Self Check Out Is A Brilliant Bullshit Scam

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post SELF CHECK OUT IS A BRILLIANT BULLSHIT SCAM which Addresses the Growing New Trend of Stores Using the New Self Check Out Model. We know it may seem Odd to hear the Words Scam and Brilliant in the same fucking Sentence so Allow Us to Explain. Yes it is Bullshit and Yes it’s a Scam, BUT that Doesn’t Preclude it from also being Brilliant. You see a Scam can be the Greatest Scam in the fucking History of Scams Yet if No One Buys into it then it’s fucking Useless. This is just ANOTHER fucking Case of Big Greedy Companies/Corporations fucking Over Their Customers and Firing Employees Putting Profit over People. The Pitiful thing is the Self Check Out Scam is a Basic, Simple, and Effective Form of Manipulation of Consumers Using Basic Behavioral/Psycholgical Human Traits. It’s the Self Checkout Scam’s Simplicity that makes it So Brilliantly Deceptive that People Fall for it without Question They just complacently Fall in Line.

Self Checkout Scam Strategy again is SO PAINFULLY SIMPLE We have Trouble getting Our Heads around How Gullible People Truly (and We Don’t have a High Opinion of People to fucking Begin with). Of Course when Self Checkouts were First Introduced They were Promoted as a STUPENDOUS NEW TIME SAVING CONNIVENCE that Stores were Providing for Their Customers. It makes Perfect fucking Sense because Impatient People Definitely Hate waiting in Line even More than Your Average Shopper. So the Self Checkout came off as a Great Way to Speed Up Checking Out while Avoiding a Line. To give Credit where Credit is Due at First it did Work Rather Well as it Split the Customers into 2 Groups the Cashier Checkouts and the Self Checkouts. Then like Most fucking things in this Life it Quickly Faltered and is Currently Breaking Down into the Actual Shitshow that it is.

The Real Truth Behind the Self Checkout is it’s a EASY way for the Greed Driven Corporate Whores to Save Even More Money while Simultaneously Raising Their Prices More and More Daily. They Effectively convinced the Public to Volunteer to Provide Free Labor as well as Spending Money at these Stores. Bottomline is You Spend Money at said Store, and then You’re used as an Oblivious Pawn again Providing FREE LABOR. This Principle Alone is what got Us Riled in the First Place We are Customers NOT fucking Employees. And speaking of Employees They’re the Ones who get fucking Fired/Laid Off and Replaced with Self Checkout Terminals. We get it We fully Understand that a Terminal doesn’t Require a Paycheck, Benefits, 401K, Paid Leave, or Calls in Sick and that Saves a Small fucking Fortune. At the Same Time though as We stated it’s the Employees Who get Let Go, Lose Their Insurance, PTO (Paid Time Off), and Source of Income. When Machines have Replaced Enough People then Humans become Unnecessary and Irrelevant (Can You Say SKYNET).

Now AI becoming Sentient is a Serious fucking Concern the Current Reality is People have become Dependent on Their Technology for Everything what Happens if these Devices Suddenly Didn’t;t Work? People wouldn’t Know How the fuck to Survive since They don’t Learn or Obtain Real Life Skills need for Basic Human Survival. That’s Why Today a HUGE fucking Fear for Some People is America being Hit with an Electromagnetic Bomb because that’s EXACTLY what would Happen. People have become Soft and Spoiled fucking Adult Children who want Everything Handed to Them without Lifting a single fucking Muscle (Yes Millennials We Mean You). Entitlement DOESN’T Entitle a Person to Jack Fucking Shit, But We Digress.

Yet after a Brief Success the System of Connivence began Breaking Down and Started Becoming a Hassle. You see as More Stores added More Self Checkouts They Kept Firing Employees, and increase Profits that Forced ALL Shoppers to Use the Self Checkout. So if All Shoppers Now have to Use Self Checkout well Guess the fuck What? NOW instead of Long Lines at the Cashier there Long ass Lines to Use the Self Checkout thus illiminating the Vail of Connivence. And that’s Not All because Other Stores are Adapting the Walmart Bullshit Exit Door “Security” which is a Single fucking Employee standing Guard. Now if You have 10-20 Shoppers lets say Who used the Self Checkout and One Employee trying to “Check” each Shopper’s Receipt You now have A SECOND FUCKING LINE. Thus the System of Self Checkout Promoted as a Speedy Check out for Shopper’s Connivence by Skipping the Cashier Line ended up Creating TWO LINES (and Generating Millions of Dollars in FREE CUSTOMER LABOR).

First Off Why the fuck is a Door Check needed before a Person leaves the Store considering the Store has Security Cameras Covering Every Inch of the Store. Also when You use the Self Checkout there is Literally a Camera in Your inches from Your fucking Face and there PLENTY of Signs Stating that Shoppers are on Camera. Not to Mention the Employee DOESN’T CHECK SHIT They ask to See Your Receipt, Glance at it for a Second or Two, and then You’re allowed to Leave. So also Consider while Your Spending Your Hard earned Cash at a Store, and Providing FREE LABOR the Store Treats You like a Common Criminal there’s a fucked up Thank You for Shopping With Us Message. To Actually be Affective at Stopping Shop Lifting the Employee at the Door would Have to go Item by Item down Your Receipt Checking it against the Items in Your Cart. Obviously this Wouldn’t work not by a Long Shot since it take fucking FOREVER to Leave SO there is NO FUCKING POINT. Employees “checking” Receipts at the Door  Doesn’t do a Goddamn Thing for Security it Prevents NOTHING. The Funniest Fact is it’s Basically illegal since American Citizens are Protected Under Law from Unlawful Search and Seizure. Knowing this the Next Time You Don’;t want to deal with the Bullshit YOU CAN WALK THE FUCK OUT They can’t Stop You PERIOD.

So In a Summation People simple Deserve a Choice Again it’s just that fucking Simple. Forcing People into Exploiting Themselves in any sort of Situation is fucking Bullshit and Said System should be fucking Destroyed. When will Customers fight the fuck Back against being constantly fucked Over so The People talking Your Money can Save Money at YOUR EXPENSE?!

We think this Social Media Post Says it all:

“Dear Walmart & Target, Homedepot and all other Stores that have Self Checkout – You are almost Exclusively Self-Checkout now. The last time I was there, you had a Lady stopping everyone at the exit, checking receipts.

I didn’t choose to Participate in that Nonsense, so I just Skipped the Exit Line and Left. I heard her saying “Sir, Uh, Sir” as I kept Walking and Raised the Receipt above My Head, leaving the Store.

You can Either Trust Me to do Self -Checkout, or You can put Your Cashiers back in Place like it Used to be. I’m not interested in Proving that I did Your Job for You. You want ME to be a Cashier with No Training then That’s Your Problem Not Mine. Don’t Audit Me for a Position You Refuse to Employ any Longer.


All of US”


It is What it IS,

 By Les Sober

PUMPKIN SPICE – White Woman Season

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring PUMPKIN SPICE – WHITE WOMAN SEASON byOne of Our Favorite Animators Meatcanyon. MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.


One of the Key Reasons We get a Real fucking Kick Out of this Particular MeatCanyon Cartoons is the Social Commentary. First Off Let’s all fucking Face it this Pumpkin Spice Obsession that People have is Way the Hell Out of Control at this Point. It was Annoying Enough when it was just Fucking Starbucks (or Starbucks as We refer to Them as) Pimped Their Pumpkin Spice Coffee every fucking October Relentlessly. Then every Other Motherfucker started Peddling a Pumpkin Spice Version of Their fucking Products from Coffee Creamer to Spam. Yeah that’s fucking Right fucking SPAM the Infamous Canned fucking Meat adds Pumpkin Spice to the Ears and Assholes or Whatever Meat Scrap Dog Food They Use. Again I Think We all can fucking Agree when there is a Pumpkin Spice Spam shit has Gone WAY TOO fucking Far.

Now as Far as Starbucks is Concerned its Nothing More than a Caffeine Fueled Scam. Coffee is Simply Hot Water Filtered through fucking Coffee Bean Grounds so Essentially it’s Hot Caffeinated Coffee Flavored fucking Water. And We could care the fuck Less about all the Bullshit Gimmicks (There Others then just the Pumpkin Spice Shit) like Whip Cream Topping, Sprinkle of fucking Cinnamon, Adding Caramel fucking Drizzle it’s all Horseshit. Also We Do Not Give a Flying fuck that They call Their Employees as fucking Baristas or That They sell fucking Fruit. Not to Mention the Pathetically  Lame CDs (Yeah fucking CDs believe that Shit) by People NO ONE GIVES A RAT’S ASS ABOUT which is Why Their CD is being Sold at a Pompous Over Rated Commercialized Coffee Shop Chain.

Bottomline on this Starbucks bullshit is They try WAY TOO FUCKING HARD to come off as Some Authentic High Class Italian Coffee Shop. The Reality it’s Run by Greedy Corporate Whores and is a Americanized Wannabe Classy European/Italian Bistro when it’s just a SCAM to get Gullible Gimmick Loving Lemmings to Pay $9 for Hot Coffee Flavored Water. If Your a Starbucks Fan and get all Bent about this Please Go Butt Chug a $12 DickNip-Dipshit-Half Caff Motherfucking Mocha Latte on Us  (and Don’t forget the fucking Pumpkin Spice Asshole)!!!


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Starvation of the Spirit

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring STARVATION OF THE SPIRIT by the Content Creator known as Burden.  Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.

Burden’s Stats::

First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
It has a Total of 469,063 Views
The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.

DESCRIPTION ACCOMPANYING THE VIDEO:  No item will ever fulfill you. Self preservation is all. Shopping malls, super markets, and parking lots all traps. The material world is our greatest prison, atleast put your hands through the bars.

My Thoughts:

This is an Obvious Social Commentary about Consumerism and How it is Bring Society and Thus Humanity to a Slow, Dismal, and Mind Numbingly Pathetic Demise. Consumerism has come to Dominate every Aspect of Our Existence. Consumerism Sells False Faith in Their Products, Illusions of a Better Life, and All Out Lies because Corporations Don’t give a Rat’s Ass, Flying Fuck, Or a Shit about the Customers. Corporations Don’t See People They Only See Potential Profits. Consumerism Consumes and Corrodes People’s Thoughts until They’re simply A Rotting Mass in Their Skulls  turning Out an Endless Army of Drone Consumer Automatons Devoid of Thought or Personality. Capitalism is the Disease and Consumerism is the Tumor.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome To Today’s FYB Post featuring SCREAMS FROM THE GOLDEN ARCHES by MeatCanyon. MeatCanyon’s Real Name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse. And SCREAMS FROM THE GOLDEN ARCHES stays True to the MeatCanyon Formula.

Synopsis: The Brutal Origin of The Mysterious McRib is Revealed and It’s Far from Appetizing.

It is what it is,

Presented By Les Sober

I CAN COUNT TO THREE (Teaching Preschoolers To Count Using Corpses)

Welcome to Wednesday’s FYB post with none other than I Justin Sane. The holidays are a hellish consumer driven commercialist blitzkrieg of chaos and cash, and yup its that time of fucking year so JOY OH JOY. In addition to the end of the year lunacy Les recently took on a major fucking project and has been working himself towards certain insanity. So he nor Otto (who is being more of a moody fuck than usual) had anything planned for todays post and that’s where I come in with today’s post featuring the Animated Short I CAN COUNT TO THREE by The Mighty Animator known as MeatCanyon!

I CAN COUNT TO THREE is one of many various parodies that MeatCanyon has done since he seems to get a guine kick out of doing them. I CAN COUNT TO THREE is a parody of the British preschool animated tv series Peppa Pig by Astly Baker Davis. The series star is an animated female Pig named Peppa who is happier than a motherfucker and positive as fuck. In MeatCanyon’s parody Peppa is unexplainably transformed into some sort of monstrously demonic murderous mutant. The now evil Peppa proceeds to kill and consume her husband, and then promptly chases down her 2 kids who she also precedes to murder and devour 1 by 1. All the while as the violent bloody gore plays out there is a narrator who is using the horror show as a lesson to teach preschoolers on how to count to three.

It’s important to note there is a remake of the  MeatCanyon’s original also titled I CAN COUNT TO THREE titles Peppa Pig Horror Shorts and Creepy Blood Violence Gore which has a shorter runtime and far less narration (also the animation is different in the remake). I have no clue who is behind this reboot but I know whoever the fuck they are they are fucking idiots and total assholes. Who asked them to fuck with I CAN COUNT TO THREE in the first fucking place? ALSO be sure to watch the entire video since MeatCanyon himself makes an appearance directly after the video where he addresses the topics of Instagram, Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter among other things.

WARNING: This Video May Be Disturbing To Some Viewers. The Following Video Contains Scenes Of Violence, Bloodshed, And Gore. There We Covered Our Asses Just In Case.

See you when I see you,

  Justin Sane

Pre-Chewed Food

Welcome to this Monday’s Post here at FYB featuring PRE-CHEWED FOOD By One of Favorite All Time Animators David Firth. This One Minute Masterpiece Serves as a Warning that Capitalism in a Consumerism Obsessed Society is a Seriously Slippery Slope.

For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

“This was an advert for the PS4 game: Trover Saves the Universe. It still is an advert for a game, but it just didn’t get released when or before the game came out. Not sure why. Nothing from this video is really in the game. Sorry to mislead you.” – David Firth –


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

Animation Abominations: CREAM

Welcome to this Installment of Animation Abominations (aka Cartoons That Aren’t For Children) Featuring CREAM By the One and Only David Firth. For those Who do Not Know or May Not BE Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered Large Followings.


The Time has Come for CREAM- the Latest Product that will Fix Your Life. If Your Ugly CREAM will make You Handsome, If You had Your Leg Amputated CREAM can Grow You a New One, and MORE! This is the Story of Dr. Bellifer, a Scientific Genius, who Years of Smashing Particles Together, Reveals His revolutionary New Product with the Power to Fix all of Your and The World’s Problems. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

America’s Social Problems: The Sickness of a Dying Nation

What are the top 10 American social problems in my opinion?

They Are:
1. What The war in the middle East
2. Police corruption
3. Financial inequality
4. Out sourcing jobs
5. The legal system
6. The media
7. The healthcare system
8. The Pharmaceutical industry
9. The Prison system
10. The war on drugs

I will briefly summarize my reasoning behind the issues on the aforementioned list in no particular order. I believe them all to be extremely problematic and detriment to American society none being any more or less than the others.

The number one thing that baffles me to no fucking end is America has been at War in Afghanistan from 2001-2014 and less than a year after the 9/11 terror attacks America forgot about. It was like with previous war such as WWI and WWII where America rallied together as a nation against evil and all that shit. Nor was it like the Vietnam war where ACTUAL BATTLE COVERAGE was shown on the nightly news. The media just transitioned back into ignorant oblivion. Not only that but America was at war with Iraq at the EXACT SAME TIME, SIMULTANEOUS FUCKING WARS. IS that all, NOPE. America was involved in the Libyan Cicil War in 2011 in Libya.  America ALSO is currently at war (and has been since 2004) in North-West Pakistan, War in Afghanistan (AGAIN) 2015-Present, AND from 2014 to present America is also at War on ISIL 2014-Present in Iraq/Libya/Syria and Nigeria. My Bottomline: WHERE IS THE MEDIA COVERAGE and WHY THE HELL DON’T AMERICANS ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR COUNTRY IS STILL WARING IN THE MIDDLE EAST?! I digress for now.

When it comes to the issue of outsourcing its a doubled edged sword to say the least. While the outsourcing of American jobs created a massive nation wide unemployment crisis (that all but eliminated the American middle class.) slowly American corporations are bringing jobs back stateside. Yet while American corporations are bringing jobs back to the U.S. they are paying their employees half or less of their previous salary while working them three times as hard with few to no benefits. In the end American employees are being exploited so big companies can save on shipping costs.

All I will say on the subject of financial inequality is it has NEVER BEEN GREATER. With the near destruction of the Middle Class due to outsourcing, shitty Market, and Predatory Loans America has never come closer to being one of the 3rd world Counties we have Charity Ads for (Think “For just the price of a cup of coffee you can provide food, education and healthcare for….”) Financial Equality has also been exacerbated by the increasing commercialism of the American public for increasing profits. YOUR PAYING TO BE ALIVE. CAN YOU SAY HEALTH INSURANCE?!

The War on drugs has been and continues to be a complete undeniable failure. Even Mexico who was America’s tag team partner after 40 years admitted the war was lost mainly due to the way it was being fought. Drugs are not living things so really how the fuck do you declare war with inanimate objects so to speak?! Dealing with the addiction instead of fighting it (again declaring war upon a disease/mental disorder) We already saw alcohol prohibition not only FAIL SPECTACULARLY but also it had serious side effects like ORGANIZED CRIME because the moral to this twisted tail is PEOPLE WILL DRINK NO MATTER WHAT. It should be painfully obvious that the cliche “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” applies here when it comes to the war on drugs. Yet not only has the war on drugs failed so monumentally, but the Big AMERICAN Pharmaceutical Companies along with the FDA caused/created the current Opiate Addiction.

Why You Ask could this happen? Pharmaceutical companies created SYNTHESIZED MAN MADE HEROIN in many shapes and names Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet, Fentanyl (patches) and the FDA allowed the Consumer Market to be FLOODED with BILLIONS OF NEW PRESCRIPTIONS without fully examining or learning the problematic issue of addiction they just wanted TO CASH IN AS FAST AS POSSIBLE at the expense of the American Public. I will digress for now.

Accept the AmericanHealthcare System went for helping the sick and injured to TOTAL CAPITALIST MAKEOVER. Patients equal Profits. If you don’t have insurance RAPING YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS while providing LESS AND LESS services. Fucked Up Fact: It Costs $1,200 to $1,500 a DAY to stay in the hospital. THATS JUST FOR THE FUCKING ROOM, THE ACTUAL SPACE and Nothing Else. Hospitals started to charge for EVERYTHING and they charge it all separately. You pay for medications BY PILL hence the joke of the $11 hospital aspirin.
The social problem that I have extreme fucking difficulty examining without personal judgment is the subject of police corruption (which includes police brutality and misconduct as well as corruption and breaking ANY and All was.)
The reason I would be so judgmental on the topic of police corruption is the problem is escalating through out all 50 states of America. Police officers are being charged with planting evidence, thief/robbery, assault, rape and murder.  The COPS have BECOME the CRIMINALS. The cliche for this one is the “If you work with monsters make sure you don’t become one” saying. Thanks to the internet combined with Social Media and the prevalence of Smart Phones equipped with video cameras are exposing rampant illegal police activity increasingly on a daily basis. Also in cases where a corrupt police officer is charged with a crime up to and including murder they are put on paid leave until their court date. THATS A PAID FUCKING VACATION.

Once the police officer ends up in court the prosecutor, District Attorney and the presiding judge all weigh in on the side of the police officer resulting in the police officer being absolved of all charges and sent back to work. YOU GOT IT NO PRISON TIME THEY GET TO CO RIGHT BACK TO THEIR FUCKING JOBS. Virtually none of the corrupt police officers caught and charged with a crime(s) ever serve time in prison unless its time for a sacrificial lamb of a scape goat to “Make an example out of” when the public outrage is at a high. It actually MEANS NOTHING.

Lastly lets address the controversial subject of the  law abiding police officers (referred to as “the good cops”) who have never broken a single law protect the corrupt police officers under the accepted “Code of Silence” This meaning quite simply the good police officers will not report or assist in the prosecution of corrupt police officers no matter how egregious the charges or conduct. So I’m calling HUMONGOUS BULLSHIT THERE. Its a Real Life Get Out of Jail Free Card for corrupt cops.

When it comes to the Legal System all I will say for now anyways. When I got arrested and charged with a Felony I was lucky enough to be able to afford a lawyer with a excellent reputation and connections. The first time I met with him in his office he said the following and I will remember it to the day I fucking die:

“You have to know what where dealing with here. You see there 3 kinds of Laws and there’re Rich People Laws, White People Laws and Minority Laws.” He meant if I had been Rich I’d get off easy, White people can get in trouble, but have the benefit of the court on their side so good chance I wouldn’t serve time and if I was minority I’d be going to jail no if, ands or buts.

As far as the Prison system goes all I can say is Over crowding and inhumane conditions are ongoing problems BUT PRIVATIZING PRISONS a PRISONER FOR PROFIT system your guaranteeing peoples rights will be violated (to keep them in or send them to prison) because your not a defendant YOUR A FUTURE CLIENT/CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ITS WORST.

The Media has become a fucking farce. The media stopped doing honest and worthy reporting to cater to the ongoing moronic American Public. The Media humped on wagon with Social Media make both products shittier. Now between biased news, fake fucking news,fluff pieces and FCC it may not have been what America wanted but its what it fucking got. Reality TV was the beginning of the end of all Media. No one cares about the American GI thats killed in the ongoing War, BUT PEOPLE SHIT OVER THE FUCKING KARDASHIANS. Think about it.

America is Cannibalizing Itself replacing the Constitution with Commercialism. Your NO LONGER a citizen of the country of American, you consumer client of American Inc. LLC. The government, the Pharmaceutical companies and Big Business Corporations ARE COMMERCIALIZING EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE FOR PROFIT.

The America we all came to love is gone, there is no longer an American Dream.