Vape On This!

Here is a run down on my views on Vaping:

First and foremost lets give credit where credit is due. The group of people who not only introduced America to Vaping ,and led to the first time Big Tobacco took a HUGE HIT in the American market was the Marijuana Smokers. While antismoking groups got larger they embraced Vaporizers (and it was the smartest move) as the new anti-smoking device and they were right. THE POINT IS THOUGH the group of people who introduced Vaping were Pot Smokers. Pot smokers learned that Vaping is much cleaner, smoother and insanely better for your lungs (Combustion out, Convection in as the heat source). So respect to the pot smoking community for bringing the biggest and best of the world of Vaping to the American people.

1. Vaping Marijuana: As stated above its cleaner, smoother and way healthier (because of Convection versus Combustion it removes impurities making it far less stressful on the lungs)

2. Vaping to Quit Smoking Tobacco: Highly effective as well as cost effective, and readily available. It truly is the greatest blessing upon the anti-smoker groups such as as the number of tobacco smokers (present and future) plummeted to historical lows.

Side note: I quite smoking using and E-Cigerette which are quite amazing. Not only due they switch Convection for Combustion as the heat source, BUT they also replaced burning solid material (such as weed) for a oil based solution that emits water vapor in place of any smoke.

ITS IMPORTANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE E-Ciggerettes oil’s contain NICOTINE which is highly addictive and is not healthy!!! E-Cigerettes are meant to replace tobacco cigarettes AND THEN like the Patch or Nicotine Gum the user is meant to reduce the dosage of Nicotine until they are completely are weaned off entirely.

3. Vaping For Fun: (No Nicotine, just a wide variety of increasing flavors) Thats just fine, its healthy and harms no one. Go For It.

4. Vaping as a Trend: IF your one of those trendy hipster douche bags who spends ridiculous amount on of cash on those giant 1950’s sci-fi movie looking “Professional Vaporizers” that makes it looks like your holding a fucking DVD player or your entering Cloud Contests (assholes assemble at a Vape Shop and compete by seeing who can exhale the largest cloud of mist or some shit like that) PLEASE KILL YOURSELF NOW AND DO THE WORLD A FAVOR! STUPID PEOPLE WASTE OUR OXEGEN AND TAKE UP LIMITED SPACE!