“Children’s Toys| Dystopian Animated Short Film

So We are Thrilled to bring You the NEXT Installment of the Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal. In this Installment Armsby Introduces a New Kind of “Ugly” that are the Exceptional’s; and How Imagination can Play a Fundamental Role in Uncovering the Horrible Secret of the “System.


From The Creator Himself:

“Imagination. So Powerful. Your children are full of it. Always having their minds drift off into the wonderous and magical expanse of their creativity. Often visualising brilliant and terrible things. Impossible things.” This film is a sequel/spin-off to two previous animations of mine, “Being Pretty” and “No Monsters”. It’s the first of three animated shorts I have planned set in the universe. I honestly forgot how much I like working in this universe. The aesthetic and tone of Autodale is really fun to work with. I know that this short doesn’t really expand on the lore much beyond what we’ve already seen but that’s why it was the idea I told first out of the three. This was a smaller story about manipulation and imagination that I really wanted to tell and I hope you guys enjoy it!”

-David James Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Excerpts From “The Black Riders and Other Lines” By Stephen Crane

The Poems Below are by American Author Stephen Crane Published in 1895 (by Copeland & Day) as a Part of His Collection, The Black Riders and Other Lines. The Following Excerpts are from Fifty-Six Short Poems (all of Which Simply go by Number without actual Titles) that comprise ‘The Black Riders’. Crane is Most Recognized as the Author of the Famous American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.

When Crane’s Poems were Published, He was Harshly Criticized for the Unusual Form of His Poems, and that He had  Some Nerve in Presenting these “Disjointed Effusions” and Daring to call them Poetry. The First Brutal Reviews Denounced Crane’s The Black Riders as Nothing Short of “Artless and Barbaric.”

In His Correspondence with a Particular Editor of Leslie’s Weekly in 1895, Crane professed that He Preferred The Black Riders to His Iconic American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.  Crane Wrote “I, suppose I ought to be Thankful to ‘The Red Badge,’ but I am much Fonder of My little book of poems, ‘The Black Riders’. My Aim was to Comprehend in it the thoughts I have had about Life in General, while ‘The Red Badge’ is a mere Episode in Life, an Amplification.”




Yes, I have a thousand tongues,
And nine and ninety-nine lie.
Though I strive to use the one,
It will make no melody at my will,
But is dead in my mouth.



Once there came a man
Who said,
“Range me all men of the world in rows.”
And instantly
There was terrific clamour among the people
Against being ranged in rows.
There was a loud quarrel, world-wide.
It endured for ages;
And blood was shed
By those who would not stand in rows,
And by those who pined to stand in rows.
Eventually, the man went to death, weeping.
And those who staid in bloody scuffle
Knew not the great simplicity.

I stood upon a high place,
And saw, below, many devils
Running, leaping,
and carousing in sin.
One looked up, grinning,
And said, “Comrade! Brother!”


If there is a witness to my little life,
To my tiny throes and struggles,
He sees a fool;
And it is not fine for gods to menace fools.

There were many who went in huddled procession,
They knew not whither;
But, at any rate, success or calamity
Would attend all in equality.
There was one who sought a new road.
He went into direful thickets,
And ultimately he died thus, alone;
But they said he had courage.

A god in wrath
Was beating a man;
He cuffed him loudly
With thunderous blows
That rang and rolled over the earth.
All people came running.
The man screamed and struggled,
And bit madly at the feet of the god.
The people cried,
“Ah, what a wicked man!”
And “Ah, what a redoubtable god!”

Behold, the grave of a wicked man,
And near it, a stern spirit.
There came a drooping maid with violets,
But the spirit grasped her arm.
“No flowers for him,” he said.
The maid wept:
“Ah, I loved him.”
But the spirit, grim and frowning:
“No flowers for him.”
Now, this is it-
If the spirit was just,
Why did the maid weep?


Behold, from the land of the farther suns I returned.
And I was in a reptile-swarming place,
Peopled, otherwise, with grimaces,
Shrouded above in black impenetrableness.
I shrank, loathing,
Sick with it.
And I said to him,
“What is this?”
He made answer slowly,
“Spirit, this is a world;
This was your home.”

Two or three angels
Came near to the earth.
They saw a fat church.
Little black streams of people
Came and went in continually.
And the angels were puzzled
To know why the people went thus,
And why they stayed so long within.


God lay dead in heaven;
Angels sang the hymn of the end;
Purple winds went moaning,
Their wings drip-dripping
With blood
That fell upon the earth.
It, groaning thing,
Turned black and sank.
Then from the far caverns
Of dead sins
Came monsters, livid with desire.
They fought,
Wrangled over the world,
A morsel.
But of all sadness this was sad-
A woman’s arms tried to shield
The head of a sleeping man
From the jaws of the final beast.


Thanks For Reading,

Presented By Les Sober    (Pt222AM)

“Being Pretty”| Dystopian Animated Short Films Series

FYB is Thrilled to bring You the 2017 Animated Short Film “Being Pretty” that was Created by David James Armsby and takes place in the Fictional Town of Autodale. “Being Pretty” is the First Short Film in Armsby’s Autodale Series, and You better believe We will be Posting the ENTIRE Series Periodically in the Near Future.

Plot Summary: The Film Starts with an Average Nuclear Autodale Family (Mother, Father, Daughter, and Son) in Their Home where the Children are watching a Public Service Announcement on TV. The PSA has been created by the Mysterious Powers That Be Who Run Autodale and Dictate Daily Life to its Citizens. Autodale is a Picture Perfect Place to Live where the Residents Champion Beauty to the Point of Obsession and Persecution of Those Who Fail to Fit the Autodale Mold.


The PSA Starts stating “Hello, Citizens of Autodale! You are Pretty. Your Neighbors, Friends, and Family are also Pretty. But Sadly, Not Everyone is Pretty. Some are Ugly…We, here at Autodale, Do Not want Uglies.” Thusly Anyone Deemed Ugly which constitutes more than Physical Appearance as in Autodale Ugly appears to Include Anyone Considered Undesirable or Defective (examples Ugly, Fat, Old, Deaf, Blind, Gay Etc.)

Armsby had the Following to Say About Being Pretty:

“This animation was extremely fun to work on. I definitely enjoy doing my own original stuff over Overwatch/Rick and Morty Stuff. I hope that this (Like Redone) does well so I can continue doing original animations. It’s so much more fun to explore my own personal creativity. Building this world from the ground up was awesome and I’m quite proud of the final results. This Short explores themes of individualism, innocence, and brainwashing which were very fun to play with; something I don’t think I could do with the restrictive nature of a fan-film. Really hope yo guys enjoy it!”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids: The Sad Tale OF Bad Breath Joe and Smile!

In this Installment of Cartoon’s That Aren’t For Kids We are Amused to Present THE SAD TALE OF BAD BREATH JOE followed by SMILE!

In Spite of its Lengthy Title The Sad Tale of Bad Breath Joe is just a mere 60 seconds of Insanity. What could this Minute of Madness be about Exactly?! After some time Brainstorming and Bouncing Ideas off Each other here are just a few Possibilities. It could be a Cautionary Tale of Choices and Their Consequences, it could be a Commentary on People’s Desire to be Liked/Loved, It may be a Statement on the Fear of Not being Accepted or possibly Singled Out as the Preverbal Black Sheep. It might also be a Commentary on Sacrifice for the Greater Good or on People’s Persecution of  People who are perceived Different or Defective. Other things the Cartoon may be addressing are Expectance, Peer Pressure, Society’s Perception of Beauty, a Need to Fit In, Self Confidence, Wanting to Belong, The Hell You Know Might be Better than the One You Don’t, Being Yourself No Matter What, or it very well may just be a Little Taste of Cartoon Crazy So. Enjoy.

SMILE! is Cartoon by Aleksandor Wasilewski which has rather Grim and Ominous  Overtones right from the Start. SMILE! has a Stark Black and White Color Scheme as well as Music by the band God Speed You! Black Emperor. SMILE! has an Oppressive feel that is Reminiscent of George Orwell’s Classic Novels  Animal Farm and 1984 as the Cartoon Unfolds. The Story is Simple a Forlorn Man sits in front of a Tribunal/Council of Some sort who are all sitting a Commanding Banner that reads SMILE! with a Giant Smily Face On it. All The Council Members are Staring directly at the Forlorn Man while Smiling Manically. Every time the Man is Instructed by a Flashing Sign to Smile the Man must Smile or He is  Penalized by the Various Members of the Council. Can the Man find it in Himself to Conform before the Council Kills Him for Non Compliance? You’ll have to See for Yourself. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober