FYB’S Friday Night Cult Classic Movie: BAD TASTE

FYB couldn’t be Happier to Present The 1987 Cult Science Fiction Comedy Horror Splatter Movie Classic BAD TASTE by Peter Jackson!!!

That’s Right Readers before He was The Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson made B-Horror Movies, and Arguably the Most Iconic being BAD TASTE (Though there are Those who would Argue DEAD ALIVE is the Most Iconic of Jackson’s Earlier B Horror Films). Peter Jackson Directed, Wrote, Produced, Photographed, Co-Edited, AND Co -Stared in BAD TASTE as Well as Creating Most of the Special Effects and Make-Up.


Plot Summery: The Astro Investigation and Defense Service (AIDS) send Four Agents (Derek, Frank, Ozzy, and Barry) to Investigate the Disappearance of the ENTIRE POPULATION of the Town Kaihoro. The Agents find the Town has been Overrun by MAN-EATING SPACE ALIENS Disguised as Humans sporting Blue Shirts.

The Agents Discover Their FIGHTING FLESH EATING ALIENS. Along the Way The Agents KILL AN ALIEN and Frank Puts on Its Token Blue Shirt to Infiltrate an Alien Meeting! Frank finds out that the Residents of Kaihoro have in fact BEEN HARVESTED for The Alien’s Version of Fast Food. Frank Narrowly makes it out of the Meeting and informs the Other Agents of The Aliens Predatory Plan. The Agents then Embark on a Rescue Mission to Save Giles (Who Collects Money for Charity) Who was Captured By The CARNIVOROUS ALIEN CREATURE that Plan on COOKING AND EATING HIM.


At Daybreak The Team tries to Make Their Escape But Are Attacked by The Aliens in an ensuing GUN FIGHT! As The Team leaves with Giles, The ALIEN LEADER LORD CRUMB and His Alien Cohorts Transform into Their True Form and Head Out in Pursuit. After The Team escapes The House, Lord Crumb SHOOTS OZZY in the Leg. Frank Retaliates by Firing a ROCKET LAUNCHER at The Alien Leader, But He Accidentally Misses and Kills a Sheep in a Near by Meadow. Lord Crumb Knocks Out Derek and The House Converts into a HUGE ALIEN SPACESHIP, which Blasts Off into Space with Derek still on Board.

On Board, Derek at Last KILLS LORD CRUMB with a CHAINSAW before Proclaiming into a Phone “I’m Coming to get You Bastards!” Derek Then Dons the Alien Leader’s Skin, Laughing Manically as He Hurtles through Space heading to The Alien Planet.

We Hope You Enjoyed Peter Jackson’s Astro Zombie Splatter Spectacular as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober