The Deviant Detective #6: Dark Web Desire

Revenge was a Concept that Rock was more than Familiar with as Rock had sought Plenty of Revenge in His Life thats for sure. Thats How Rock got into the Detective Game to begin with in Fact. Rock had always had a Special Affinity for UnderDogs of all Kinds His entire Life starting with Defending Fellow Classmates from Bullies when He was growing Up. In Adulthood Rock had felt the need to Protect People from the Bullies that had grown up to The Predators Preying on Innocent Civilians. People fucking over Other People Never sat right with Rock.  Rock also harbored an Intense Hatred for all the Things He perceived to be Unjust in the World, and had No Problem resorting to Violence to Achieve His Goal No Matter What.

Rock also possessed a Volatile mix of Impulse Control and Anger Management Issues had made Rock’s Employment Record was Sporadic as Rock jumped from Job to Job. Rock would get a Job until He was either Fired for Acting Out in some Fashion, or He got board and Simple Up and Quit. Thus Rock’s inability to Hold Down a Job along with prolonged periods of Time between said Jobs made Him a less than desirable Job Applicant. The Time in-between were a Pause in what Rock considered long and extensive succession of shitty Jobs He had the displeasure of Doing just to Pay the Bills.

Rock had Never seen the Point in having a Job if You weren’t Your own Boss since Bosses tended to be Domineering Dicks or Greedy Ego Driven Assholes. The sum total of these Personal Components that Made Up Rock’s Personality had virtually Drawn Him to Detective work. He got to be His Own Boss so No Cowing Down to a Douchbag Office Dictator, He wasn’t physically constrained by being Trapped in a Mundane Office Building Manning one of Hundreds of Crappy Cubicles. With Detective Work Rock also could Champion Underdogs, Persecute Predators, Beat Bad Guys Bloody, and Pretty much Behave as He saw Fit. Rock wanted to remain Free from the Shackles of Corporate Life serving the God’s of Capitalism making Them obscenely Wealthy while the Works Struggled to make Ends Meat.


“I understand Revenge is a wonderful Motivator there is truly Nothing like It,” replied Rock Dryly as He was only mildly interested in what Otto was Talking about, “The Problem is the more Money someone Steals the Harder it is to Find them. More Money equates to More Options since You can Buy Anything as Long as You have the Financial Backing to Pay the Bill.”

“Well then it’s Lucky I know where My Nefarious Business Partner is currently Operating His Shady Business Dealings from,” said Otto in a slow and steady tone,”That Alone is a rather Large Lead as it will make Tracking His Movements, Location, Business Dealings, and Known Associates that much Easier. If Knowledge is Power then Technology Provides the Tools to Obtain such Power.”

“Alright Buddy Time is Money and My Patience is Short so You can stop talking like some fucking James Bond Character,” sighed Rock growing exasperated by the Ordeal,”Get to the Goddamn Point if You Please.”

“Alright as You wish I have No issue with being Direct,” answered Otto politely, “My Unscrupulous Business Partner has set Up Shop on the Dark Web Running a Red Room called “Do Unto Others” which is gaining Popularity among the Users of the Dark Web.”


“I know the Basics,” said Rock who’s interest was beginning to perk up at this point, “You need the Thor also know as The Onion Software to Access the Dark Web. That and You need to protect Yourself if You venture onto the Dark Web since there Undesirables of all Kinds so You need to Hide Your IP Address and VPN. From there You can access Hidden Wiki to see what sites are out there Lurking in the Abyss of the Dark Web.”

“Not to Shabby but You’ll need someone with Far better Technical skills but I’m more than confident You can Locate such a Person considering Your Line of work You must Cross Paths with Dubious Characters of all Kinds.” said Otto being as Frank as Possible.

“If and I do mean if I take the Job it won’t be a Hunt it will be a Fishing Expedition,” Rock said matter of factly, “I don’t have the Time, Energy, Manpower, or Resources to Scour the Entirety of the Dark Web and it’s insanely easy to Hide in the Shadows. I’ll need to Set some Bait and Lure The Target out of whatever cyber hole He is Hiding and lead Him directly to Me. How the fuck did You even find Out Your ex-business partner was on the Dark Web to begin with I mean that in itself is rather Impressive since anonymity is the Key element because for the Users of the Dark Web Privacy is Number One Principle.”


“Thats an Excellent Question indeed,” the Otto said in a Complimentary tone, “It made the Most Sense since My Partner didn’t have the Foresight to Keep His devious Plans a Secret. What I mean by that is He frequently would talk about the Dark Web which I believed to be a Sinister Obsession with Him. He was particularly fond of discussing how if He in fact committed a Major Financial Crime how He would Utilize the Dark Web to Help Him get away consequence Free.”

“Well it makes sense now that You mention it. He could instantly Hide the Money by converting it into the Crypto Currency Bitcoin thus erasing any way of Tracking the Cash through the Banking System, He wouldn’t have to pay the fee to Launder it, Theres No Way to track the Bills through Their Serial Numbers, and there No Banks to worry about poking around in Your Business.” commented Rock having become very Intrigued by this Possible up coming Case, “No to mention the Dark Web is ground goddamn Zero for Buying Fake Passports, ID Cards, Birth Certificates, and Driver’s Licenses basically if You can Counterfeit it You can Buy it on the Dark Web. One stop shopping for The Criminal Element. Also Operating on the Dark Web means all You need is a Computer and Your good to go it allows You to Stay hidden in a chosen Location without having to Risk the Exposure of Traveling in the Real World. Lastly like I said Anonymity on the Dark Web is the Most Important thing to It’s Users so No One will come nosing around asking questions or anything like that.”


“So there is No reason for Me to Explain as Your intelligent Man and have figured it out for Yourself which is one of the Reasons I wanted to Hire You in particular was for Your Deductive Reasoning.” stated Otto with an air of Satisfaction.

“The Only question I have left is How did You find out about Your Ex Partner had set up a Red Room,” asked Rock with Genuine Curiosity, “I’m additionally curious since I was under the impression that Red Rooms were just an Internet Urban Legend just another helping of Creepy Pasta and all that foolish shit.”

“I assure You Detective Red Rooms are Very Real,” answered Otto Ominously, “Very Real Indeed.”

STAY TUNED for the Next Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

The Story of Dark Web Horror Game Sad Satan

This is The Story of One of the Most Infamously Notorious Video Games to Ever Hit the Internet Sad Satan. It all started on June 25, 2015 when a Guy named Jamie posted His Sad Satan Game Play Video(s) on His YouTube Channel Obscure Horror Corner. Jamie posted a Total of 5 Game Play Videos of Him Playing Sad Satan from Beginning to End (which are Showcased Later on in this Post) Sparking an Internet Sensation.

Sad Satan Spread Across the Internet almost Immediately like an Out of Control Wildfire to Say the Least. Users  around the World Scrambled Franticly to Download a Copy of the Controversial Sad Satan for Themselves. It took Next to No Time for the Internet to get Worked Up into Frenzy as The Rumors, Warnings, Conspiracy Theories, and User Investigations Pertaining to Sad Satan to become Plastered Across the Internet and Social Media.

This Resulted in 99% of the Users familiar with the Game on Any and Every Level to All Say the Same Thing: DO NOT ACTIVELY SEARCH FOR THIS GAME AS IT CONTAINS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC IMAGERY AND IS REPORTED TO HAVE VIRUSES/MALWARE EMBEDDED IN IT. And for that Reason there are Several Pixelated Pictures in Jamie’s Sad Satan Game Play Videos, But You Can’t Blame Him for Not wanting to Traumatize/Offend Any of His Subscribers or Violate Youtube’s Terms of Service resulting in Youtube Shutting Down His Channel.


When Jamie was asked Where He Acquired the Disturbingly Demented Game in the First place Jamie said a Link to “Let’s Play” of the Game was E-mailed to Him by one of His Subscribers (Who wished to Remain Anonymous). The Anonymous User claimed He Discovered/Found the Game on The Dark Web. Now I must pause for a moment to Address the Fact People use the Terms Deep Web and Dark Web as if they are Interchangeable which They are Not. They aren’t interchangeable because They AREN’T the same fucking Thing They are Two Separate Entities. Bottomline There is a Deep web AND a Dark Web and with that I Digress.

To Navigate through Social Insanity Surrounding Sad Satan I’m going Split THE FACTS and THE FICTION into Two Separate Categories. So where shall We start?! Just kidding We’ll start with the Rumors/Conspiracy Theories since let’s face it Sensationalism Sells.

The First Rumor I will address is the Most Prominent Question about The Game Sad Satan being WHO created such a Sinister Game?! Here at the Following Theories: Sad Satan was created By a Real Life SERIAL KILLER, It was Invented by a SATANIC CULT as a Recruiting Tool, It’s Cursed and Can/Will KILL Those Who Dare Play It. Then there Theories that Sad Satan was Created by a Victim of Child Abuse or an Actual Pedophile. Other Theories are Sad Satan was created as a way to Conceal/Sell/Trade in Child Porn, is a Commentary on Child/Sexual Abuse, a MURDER CULT created it for some Unknown reason.


Even More Theories include its used by The Authorities (example NSA) to Catch PEDOPHILES, Would be  KILLERS, DANGEROUS CRIMINALS, and DEADLY CULT MEMBERS as well as Other Criminals as Well. Also Some People Think Sad Satan was created as some Bizarre PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST or Evaluation Tool or perhaps a EXTREME Therapy/Treatment.

Lastly there Theories that Sad Satan is a TOP SECRET EXPERIMENT  or that It was created by The Government as a MIND CONTROL Tactic. Some Schools of Thought believe Sad Satan is a Military Desensitizing Program to Prepare Soldiers for the BRUTAL HORRORS OF WAR. Lastly it was Rumored that Sad Satan is Infected with a Advanced BOT NET VIRUS that can circumnavigate around Virus Scanners and Even Virtual Machines.


Now this is where it truly is hard to Separate Fact from Fiction when it comes to the Allegation (True or Otherwise) that Sad Satan would Utterly Destroy Your Computer with a Myriad of Malicious Programs. You see Jamie wasn’t Naive, Ignorant or a Noobie and He Obviously tested Sad Satan  checking it for Viruses, Spyware, Malware Etc. and Didn’t find Any. Also I Never found ANYONE with Anything close to Definitive Proof that Sad Satan was riddled with Embedded Viruses and So On. It’s easy to see though how this Rumor came to be. Everyone knows that there is a Threat of Viruses and the Like and that all new shit should be Scanned to make sure its Safe to Download/Play, AND the Fact that Sad Satan Originated on the DARK WED only perpetuated the Theory that Sad Satan was as Infected as a Two Dollar Crack Whore.

It is just a tad Ironic that Players began to Report Physical Effects Themselves while or From Playing Sad Satan. The Alleged Effects Suffered by Players include but are Not Limited to: Ocular Distress (mainly Prolonged Period of Blurry Vision or Acute Pain), Nausea, Vomiting, Seizures, Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Panic Attacks, High Levels of Anxiety, Insomnia, Nightmares, Night Terrors, Psychological Drama, PTSD,  An Assortment Mental Health Issues (up to and including Insanity), Suicidal Thoughts, a General Feeling of Sickness that is Often Attributed to the Music played/used in the Game.


I also found a Few Miscellaneous Rumors to Boot. One is the Pictures of People that Pop Up randomly as You Play are ALLEGEDLY all Know PEDOPHILES, but there isn’t a Single Shred of Evidence to support this more outlandish Rumor. Also one of the more Popular Rumors is that if You Play or Own a Downloaded Copy of Sad Satan You run the Real Risk of Being Arrested. THIS IS UTTERLY FALSE You can Not get in Trouble for Being Curious enough to Download/Play Sad Satan though it is said the Authorities are in fact aware of the Game, and if that is True then They don’t seem to Care about Apprehending Anyone over it.

Now for here are THE FACTS Pertaining to the Game Sad Satan. By now most of You are probably wondering Why there so Many Rumors about Pedophiles and Child Porn (CP) and there are Two good reasons for this I will explain Now.  As I mentioned there are a Bunch of Pictures that Pop Up Randomly while You play Sad Satan. Unfortunately One of those Pictures is an Actual a Picture of Child Porn. This Fact combined with that toward the End of Sad Satan a Lowed and Distorted Version of The band The Door’s classic “Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar)” plays Eerily. Now its not the Song itself that adds to the Sleazy Creepiness of Sad Satan it’s the Fact the Only Lyrics from the Song are as Follows:

“Oh Show Us the Way to the Next Little Girl

Oh Don’t Ask Why

For We Must Find the Next Little Girl

Or if We DOn’t find the Next Little Girl

I tell You We Must Die

I tell You We Must Die

I tell You

I Tell You

I Tell You We must Die…”


Other Picture found in Sad Satan include (but Not Limited To) a Picture of Lady Justice, a Game Over Screen Shot, You Won Screen Shot, Four Pictures of Random People (the Alleged Pedophiles), The Child Porn Picture, and at Least Four Gore Pictures. The Gore Pictures are Four Real Life Pictures of DECAPITATIONS or SEVERED LIMBS as well as a Picture of Someone’s HEAD BEING CRUSHED under a Truck Tire. The Pictures are Disturbing Enough, BUT this is Sad Satan We’re talking about here so of course there’s a Twist when it comes to the Gore Pictures. The Twist is All The Gore Pictures are Not just REAL there of DEAD CHILDREN (Fueling the Pedophile/Child Porn Theories behind Sad Satan’s Creation and Purpose). It for This Reason the Game Play Videos included in this Post (and Elsewhere) have been Censored by Whoever dares to Post it again as to Not Violate Youtube or Anyone Else’s Terms of Service.

The Weird Music Playing at the Title Screen is a song called “I Love Beijing Tiananmen” by Kampflieder de that’s being Played in Reverse (Fueling the Satanic Theories). The Audio heard in the Hallways of Sad Satan are a Rhapsody of Radio Station Call Numbers that are again being Played Backwards. The Screams (Allegedly The Actual Audio of Victims of Violent Crime such as Rape) haven’t ever been Proven to Be Real or Fake for that Matter so It’s one of Those Decide for Yourself Scenarios.


The Version of Sad Satan that Everyone in the Know is in Fact a CLONE of Sad Satan simply referred to as The Sad Satan Clone. The Clone of Sad Satan is almost the same as the Original but with Subtle Differences. The Reason for this is NO ONE accept Jamie of Obscure Horror Corner has EVER Possessed a Copy of THE ORIGINAL Sad Satan. People have searched the Net far and Wide (Including the Dark Web) trying to Locate the Original Version of Sad Satan, But to No Avail. There is Believe it or Not a CLEAN VERSION of Sad Satan thanks to a Reddit User who edited Out the Offensive Pictures and replaced them with more “Acceptable” Pictures.

Now the Questions about the Possible Creator of Sad Satan that Aren’t Complete Speculation and Conjecture are the Following. Did Jamie of Obscure Horror Corner invent the Game? Jamie has been asked countless times by countless People if He was indeed the Creator of Sad Satan which He has ALWAYS DENIED. As for the People who Questioned Jamie They all seem to come to the Same Conclusion which is Jamie is telling the Truth and had Nothing to Do with the Games Creation. People have also wondered if Jamie was in fact the Anonymous Subscriber who He claimed E-mailed Him the Link to Sad Satan, and again there is No Proof to Back this Theory.

That does raise the Question in Some People’s Minds which is Could Jamie and The Anonymous Subscriber be in Cahoots, and are actually working Together. No Proof of this has ever been Discovered. Lastly there Those Who adhere to the School of Thought that the Anonymous Subscriber was the one who Created Sad Satan and e-mailed the Link to Jamie in an attempt to Promote the Game and to Build a Buzz around it. The only Problem with this   particular Theory is IF The Anonymous Subscriber did indeed Create Sad Satan and Sought to Promote it then WHY REMAIN ANONYMOUS? No One can give You credit if They have No fucking Clue Who You Are.

Well Thats Everything I uncovered about the Dark Web Video Game Sad Satan at Now for Least. Below You will find ALL 5 of Jamie’s Sad Satan Game Play Videos. Please Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed The Trip Down The Sad Satan Rabbit Hole as Much as We Did.

  By Les Sober

An Internet Mystery: The foundontape Clips

We here at FYB came across a Person/Group that goes by foundontape. Their Mission statement is rather simple. Whoever was Posting The Video’s claimed Their Content was All found on Old School VHS Video Tapes. Three of Their Videos became the Center of an Investigation by Internet Users most Notable Those from 4Chan.

The Video Post Titled Clip 094.mp4 was the Original Video that Peaked People’s Curiosity which led to the Initial Investigation into What The Fuck was Going on in and with This and the Subsequent Two Other Related Posts Clip 95 and Clip 084.mp4.


Now not Only are the Videos Bizarrely Strange and Disturbing there still more to this Story. In the Second Clip in the Series Clip 095 a Weird Decoder Ring of Sorts appears and Matches up Letters with Numbers. Users quickly discovered it was a Hexadecimal Strain that led Them to the Hidden Link Encoded in the Video. The Link sent the User a Map File for the Game Half Life 2 where the User found Themselves in an Abandoned Room containing a Bed, Empty Food Containers, A Wash Tub, and and Empty Jug. The User though was essentially stuck being Unable to Freely Move Around the Room. That didn’t stop some Users who discovered a way to “Unlock” themselves and wonder around the Room checking out the Various Items. The User eventually would locate a Door and Upon Exiting the Room a Scare Shot (The Head wedged in the Stairs from Clip 094.mp4) and then the Game Crashed ending the Adventure.


A Second Link was uncovered Encoded in the Subsequent Clip 095 which took Users to a Very Basic Game where the User has to Navigate through a System of Air Ducts. Finally the User comes across a Large Blood Stain at the Top of a Huge Fall down an Adjoining Air Duct. The User has No Option but to Jump down said Air Duct which causes Their Death before again Crashing at Completion of The Death Drop.

There has also been Code located in Clip 084.mp4, BUT unlike the Other Previous Clips The Code in Clip 084.mp4 HAS NEVER BEEN DECODED at least Not Yet Anyway.


An interesting Side Note: 10 User who “Played” the Game were Actually Contacted by foundontape and given a New Link to the Game. When the User accessed the Link They were taken back into the Air accept this time they could cross through a hole in a Wall and found a New Tunnel System. Also The Player could return to the Room (the room  Clip 095 brought them to), but this time there was far more shit in the Room to check out. In the End You pass a Burned Corpse, find more Blood Stains, and plummet down an Air Duct. This time though the Player wouldn’t die but instead landed in a Sewer with only a Flash Light to Guide Them. After a brief while a Monster comes charging at you as the Screen shakes as it Gets Closer Until it inevitably Killed the Player and Yes once again the Game would then Crash. No Other Encrypted Videos were Posted, and No Other Links to the “Game” were ever Disclosed.

Clip 094.mp4

CLip 095

Clip 084.mp4

Thanks for Watching,

 By Les Sober

What The Hell am I Watching 2: Obey The Walrus

This Installment of “What The Hell Am I Watching 2” is VERY DIFFERENT than its Predecessor. The Main Difference is as I found Myself Obsessing a Bit over this Particular Video I went, and Researched it I actually was able to Track Down ALL of the Available Information pertaining to “Obey The Walrus”. Though even with the Details it  Doesn’t make it any less Strange.

The Video “Obey The Walrus” (or “Obedeca La Morsa” in Spanish) was Allegedly created by a Latin American Cult know as “La Morsa” which Translates into The Walrus. The Video was posted in 2008 and Spread Across the Internet like Wildfire.

Soon there were Rumors that the Video was in Fact Haunted, and that Bad Things/Bad Luck will Happen to Whoever watches the Video. There is Nothing Supernatural about this Video as the Rumors of it Being Haunted or Cursed were Made Up to Scare the God Loving Shit Out of You Plain and Simple.


The Man Featured in the Video is American Born Entertainer/Actor Johnnie Baima who is an Anorexic Cross Dresser who Contracted Polio when He was a Small Child. Later on in Life Baima adopted the Drag Queen Stage Name of Sandie Crisp, but is Best Know by His Moniker “The Goddess Bunny”.

The Goddess Bunny has NOTHING to do with the Cult La Morsa as it is Simple Archieved Footage from Baima’s 1994 Biographical Film Titled “The Goddess Bunny” that has been Edited. The Video was edited to include the Additional Footage of Andros from Star Fox singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” followed by some LSD Induced Graphics, and the End of the Video Picture of a Walrus. To Date No Researcher has EVER been able to Locate Hide nor Hair of Any Real Life Cult Called La Morsa. This lack of Any/All Evidence of its Existence has lead Most to Believe it NEVER Existed in the First Place.


The Other Extremely Odd thing about the Video is the Dramatically Different Reposes that People have after or while Viewing it. Some People are Freaked the Fuck Out or Scared while on the Opposite side of Spectrum there People who Laugh or Just simply Shake it Off as They Say. Luckily there is a Psychological Reason which is as Follows:

The reactions to the Video are a Natural Reaction of a Psychological Nature that has NOTHING to do with Demons and Subliminal Messages, let Alone Satanic Organizations. It is Due to Mental Conditioning to Various Factors such as Deformity, Transexualism, the Colors, The Dance which can be Distressing. This is Accompanied by a Sound that the Brain has Trouble Processing, it Provokes a Reaction of Terror that in EXTREME Cases can cause Dizziness, Vomiting, and Some other Unpleasant Physical Reactions. On the Other Hand to the Contrary it can Provoke a Reaction of Happiness, Laughter, and Laughing to the Point of Crying. The Bottomline is It All Depends on the Reaction of Your Brain to What You See.



Hope You Found Tonight’s Video Entertaining. Good Night and Sleep Tight.

 Brought to You By Les Sober


(Sources: David Nunez, Scare Theater, and HoodoHoodlumsRevenge)

FYB’S Friday Diner and a Movie: Double Helping of Creepy Pasta with The Russian Sleep Experiment 1 & 2

The Russian Sleep Experiment was Allegedly Uncovered by a Anonymous User who was Surfing the Deep Web which is NOT to be confused with the Dark Web mind You.

This Unknown Person supposedly Stumbled Across Historical Russian Military Documents detailing the MOST HORRIFIC EXPERIMENT CONDUCTED ON HUMAN BEINGS.

It’s a Tale of Illegal Human Experimentation that Ended in a Chaos Consisting of SELF CANNIBALISM, MUTILATION, ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION, INSANITY, MURDER, AND DEATH.


While The Russian Sleep Experiment Tale had been around for several Years while assembling material for this Post FYB became aware that there is in fact a Russian Sleep Experiment 2.

We checked out this alleged Russian Sleep Experiment 2, and while The Original Russian Sleep Experiment in Our option is not out of the Realm of Possibility when Your talking about Cold War Russian Military and Illegal Human Experimentation. Does that mean We believe it?!

NO. It Doesn’t Seem Plausible, but Stranger Shit has Happened.


As for The Russian Sleep Experiment 2 We are calling 100% unequivocal BULLSHIT! Why?! Well the reason We are calling BULLSHIT is the Story Line for the Russian Sleep Experiment is a BLATANT RIP OFF of the Tod Six’s Movie Human Centipede 2.

It’s the regurgitation of Six’s Human Centipede 2 Storyline which is a simple Psycho See, Psycho Do. Thats to say it’s about a “Real Person” in the “Real World” Who is a Fan of Human Centipede: First Sequence Decides to Slide Deep into Insanity, and Recreate The Exact Experiment Depicted in the  Fictional Movie.


Well That’s OUR Opinion on the Subject so Sit Back, Kick Up Your Feet, Crack a Beer, Spark a Joint, Watch, Contemplate, and Decide For Yourself.

And As Always We Must Cover All Bases ………



SO Without Further Ado Ladies and Gentlemen FYB Presents

The Russian Sleep Experiment followed by The Russian Sleep Experiment 2!

Brought to You By CreepsMcPasta (Find Him/Her @



That’s It Hope You Enjoyed and Hope it made You Think.

 Presented By Les Sober

Questions That Allude Answers: Blank Room Soup

It’s that Time again Fans for another Installment of Questions That Allude Answers. This Time We go from a Creepy Robot named Tara to well….See and Decide for Yourself.

First We have the Original DARK WEB Video BLANK ROOM SOUP Untampered, Unedited, and Uncensored in Any Way.

Second We have the FOLLOW UP or SECOND DARK WEB Video called TORTURE SOUP that was Posted several Years After Blank Room Soup.


Below the Videos will be a Discussion along with Speculations, Hypothesizes, Observations, Debates, Quandaries, and Questions Discussed Pertaining to the BOTH VIDEOS.

And as alway to cover Our Ass………



Video Two (2) TORTURE SOUP Part 1

Well, Well, Well What do We have Here Dear Reader’s??!!! We honestly will more than likely NEVER Know, but that DOESN’T Stop Us from Wonder Aloud.

Let’s Simply Start with the Obvious shall We. In  BLANK ROOM SOUP there is a Man who seems to be Crying (or possibly Laughing?!) as He eats God Know What with a Large Wooden Spoon. The Man is in a Completely White Room with nothing other than the Table in it. There are 2 People dressed in Identical Full On Mascot Like Costumes who seem to Comfort the Upset Man though this bring Him NO Comfort.

In TORTURE SOUP it’s the same Location with the Same Upset Man eating Who fucking knows. THIS TIME the People in Costume do NOT interact with the Man. This time around  instead standing just inside of the Door. One of the People is Costume Bum Rushes the Man from Behind and looks to be Attack right before the Video Cuts Off.

BLANK ROOM SOUP was Posted over a Decade ago to Youtube someone going by Renaissance Men with the Description :

“We have no idea what this is.”

Several Years later TORTURE SOUP also Posted on Youtube. I couldn’t find out WHO Posted it or if there was a Description. It’s been Uploaded so many Times that after 10 years it’s like a massive and greatly fucked Round of the Telephone Game via the Internet.

There as You may have Guessed Several Hypothesizes pertaining to BOTH Videos so lets Discuss some Shall We, Yes We Shall.


We can get off to a Good Start with Two (2) of the Most Popular Possible Explanations. The First is The Man was Kidnapped and is being Held Hostage, and is Eating a Soup made from HIS OWN ORGANS!

It is Medically Possible to Live with 1 Kidney, 1 Lung, Part/Piece of a Liver, 1 Eye, Missing Parts of Your Intestines. ALSO You Live a Fairly Normal functioning Life with NO Appendix, Gallbladder, Stomach, Colon, Reproductive Organs, or Pancreas. That all Said I fully believe this Hypothesis of Dark Web Forced Self Cannibalism is BULLSHIT.

If this was indeed the case The Man would need to be hooked up to SEVERAL Medical Devices/Machines after a Serious Surgery like removing Multiple Organs (Not to mention The Man would at Least Bare, Bare fucking Minimum have an IV Line which He does NOT)


The Second Most Popular Possible Explanation is Essentially the sam as the First with ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE. The Difference is in this Story The Man AND HIS WIFE are Kidnapped and Held Hostage. The Wife is then allegedly MURDERED by The Couple’s Costumed Captors. Yup You got it after MURDERING the Wife the Captors made a SOUP CONTAINING OF HER ORGANS, and are Forcing The Man to Eat It. Again I think this Hypothesis is Horseshit.

If there was In Fact a Wife why is there No Mention of Her because right away We know She isn’t in the Video. Also if this is some Sick Shit born of the Dark Web there would have at least be CLUES, HIDDEN SUTLE HINTS pertaining to the Wife because without one How The fuck can We or Anyone assume is a Soup made of Her Organs?!


The Other thing that seems a bit odd about the 2 above Hypothesizes is in BOTH SCENARIOS the Cannibalism surrounds the Consumption of Human Organs. When Someone mentions the Topic of Cannibalism People immediately associate that with the EATING OF HUMAN FLESH (Organs are virtually Never Addressed outside of a Handful Historical Accounts. Just Google FIJI CANNIBALISM)

Thus to Claim the Soup is made from Human Organs seems Suspect. It’s as if Someone was/is REALLY trying to Sell the Hypothesis, and They switched Human Flesh to Human Organs to give it more Authenticity/Believability.

Another Hypothesis is it’s a CHINESE MAFIA EXECUTION VIDEO. Again I call Bullshit. This is FAR, FAR, FAR too fucking Elaborate a scenario to be conducted by The Chinese Mob just Kill Someone. If this had been an EXECUTION VIDEO then How Come We NEVER SAW THE MAN MURDERED?! Thats the Entire and Only fucking Point in this Hypothesis.


I imagine if there is an Actual Chinese Mafia EXECUTION VIDEO out there Lurking in the Corners of the Dark Web it would be virtually identical to the Muslim Fanatic Terrorist Execution Videos (minus the Political and Religious Propaganda.) which is just that an Execution Plain and Simple No Theatrics Required.

Another reassuring Hypothesis is it’s a EXTREME FETISH VIDEO where People get Sexual Gratification by Watching Someone Tormented, Suffering, Terrified, Abused or Tortured (Physically, Mentally, and/or  Emotionally) like some sort of Morbid Fuzzy Fantasy Fetish. That at least explain the Costumes, but I digress.

This would be considered to be SNUFF. Now most People hear the word Snuff and Think of the Urban Legend Pornography Films where People fuck, and then One of Them is Murdered on Camera. This is Nothing BUT a Completely Unfounded Recycled Urbana Legend that has been converted into Creepy Pasta.


Snuff is Defined as Showing the ACTUAL DEATH of A LIVING HUMAN BEING. This includes all the Videos of Accidental Deaths posted all over the Internet. I mean Reddit has a Room Dedicated to These type Videos called “I Watch People Die”, and that’s not even the Dark (or Deep Web) it’s fucking Reddit. Snuff also includes Actual Footage from War showing People dying in Battle, Terrorist Execution Videos, and MAINSTREAM MOVIES such as Micheal Moore’s Documentary “Bowling For Columbine” which included ACTUAL FOOTAGE of the Shootings Via Security Cameras and shit.

All of it is SNUFF.


NOW SINCE Both Videos are from the Infamous Dark Web one of the MOST or very well the NUMBER 1 Hypothesis is that BOTH Videos are Proof that Red Rooms ARE in fact Real.

Red Rooms are Rumored or Supposed to be the LIVE STREAMING of Someone being TORTURED, and eventually Killed on the Dark Web. The basic Red Room Scenario is as follows. A Person is Kidnapped and Held HOSTAGE for 3-5 Days before the Actual Event.

Why is not certain of course. Some speculate it’s to Terrorize the Victim so when the Live Stream Event begins the Victim’s reactions will be exacerbated by the fact They’re half Insane with Fear. And that would make it Far More Entertaining for the Red Room’s Audience.


Once the Red Room Event starts the Victim is Tortured Relentlessly until He/She is inevitably killed as/at the Climax of the Show (No Pun intended). The Brutality is Doled out by an Unknown and Masked Torturer/Executioner who is more often than Not is taking Direct Orders, such as Gauge Out Their Eyes or Cut off Their Nipples, from none other than the Red Room’s Paying Audience.

Thats right Folks Red Rooms are STRICTLY a Pay-Per-View Events, and if You want to do more than merely Watch You have the Option to Pay-To-Play. Basically is like pretty much any General Ticket Type System. The “Cheap Seats” are Watch Only and NOTHING More. As One pays More They move up the Red Room Ladder if You will Earning more Privileges the higher One Goes. An Example would be if You Pay More to move up and thus receive a COPY of the Event to watch whenever the mood may Strike You.


At the Opposite End of the Spectrum from the “Cheap Seats” are or would be “Box Seats” the Highest Tier One can Achieve. If You have “Box Seats” You can Watch, Receive all Free Additional Gifts, and the MOST Coveted Privilege You can be the Person instructing the Torturer/Executioner. The Victim’s Fate is literally IN YOUR HANDS (Obviously letting the Victim in fact Live and Go Free is NOT AN OPTION.) What You Say GOES.

Well thats a Feast of Food for Thought I’d say so now that We have Covered What This MIGHT be All About We do HAVE SOME ACTUAL FACTS Surrounding BOTH VIDEOS!!!


The Following Facts are ALL due to the Hard Work, and  the Creepy Curiosity of YouTube Reignbot. For Without Her I seriously Doubt Anyone would be Aware of the Following Facts.

What is interesting to Me is Reignbot set out to DEBUNK Blank Room Soup, BUT Quickly She found Herself Pulled into the Mystery of it All.

Reignbot did some Research and Found a DAILYMOTION ACCOUNT by a USER NAMED RayRaytv.

On the RayRaytv account were several Videos INCLUDING BLANK ROOM SOUP which was under an Alternate Name of FREAKY SOUP GUY. All the Videos Posted to the Account feature the People Dressed in IDENTICAL COSTUMES to those Worn in Both BLANK ROOM SOUP and TORTURE SOUP!


Reignbot then managed to discover the Creator of these So Called Characters was Raymond Persi who is an American Animator, Director, Producer, Screen Writer, Storyboard Artist, as well as a Voice Actor. In Fact Persi is know for His work on Wreck-It Ralph, Zootopia, and even The Simpsons.

Before Hollywood Success Persi had a Traveling Performance Art Group consisting of Characters who are ALL named RAYRAY. They mainly Played in California, but They did get to do a Little Bit of Traveling through out the Project.

WELL NOW,NOW KIDDIES!! It would APPEAR Our Story is Nothing more than Some Promotional Work Whipped Up to Generate Hype For/Around the Persi’s LIVE Performance Art Project RAYRAY…..BUT WAIT RIGHT FUCKING THERE BECAUSE IT IS NOT THE END NOT IN THE LEAST!!!!


YOU SEE Reignbot Wasn’t Finished, Her Investigation had Not Concluded. Reignbot went on to locate Persi’s E-mail Address, and then  sent Him an Email asking What His Thoughts Were on the Subject.

NOT ONLY did Persi respond, BUT Reignbot also made the Email available to the Public which was a Very fucking Cool thing to Do.


“RayRay is a performance I created years ago. That’s also the two characters’ names; ‘RayRay’. I created them as a way to visualize and haven with my feelings of loneliness and isolation at the time; they were sort of Caricatures of me.

RayRay didn’t have the tools to communicate or express their thoughts, but still stood out and drew attention from the outside world weather or not they wanted to. They started out doodles, then paintings, then art pieces, until finally what you see in the videos; full bodied characters existing and living in the world and yet so completely apart from it. For a project that at it’s core was about isolation and misunderstanding, I met and got to work with a lot of great performers and artists. RayRay mostly performed in LA, but we did get to take them across the US and even to a few other countries!

One time we preformed at a club on the Sunset Stripin Hollywood, I think it was “The Key Club”. It had such a small backstage that the dressing room was a dirty, broken down RV in the alley behind the club! We were preforming with a circus type group that had dancers, drummers, fire eaters etc. This group had a fan base inLA so there were a lot of people there that knew our act.

After the show, we were all in the now empty club, striking the stage and loading equipment (the “not” fun part of preforming). When my group went back to the RV to pack our stuff and go get some food, we found that most of our RayRay props and costumes had been stolen. The Door didn’t;t have a lock and the alley led right to a busy street so it might have been someone in the audience, but really, it could have been anyone.

Needless to say, I was very, very upset. Luckily, we had just had extra costumes made so RayRay could still preform, but it was still a blow to all of us. A few weeks later, I got home from work, turned on my computer, and saw an email with an attachment.

It was the video that every one is now calling “Blank Room Soup”–The guy in the bib with his eyes blacked out eating I’don’t know what out of a bowl with a big spoon and my characters standing around him! I put it up on Youtube so I could share it with my group. We talked about it at length, was the guy crying?Laughing? We couldn’t tell.

Honestly, the strangest part to me wa that “The RayRays” in the video moved and behaved exactly they way they should. (It’s something that new performers had to train for weeks to get right when we rehearsed new acts…I don’t think we had much video online at the time to reference either.)  It was a little strange thinking that the people who were making these videos had been watching us preform for perhaps some time.

Later, I was sent a link to this (it took me a while to remember the name of this page):

I like weird stuff, and even though they were using my stolen characters I found the videos funny (even if they are a little insulting to my creations). Some of the people in my group even reposted some of the RayRAy soup videos later on.  There are more clips than the ones posted, I think the last one I got was a few years ago. You’re making me wonder if the people who made them are seeing all this online attention too…”

Well Friends there You Have it the rest You’ll have to Decide for Yourself and make Your Own Independent Conclusions. Show Promo? Cannibalism? Kidnapping? Murder? Mutilation? Theft? Stalkers? Psychotic Fans? Disgruntled Ex Preformers? Live Stream Red Room? Mob Execution?

The Reality is We will NEVER know, but it will NEVER stop People from trying to Find Out Anyway.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Questions That Allude Answers 2 : I Feel Fantastic

A little while back I said FYB would be running a Series of Posts dedicated to Shit that Has Not/Can Not be Explained or is just a Plain Old Mystery. From the Geeky to The Freaky to The Creepy We’re going to attempt to cover IT ALL.

This is a Step towards the Darker Side, and Yes I remember I said We’d EASE Reader’s into It as Not to Traumatize Anyone.

With that said I must Admit I jumped ahead of “Schedule” if You Will. I had already planned on the Next Post in the Series, BUT I couldn’t Help shelving it for Now in Favor of Some MUCH More Bizarre Content.


This is All I could find pertaining to The Video “I Feel Fantastic”(2009). It was posted Anonymously and garnered a great deal of Attention. So much that Viewers launched Their own Investigations in Search of Answers.

They discovered the Video was done and Posted by an Artist named Bergeron who it was rumored was Creating theseVarious Life Sized Robots as Part of a Traveling Show. Then all of a Sudden out of the Blue Bergeron went completely Silent, and No One knows what happened to Him to this very Day.


The Most Sinister Hypothesis surrounding this Video is it’s a Tribute or Homage to an ACTUAL MURDER. The Hypothesis is The Robot is Portraying the part or on Behalf of the Deceased Victim, and the random and out of place Shot of  the Woods has led some to Believe it’s an ACTUAL Burial Site.

Please Watch, Enjoy, and Draw Your OWN Conclusions.

So without further ado Ladies & Gentlemen We Give You “I Feel Fantastic”

Thanks For Reading & Watching,

Presented By,

  Les Sober