The Upside of SARS

Before there was the Corona Virus and CORVID-19 the World had to Worry about it was SARS. For those who may Not Know nor Remember Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS is a Contagious and Sometimes Fatal Illness Caused by a Coronavirus. SARS appeared in China in 2002 and it Spread Worldwide within a Matter of Months though it was Quickly Contained. There has been No Known Transmission of SARS has occurred since 2004.

Now that in 2020 the Entire World is Faced with the Coronavirus COVID-19 which like SARS Originated in China. This time the Chinese were Well Prepared to handle the Outbreak and Spread of COVID-19 because of Their  previously having dealt with SARS. Armed with Their Prior Knowledge on How to Prevent or Slow the Spread of a New Super Virus the Chinese have set the Standard for how to Deal with the Current COVID-19 Pandemic (or Any Future Epidemic or God Forbid a Future Pandemic as Well).


The System the Chinese have is Simple and Straight forward in its Execution. Every Person who enter ANY and All Buildings are Screened and Their Temperature is Taken, and if Someone has a Fever They are Immediately sent to what is referred to as a Fever Clinic. Once Someone arrives at a Fever Clinic They are Quarantined and Tested right away. Unlike in America where Tests take 1 or 2 Days to get the Results the Chinese Fever Clinic get Their results in just 4 Hours. If a Person at a Fever Clinic Tests Positive They are again Immediately transported to an Isolated Quarantine away from the Populous. Once at said Location the Patients are Treated while in Quarantine, and once They Test Negative and with a Doctor’s Clearance are Released. This severely inhibits the said Viruses Spread keeping Casualties to a Bare Minimum as a Vaccine is Developed.


Meanwhile in America due to Trump being the Fat, Greedy, and Utterly Ignorant Cunt are 8 Weeks behind the Rest of the World in Dealing with CORVID-19. We don’t have nearly enough Tests, and the Results take up to 2 Days, We have a shortage of Medical Supplies that are Needed to Combat a Viral Outbreak at a Pandemic Level, and a State of Emergency was only called for 72 hours ago. Not to mention Trump the Vile Orange Cunt cut funding to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Fired the Pandemic Specialist at the CDC, HE FUCKING LIED HIS FAT FUCKING ASS OFF. He knowingly spread Misinformation, Propaganda, Conspiracy Theories, Denial, and Countless fucking Lies. Trump’s Asshole Actions Resulted in the American CORVID-19 Pandemic Crisis We are currently facing, and CAUSED THE UNNECESSARY SPREAD OF COVID-19 that KILLED AMERICAN CITIZENS .


Why You might wonder well Trump is a Fat Greedy Fucker who was willing to put Personal Profits over the American People. Cocksucker Trump didn’t want to Lose Money so He Sacrificed American’s Safety and Lives to do so. THIS IS PROOF TRUMP THE CORRUPT CUNT AND THE TRUMP ASS KISSING REPUBLICAN SCUMBAG SYCOPHANTS care more about Their Bank Account and Stock Portfolios more than America or Americans. The Punishment of Execution should be a simple and Straight Forward as the Chinese Method of Viral Outbreak Containment.

Trump The Obese Piece of Shit, His Asshole Administration, and Any/All of His GOP Supporters should be Removed from Office. Once Removed They should all be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity, Convicted, and SENTENCED TO DEATH. The Death Sentence would be Carried Out in Public (and Streamed Live) Immediately following the Verdict without a Single Appeal Provided. The Guilty are sentenced to Death by being HUNG, DRAWN, AND QUARTERED since a Quick Demise is far to Good for These Greedy Shitfucks They should Suffer First.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober