of Social Cues from watching People’s Eyes. Thus when You are Conversing/Interacting with a Person whose Eyes are Hidden, again Aware of it or Not, it makes Your Primal Brain quite Anxious as it is Deprived of a Prime Source of Information. Have You ever Wonder Why a lot of Cops (Especially State Troopers) utilize Wearing Sunglasses for Example? Well It’s simply because it puts People on Edge which may Help Them Narc Themselves Out if They have actually Broken the Law. The Bottomline is wearing Sunglasses in the Case of Anthony or the Police is an Intimidation Tactic, and like I fucking said I wasn’t Intimidated by Anthony by any means. So let’s get back to the fucking Story.

I coldly in a Low Controlled Almost Emotionless Tone (invoking My Best controlled Rage Technique which is indeed Creepy) let Anthony Know where I stood. It is an Unnerving Technique to say the fucking Least. This is due to the Fact While the a Person is Acting Civil it gives the impression that at Any Moment They might Suddenly Attack. This is a Tactic I use Frequently to Convey a “Don’t Fuck With Me” Attitude during any type of possible Confrontation. I also use an Unyielding Stare Sun Glasses or Not, and Keep a Straight Face so Facial Expressions are put on the Back Burner.

The first thing I addressed in was the Fact (as I said Previously) I nor My Wife, or Our Neighbors had Never seen Anthony do anything for Anyone in the Neighborhood. I then Bluntly pointed out the Fact that if We weren’t Home when He Stopped by Why didn’t He try to Reach Us at a Later Date?  The Fact was He was the one who didn’t do Jack Shit about it and I don’t Believe for a Second Anthony even Stopped by in the First fucking Place Anyway.

After that I went on to State that I was damn well Aware that Anthony didn’t have Permission to do Shit on the County’s Land. I told Anthony I knew He did this simply to Avoid Paying to have the Trunks Cut up and Hauled away, and that Instead He dumped His Yard Trash along the Side of the Road. You see Anthony was well fucking aware as well that the County didn’t give a Flying Fuck so They wouldn’t get up in His face. I assume Anthony also thought None of His Neighbors would take Acceptation to His Plan/Actions so He could get Away with it. Anthony cut in Suggesting that if I was Angry about the Tree Trunks that He would go ahead and Move them. I replied that there was Not a Chance in Hell that I believed for a fucking Second that Anthony would Dispose of the Logs Elsewhere. If there was a better Alternative Place Anthony could have Dumped His Yard Trash then WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T HE DUMP HIS SHIT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!! That Statement Floored Anthony as He realized on the Spot that He had fucked over His Own Argument. I stood Silently for a Moment or Two watching this Realization Sink in as Anthony was Desperately attempting to come up with a Valid Reply which there wasn’t. I finished what I had to Say with the Fact that what Anthony did was Insulting, Disrespectful, Self Centered, Self Serving, His Story was Pathetic, and He is a Bad Bullshit Artist.

Since Anthony wasn’t going to Convince Me of Anything and I was going to Keep Anthony Squirming on the Hook over Possible Consequences for His Actions I decided enough was enough. As Anthony continued to look as Uncomfortable as a Pregnant Nun in Church I told Him I had Heard His side of the Story and He had Heard Mine. I went on to Say Obviously there was No fucking Point in having this Conversation anymore as We were at an Impossible Impasse, and that I had Other shit to Do. I then stood on My Porch rather Awkwardly as Anthony Accepted Defeat and fucked off Home which He did but He Dragged His ass doing it. Is this the End of the Story? More than likely Not as I just need to Find the Most ViablePath of Recourse that will Settle their Score, Keep Me out of Trouble, and Not lead to a Prolonged Feud with the fucking Neighbors. Once I do Anthony and I will See Each other again Face to Face and I will Reap the Closure I so Rightfully fucking Deserve.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

FYB’s First Official Endorsement: LT.LICKME

Let ME Start By Saying when it comes to bringing the Bad Guys to “Justice” the Police at Best are Incompetent, and at worst as Criminal as the Bad Guys. So it’s No Wonder Why I have a Special Fondness for Vigilante Justice be it Movies, Video Games, TV, and Best of All (and Not Often Enough) in Real Life. That brings Me to FYB’s First Official Endorsement being Awarded to Australian Content Creator/YouTuber Lt. LICKME!

Now After achieving Mass Appeal a Year Ago LT.LICKME Stoped Posting and seemed to have Utterly Disappeared. At one Point LT.LICKME Tweeted that He was leaving for a while, He couldn’t actually say Why He was Leaving, and that He would be Returning sometime in the Future. Not Only that LT.LICKME also announced in the Tweet “I cannot tell you when I will return, I cannot truly tell you why I left. But know when I do return, I will not return the same.” Following that Tweet LT.LICKME changed all Their Profiles on Social Media to a Black Profile Picture. Then a Month ago the LT. announced in a Teaser Video that He’d Be Returning Sometime in July. Yesterday (August 1st 2021) LT.LICKME released the Hands Down the Best Comeback Video I have Ever Seen No Bullshit.


Before We get Started First Things First. I am Not LT. LICKME’s Biographer I’m just a Huge fucking Fan of His Work. I won’t be giving You an Insanely Detailed Account of Everything LT.LICKME, But I will Provide all of what I deem to be the Most Relevant and Informative Information. If You like what You Read/Watch here and have some Questions that were Not Addressed here then By All Means Please Research Further for Yourself. Like I said I’m a Fan, and as a Fan I will Not (And Never have Nor Will) Tell You what to Think. I believe You’re Intelligent Enough and Creative Enough to make Your Own Conclusions. Below You will find Pertinent Information about LT.LICKME and Below That there is LT.LICKME’s Return Video. If Your Interested in LT.LICKME We also included Another Video that I feel Properly Showcases LT.LICKME’s Work.


Let Us Get Started.

  • Channel Description:
    “We divide the line between reality and nightmare for the “bad ones” in order to create content for your entertainment.” #LTARMY


  • LT.LICKME has been Active Since 2013.
  • LT.LICKME Youtube Channel Videos have a Combined  307,076,974 Total Views.
  • LT.LICKME has 3.62 Million Subs.
  • LT.LICKME has Over 99+ Videos Posted Currently.
  • LT.LICKME’s Discord has 100,000 Members
  • LT.LICKME started as a Member of Anonymous.
  • Over Time LT.LICKME Debuted a Unique Character of His Own called The Stalker.
  • In the End Anonymous and LT.LICKME went Their Parted Ways due to Anonymous taking Issue with LT.LICKME’s Techniques and Intent. Anonymous did Not Approve of LT.LICKME’s Methods, and for LT.LICKME’s part the LT. Railed Against Anonymous as Old, Out Dated, and Ineffective.

  • LT.LICKME Objective is to make the Target Suffer the Way Their Victims Suffered basically Turning the Predators (Bullies, Wife Beaters, Racists, Pedophiles, Groomers, Rapists, and Other fucked up Assholes) into Prey and Without Mercy or Apology. A Fight Fire with Fire Mentality.
  • LT.LICKME Trolling Videos: Anonymous Trolling, Stalker Trolling, Missed Call Trolling, Mr. Steal Your Girl, and Watcher Trolling.
  • LT.LICKME isn’t Afraid to Operate Well Outside the Law to accomplish the Mission.
  • LT.LICKME isn’t a One Man Show by Far having amassed a Global Network of like Minded Individuals who became Active Members in the LT. ARMY.
  • LT.LICKME utilizes People called Watchers who collect information on Targets.
  • Lt.LICKME also has what I refer to as Foot Soldiers who Operate in the Physical World doing whatever Task They are Assigned.

  • When LT.LICKME Abandoned Anonymous the LT. Created a New Character from previous Stalker to The Watcher.
  • The Most Controversial and Popular Video Series done by LT.LICKME and the LT. ARMY are the Watchers Series which are The Extremest and Most Intensely Insane (and Enjoyable) Videos to Date.
  • There are Two Watcher Videos that End with the Statement “For Deniability Reasons the Rest of the Footage can Not Be Shown Here.”


  • In The Video We Learn LT.LICKME No Longer stands for a Person, but a Concept/Idea which Ironically enough mirrors Anonymous.
  • LT.LICKME Rages against YouTube for becoming a Greed Driven Platform and its Monetization Agenda.
  • LT.LICK also Rails against YouTube View Whores, 3rd Rate Copycats, Uncreative YouTube Hacks and More.
  • LT.LICK ME Trashes the New School YouTubers who Don’t give a shit about Content They only care about Pursuing Fame and Fortune (Basically the “I’ll BE Rich and Famous I’m Going to be a YouTuber.” Mentality).
  • LT.LICKME introduces a New Character .
  • LT.LICKME Debuts a New Logo.
  • The Channel has Evolved into its Best Incarnation Yet.

  • The Announced at the Beginning of the Video States the Channel is “Under New Management.” whatever the fuck that means, Well have to wait and see I suppose.
  • There have been Plenty of Theories as to Why LT.LICKME left for a Year including but Not Limited to LT.LICKME was Arrested by the Australian Police, LT.LICKME’s House was Raided by the FBI, and Even that LT.LICKME had gone to Fight in the War in Afghanistan though None of these have been Verified, its all Pure Speculation.
  • The Police/FBI Theory comes from the Narrator at the Beginning of the Video making a Statement along the Lines that LT.LICKME is just a Person and a Person can be Stopped, They can be Arrested….”


We Honestly and Most Sincerely Hope You Enjoyed The LT.LICKME Videos and will Check Out More of This Creator’s Marvelous Content.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Thursday’s Post here at FYB Showcasing the Claymation Short PUSSYCAT by Takena Nagao. The thing I really got a Kick Out of was the Ending which is Immediately reminded Me of the Ending of the Movie DEATH PROOF by Quinten Tarantino (which is One of My All Time Favorite Movies).

Plot Summery.

If You took the Fairytales The Three Little Pigs and Combined it with Little Red Riding Hood and gave it an Old School Brothers Grimm make over. PUSSYCAT comes complete with Booze, Sex, Drugs, Lust, Hostage Taking, Violence, Liberation, Revenge, Greed, Desire, Conflict, and Blood Splattered Gore.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring AVARYA Written, Directed and Created by Turkish Director and Cinematographer Gokalp Gonen and Showcased by Omeleto. AVARYA is Considered to be a Visionary Short Animation By Fans and Critics Alike.

Plot Summery:

AVARYA opens with Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics:

  • Robots Must NOT allow Humans to come to Harm.
  • Robots Must Protect Human Existence.
  • Robots DO NOT have to Follow Orders that would Conflict the Previous Directives.

An Elderly Man Drifts throughout the Galaxy, with a Robot as His Only Companion. The Spaceship is Designed just like Elderly Man’s Favorite Room back on Earth, even down to the Minutest Detail such as a Particle of Dust, according to the Robot. But the Elderly Man is anxious to Leave the Ship in Search of a Better Quality of Life. Together, They Duo Travel Throughout the Endless Expanse of Space as They search for a New Habitable Planet, since Earth has become Uninhabitable.

The Robot, however, is Sworn to keep Humans from coming to Harm. Every Alternative Planet discovered is Not Good Enough for the Elderly Man to Live on, according to the Robot. But the Man is Tired of being Stuck on the Ship, NO matter how Comfortable it may be. As the Elderly Man becomes Increasingly Desperate to Leave the He Reaches His Breaking Point and finally Rebels Against His Overbearing Robotic Overseer.  It’s Only Then does the Elderly Man Discover just how Seriously the Robot takes its Duty to Protect the Elderly Man, even if it’s from Himself.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented by Les Sober

Excerpts From “The Black Riders and Other Lines” By Stephen Crane

The Poems Below are by American Author Stephen Crane Published in 1895 (by Copeland & Day) as a Part of His Collection, The Black Riders and Other Lines. The Following Excerpts are from Fifty-Six Short Poems (all of Which Simply go by Number without actual Titles) that comprise ‘The Black Riders’. Crane is Most Recognized as the Author of the Famous American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.

When Crane’s Poems were Published, He was Harshly Criticized for the Unusual Form of His Poems, and that He had  Some Nerve in Presenting these “Disjointed Effusions” and Daring to call them Poetry. The First Brutal Reviews Denounced Crane’s The Black Riders as Nothing Short of “Artless and Barbaric.”

In His Correspondence with a Particular Editor of Leslie’s Weekly in 1895, Crane professed that He Preferred The Black Riders to His Iconic American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.  Crane Wrote “I, suppose I ought to be Thankful to ‘The Red Badge,’ but I am much Fonder of My little book of poems, ‘The Black Riders’. My Aim was to Comprehend in it the thoughts I have had about Life in General, while ‘The Red Badge’ is a mere Episode in Life, an Amplification.”




Yes, I have a thousand tongues,
And nine and ninety-nine lie.
Though I strive to use the one,
It will make no melody at my will,
But is dead in my mouth.



Once there came a man
Who said,
“Range me all men of the world in rows.”
And instantly
There was terrific clamour among the people
Against being ranged in rows.
There was a loud quarrel, world-wide.
It endured for ages;
And blood was shed
By those who would not stand in rows,
And by those who pined to stand in rows.
Eventually, the man went to death, weeping.
And those who staid in bloody scuffle
Knew not the great simplicity.

I stood upon a high place,
And saw, below, many devils
Running, leaping,
and carousing in sin.
One looked up, grinning,
And said, “Comrade! Brother!”


If there is a witness to my little life,
To my tiny throes and struggles,
He sees a fool;
And it is not fine for gods to menace fools.

There were many who went in huddled procession,
They knew not whither;
But, at any rate, success or calamity
Would attend all in equality.
There was one who sought a new road.
He went into direful thickets,
And ultimately he died thus, alone;
But they said he had courage.

A god in wrath
Was beating a man;
He cuffed him loudly
With thunderous blows
That rang and rolled over the earth.
All people came running.
The man screamed and struggled,
And bit madly at the feet of the god.
The people cried,
“Ah, what a wicked man!”
And “Ah, what a redoubtable god!”

Behold, the grave of a wicked man,
And near it, a stern spirit.
There came a drooping maid with violets,
But the spirit grasped her arm.
“No flowers for him,” he said.
The maid wept:
“Ah, I loved him.”
But the spirit, grim and frowning:
“No flowers for him.”
Now, this is it-
If the spirit was just,
Why did the maid weep?


Behold, from the land of the farther suns I returned.
And I was in a reptile-swarming place,
Peopled, otherwise, with grimaces,
Shrouded above in black impenetrableness.
I shrank, loathing,
Sick with it.
And I said to him,
“What is this?”
He made answer slowly,
“Spirit, this is a world;
This was your home.”

Two or three angels
Came near to the earth.
They saw a fat church.
Little black streams of people
Came and went in continually.
And the angels were puzzled
To know why the people went thus,
And why they stayed so long within.


God lay dead in heaven;
Angels sang the hymn of the end;
Purple winds went moaning,
Their wings drip-dripping
With blood
That fell upon the earth.
It, groaning thing,
Turned black and sank.
Then from the far caverns
Of dead sins
Came monsters, livid with desire.
They fought,
Wrangled over the world,
A morsel.
But of all sadness this was sad-
A woman’s arms tried to shield
The head of a sleeping man
From the jaws of the final beast.


Thanks For Reading,

Presented By Les Sober    (Pt222AM)

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher ( 50/365)

“Well I do’t know about You, but I haven’t Eaten shit all goddamn day so I’d kill someone for a fucking Burger about now.” said Lee hoping the mention of Food would keep Dizzy’s Eyes on the Prize as it were.

Dizzy Who looked poised to Pounce on the Poor Misguided Ride Driver, and Gauge out the Driver’s Eye’s with His fucking thumbs. Then Dizzy sudden snapped back to Reality and darted into the Hotel Lobby like a Jack Rabbit with Its ass on Fire. Not a moment later Lee and the Driver who were left standing outside on the Sidewalk like a Bunch of assholes heard a commotion.  It was loud enough for both of Them to hear, but it was still too distorted to make out what was being said. Whatever the Altercation was going on inside it was getting desernably Louder to the point Lee was beginning to wonder if He should see what was going on out of growing Concern.


Luckily before Lee had to take any sort of Action Dizzy reemerged carrying a Generic Toy Store Skateboard under His Arm and looking a bit Sweaty. Dizzy walked past Lee without saying a single word as He made His way to the back of the Smart Car. Once Dizzy reached the rear of the Car He stood there Transfixed in a Steely Stare glaring At the Rear Bumper. Dizzy appeared to be stuck in-between Deep Though and Overwhelming Anger as His face twisted and contorted while He was thinking silently to Himself.

“What are You doing Sir.” asked the Driver with a snide smile stretched across His face like Someone Who had One too Many fucking Facelifts.

“The fucking Bumper. I’m looking at the bumper OBVIOUSLY. The problem is this Outlandish excuse for a Car has a MINUSCULE fucking Bumper which I guess should be No fucking Surprise considering its Size is the Issue.” snarled Dizzy spitefully not even bothering to glance in the Driver’s Direct.


“What is the Skateboard for Exactly?” ask the Driver like a Cat playing with a Mouse before it Kills it.

“I was planning on fucking Riding the fucking thing while I hung on to the Bumper which apparently doesn’t fucking Exist.” replied Dizzy still half lost in Thought.

“I have to Inform You Both that Ride has a Strict No Bullshit Policy, and riding behind the Car on a Skateboard falls smack dab in the Middle of said Policy. That means I simply can not allow You or any Customer to engage in Illegal and Potentially Harmful or Fatal Activities that put Them, The Company, and Others in Harms Way.” chirped The Driver Triumphantly Grinning Ear to Ear as if He had somehow achieved a Checkmate situation.


“Well The Car is Far Beyond Insufficient it’s Thoroughly FUCKED! The Bumper is Fucked, This Situation is DEFINITELY fucked, and Most of All YOUR a Totally Fucked Human Being!!! So I’m declaring a Citizens Enactment of The Transportation Department Marshal Law Act motherfucker! This Empowers Me to set up Unconventional Answers to Unorthodox Issues, and with that said I’ll just hang the hell onto this Piece of Electric Uselessness’s rear Windshield Wiper. That’ll have to Work.” announced Dizzy defiantly with a Renewed Sense of Vigor.

“Absolutely Not didn’t You hear what I just Said regarding Company Policy?!!” demanded the Driver as He twitched with annoyance like a freshly crushed Insect.

“Yes I’m Not DEAF YOU ASSFACED DONKEY!! I have No Choice in the Matter and Neither DO YOU Dipshit. It is what it is so fuck it. Now let’s get fucking Going already We’ve wasted 45 fucking minutes of My Life already You belligerent Asshole.” answered Dizzy standing Toe to Toe Eye and Eye to Eye with the Driver though the Driver was significantly Smaller when it came to Physical Stature so Dizzy had a sort of Loomed over Him.


“Fine! Fine! You win I can’t stand here idly arguing with You any longer so let’s Go.” quipped the Driver exacerbated to the Umpteenth degree, and well aware that He would Most Definitely Lose in an any sort of Fight Scenario.

The Driver and Lee loaded Up into the Extremely cramped Confines of the Smart Car while Dizzy stood Stubbornly on the Cheap Children’s Skateboard  grabbing onto the Rear Windshield Wiper like He was attempting to Strangle it to Death. Lee paused for a split second to thats fucking God that HE wasn’t Claustrophobic because He was pretty sure if He did He’d be back behind the Car with Dizzy for Crying Out Loud. The Car started with a Low and rather Pleasant Low Hum and They were Off.


Stay Tuned for the Next Invigorating Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (17/365)

Goddamnit! Lee thought not because He was moments away from being seriously fucking Fired by a Furious Fran or anything like that. Lee was annoyed because Fran was going interfere with Him getting to see the Conclusion of the Parking Lot Lunacy.

“LEE WHAT THE HOLY FUCK IS GOING ON?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WHAT THE FUCK AM I LOOKING AT?!!” Screamed Fran like a goddamn Airhorn. It wasn’t so much because He was infuriated, but mainly to be heard over the Sea of Sound in the Parking Lot.


“What the Hell Fran this shit is some act of God shit I didn’t fucking plan for this shit to happen for fuck’s sake.” said Lee indignantly even though He knew His firing would play out this way. Lee knew He would be unfairly held accountable for the insane shit that was far beyond His control in the first fucking place, but He’d be damned if He didn’t Go Out Swinging.

“How did you let this happen, and why did you let it get totally out of fucking control?” Demanded Fran who’s Blood Pressure was so high His face was flushed making Him look like He had a fucking 3rd degree Sunburn.


“They just showed up and jumped the shit out of Me. I was concerned that perhaps the Little Old Lady at the Door was perhaps a tad senile and might be lost. I unlocked the Door to see if She need assistance, and Her Anti-Porn Posse shoved Their way in. Next fucking thing I know Their fucking rioting and wrecking the Joint.”Lee replied matter of factly as He stood His ground.

“Well goes without saying that as of this moment You’re fucking Fired. Give Me Your Key.”said Fran through clenched Teeth now on the verge of having a Full Blown Stroke.


Lee figured fuck it there wasn’t any point in arguing since He didn’t actually give a shit about the Job, and has thoroughly enjoyed the Events of the Day. Lee took the Shop Key off His Keyring and tossed it lamely in Frans direction before getting in His Car. As Lee drove off (down Route 22 to the Prospects of a Better Job to come) He shot a quick glance in His review mirror to get a final look at the Spectacular Sex Shop Showdown, and Smiled with Satisfaction.

Stay Tuned Kids for Tomorrows Enticing Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober