Backrooms – Found Footage

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS -FOUND FOOTAGE  Posted on A-Sync Research Channel. BACKROOMS -FOUND FOOTAGE is the Latest Installment of a Psychological Horror Series “Inspired” by the Original BACKROOMS Content Creator Kane Pixels. Some Explanation may be Needed. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series has been Posted over the Course of the Many Months. All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence as Well as Our Original Post on the Backrooms Creppypasta.

Well Then What The Fuck IS The Deal With The A-Sync Research? 

As it Turns Out there is a Secondary Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. And fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Granted though at this Point in the BACKROOMS Trend there are More and More Convincing Copy Cat Videos being Posted. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.

So Then What The Fuck Is Our Point Pertaining To A-Sync Research?

The Person/People behind the Async Research Channel We Honestly Believe are Collaborating Virtually Side by Side with Kane Pixels. We Believe so since the Video Theme, Quality, Production Value, Scenery/Sets, Costumes, and Feel of the Perspective Content Creator’s Videos Coincide with One Another. In All the Other Backrooms Videos We have seen There are Small Harder to See to Glaringly Obvious Differences from Kane and Async’s Videos. The Backrooms Installment from Kane Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common.  A Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well. Again that Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are Seriously SHIT TON of Videos About/Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s for Each Respective Video.

Our Opinion On THE BACKROOMS Series/Videos/Channels:

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that was Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast. Oddly Enough We seem to be in a Gray Area Impasse as far as the Continuation of the Series. The Last Backrooms (Backrooms – Betrayal) was apparently the Last of the Lost Cameraman Chris Footage it left Many wondering if the Series was indeed Over. Then there is this Additional Video and No One is certain what it may or May Not Signify going Forward.


Backrooms – Found Footage Synopsis:

First it is Important to Note a Couple of Key Points as it were that Set this Video apart from the Previous Episodes. First this Video has Absolutely Nothing to do with the Previous Episodes as it Doesn’t have dick to do with Async Research Employees or the Company. The Video begins with Two Teen Boys Shooting Hoops at a Presumably Local Basketball Court when things Suddenly go Awry as it were. Second while there is No Description Provided One of the Two Teens States the Date is in fact January 26, 1990. Third and Lastly this Video is a Mix of Live Action and Computer Animation with the Cameraman Providing Commentary so to Speak.

What Backrooms – Found Footage for all Intents and Purposes seems to be an Homage to the Original Kane Pixel’s Backrooms Short Film that went on to Become the Series, and the Original Online Backrooms Creepypasta. The Premise of Backrooms – Found Footage is Starts off Much like the Short Film with Teens being Teens when Suddenly and Unexplainably the One group Member Filming No Glitches into the Backrooms. The Teen who Now finds Himself Stranded in the Ominously Creepy Backrooms Starts Off by Wondering Around Confused. As He is Exploring the Backrooms He is Talking Out Loud making Observations about His Surroundings, Asking Questions Aloud such as “Is This a Joke?” or “Who would Build this for No Reason”, and Other General Comments. In the Vein of No Spoilers We can Say the Following:

  • There is a Scene with the Basketball and a Pitch Black Hallway.
  • The Teen finds a Room where Someone has been Living where there is a Mattress, Clothes, and Apple Cores all Over the Floor.
  • The Teen makes a Gruesome Discovery in the Room.
  • The Teen at One Point enters a Section of the Backrooms that consists of Rooms Painted Blue with White Baseboards and Doorframes along with a Variety of Differently Sized Hallways. Could this be the Second Level of the Backrooms?
  • It DOES NOT End well for the Lost Teen.



It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

My Dead Great Grandmother’s Coffin In My Own Backyard!

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post MY DEAD GREAT GRANDMOTHER’S COFFIN IN MY OWN BACKYARD! posted by DJ Deaf Joey. Let’s get one thing Straight right from the get go this Video is fucked up because IT’S FUCKING REAL. Joey is Real, His Story is Real, and The Corpse is Very fucking Real. We Don’t Deal in Click Bait Bullshit by Talentless Content Creating YouTube View Whores. Joey is Actually Deaf and an Actual DJ, but He is Retiring from Doing to Focus on His Photography (Go Ahead Google the fucking Guy, and with that said FUCK GOOGLE).


According to Joey His Great Grandmother Katherine Lou Hall was Born in 1861 and Died in 1945. 20 Years Later the Cemetery where Joey’s Great Great Grandmother was Buried at Closed due to “Poor Maintenance” though Joey does make the Allegation that the Cemetery was Shut Down because of “Corruption”. So in 1965 Joey without the Funds to Move and Rebury His Great Great Grandmother (and being Extremely Concerned about the Care of Her Remains) had to make a Decision. Joey then Decided it was in His and His Dead Great Great Grandmother’s Best Interest that He to Move Her to His Backyard.

The Video has No Dialogue as Joey is Deaf and Communicates entirely with American Sign Language  Posted this Video Originally in 2008. This is a Rather Redundant Intro By Joey Followed by the Original Video. In the Original Video Joey tells His Story, Shows His Great Great Grandmother’s Mummified Remains, and Then does Something to/with the Corpse that will make Most People want to fucking Gag. And No He Doesn’t fuck it get Your fucking Seriously Sick Minds out of the goddamn Gutter but Let’s Face it Joey is Obviously Mentally Disturbed. Not even We would Show some Dirty Old Fuck Banging His Great Great Grandmother’s Rotten Remains. We will give You a Hint it Involves Joey’s Lips.


Now Let’s Address the fucking Elephant in the Room How the fuck can Joey Store His Dead Great Great Grandmother’s Petrified Remain in a Coffin, Under a Blue fucking Contractor’s Tarp in His fucking Backyard?! Well the Answer is this Sick Shit Falls into a Grey Area but Ordinarily, it is a Misdemeanor for the Individual Possessing the Duty of having a Body Buried to Refuse or Neglect to do so, or to Dispose of the Corpse Indecently (Example: Throwing it in a Dumpster behind a Connivence Store).


It Is What it Is,

   Presented By Les Sober   

My House Walk-Through

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH by the Talented and Allusive nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling.

Synopsis: The Narrator (Subtitle Warning, but Not to Worry they’ve been Translated into English) Wonders around Disoriented While Giving a Tour of His Home where He Lives with His Grandparents. The House is a Hellhole everything is Rotting or Decaying such as the Ceiling for Example, and Every Surface/Wall/Floor/Ceiling is Coated in Filth and Grime. The House is Decaying and Dilapidated there’s an Abundant amount of Mouse Shit on the Floor as well as Rat Nests in the Attic among Other Things.

The Sequences are Repetitive to a Degree during the Tour, BUT if You’re Paying Attention You’ll see Subtle Changes in the Dialogue, Additional Information is Added in, and the Creepy Factor Slowly Builds More and More Through Out the 12 Minutes of Madness that are MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Monday Make Up For Last Week’s Short Horror Film Friday: HOME EDUCATION

Welcome to FYB’s Make Up Monday Post Featuring the British Short Horror Film HOME EDUCATION Written and Directed by Andrea Niada. One thing I Noticed in this Film are the Following Three Reoccurring Topics: An Unhealthy obsession with Dust, Rot/Rotting, and Taxidermy. Well I don’t know about You, but that Definitely Peeks My Curiosity.

Plot: An Inquisitive Girl is Indoctrinated by Her Controlling Fanatic of a Mother that Her Recently Deceased Father will Resurrect Himself if They are able to Show how much They Love, Cherish, and Miss Him. The Daughter Dutifully follows Her Mother’s Lead that is, until Her Father Begins to Rot.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday Saturday Edition: MONOCHROME (PART 1)

Welcome to this Weeks Installment of Short Horror Films featuring the Short Horror Film MOMOCHROME (PART 1) Directed,  Produced,  Shot, Written, and Edited by Malachi Alexis. MONOCHROME (PART 1) Premiered on October 29, 2020 Just in Time for Halloween.

Synopsis: A Man is Alone at Home working in the Dark on His Computer at Home One Evening. Suddenly He receives a Bizarre and Ominous Text Message informing His that He has been “Marked For Judgement.” A Second Subsequent Text Follows (that is Equally Sinister) Explains that if He wish’s to Avoid being Judged by a Mysterious Unknown Monsieur Chipli then He must send a Specific Reply. After the Man Texts His response claiming Whoever it is has the Wrong Person it Proves to be a FATAL MISTAKE! A Mistake so Grave that it bring Him FACE TO FACE with The Maliciously Malevolent Monsieur Chiplin!!!

Notable Observations: 

  • Monsieur Chiplin looks Extremely Reminiscent of Art The Clown from the Movies “Terrifier” and “All Hallow’s Eve (Both Movies are Posted Here).
  • One of the Clips that Plays on the Television during the Unsettling Strange Imagery is of the Goddess Bunny. We have a FYB’S SALUTE TO ECCENTRICS  Installment Featuring The Goddess Bunny. We Also have the CULT OF THE WALRUS Posted in Strange and Disturbing Videos that Stars The Goddess Bunny.
  • The Scenes with Monsieur Chiplin are so Surreal and Perturbing that They would make David Lynch Proud.
  • The Lighting in this Film is Oddly Unique in the Light used in the Film is provided by Computer/Phone Screens, Flash Lights, TV Screen, and Flashing Police Lights. This Adds to the Uneasy Feel of the Film since to practically demands that the Viewer watch it in the Dark for Visibility, and that brings the “I feel like I’m in the Movie” Vibe to the Cinematic Mix.


Well While The Short Film Format is Freeing for the Creator’s since They don’t have to Deal with Backstory, Character Development, Plot Lines Etc. The Only issue is Sometimes it can be Rather Confusing to the Viewers since there is Far Less Context. MONOCHROM (PART 1) is Definitely one of these Films, but Luckily Not is all Lost. Since there Evidently will be a MONOCHROM (PART 2) this would mean that Part 1 sets up the Questions, and the Sequel/Part 2 Hopefully will Deliver the Answers.


  • Are We to Assume the Police Officer was Killed by Monsieur Chiplin?
  • Who or What is Monsieur Chiplin? Is He a Damned Soul, Demon, Devil, Evil Spirit,  or Perhaps a Pissed Off Alien?
  • Where is Monsieur Chiplin From? Could He Be From Hell, Another Dimension, Some Super Natural Place/ Origin, or Parallel  Universe?
  • What is Monsieur Chiplin’s Motive(s) Why is He Judging People and On What Basis?
  • Who or What the hell is Dambulla?
  • Where Does Dambulla Factor into all This?
  • Why is it that if You repent by Giving Yourself to Dambulla Saves You from being Judged by Monsieur Chiplin?

So We will just Have to Wait and See for MONOCHOME (PART 2) to Hopefully find Out About these Missing Pieces in MONOCHROME (PART 2). Now it so Happens to be that the Film was Released (just Prior to Halloween 2020) We may be waiting for a While. I’m quite sure it will Be Worth it in The End.

Thanks For Watching,

 Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (59/365)

The Bus Driver Slammed on the Break causing the Bus to Lunge Forward sending all of the Passengers falling forward all over one another. It reminded Lee of the World’s Most Fucked Up Domino Display Toppling Over. The Passengers pushed and shoved like a Bunch of Rabid Savages as They Untangled Themselves and returned to Their Feet once again. The Driver Threw Open the Bus Doors and the Passengers came flooding out like water through a Busted Dam into the empty Parking lot.

As Soon as Everyone was off the Bus the Asian Gamblers regroup and started talking frantically before They all took off Running like Their asses where on Fire. The Bus Driver yelled after Them to get back over by the Bus because leaving the Scene of an Accident is in itself a Crime. The Bus Driver’s words fell on Deaf Ears as The Group of Asian Gamblers continued to sprint off into the Distance like Their lives Depended on it.

“Where the fuck are They Going?” asked Dizzy confusedly as He peered around like a Methed up Meerkat.

“If I had to venture a Guess it’s because They’re afraid of Immigration or the Simply Fact They’re engauging in Illegal Gambling on Illegal Cock Fights.” snapped the Bus Driver irritably as He waited on hold with 911.

“That and They smelled like fucking Opium.” added Lee snidely since He resented the Bus Driver’s Attitude. He didn’t exactly know Why, but for some Reason it was Rubbing Him the Wrong Way. It was in all probability  just due to His Overall Frustration having found Himself in the Middle of a Grade 5 Hurricane  Sized Shit Storm.


“Hello 911 My name is Gus Gentry and I’m a Bus Driver for the City,” announced the Bus Driver Forcefully as He paced Back and Forth like a Caged Animal, “I got an Emergency and Need Immediate Assistance. What kind of Emergency? Every Kind You Got! I need an Ambulance, a Coroner, and some fucking Police Officers.”

As Lee eavesdropping on the Bus Driver’s Phone Call He peered around surveying the Scene laid out before Him in the Parking Lot. The Priest Dizzy had Assaulted was still Bleeding like a Stuck Pig as He attended to the Severely Injured Homeless Drunk. The Homeless Drunk was Laying on the Ground with His back up against the Curb Wailing like a fucking Banshee in Heat. The Priest had knelt down on one Knee and was Manically Praying Over Him in Hushed Tones rocking back and forth as He did So.

The Middle Aged Woman who the Homeless Drunk had Vomit Upon was Standing by a Defunct Lamp Post shaking like a goddamn leaf. This however didn’t stop Her from Launching into a Tirade about The Situation at Hand and Her Personal Predicament. In Front of Her was the Young Couple who looked shaken to Their Core and were staring Blankly into the Distance Obviously in a great Deal Shock. Lee left Dizzy’s side and wondered over closer to where the Woman was Standing to Observe the Insanity Close Up.


“I mean the Man Vomited on Me, and IN PUBLIC! A Man who Vomits publicly on a Woman is Not a Gentleman He’s a down right Abomination upon Humanity Itself,” said the Woman as if She was Preaching a Sermon in Church and waving Her Arms about like Epileptic Eels, “I have never been subjugated to such Degradation and Deviance in MY LIFE I tell You, and If My Husband was Alive He would have Slapped some Sense and common Decency Into Him. He’d have rolled up His Sleeves, taken off His Wedding Ring, Loosened His Tie, and given that Homeless Drunkard an Honest Ass Kicking!”

Lee found it fascinating Entertaining that the Woman spoke as if She was under the Impression it was 1922, and Chivalry wasn’t Dead as a fucking Door Nail. The Young Couple Meanwhile remained in a Post Traumatic Haze, all the Blood having Drained from Their Deathly White Faces, and Looked as if They would Collapse into a Heap at a moments Notice. Lee couldn’t Help but think that the Young Couple compared to the Businessman who was Actually Dead where the One’s Who in Fact Looked like Death Warmed Over. It was then Lee Noticed the Traumatized Bus Bunny sitting on the Curb Legs Splayed Open, Arms Flung About, Head Cocked to one Side, and Babbling incoherently. Lee walked over and decided to take a seat next to Her on the Curb.

“I Never…I Never…Never fucked a Guy to Death Before,” whispered the Bus Bunny aloud without even acknowledging Lee’s Presence, “I din’t know He was dying who Dies when They’re fucking? I didn’t know My shit was Sucking His Soul Out through His Pecker. My Muff is a Murderer.”


Lee got up as He had no Interest in Listing to Nonsensical Drivel so He returned to His Spot standing Next to Dizzy. Dizzy Seemed Greatly agitated He couldn’t stop fidgeting as He constantly shifted His Weight from Foot to Foot like a Nervous Prey Animal when They Know a Predator is Near. He was coated in a Clear Sheen of Sweat and His Eyes Darted about like a Hummingbird. Lee was perplexed by Dizzy’s current behavior as Dizzy didn’t seem like the Type of Person that let Never Let a Goddamn thing get to Them. Dizzy kept looking over obsessively towards Not just the Road but the Entrance to the Parking Lot as Well which reminded Lee of a Junkie on the Verge of Being Dope Sick watching Cars to see if can Spot Their Dealer coming with Their next Fix.

“What the fuck is Wrong with You Man You’re coming fucking Unglued,” commented Lee with a hint of Honest Concern, “This is undoubtedly a Royal Class A Cluster Fuck, But Hey it’s also great Free Entertainment so Why Not stay a While and see How it Ends?”

“Because I fucking Broke My Beer Bottle over a fucking Priest’s fucking Head, and He’s Bleeding like a Son of a Bitch,”replied Dizzy with a good deal of Contempt,”I don’t know about You Man, But I got Plenty of Better shit to do Today then to get fucking Arrested and Charged with Aggravated fucking Assault Goddamn it All to Hell!”


“Well We better have a fucking Plan B because the Cops beat Us Here Before We could get the fuck Out of Here,” said Lee as He watched Several Police Cruisers come Driving in like They were NASCAR Drivers.

“FUCK! FUCK ME! FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE! WHAT THE FUCK,” screamed Dizzy in a Panicked Rage, “What the Fuck Already I’m so fucked I’m going to fucking County Again Goddamnit.”

“Hold On Don’t worry just Yet,” advised Lee calmly, “With all the fucking Chaos We’ll blend in and then We can slip on Out when The Cops are Busy with all These Insane Fuckers.”

“Alright thats not the World’s Shittiest Idea.”Replied Dizzy as He did His Best to get His shit together and Maintain.


The Cops pulled up Their Brakes Screeching to High Heaven as The Charged in like it was World War III or some sort of National fucking Disaster was occurring. The Cops Piled Out of Their cars with Their hands on Their Guns and wearing Their Best Authoritative Faces. Some Police Officers rounded Everyone Up into a Small Group in Front of the Bus while a Couple Went over to Evaluate the Injured Priest and the Wounded Homeless Drunk. The Middle Aged Woman being a Shitty Snob immediately took center stage, and launched into a Full Blown “Poor Me” Victim Spiel worthy of a fucking Oscar. A Few of the Officers broke off to Handle the Fighting Roosters that were still Raising Hell inside of the Bus. The Police Officers Boarded the Bus and were Attacked Mercilessly by the Roosters as They Flapped Around trying to Claw out the Officers Eyes. This was all the Police Needed to Use Deadly Force, and The Officers on the Bus drew Their Weapons and Unloaded Clip after Clip into the Flock of Furious Foul. The Gun Shots continued until Every Raging Rooster Lay Dead Riddled with Bullets.

As The Barrage of Gunfire on the Bus was in Full fucking Swing an Ambulance came and the EMTS were tending to the two Injured Men. The Wiped as much Blood as possibly off the Priests Head before Bandaging it to the Point it looked like They were attempting to Mummify Him. One EMT escorted the Still Frantically Praying Priest over to the Ambulance. The Other EMT turn His Attention to the Homeless Drunk who ended up on a Stretcher with a Free Ride to the Nearest Hospital’s ICU.


The last to Arrive was the City Coroner who seemed to be in No Rush at all since where the fuck was the Dead Guy gonna go?! They touched base with the Police Officers before They Boarded the Bus. As soon as They did the Lead Coroner started Bitching Loudly about the Rooster Massacre He had to wade Through to do His Job. That was until He reached the Deceased Businessman’s Corpse then He really flipped he fuck out Big Time. Lee couldn’t make out the Words as They were muffled by the Confines of the Bus, but He could tell by Tone exactly how the Coroners Felt about the situation. After a Healthy Dose of Venting the Lead Coroner stuck His head out the Bus Door and looked around until He spotted His Subordinate.

“HEY PHIL,” the Lead Coroner Bellowed, “This Stiff is so covered in Bodily Fluid I’m talking Blood, Spit, Vomit, Piss, Shit and Semen WE don’t need a Body Bag We Need a Goddamn Body Condom for this Guy.”

Stay Tuned for the Next Unsettling Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

WTF is Going On With Robert Helpmann?!

Welcome to Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos Featuring ROBERT HELPMANN. This Series 0f 10 (Not 12 as some People Incorrectly Claim) is One Hell of a Ride so You might want to Strap in for this One Folks.

Robert Helpmann is a Youtube Channel created on July 12, 2015 which in itself is Unremarkable. What is Interest is on the Same Day The Owner(s) of the Channel Posted 10 Videos in just under an Hour after Being created, and No Other Content has Ever Been Posted Since.


The 10 Video Series centers around what appears for all Intents and Purposes to be a Dead Body Wrapped Up and Tied in Black Garbage Bags or Perhaps a Black Tarp of some sort. The Body is apparently Named Daisy (which some wonder if it’s a Reference to the saying “Pushing Up Daisies”) and the Name Daisy appears in Every Video, Video Description, and Tag. Some Viewers have Hypothesized that the Weird trend of Objects being Moved, and Spontaneously Popping into the Videos are signs that Daisy’s Spirit/Ghost is still Lingering about. Also lastly in the Daisy theme is that a Picture of a Daisy Flower is used as the Channel’s Icon as well.

The Other Person in the Videos appears every so often is a Masked Killer who is found of carrying a Large Butcher’s Knife. When He appears in Videos He actively interacts with Daisy some times Nurturing Her or Stabbing Her (Which seems redundant considering She is already Dead). The Unknown Masked Killer first appears in the Reflection of a Mirror so keep a Sharp Eye Out.

Now Detractor’s are quick to state that They believe the Videos are Staged because the Body or Daisy Isn’t the Size of a Human Adult. This is a Particularly Narrow View and a Rather Snap Assumption on Their part. I say this because simply Not All Dead People are Adults Daisy may very well be the Corpse of a Deceased Teenager, or a Juvenile, or perhaps it’s even more simply the Body of a Petite Woman.

Also Many People along the way have Speculated that there are More People Involved in the Daisy Video Series than just the Masked Killer and The Corpse. The Basis for this is whoever is the Typist for the Video Descriptions Never uses the words “I” or “Me” instead They use “We” and “Ours”.             

In All the Videos in the Series at one point a Screen Flashes with what looks like randomly jumbled words, but theres more to it. If You take a screen shot of Each group of Words and Overlap them You’ll see they comprise an entire Poem. As it Turns out it’s actually Not a Poem but a Children’s Nursery Rhyme Titled The Gay Lady that was first published in the Book Gammer  Gurton’s Garland of Nursery Rhymes in 1784, and is as Follows:

  • There was a lady all skin and bone;
  • Sure such a lady was never known:
  • It happened upon a certain day.
  • This lady went to church to pray
  • When she came to the church stile.
  • There she did rest a little while:
  • When she came to the churchyard.
  • there the bells so loud she heard.
  • When she came to the church door,
  • She stopped to rest a little more:
  • When she came the church within,
  • The person prayed ‘gainst pride and sin.
  • Oh looking up, on looking down,
  • She saw a dead man on the ground.
  • And from his nose unto his chin
  • The worms crawled out, the worms crawled in.
  • Then she unto the parsen said;
  • Shall I be so when I am dead;
  • O yes! O yes, the parson said,
  • You will be so when you are dead.
  • Here the lady screams.


The Name of the Channel Robert Helpmann if You Google it will Discover He was an Australian Actor/Dancer leading some to Believe there is a Direct Tie in. One of the things They Base this on is the Fact in the Beginning of His Career  Robert Spelled His Last Name with only One N. Robert later changed the Spelling by adding the Additional N because He was a Bit Superstitious, and He didn’t want the Letters in His Name to Add up to 13. This is just the Tip of one of the More Elaborate Theories, but it Honestly the One I Found Truly Intriguing.

There’s Actually quite a Childlike Aspect to/in the Daisy Series as a Whole. Examples include one Video Titled Hide And Seek another is about being Tucked in at Night. Also there is the Description for the Video Titled Daisy Tumble  it states “Don’t Worry Daisy We’ll Kiss It Better” which is How a Parent would relate to Their Child when They are Injured/Hurt.


In the Description for the Video Daisy Helps Out In The Kitchen it says “Scrumptious Meals A-Plenty!” The Word Scrumptious just Also happens to be the Name of a Family in the Iconic 1968 American Musical Adventure Fantasy Film Chitty-CHitty-Bang-Bang (Who play a Huge Role in the Film). While Robert Helpmann played Many Villains during His Acting Career including playing the Role of The Devil Four Separate Times. That Aside Helpmann’s most Famous and Well Known Role (in America and the UK) was playing the Role of the Infamous Child Catcher in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang. Over the Years the Film has become a Part of the Holiday Tradition becoming a Classic Christmas Staple, and it’s Shown on Numerous Television Stations Every Year.

Every Daisy Video contain Music or Audio played in Reverse and in Almost Every Video it the Same Song called “Santa Claus Hides In Your Phonograph”. The Song supposed to be a Promotional Present meant to Psych Kids Up for the Holidays in the 1920’s. There are Two Exceptions and they are the Videos Daisy Unwinds along with the Video Daisy Playing. The song in those two particular Videos is Also the Same Song, but the Song is the 1925 song “I’m Gonna Charleston Back To Charleston” by The California Ramblers.


SO adding up the Channel Name, The Movie, the Songs in the Video’s, the Childlike Undertones through out, and the Fact the Book that the Children’s Nursery Rhyme has the Word “Garland” displayed prominently in its Title what Could it All Mean??? Well ask Yourself is it possible that Daisy Represents Christmas Itself? She’s Wrapped Up like a Present, When She Arrives in the First Video Everyone is Happy, and When in the Lats Video Daisy Leaves Everyone is Saddened and Distraught. This would be like the Excitement of it of Christmas Day Arriving and the Depressing Anti Climactic Following Day. You could also ask Yourself could the Daisy Videos be a Representation or Interpretation of the 12 Days of Christmas?

I personally side with Those Who Surmise that the Daisy Video Series is a Social Commentary on Christmas, and that Commentary is Christmas is Dead. The Heart of the Christmas Holiday used to be about Friends and Family and spending quality time with Both. Nowadays Consumerism has Corrupted the Holy Hell out of Christmas reducing it to just Pure Unadulterated Capitalism. In Short its Cash Over Christ as Greed has Commercialized Christmas to No End making it about Profits over People and Finances over Family. Christmas had been so Compromised by the Cash is King Mentality if Jesus did come back He wouldn’t recognize His own fucking Birthday Anymore. Christmas is the Ultimate Child Catcher.












Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober (1257IMYFFY)